예제 #1
        void AddLocation(DaggerfallTerrain daggerTerrain, TerrainData terrainData)
            //Destroy old locations by going through all the child objects, but
            //don't delete the billboard batch (The surrounding vegettion)
            foreach (Transform child in daggerTerrain.gameObject.transform)
                if (!child.GetComponent <DaggerfallBillboardBatch>())

            foreach (LocationInstance loc in locationInstance)
                if (daggerTerrain.MapPixelX != loc.worldX || daggerTerrain.MapPixelY != loc.worldY)

                if (loc.terrainX <= 0 || loc.terrainY <= 0 || (loc.terrainX > 128 || loc.terrainY > 128))
                    Debug.LogWarning("Invalid Location at " + daggerTerrain.MapPixelX + " : " + daggerTerrain.MapPixelY + " : The location pixelX + or/and pixelY must be higher than 0 and lower than 128");

                //Now that we ensured that it is a valid location, then load the locationpreset
                LocationPrefab locationPrefab = LocationHelper.LoadLocationPrefab(Application.dataPath + LocationHelper.locationPrefabFolder + loc.prefab + ".txt");

                if (locationPrefab == null)
                    Debug.LogWarning("Can't find location Preset: " + loc.prefab);

                if ((loc.terrainX + locationPrefab.height > 128 || loc.terrainY + locationPrefab.width > 128))
                    Debug.LogWarning("Invalid Location at " + daggerTerrain.MapPixelX + " : " + daggerTerrain.MapPixelY + " : The locationpreset exist outside the terrain");

                if ((loc.terrainX + locationPrefab.height > 127 || loc.terrainY + locationPrefab.width > 127))
                    Debug.LogWarning("Invalid Location at " + daggerTerrain.MapPixelX + " : " + daggerTerrain.MapPixelY + " : The locationpreset must be 1 pixel away (both X and Y) from the terrainBorder");

                //Smooth the terrain
                if (loc.type == 0)
                    daggerTerrain.MapData.hasLocation = true;
                    //daggerTerrain.MapData.locationName = loc.name;
                    daggerTerrain.MapData.locationRect = new Rect(loc.terrainX, loc.terrainY, locationPrefab.width, locationPrefab.height);

                    int   count            = 0;
                    float tmpAverageHeight = 0;

                    for (int x = loc.terrainX; x <= loc.terrainX + locationPrefab.width; x++)
                        for (int y = loc.terrainY; y <= loc.terrainY + locationPrefab.height; y++)
                            tmpAverageHeight += daggerTerrain.MapData.heightmapSamples[y, x];

                    daggerTerrain.MapData.averageHeight = tmpAverageHeight /= count;
                    //TerrainHelper.BlendLocationTerrain(ref daggerTerrain.MapData); //orginal alternative

                    for (int x = 1; x <= 127; x++)
                        for (int y = 1; y <= 127; y++)
                            daggerTerrain.MapData.heightmapSamples[y, x] = Mathf.Lerp(daggerTerrain.MapData.heightmapSamples[y, x], daggerTerrain.MapData.averageHeight, 1 / (GetDistanceFromRect(daggerTerrain.MapData.locationRect, new Vector2(x, y)) + 1));

                    terrainData.SetHeights(0, 0, daggerTerrain.MapData.heightmapSamples);

                foreach (LocationPrefab.LocationObject obj in locationPrefab.obj)
                    if (!LocationHelper.ValidateValue(obj.type, obj.name))

                    GameObject go = LocationHelper.LoadObject(obj.type, obj.name, daggerTerrain.gameObject.transform,
                                                              new Vector3((loc.terrainX * TERRAIN_SIZE_MULTI) + obj.pos.x, (daggerTerrain.MapData.averageHeight * TERRAIN_HEIGHT_MAX) + obj.pos.y, (loc.terrainY * TERRAIN_SIZE_MULTI) + obj.pos.z),
                                                              new Vector3(obj.scale.x, obj.scale.y, obj.scale.z), loc.locationID, obj.objectID

                    if (go.GetComponent <DaggerfallBillboard>())
                        float tempY = go.transform.position.y;
                        go.GetComponent <DaggerfallBillboard>().AlignToBase();
                        go.transform.position = new Vector3(go.transform.position.x, tempY + ((go.transform.position.y - tempY) * go.transform.localScale.y), go.transform.position.z);

                    if (!go.GetComponent <DaggerfallLoot>())
                        go.isStatic = true;

