protected override TreeViewItem BuildRoot() { var root = new TreeViewItem(-1, -1); var id = 1; root.AddChild(new TableEntryTreeViewItem(null, null, id++, 0) { displayName = $"None ({m_AssetType.Name})" }); if (m_AssetType == typeof(string)) { var stringTableCollections = LocalizationEditorSettings.GetStringTableCollections(); foreach (var collection in stringTableCollections) { var tableNode = new TreeViewItem(id++, 0, collection.TableCollectionName) { icon = AssetDatabase.GetCachedIcon(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(collection)) as Texture2D }; root.AddChild(tableNode); var sharedData = collection.SharedData; foreach (var entry in sharedData.Entries) { tableNode.AddChild(new TableEntryTreeViewItem(collection, entry, id++, 1)); } } } else { var assetTableCollections = LocalizationEditorSettings.GetAssetTableCollections(); foreach (var collection in assetTableCollections) { var tableNode = new TreeViewItem(id++, 0, collection.TableCollectionName) { icon = AssetDatabase.GetCachedIcon(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(collection)) as Texture2D }; root.AddChild(tableNode); // Only show keys that have a compatible type. var sharedData = collection.SharedData; foreach (var entry in sharedData.Entries) { var typeMetadata = entry.Metadata.GetMetadata <AssetTypeMetadata>(); if (typeMetadata == null || m_AssetType.IsAssignableFrom(typeMetadata.Type)) { tableNode.AddChild(new TableEntryTreeViewItem(collection, entry, id++, 1)); } } } } if (!root.hasChildren) { root.AddChild(new TreeViewItem(1, 0, "No Tables Found.")); } return(root); }
internal protected virtual List <LocalizationTableCollection> GetCollections() { var tableCollections = new List <LocalizationTableCollection>(); if (m_TableType == typeof(StringTable)) { tableCollections.AddRange(LocalizationEditorSettings.GetStringTableCollections()); } else { tableCollections.AddRange(LocalizationEditorSettings.GetAssetTableCollections()); } return(tableCollections); }
public static void PullAllExtensions() { // Get every String Table Collection var stringTableCollections = LocalizationEditorSettings.GetStringTableCollections(); foreach (var collection in stringTableCollections) { // Its possible a String Table Collection may have more than one GoogleSheetsExtension. // For example if each Locale we pushed/pulled from a different sheet. foreach (var extension in collection.Extensions) { if (extension is GoogleSheetsExtension googleExtension) { PullExtension(googleExtension); } } } }
public void Initialize(bool defaultSelectState = true) { m_ContentContainer.Clear(); if (VisibleType.HasFlag(CollectionType.String)) { var stringTableCollections = LocalizationEditorSettings.GetStringTableCollections(); foreach (var collection in stringTableCollections) { AddCollection(collection, defaultSelectState); } } if (VisibleType.HasFlag(CollectionType.Asset)) { var assetTableCollections = LocalizationEditorSettings.GetAssetTableCollections(); foreach (var collection in assetTableCollections) { AddCollection(collection, defaultSelectState); } } }
public static void FixOrphans() { var stringTableCollections = LocalizationEditorSettings.GetStringTableCollections().ToLookup(it => it.TableCollectionName); var allTables = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <StringTable>(); foreach (StringTable table in allTables) { var collection = stringTableCollections[table.TableCollectionName].First(); if (!collection.ContainsTable(table)) { // Orphaned table, why does it do this? collection.AddTable(table); EditorUtility.SetDirty(collection); Debug.Log(table + " fixed"); } else { Debug.Log(table + " looks ok"); } } AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); }
public static void ImportAllExtensions() { // Get every String Table Collection var stringTableCollections = LocalizationEditorSettings.GetStringTableCollections(); foreach (var collection in stringTableCollections) { // Its possible a String Table Collection may have more than one extension. foreach (var extension in collection.Extensions) { if (extension is CsvExtension csvExtension) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(csvExtension.File) && File.Exists(csvExtension.File)) { using (var stream = new StreamReader(csvExtension.File)) { Csv.ImportInto(stream, collection, csvExtension.Columns); } } } } } }
public static void PullAllExtensions() { // Get every String Table Collection var stringTableCollections = LocalizationEditorSettings.GetStringTableCollections(); foreach (var collection in stringTableCollections) { // Its possible a String Table Collection may have more than one extension. foreach (var extension in collection.Extensions) { if (extension is CsvExtension csvExtension) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(csvExtension.File)) { using (var stream = new StreamWriter(csvExtension.File, false, Encoding.UTF8)) { Csv.Export(stream, collection, csvExtension.Columns); } } } } } }
internal protected virtual ReadOnlyCollection <StringTableCollection> GetStringTableCollections() => LocalizationEditorSettings.GetStringTableCollections();
