public static List <Location> getLocations(Location.LocationType type) { List <Location> p = new List <Location>(); SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand( "SELECT name, ID, ParentID FROM " + type.ToString(), dbConnection); SQLiteDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); System.Console.Out.WriteLine(command.ToString()); while (reader.Read()) { p.Add(new Location(reader.GetString(0), type, reader.GetInt32(1), reader.GetInt32(2))); } return(p); }
public static List <Location> getLocationsInLocation(Location.LocationType type, int parentID) { List <Location> p = new List <Location>(); SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand( "SELECT name, ID, ParentID FROM " + type.ToString() + " " + " WHERE ParentID = @ParentID", dbConnection); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("ParentID", parentID); SQLiteDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); System.Console.Out.WriteLine(command.ToString()); while (reader.Read()) { p.Add(new Location(reader.GetString(0), type, reader.GetInt32(1), reader.GetInt32(2))); } return(p); }
public void CreateLocations(World activeWorld) { // Loop through each data entry of the LocationImports file, then draw the Location's information from this entry called locdata. foreach (LocationImportsData locdata in locationImports.dataArray) { if (locdata.Name != "") { if (locdata.Locationtype != "") { locType = (Location.LocationType)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(Location.LocationType), locdata.Locationtype); } else { Debug.Log("Trying to create a location: " + locdata.Name + " that has no locationtype: " + locdata.Locationtype); } if (locdata.Locationsubtype != "") { locSubType = (Location.LocationSubType)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(Location.LocationSubType), locdata.Locationsubtype); } else { locSubType = Location.LocationSubType.Unassigned; } if (locSubType == Location.LocationSubType.City) { City createdLoc = new City(locType, locSubType, locdata.Name); AssignLocationVariables(locdata, createdLoc); activeWorld.locationList.Add(createdLoc); } else { Location createdLoc = new Location(locType, locSubType, locdata.Name); AssignLocationVariables(locdata, createdLoc); activeWorld.locationList.Add(createdLoc); } } } }
public Question(string name, Game.Language language, Location loc) { m_name = name; m_type = loc.LocationTypeValue; m_answer = new Answer(name, loc); string firstPart, secondPart, thirdPart; switch (m_type) { case(Location.LocationType.City): switch (language) { case(Game.Language.Norwegian): secondPart = "byen"; break; case(Game.Language.English): secondPart = "the city"; break; default: secondPart = "the city"; break; } break; case(Location.LocationType.Region): switch (language) { case(Game.Language.Norwegian): secondPart = "området"; break; case(Game.Language.English): secondPart = "the region"; break; default: secondPart = "the region"; break; } break; default : secondPart = "the city"; break; } switch (language) { case(Game.Language.Norwegian): thirdPart = ""; break; case(Game.Language.English): thirdPart = "located"; break; default: thirdPart = "located"; break; } switch (language) { case (Game.Language.Norwegian): firstPart = "Hvor er"; break; case (Game.Language.English): firstPart = "Where is"; break; default: firstPart = "Where is"; break; } m_question = string.Format("{0} {1} {2} {3}", firstPart, secondPart, m_name, thirdPart); }