예제 #2
 private IEnumerable <Location> TestLocations()
        /// <summary>
        /// Search routes to selected destination/waypoints
        /// </summary>
        private async void GetRouteDirections()
            if (RouteDatas == null)

            if (RouteDatas.Count > 0)

            if (RouteWaypoints.Count < 2)

            List <BasicGeoposition> pts = RouteWaypoints.Select(loc => loc.Position).ToList();

            DateTime dateTime = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(1);

            if ((leaveatButton.IsChecked.Value) || (arrivebyButton.IsChecked.Value))
                var dts = calendarView.SelectedDates.ToList();
                dateTime = dts[0].DateTime.Date.AddMinutes(timePicker.SelectedTime.Value.TotalMinutes);

            var avoids = GetAvoids();

            var language = (LanguageComboBox.SelectedItem as ComboBoxItem).Tag.ToString();

            RouteDirectionsResponse results = new RouteDirectionsResponse();

            if (leaveatButton.IsChecked.Value || leaveatButton.IsChecked.Value)
                results = await LocationHelper.GetRouteDirections(pts, language, travelMode, avoids, routeType, RouteOptionsCountComboBox.SelectedIndex, dateTime, null);
                results = await LocationHelper.GetRouteDirections(pts, language, travelMode, avoids, routeType, RouteOptionsCountComboBox.SelectedIndex, null, dateTime);

            if (results == null)

            foreach (var route in results.routes)
                var routedata = new RouteData()
                    Route              = route,
                    IsLeaveNow         = leaveNowButton.IsChecked.Value,
                    IsArriveBy         = arrivebyButton.IsChecked.Value,
                    IsLeaveAt          = leaveatButton.IsChecked.Value,
                    IsShowed           = false,
                    StartLocationLable = RouteWaypoints[0].Name,
                    EndLocationLabel   = RouteWaypoints[RouteWaypoints.Count - 1].Name

예제 #4
 public List <Location> GetLocations()
        private async void FetchPlaces()
            UserDialogs.Instance.Loading(title: "Processing Get Information...").Show();

            var client = new HttpClient()
                Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20)

            JObject jsonDataObject = new JObject
                { "auth", "H6V$36A*!?L^G2NXX7U%=GY@" }

            JObject jsonData = new JObject
                { "params", jsonDataObject }

            var data    = jsonData.ToString();
            var content = new StringContent(data, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");

            Debug.WriteLine("REQUEST-FetchPlaces: " + data);

                HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PostAsync(ApiUri.BASE_URL + ApiUri.FETCH_PLACES, content);

                string responseContent = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
                    Debug.WriteLine("RESPONSE-FetchPlaces: " + responseContent);

                    ListPlacesResponse listPlacesResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ListPlacesResponse>(responseContent, App.DefaultSerializerSettings);
                    ListPlacesResult   listPlacesResult   = listPlacesResponse.Result;

                    listPlaces = listPlacesResult.places.ToList();

                    var location = await LocationHelper.GetCurrentPosition(50);

                    maps.MoveToRegion(MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius(new Xamarin.Forms.GoogleMaps.Position(location.Latitude, location.Longitude), Distance.FromMeters(1000)));

                    foreach (var place in listPlaces)
                        place.distance         = location.CalculateDistance(new Plugin.Geolocator.Abstractions.Position(place.latitude, place.longitude), GeolocatorUtils.DistanceUnits.Kilometers);
                        place.distance_display = place.distance > 1 ? place.distance.ToString("N0") + " km" : (place.distance / 1000).ToString("N0") + " m";