public static void ToJSON(string apiKey = "", bool upload = false) { var fileData = new Dictionary <string, StringContent>(); foreach (StringTableCollection collection in LocalizationEditorSettings.GetStringTableCollections()) { string collectionName = collection.TableCollectionName; // Only export english values //List<CultureInfo> cultures = GetCulturesInfo(collection); //foreach (var culture in cultures) //{ var culture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en"); string folder = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, $"Locales/{culture.TwoLetterISOLanguageName}"); if (!Directory.Exists(folder)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(folder); } string path = Path.Combine(folder, $"{collectionName}.json"); var json = new JSONObject(); StringTable table = (StringTable)collection.GetTable(culture); foreach (SharedTableData.SharedTableEntry entry in table.SharedData.Entries) { string key = entry.Key; if (table.GetEntry(key) == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(table.GetEntry(key).Value)) { continue; } json[key] = table.GetEntry(key).Value; } if (upload) { fileData.Add($"{collectionName}.json", new StringContent(json.ToString(2))); } else { using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(path, false)) writer.Write(json.ToString(2)); Debug.Log($"Wrote: {path}"); } //} } if (upload) { string infoUrl = $"{projectIdentifier}/info?key={apiKey}&json=true"; string actionUrl = $"{projectIdentifier}/update-file?key={apiKey}"; string addUrl = $"{projectIdentifier}/add-file?key={apiKey}"; using (var formData = new MultipartFormDataContent()) using (var formData2 = new MultipartFormDataContent()) using (var client = new HttpClient()) { var infoTask = client.GetStringAsync(infoUrl); infoTask.Wait(); var info = JSON.Parse(infoTask.Result); var files = fileData.ToLookup(it => info["files"].AsArray.Children.Any(a => a["name"].Equals(it.Key))); if (files[false].Any(_ => true)) { foreach (var file in files[false]) { Debug.Log($"Adding {file.Key}"); formData2.Add(file.Value, $"files[{file.Key}]", $"files[{file.Key}]"); } var addTask = client.PostAsync(addUrl, formData2); addTask.Wait(); var add = addTask.Result; if (!add.IsSuccessStatusCode) { var why = add.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); why.Wait(); Debug.Log($"Failed to add files to crowdin"); Debug.Log(why.Result); return; } } foreach (var file in files[true]) { Debug.Log($"Updating {file.Key}"); formData.Add(file.Value, $"files[{file.Key}]", $"files[{file.Key}]"); } var responseTask = client.PostAsync(actionUrl, formData); responseTask.Wait(); var response = responseTask.Result; if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { var why = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); why.Wait(); Debug.Log($"Failed to update crowdin"); Debug.Log(why.Result); } else { Debug.Log($"Uploaded files to crowdin"); } } } }
public static void FromJSON(string apiKey = "", bool download = false) { string downloadUrl = $"{projectIdentifier}/export-file?key={apiKey}"; foreach (StringTableCollection collection in LocalizationEditorSettings.GetStringTableCollections()) { string collectionName = collection.TableCollectionName; List <LocaleIdentifier> cultures = GetCulturesInfo(collection); foreach (var culture in cultures) { if (culture.Code.Equals("en")) { continue; } string folder = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, $"Locales/{culture.Code}"); if (!Directory.Exists(folder)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(folder); } string path = Path.Combine(folder, $"{collectionName}.json"); JSONNode json; if (download) { using (var client = new HttpClient()) { var downloadTask = client.GetAsync($"{downloadUrl}&file={collectionName}.json&language={culture.Code}"); try { downloadTask.Wait(); var stringTask = downloadTask.Result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); stringTask.Wait(); json = JSON.Parse(stringTask.Result); } catch (Exception) { // 404 = Import empty, anything else = skip if (downloadTask.Result.StatusCode != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NotFound) { continue; } json = new JSONObject(); } } } else { json = GetNodeFromFile(path); } StringTable table = (StringTable)collection.GetTable(culture); table.MetadataEntries.Clear(); StringTable tableEnglish = (StringTable)collection.GetTable(CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en")); foreach (SharedTableData.SharedTableEntry entry in table.SharedData.Entries) { string key = entry.Key; if (json.HasKey(key)) { table.AddEntry(key, json[key]); } if (table.GetEntry(key) == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(table.GetEntry(key).Value)) { // Add english as default table.AddEntry(key, tableEnglish.GetEntry(key).Value); } table.GetEntry(key).IsSmart = false; table.GetEntry(key).MetadataEntries.Clear(); table.GetEntry(key).IsSmart = tableEnglish.GetEntry(key).IsSmart; } EditorUtility.SetDirty(table); if (download) { Debug.Log($"Downloaded: {culture.Code} - {collectionName}.json"); } else { Debug.Log($"Loaded: {path}"); } } } AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); }