/// <summary>
    /// Create and register a new location
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="center"></param>
    /// <param name="radius"></param>
    public GameObject CreateLocation(Vector3 center, float radius)
        //first, pull the genaric LocationSubject from the masterSubjectList and create prefab
        LocationSubject locFromMaster     = masterSubjectList.GetSubject(DbIds.Location) as LocationSubject;
        GameObject      newLocationObject = Instantiate(locFromMaster.Prefab, center, Quaternion.identity);

        newLocationObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(radius * 2, 0.1f, radius * 2);

        //grab our connected script and create a fresh LocationSubject
        LocationObjectScript script        = newLocationObject.GetComponent <LocationObjectScript>() as LocationObjectScript;
        LocationSubject      newLocSubject = new LocationSubject();

        //now lets set the values to make a new locationSubject card
        newLocSubject.Name        = "Location " + Time.time;
        newLocSubject.Description = "New Location " + Time.time;
        newLocSubject.Radius      = radius;
        newLocSubject.Coordinates = center;
        newLocSubject.Layer       = 1;

        //add the next id available
        newLocSubject.SubjectID = masterSubjectList.GetNextID();
        script.InitializeFromSubject(masterSubjectList, newLocSubject);

        //now add our card to the master list
        if (!masterSubjectList.AddSubject(newLocSubject))
            Debug.Log("FAIL ADD");
        //store to the script attached to our new object
    /// <summary>
    /// !!!  FOR TESTING ONLY DO NOT USE !!! <para/>
    /// Place a new location in the world and add it to the MasterSubjectList.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="newPosition">The center point of the new location</param>
    /// <param name="newRadius">The radius of the new location.</param>
    public GameObject T_PlaceLocation(Vector3 newPosition, float newRadius)
        LocationSubject newLocation = new LocationSubject(masterSubjectList.GetSubject(DbIds.Location) as LocationSubject);

        newLocation.Name        = "Location " + Time.time;
        newLocation.Description = "New Location " + Time.time;
        newLocation.Radius      = newRadius;
        newLocation.Coordinates = newPosition;
        newLocation.Icon        = null;
        newLocation.Layer       = 1;
        //add the next id available
        newLocation.SubjectID = masterSubjectList.GetNextID();

        GameObject           location1 = Instantiate(newLocation.Prefab, newPosition, Quaternion.identity);
        LocationObjectScript locScript = location1.GetComponent <LocationObjectScript>();

        locScript.InitializeFromSubject(masterSubjectList, newLocation);

        if (!masterSubjectList.AddSubject(newLocation))
            Debug.Log("FAIL ADD");