                    //listPlaceOfInterest.ItemsSource = listPlaces .Where(x => x.longitude != 0 && x.latitude != 0).OrderByDescending(x => x.id).ToList();

                    await FetchPlaceTypes();
                    await GetNearestPlaces();
            catch (TaskCanceledException ex)
                UserDialogs.Instance.Toast(new ToastConfig("Bad Connection Error. Try Again"));
            catch (Exception exx)
예제 #6
        public void GetDistance()
            // Values used for comparison comes from lines plotted into Google Maps. Google uses a varying number
            // decimals depending on the distance, so we loose a bit precision when rounding. But the results of this
            // unit test still shows that the method works (eg. the test will fail if using the mean radius rather than
            // the equatorial radius).

            var samples = new[] {
                new { From = new EssentialsLocation(55.6946159, 10.0366974), To = new EssentialsLocation(55.6477614, 10.1589203), Expected = "9.28", Decimals = 2 },
                new { From = new EssentialsLocation(54.8671242, 7.7124023), To = new EssentialsLocation(56.8159142, 12.2113037), Expected = "355", Decimals = 0 },
                new { From = new EssentialsLocation(49.2104204, -6.1083984), To = new EssentialsLocation(59.578851, 22.9833984), Expected = "2184", Decimals = 0 },
                new { From = new EssentialsLocation(12.3829283, -71.3671875), To = new EssentialsLocation(71.2443555, 25.4882813), Expected = "8958", Decimals = 0 }

            foreach (var sample in samples)
                string format = "{0:0." + ("".PadLeft(sample.Decimals, '0')) + "}";

                Assert.AreEqual(sample.Expected, string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, format, LocationHelper.GetDistance(sample.From, sample.To) / 1000), "#1");
                Assert.AreEqual(sample.Expected, string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, format, LocationUtils.GetDistance(sample.From, sample.To) / 1000), "#2");
예제 #7
 public IPLocation GetUserIPAddress()
 public void InvalidateCacheForLocation(GameLocation location)
     if (_connectedChestsCache != null && location != null && _connectedChestsCache.ContainsKey(LocationHelper.GetName(location)))
        private void BuildCacheForLocation(GameLocation gameLocation)
            if (gameLocation != null)
                var cacheToAdd = new Dictionary <Vector2, Chest>();
                _monitor.Log($"Starting search for connected locations at {LocationHelper.GetName(gameLocation)}");
                var items = ItemFinder.FindObjectsWithName(gameLocation, (from x in _machineConfigs select x.Name).ToList());
                foreach (var valuePair in items)
                    var location = valuePair.Key;
                    if (cacheToAdd.ContainsKey(location))
                        // already found in another search

                    var processedLocations = new List <ConnectedTile>
                        new ConnectedTile {
                            Location = location, Object = valuePair.Value

                    ItemFinder.FindConnectedLocations(gameLocation, location, processedLocations, _allowDiagonalConnectionsForAllItems);
                    var chest = processedLocations.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Chest != null)?.Chest;
                    foreach (var connectedLocation in processedLocations)
                        cacheToAdd.Add(connectedLocation.Location, chest);

                lock (_connectedChestsCache)
                    if (_connectedChestsCache.ContainsKey(LocationHelper.GetName(gameLocation)))
                        // already ran?

                    _connectedChestsCache.Add(LocationHelper.GetName(gameLocation), new Dictionary <Vector2, Chest>());
                    foreach (var cache in cacheToAdd)
                        _connectedChestsCache[LocationHelper.GetName(gameLocation)].Add(cache.Key, cache.Value);

