// Calculate the route
        private async void MyMapView_MapViewDoubleTapped(object sender, Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Controls.MapViewInputEventArgs e)
            if (!_isMapReady || _stopsOverlay.Graphics.Count() < 2)

                e.Handled = true;

                panelResults.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
                progress.Visibility     = Visibility.Visible;

                if (_routeTask == null)
                    _routeTask = await Task.Run <LocalRouteTask>(() => new LocalRouteTask(_localRoutingDatabase, _networkName));

                RouteParameters routeParams = await _routeTask.GetDefaultParametersAsync();

                routeParams.OutSpatialReference  = MyMapView.SpatialReference;
                routeParams.ReturnDirections     = true;
                routeParams.DirectionsLengthUnit = LinearUnits.Miles;
                routeParams.DirectionsLanguage   = new CultureInfo("en-US");

                var routeResult = await _routeTask.SolveAsync(routeParams);

                if (routeResult == null || routeResult.Routes == null || routeResult.Routes.Count() == 0)
                    throw new ApplicationException("No route could be calculated");

                var route = routeResult.Routes.First();
                _routesOverlay.Graphics.Add(new Graphic(route.RouteFeature.Geometry));

                _directionsOverlay.GraphicsSource = route.RouteDirections.Select(rd => GraphicFromRouteDirection(rd));

                var totalTime   = route.RouteDirections.Select(rd => rd.Time).Aggregate(TimeSpan.Zero, (p, v) => p.Add(v));
                var totalLength = route.RouteDirections.Select(rd => rd.GetLength(LinearUnits.Miles)).Sum();
                txtRouteTotals.Text = string.Format("Time: {0:h':'mm':'ss} / Length: {1:0.00} mi", totalTime, totalLength);

                await MyMapView.SetViewAsync(route.RouteFeature.Geometry.Extent.Expand(1.2));
            catch (AggregateException ex)
                var innermostExceptions = ex.Flatten().InnerExceptions;
                if (innermostExceptions != null && innermostExceptions.Count > 0)
                    MessageBox.Show(innermostExceptions[0].Message, "Sample Error");
                    MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Sample Error");
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Sample Error");
                progress.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
                if (_directionsOverlay.Graphics.Count() > 0)
                    panelResults.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
예제 #2
        public async void AddStops()
            // If the user clicked the SolveRouteButton more than once, clear out any existing stops and routes graphics.

                // Mouse click 1: setting the start point for the route
                // ---------------------------------------------------

                // Get the Editor from the MapView.
                Editor startPointEditor = this.mapView.Editor;

                // Get the MapPoint from where the user clicks in the Map Control. This will be the starting point for the route.
                MapPoint startLocationMapPoint = await startPointEditor.RequestPointAsync();

                // Create a new Graphic and set it's geometry to the user clicked MapPoint
                Graphic startPointGraphic = new Graphic();
                startPointGraphic.Geometry = startLocationMapPoint;

                // Add the start point graphic to the stops GraphicsLayer.

                // Mouse click 2: setting the end point for the route
                // ---------------------------------------------------

                // Get the Editor from the MapView.
                Editor endPointEditor = this.mapView.Editor;

                // Get the MapPoint from where the user clicks in the Map Control. This will be the ending point for the route.
                MapPoint endLocationMapPoint = await startPointEditor.RequestPointAsync();

                // Create a new Graphic and set it's geometry to the user clicked MapPoint
                Graphic endPointGraphic = new Graphic();
                endPointGraphic.Geometry = endLocationMapPoint;

                // Add the start point graphic to the stops GraphicsLayer.

                // Set the arguments for the RouteTask:

                // Get the RouteParameters from the RouteTask.
                RouteParameters routeParameters = await routeTask.GetDefaultParametersAsync();

                // Define the settings for the RouteParameters. This includes setting the SpatialReference,
                // ReturnDirections, DirectionsLengthUnit and Stops.
                routeParameters.OutSpatialReference  = this.mapView.SpatialReference;
                routeParameters.ReturnDirections     = false;
                routeParameters.DirectionsLengthUnit = LinearUnits.Kilometers;

                // Define a List of Graphics based upon the user start and end clicks in the Map Control that will serve as input
                // parameters for the RouteTask operation.
                List <Graphic> graphicsStops = new List <Graphic>();
                graphicsStops.Add(new Graphic(startLocationMapPoint));
                graphicsStops.Add(new Graphic(endLocationMapPoint));

                // Set the stops for the Route.

                // Call the asynchronous function to solve the RouteTask.
                RouteResult routeResult = await routeTask.SolveAsync(routeParameters);

                // Ensure we got at least one route back.
                if (routeResult.Routes.Count > 0)
                    // Get the first Route from the List of Routes
                    Route firstRoute = routeResult.Routes[0];

                    // Get the Geometry from the Graphic in the first Route.
                    Geometry routeGeometry = firstRoute.RouteFeature.Geometry;

                    // Create a new Graphic based upon the Graphic.
                    Graphic routeGraphic = new Graphic(routeGeometry);

                    // Add the Graphic (a polyline) to the route GraphicsLayer.
            catch (System.AggregateException ex)
                // There was a problem, display the results to the user.
                var innermostExceptions = ex.Flatten().InnerExceptions;
                if (innermostExceptions != null && innermostExceptions.Count > 0)
                    Messenger.Default.Send <NotificationMessage>(new NotificationMessage((innermostExceptions[0].Message.ToString())));
                    Messenger.Default.Send <NotificationMessage>(new NotificationMessage(ex.Message.ToString()));
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                // There was a problem, display the results to the user.
                Messenger.Default.Send <NotificationMessage>(new NotificationMessage("Error: " + ex.Message.ToString()));