예제 #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Displays the contents of <paramref name="target"/> as a table.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="target">The <see cref="Localization"/> to show the
    /// contents of.</param>
    /// <param name="showAssets">If true, this method will show any assets
    /// or addressable assets. If false, this method will only show the
    /// localized text.</param>
    private void DrawLocalizationContents(Localization target, bool showAssets)
        var lineKeys = target.GetLineIDs();

        // Early out if we don't have any lines
        if (lineKeys.Count() == 0)
            EditorGUILayout.HelpBox($"This {nameof(Localization).ToLowerInvariant()} does not contain any lines.", MessageType.Info);

        var localizedLineContent = new List <LocalizedLineEntry>();

        var anyAssetsFound = false;

        foreach (var key in lineKeys)
            var entry = new LocalizedLineEntry();

            entry.id = key;

            // Get the localized text for this line.
            entry.text = target.GetLocalizedString(key);

            if (showAssets)
                if (ProjectSettings.AddressableVoiceOverAudioClips)
                    if (target.ContainsLocalizedObjectAddress(key))
                        var address = target.GetLocalizedObjectAddress(key);

                        var asset = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Object>(AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(address.AssetGUID));

                        entry.asset = asset;

                        anyAssetsFound = true;
                    if (target.ContainsLocalizedObject <Object>(key))
                        var o = target.GetLocalizedObject <Object>(key);
                        entry.asset    = o;
                        anyAssetsFound = true;


        if (showAssets && anyAssetsFound == false)
            // We were asked to show asset references, but didn't find any.
            // This Localization has had its source assets folder set, but
            // the LocalizationDatabase hasn't run an update to populate
            // its asset table, or, if it has, it found no assets. Assume
            // the former case and show a help box instructing the user to
            // update the database.

            string localizationName         = nameof(Localization).ToLowerInvariant();
            string assetSourceFolderName    = ObjectNames.NicifyVariableName(nameof(Localization.AssetSourceFolder)).ToLowerInvariant();
            string localizationDatabaseName = ObjectNames.NicifyVariableName(nameof(LocalizationDatabase)).ToLowerInvariant();

            var message = $"This {localizationName} has an {assetSourceFolderName}, but no assets for any of its lines. Select the {localizationDatabaseName} that uses this {localizationName}, and click Update.\n\nIf you still see this message, check that the files in the {assetSourceFolderName} include your script's line IDs in their file names.";

            EditorGUILayout.HelpBox(message, MessageType.Info);

        foreach (var entry in localizedLineContent)
            var idContent = new GUIContent(entry.id);

            // Create a GUIContent that contains the string as its text and
            // also as its tooltip. This allows the user to mouse over this
            // line in the inspector and see more of it.
            var lineContent = new GUIContent(entry.text, entry.text);

            // Show the line ID and localized text
            EditorGUILayout.LabelField(idContent, lineContent);

            if (showAssets)
                // Asset references are never editable here - they're only
                // updated by the Localization Database. Add a
                // DisabledGroup here to make all ObjectFields be
                // interactable, but read-only.

                // Show the object field
                EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(" ", entry.asset, typeof(UnityEngine.Object), false);
예제 #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Displays the contents of <paramref name="target"/> as a table.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="target">The <see cref="Localization"/> to show the
    /// contents of.</param>
    /// <param name="showAssets">If true, this method will show any assets
    /// or addressable assets. If false, this method will only show the
    /// localized text.</param>
    private void DrawLocalizationContents(Localization target)
        var lineKeys = target.GetLineIDs();

        // Early out if we don't have any lines
        if (lineKeys.Count() == 0)
            EditorGUILayout.HelpBox($"This {nameof(Localization).ToLowerInvariant()} does not contain any lines.", MessageType.Info);

        var localizedLineContent = new List <LocalizedLineEntry>();

        var anyAssetsFound = false;

        foreach (var key in lineKeys)
            var entry = new LocalizedLineEntry();

            entry.id = key;

            // Get the localized text for this line.
            entry.text = target.GetLocalizedString(key);

            if (ProjectSettings.AddressableVoiceOverAudioClips)
                if (target.ContainsLocalizedObjectAddress(key))
                    var address = target.GetLocalizedObjectAddress(key);

                    var asset = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Object>(AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(address.AssetGUID));

                    entry.asset = asset;

                    anyAssetsFound = true;
                if (target.ContainsLocalizedObject <Object>(key))
                    var o = target.GetLocalizedObject <Object>(key);
                    entry.asset    = o;
                    anyAssetsFound = true;


        foreach (var entry in localizedLineContent)
            var idContent = new GUIContent(entry.id);

            // Create a GUIContent that contains the string as its text and
            // also as its tooltip. This allows the user to mouse over this
            // line in the inspector and see more of it.
            var lineContent = new GUIContent(entry.text, entry.text);

            // Show the line ID and localized text
            EditorGUILayout.LabelField(idContent, lineContent);

            if (entry.asset != null)
                // Asset references are never editable here - they're only
                // updated by the Localization Database. Add a
                // DisabledGroup here to make all ObjectFields be
                // interactable, but read-only.

                // Show the object field
                EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(" ", entry.asset, typeof(UnityEngine.Object), false);

                // for AudioClips, add a little play preview button
                if (entry.asset.GetType() == typeof(UnityEngine.AudioClip))
                    var rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect();

                    // Localization assets are displayed in an Inspector
                    // that's always disabled, so we need to manually set
                    // the enabled flag to 'true' in order to let this
                    // button be clickable. We'll restore it after we
                    // handle this button.
                    var wasEnabled = GUI.enabled;
                    GUI.enabled = true;

                    bool isPlaying = IsClipPlaying((AudioClip)entry.asset);
                    if (lastPreviewed == (AudioClip)entry.asset && isPlaying)
                        rect.width = 54;
                        rect.x    += EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth - 56;

                        if (GUI.Button(rect, "▣ Stop"))
                            lastPreviewed = null;
                        rect.width = 18;
                        rect.x    += EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth - 20;
                        if (GUI.Button(rect, "▸"))
                            lastPreviewed = (AudioClip)entry.asset;

                    // Restore the enabled state
                    GUI.enabled = wasEnabled;

            else if (anyAssetsFound)
                // Other entries have assets, but not this one. TODO: show
                // a warning? probably need to make it really prominent,
                // and possibly allow filtering this view to show only
                // lines that have no assets?