                _monitor.Log($"Searched your {LocationHelper.GetName(gameLocation)} for machines to collect from and found a total of {_connectedChestsCache[LocationHelper.GetName(gameLocation)].Count} locations to look for");
        void OnGUI()
            if (GUI.Button(Rect_NewFile, "New File"))
                locationInstance     = new List <LocationInstance>();
                locationInstaneNames = new List <string>();
                locationPrefab       = new List <LocationPrefab>();

            if (GUI.Button(Rect_SaveFile, "Save File"))
                string path = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel("Save as", LocationHelper.locationInstanceFolder, "new location", "txt");
                if (path.Length != 0)
                    LocationHelper.SaveLocationInstance(locationInstance.ToArray(), path);

            if (GUI.Button(Rect_LoadFile, "Load File"))
                string path = EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel("Open", LocationHelper.locationInstanceFolder, "txt");

                if (path.Length == 0)

                locationInstance = LocationHelper.LoadLocationInstance(path);

                if (locationInstance == null)

                locationInstaneNames = new List <string>();
                locationPrefab       = new List <LocationPrefab>();

                foreach (LocationInstance loc in locationInstance)

                    if (loc.prefab != null)
                        LocationPrefab tmplocpref = LocationHelper.LoadLocationPrefab(Application.dataPath + LocationHelper.locationPrefabFolder + loc.prefab + ".txt");

                        if (tmplocpref != null)
                            locationPrefab.Add(new LocationPrefab());
                        locationPrefab.Add(new LocationPrefab());

            if (locationInstance != null)
        void ShowLocationList()
            scrollPosition = GUI.BeginScrollView(new Rect(32, 64, 256, 472), scrollPosition, new Rect(0, 0, 236, 20 + (locationInstaneNames.Count * 24)), false, true);
            listSelector   = GUI.SelectionGrid(new Rect(10, 10, 216, locationInstaneNames.Count * 24), listSelector, locationInstaneNames.ToArray(), 1);


            if (locationInstance.Count > listSelector)
                GUI.Label(new Rect(312, 64, 96, 16), "Location ID: ");
                GUI.TextField(new Rect(388, 64, 96, 16), "#" + locationInstance[listSelector].locationID.ToString("00000000"));

                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(506, 64, 128, 16), "Generate New ID"))

                GUI.Label(new Rect(312, 96, 64, 16), "Name: ");
                locationInstance[listSelector].name = GUI.TextField(new Rect(372, 96, 128, 16), locationInstance[listSelector].name);

                if (GUI.changed)
                    locationInstaneNames[listSelector] = locationInstance[listSelector].name;

                GUI.Label(new Rect(312, 128, 64, 16), "Prefab: ");
                GUI.TextField(new Rect(372, 128, 128, 16), locationInstance[listSelector].prefab);

                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(506, 128, 96, 16), "Select Prefab"))
                    string path = EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel("Open", LocationHelper.locationPrefabFolder, "txt");

                    if (path.Length == 0)

                    LocationPrefab tmplocpref = LocationHelper.LoadLocationPrefab(path);

                    if (tmplocpref != null)
                        locationInstance[listSelector].prefab = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path);
                        locationPrefab[listSelector]          = tmplocpref;

                if (locationInstance[listSelector].prefab != "" && !File.Exists(Application.dataPath + LocationHelper.locationPrefabFolder + locationInstance[listSelector].prefab + ".txt"))
                    GUI.contentColor = Color.red;
                    GUI.Label(new Rect(614, 128, 128, 16), "Prefab not found!");
                    GUI.contentColor = Color.white;

                GUI.Label(new Rect(312, 160, 64, 16), "Type: ");
                locationInstance[listSelector].type = EditorGUI.Popup(new Rect(372, 160, 128, 16), locationInstance[listSelector].type, locationTypes);

                GUI.Label(new Rect(312, 192, 64, 16), "World X: ");
                locationInstance[listSelector].worldX = EditorGUI.IntSlider(new Rect(372, 192, 256, 16), locationInstance[listSelector].worldX, 3, 998);

                GUI.Label(new Rect(312, 224, 64, 16), "World Y: ");
                locationInstance[listSelector].worldY = EditorGUI.IntSlider(new Rect(372, 224, 256, 16), locationInstance[listSelector].worldY, 3, 498);

                GUI.Label(new Rect(312, 256, 64, 16), "Terrain X: ");
                locationInstance[listSelector].terrainX = EditorGUI.IntSlider(new Rect(372, 256, 256, 16), locationInstance[listSelector].terrainX, 1, 127 - locationPrefab[listSelector].width);

