/// <summary>
        /// Analyzes a lane to find the closest point to the coordinate passed in
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="coordinate">coordinate to analyze the lane against</param>
        /// <param name="lane">lane to reference the coordinate to</param>
        /// <returns>vector consisting of relative and absolute rndf localization information</returns>
        public static LocationAnalysis ClosestPartitionOnLane(Coordinates coordinate, LaneID laneId, RndfNetwork rndfNetwork)
            // get the lane
            Lane lane = rndfNetwork.Segments[laneId.WayID.SegmentID].Ways[laneId.WayID].Lanes[laneId];

            // set the value to return
            LocationAnalysis closest = null;

            // values for comparing partitions
            double offsetMin = Double.MaxValue;

            // iterate over lanePartitions within the lane
            foreach (LanePartition lanePartition in lane.LanePartitions)
                // if there are user partitions, operate over them
                if (lanePartition.UserPartitions != null && lanePartition.UserPartitions.Count > 1)
                    foreach (UserPartition userPartiton in lanePartition.UserPartitions)
                        throw new Exception("user partition relation to vehicle absolute coordinates not implemented yet");
                // otherwise look at how close lane partition is
                    // analyze the partition
                    LocationAnalysis partitionAnalysis = AnalyzePartition(coordinate, (IWaypoint)lanePartition.InitialWaypoint, (IWaypoint)lanePartition.FinalWaypoint);

                    // if this partition has less of an offset from the vehicle than the current best, set as current
                    if (partitionAnalysis.Offset < offsetMin)
                        offsetMin = partitionAnalysis.Offset;
                        closest   = partitionAnalysis;

                        // set partition of result
                        closest.Partition = lanePartition;
                    // otherwise, if the vehicle is relatively close to this partition
                    // and the closest Coordinates are not those of the initial final waypoitns of the lane
                    // and this error is less than the current best offset
                    else if (partitionAnalysis.Offset == 1234567 &&
                             (partitionAnalysis.RelativeRndfPosition != lane.LanePartitions[0].InitialWaypoint.Position) &&
                             (partitionAnalysis.RelativeRndfPosition != lane.LanePartitions[lane.LanePartitions.Count - 1].FinalWaypoint.Position) &&
                             (partitionAnalysis.Error < offsetMin))
                        offsetMin = partitionAnalysis.Error;
                        closest   = partitionAnalysis;

                        // set partition of result
                        closest.Partition = lanePartition;

            // return closest value found
예제 #2
    static void Main(string[] args)

        if (args.Length > 0)
            s_ExistingContracts = args[0];

        //s_ExistingContracts = @"C:\Users\Krzysztof\Desktop\ExistingContracts";

        if (!Directory.Exists(s_ExistingContracts))
            WriteMessage(ConsoleColor.Red, "Existing contract folder {0} does not exist", s_ExistingContracts);
            FxRedist redist;
            using (var reportWriter = new ReportWriter(s_ReportPath)) {
                if (RefactorAssemblies(reportWriter, out redist))
                    if (s_ExistingContracts != null)
                        LocationAnalysis.CompareFactorings(s_ExistingContracts, s_OutputDlls, reportWriter);

                // Orphaned types are types in the specifications that don't exist in master source.
                PrintOrphanedTypes(redist, reportWriter);

                if (redist.Leftover.Count > 0)
                    reportWriter.WriteListStart("TYPES_NOT_IN_ANY_ASSEMBLY", "total", redist.Leftover.CountOfTypes, "description", "types that are not in specification files");

                    foreach (var ns in redist.Leftover)
                        var nsName = ns.Key;
                        foreach (var type in ns.Value)

                AnalyzeLayers(redist, reportWriter);

        if (args.Length == 0)
            Console.WriteLine("\nPress ENTER to exit ...");
예제 #3
        public void TestGetDistanceKm()
            var result = LocationAnalysis.GetDistanceKm(
                new Location(20, 20),
                new Location(20, 20));

            Assert.IsFalse(result != 0);

            result = LocationAnalysis.GetDistanceKm(
                new Location(20, 20),
                new Location(20, 20));
            Assert.IsTrue(result == 0);
예제 #4
        public void TestAreMeeting()
            var result = LocationAnalysis.AreMeeting(new WhereWhen(20, 20, DateTime.Now),
                                                     new WhereWhen(20, 20, DateTime.Now),
                                                     1, new TimeSpan(10000));


            result = LocationAnalysis.AreMeeting(new WhereWhen(20, 20, DateTime.Now),
                                                 new WhereWhen(10, 10, DateTime.Now),
                                                 1, new TimeSpan(10000));

            result = LocationAnalysis.AreMeeting(new WhereWhen(20, 20, DateTime.Now),
                                                 new WhereWhen(20, 20, DateTime.Now.AddDays(1)),
                                                 1, new TimeSpan(10000));
        /// <summary>
        /// gets position on a generic partition
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="coordinate"></param>
        /// <param name="laneParition"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static LocationAnalysis getPartitionState(Coordinates coordinate, IConnectWaypoints lanePartition)
            // analyze the partition
            LocationAnalysis partitionAnalysis = AnalyzePartition(coordinate, (IWaypoint)lanePartition.InitialWaypoint, (IWaypoint)lanePartition.FinalWaypoint);

            // set the value to return
            LocationAnalysis closest = null;

            // values for comparing partitions
            double offsetMin = Double.MaxValue;

            // if this partition has less of an offset from the vehicle than the current best, set as current
            if (partitionAnalysis.Offset < offsetMin)
                offsetMin = partitionAnalysis.Offset;
                closest   = partitionAnalysis;

                // set partition of result
                closest.Partition = lanePartition;
            // otherwise, if the vehicle is relatively close to this partition
            // and the closest Coordinates are not those of the initial final waypoitns of the lane
            // and this error is less than the current best offset
            else if (partitionAnalysis.Offset == 1234567 &&
                     (partitionAnalysis.Error < offsetMin))
                offsetMin = partitionAnalysis.Error;
                closest   = partitionAnalysis;

                // set partition of result
                closest.Partition = lanePartition;

            // return estimate
예제 #6
 public ActionResult <double> GetDistanceKm([FromBody] GetDistanceKmRequest request4)
     return(LocationAnalysis.GetDistanceKm(request4.a, request4.b));
예제 #7
 public ActionResult <List <Location> > checkAlibi([FromBody] checkAlibiRequest request3)
     return(LocationAnalysis.checkAlibi(request3.person, request3.startTime, request3.endTime));
예제 #8
 public ActionResult <WhereWhen> HaveWeMet([FromBody] HaveWeMetRequest request2)
     return(LocationAnalysis.HaveWeMet(request2.person1, request2.person2, request2.distanceMeter, request2.timeSpan));
예제 #9
 public ActionResult <bool> AreMeeting([FromBody] AreMeetingRequest request)
     return(LocationAnalysis.AreMeeting(request.a, request.b, request.distanceMeter, request.timeSpan));