                GUI.Label(new Rect(312, 288, 64, 16), "Terrain Y: ");
                locationInstance[listSelector].terrainY = EditorGUI.IntSlider(new Rect(372, 288, 256, 16), locationInstance[listSelector].terrainY, 1, 127 - locationPrefab[listSelector].height);

                GUI.Label(new Rect(454, 320, 64, 16), "- N -");
                GUI.Box(new Rect(336, 336, 256, 256), "", blackBG);
                GUI.Box(new Rect((336 + (locationInstance[listSelector].terrainX * 2)), (592 - (locationInstance[listSelector].terrainY * 2)) - locationPrefab[listSelector].height * 2, locationPrefab[listSelector].width * 2, locationPrefab[listSelector].height * 2), "", lightGreenBG);
                GUI.Label(new Rect(454, 592, 64, 16), "- S -");

            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(32, 562, 96, 20), "Add Location"))
                locationInstance.Add(new LocationInstance("new Location", 0, "", 0, 0, 0, 0));
                locationInstance[locationInstance.Count - 1].UpdateLocationID();
                locationInstaneNames.Add("new location");
                locationPrefab.Add(new LocationPrefab());

            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(160, 562, 128, 20), "Remove Location"))
예제 #12
 protected override void OnViewModelSet()
     _locationHelper = new LocationHelper <MainView>(this);
     _listItemHelper = new ListItemHelper(this);
예제 #13
 /// <summary>
 /// FindEntriesByLocation.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="location">En sträng<see cref="string"/> med namnet på rummet eller lägenheten som söks.</param>
 /// <returns>En DataTable<see cref="DataTable"/> med sökresultat.</returns>
 public static DataTable FindEntriesByLocation(string location)
     return(LocationHelper.FindEntriesByLocation(location, MaxEntries));
예제 #14
        public Distance ComputeDistanceAway(LatLongPoint from)
            LatLongPoint stationPoint = new LatLongPoint(Place.Lattitude, Place.Longitude);

            return(LocationHelper.ComputeDistance(stationPoint, from, DistanceUnit.Kilometers));
예제 #15
 public static List <lo.Location> GetLocations()
예제 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取列表
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pagination">分页</param>
        /// <param name="queryJson">查询参数</param>
        /// <returns>返回分页列表</returns>
        public IEnumerable <Ku_CompanyEntity> GetPageList(Pagination pagination, string queryJson)
            var    expression  = LinqExtensions.True <Ku_CompanyEntity>();
            var    queryParam  = queryJson.ToJObject();
            string des         = OperatorProvider.Provider.Current().Description;
            string locationSql = LocationHelper.GetLocationSql(des);
            string strSql      = $"select c.* from Ku_Company c LEFT JOIN {locationSql} l ON l.Id=c.LocationId where ManageState=1 AND LocationId>0 AND c.District!='' ";//在营公海显示被获取公司 ObtainState=0

            if (!queryParam["LocationId"].IsEmpty())
                string LocationId = queryParam["LocationId"].ToString();
                strSql += " and LocationId = " + LocationId;
            else if (!queryParam["RegeoName"].IsEmpty())
                string RegeoName = queryParam["RegeoName"].ToString();
                strSql += " and c.RegeoName  like '%" + RegeoName + "%' ";
            if (!queryParam["LocationIds"].IsEmpty())
                string LocationIds = queryParam["LocationIds"].ToString();
                strSql += " and LocationId in (" + LocationIds + ")";
            if (!queryParam["StartTime"].IsEmpty() && !queryParam["EndTime"].IsEmpty())
                DateTime startTime = queryParam["StartTime"].ToDate();
                DateTime endTime   = queryParam["EndTime"].ToDate().AddDays(1);
                strSql += " and BuildTime >= '" + startTime + "' and BuildTime < '" + endTime + "'";
            if (!queryParam["CompanyName"].IsEmpty())
                string CompanyName = queryParam["CompanyName"].ToString();
                strSql += " and c.CompanyName  like '%" + CompanyName + "%' ";
            if (!queryParam["Scope"].IsEmpty())
                string Scope = queryParam["Scope"].ToString();
                strSql += " and c.Scope  like '%" + Scope + "%' ";
            if (!queryParam["Sector"].IsEmpty())
                string Sector = queryParam["Sector"].ToString();
                Sector  = Sector.Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "").Replace("\"", "'");
                strSql += " and c.Sector  in(" + Sector + ")";
            if (!queryParam["District"].IsEmpty())
                string District = queryParam["District"].ToString();
                District = District.Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "").Replace("\"", "'");
                strSql  += " and c.District in(" + District + ")";
            if (!queryParam["TypeName"].IsEmpty())
                string TypeName = queryParam["TypeName"].ToString();
                TypeName = TypeName.Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "").Replace("\"", "'");
                strSql  += " and l.TypeName in(" + TypeName + ")";
            if (!queryParam["ObtainUserId"].IsEmpty())
                string ObtainUserId = queryParam["ObtainUserId"].ToString();
                strSql += " and c.ObtainUserId = '" + ObtainUserId + "'";
            if (!queryParam["FollowState"].IsEmpty())
                string FollowState = queryParam["FollowState"].ToString();
                strSql += " and c.FollowState = '" + FollowState + "'";
            if (pagination.sidx == "Floor")
                pagination.sidx = "Floor " + pagination.sord + ",Room " + pagination.sord;
            return(this.BaseRepository().FindList(strSql.ToString(), pagination));
예제 #17
 public static bool SetLocation(lo.Location location, pdm.Address address)
     return(LocationHelper.SetLocation(location, address));
예제 #18
        public void CalculateDistance()
            double value = LocationHelper.DistanceFromMeToLocation(AppMobileService.Locaion.CurrentLocation.Latitude, AppMobileService.Locaion.CurrentLocation.Longitude, Latitude, Longitude);

            Distance = value.ToString("0.##");
예제 #19
        public kmlDocumentPlacemark LocateWaypointOnRoute(WaypointDetectionMethod method, List <kmlDocumentPlacemark> route, List <GPSLocation> history, double heading, int waypointIndex = 0)
            kmlDocumentPlacemark nearestMAPPlacemark = null;

            var location = history.Last();

            var sortedMAPPoints = GLOSAHelper.SortMAPKMLDataByDistanceFromCurrentLocation(route, location.Latitude, location.Longitude).ToList();

            if (sortedMAPPoints != null && sortedMAPPoints.Count > 0)
                if (method == WaypointDetectionMethod.ShortestDistance)
                    nearestMAPPlacemark = sortedMAPPoints.First();
                else if (method == WaypointDetectionMethod.DeviceHeading)
                    // No valid method chosen
                    throw new Exception("Waypoint Detection Method not implemented.");
                else if (method == WaypointDetectionMethod.GPSHistoryDirection)
                    List <TrafficNode> listOfWaypoints = new List <TrafficNode>();

                    GPSLocation from = history[history.Count - 2];
                    GPSLocation to   = history[history.Count - 1];

                    double?vehicleBearing = LocationHelper.HeadingBetweenTwoGPSLocations(from, to);

                    foreach (var mapPoint in sortedMAPPoints)
                        listOfWaypoints.Add(new TrafficNode()
                            GPSLocation = KMLHelper.XMLCoordinateStringToGPSLocation(mapPoint.Point.coordinates),
                            ID          = mapPoint.name,
                            angleDiff   = 0,

                    foreach (var waypoint in listOfWaypoints)
                        double?bearingLocationToWaypoint = LocationHelper.HeadingBetweenTwoGPSLocations(to, waypoint.GPSLocation);
                        double delta = LocationHelper.DeltaOfVehicleToLaneDirection(vehicleBearing, bearingLocationToWaypoint);
                        waypoint.angleDiff = Math.Abs(delta);//Make positive
                        waypoint.distance  = Distance.CalculateDistanceBetween2PointsKMs(to.Latitude, to.Longitude, waypoint.GPSLocation.Latitude, waypoint.GPSLocation.Longitude);

                    var sortedByBearingAndDistance = listOfWaypoints.OrderBy(wp => wp.distance)
                                                     .ThenBy(wp => wp.angleDiff)
                                                     .Where(wp => wp.angleDiff >= -50 && wp.angleDiff <= 50 && wp.distance <= 1.0);

                    if (sortedByBearingAndDistance != null && sortedByBearingAndDistance.Count() > waypointIndex)
                        var tn = sortedByBearingAndDistance.ToList()[waypointIndex];
                        var pm = sortedMAPPoints.Find(mp => mp.name == tn.ID);
                        nearestMAPPlacemark = pm;
                    // No valid method chosen
                    throw new Exception("Waypoint Detection Method not properly set.");
        private async void SubmitPlace()
                UserDialogs.Instance.Loading(title: "Add place...").Show();
                var client = new HttpClient()
                    Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)

                var AuthService = DependencyService.Get <IAuthService>();

                JObject jsonAuth = new JObject
                    { "login", AuthService.UserName },
                    { "password", AuthService.Password },
                    { "db", ServerAuth.DB }
                string imageBase64 = "";
                if (imagefile != null)
                    byte[] imageBytes = await StorageHelper.LoadImage(imagefile.Path);

                    imageBase64 = Convert.ToBase64String(imageBytes);

                JObject jsonReview = new JObject
                    { "title", txtName.Text?.Trim() ?? "" },
                    { "text", txtContent.Text?.Trim() ?? "" },
                    { "image", imageBase64 },
                    { "rating", rating.Rating }

                var location = await LocationHelper.GetCurrentPosition(50);

                JObject jsonPlace = new JObject
                    { "name", txtName.Text?.Trim() ?? "" },
                    { "place_id", typePlace == null? "" : typePlace.id + "" },
                    { "latitude", location == null? 0 : location.Latitude },
                    { "longitude", location == null? 0 : location.Longitude }

                JObject jsonDataObject = new JObject
                    { "auth", jsonAuth },
                    { "review", jsonReview },
                    { "place", jsonPlace }

                JObject jsonData = new JObject
                    { "params", jsonDataObject }

                var data     = jsonData.ToString();
                var content  = new StringContent(data, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
                var response = await client.PostAsync(ApiUri.BASE_URL + ApiUri.CREATE_PLACE, content);

                string responseContent = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
                    SuccessResponse successResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SuccessResponse>(responseContent, App.DefaultSerializerSettings);

                    if (successResponse != null && successResponse.Result != null)
                        if (successResponse.Result.Success)
                            DependencyService.Get <IToast>().LongAlert("Add new place success!");
                            await Navigation.PopAsync(true);

                            if (this._updateResultListener != null)
                        else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(successResponse.Result.Message))
                            UserDialogs.Instance.Toast(new ToastConfig(successResponse.Result.Message));
            catch (TaskCanceledException e)
                UserDialogs.Instance.Toast(new ToastConfig("Bad Connection Error. Try Again"));
            catch (Exception e)
예제 #21
 public void ShouldNotBeIdentitiedAsPostcode(string postcode)
예제 #22
 private Location TestLocation()
예제 #23
        //Get all model Zone2fifo qty from DB
        public static List <FGDailyReplenishment> GetAllModelsZoneQty(int zoneCode)
            var query = (from model in db.ModelZoneMaps
                         orderby model.Model descending
                         select model);
            var updateModelZone1 = new List <ModelZoneMap>();

            var result = new List <FGDailyReplenishment>();

            Dictionary <string, int> duplicatedModel = new Dictionary <string, int>();
            Dictionary <string, int> hashtable       = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            foreach (ModelZoneMap i in query)
                if (duplicatedModel.ContainsKey(i.Model))
                    duplicatedModel.Add(i.Model, 1);

                var inventoryQty = (from inventory in db.InventoryIns
                                    where inventory.ModelNo.Equals(i.Model)
                                    group inventory by new { inventory.SN, inventory.Location }
                                    into g
                                    orderby g.FirstOrDefault().SN
                                    let item = (from ig in g orderby ig.SN select ig).FirstOrDefault()
                                               select item)

                foreach (var inventory in inventoryQty)
                    if (LocationHelper.MapZoneCode(inventory.Location) != zoneCode)

                    var daily = new FGDailyReplenishment();
                    daily.ModelNo     = i.Model;
                    daily.Description = i.FG;
                    daily.Location    = inventory.Location;
                    daily.Qty        += 1;

                    if (daily.Location != null)
                        if (!hashtable.ContainsKey(daily.ModelNo + daily.Location))
                            hashtable.Add(daily.ModelNo + daily.Location, daily.Qty);
                            daily.Qty = (int)hashtable[daily.ModelNo + daily.Location] + (int)daily.Qty;
                            hashtable[daily.ModelNo + daily.Location] = daily.Qty;

            Dictionary <string, string> duplicated = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> entry in hashtable)
                var daily = new FGDailyReplenishment();
                var key   = (string)entry.Key;
                if (duplicated.ContainsKey(key.Substring(0, 6)))
                duplicated.Add(key.Substring(0, 6), key.Substring(6));
                daily.ModelNo  = key.Substring(0, 6);
                daily.Location = key.Substring(6);
                daily.Qty      = (int)entry.Value;

예제 #24
    void Start()

        SendBirdClient.ChannelHandler channelHandler = new SendBirdClient.ChannelHandler();
        channelHandler.OnMessageReceived = (BaseChannel channel, BaseMessage message) => {
            // Draw new messages if user is on the channel.
            if (currentChannel.Url == channel.Url)
                if (message is UserMessage)
                    string text;
                    text = UserMessageRichText((UserMessage)message);

                    if (text.Contains("3dObject"))
                        string[] values = text.Split(',');
                        Message1 obj    = XMLSerializer.Deserialize(values[1]);
                        Console.WriteLine("Text: " + values[1] + " Received obj World Position: x " + obj.transformX + " y: " + obj.transformY + " z: " + obj.transformZ);
                        txtOpenChannelContent.text = txtOpenChannelContent.text + ("Text: " + values[1] + " Received obj Position: x " + obj.transformX + " y: " + obj.transformY + " z: " + obj.transformZ + "\n");
                        Vector3 targetPos;
                        targetPos.x = obj.transformX;
                        targetPos.y = obj.transformY;
                        targetPos.z = obj.transformZ;
                        Vector3 recObjPos = LocationHelper.calculatePosition(locationManager.getOrigWorldPosition(), targetPos);
                        Console.WriteLine("\n\nReceived obj calculated Position: x " + recObjPos.x + " y: " + recObjPos.y + " z: " + recObjPos.z);
                        GameObject clone = Instantiate(prefabObject, recObjPos, Quaternion.identity);

                    if (channel.IsOpenChannel())
                        txtOpenChannelContent.text = txtOpenChannelContent.text + (UserMessageRichText((UserMessage)message) + "\n");
                        txtGroupChannelContent.text = txtGroupChannelContent.text + (UserMessageRichText((UserMessage)message) + "\n");
                else if (message is FileMessage)
                    if (channel.IsOpenChannel())
                        txtOpenChannelContent.text = txtOpenChannelContent.text + (FileMessageRichText((FileMessage)message) + "\n");
                        txtGroupChannelContent.text = txtGroupChannelContent.text + (FileMessageRichText((FileMessage)message) + "\n");
                else if (message is AdminMessage)
                    if (channel.IsOpenChannel())
                        txtOpenChannelContent.text = txtOpenChannelContent.text + (AdminMessageRichText((AdminMessage)message) + "\n");
                        txtGroupChannelContent.text = txtGroupChannelContent.text + (AdminMessageRichText((AdminMessage)message) + "\n");


        SendBirdClient.AddChannelHandler("default", channelHandler);