public override string Represent() { string ret = $"{Delimiter.ToString()}"; ret += ValueLoop(LocalParameters.Cast <object>().ToList()); return(ret); }
protected void AddParameter(object value) { string parameter = $"@val_{ParameterCount++}"; Parameters.Add(parameter, value); LocalParameters.Add(parameter); }
/// <summary> /// Calculates the args to be passed to the "next method". /// </summary> /// <param name="nextLink">The arg to be passed in the "next link" param.</param> /// <returns>The params string, e.g. "ctx, foo, nextLink".</returns> public string NextMethodInvocationParameters(string nextLink) { // some next methods take the same params as the "list initial" method plus // the next link param. so if the param counts match assume this is the case. // to date, the only place where this appears is in the autorest tests. if (NextMethod.LocalParameters.Count() == LocalParameters.Count() + 1) { return($"{HelperInvocationParameters()}, {nextLink}"); } // attempt to match our local params to that of the next method. // by convention ctx is always the first parameter. // NOTE: the context param is implicit, i.e. it isn't part of the code model var invocationParams = new List <string> { "ctx" }; // short-circuit simple case, if the next method takes // one parameter then it can only be nextLink if (NextMethod.LocalParameters.Count() == 1) { invocationParams.Add(nextLink); } else { // create param lists so we can walk them by ordinal var myMethodParams = LocalParameters.ToList(); var nextMethodParams = NextMethod.LocalParameters.ToList(); for (int i = 0; i < nextMethodParams.Count; ++i) { if (nextMethodParams[i].Name.EqualsIgnoreCase("nextlink")) { invocationParams.Add(nextLink); } else if (i < myMethodParams.Count && ParameterGo.Match(myMethodParams[i], nextMethodParams[i])) { invocationParams.Add(myMethodParams[i].Name); } else { // try to find a match in our local params var param = myMethodParams .Where(p => ParameterGo.Match(p, nextMethodParams[i])) .FirstOrDefault(); if (param == null) { throw new Exception("failed to find a matching local parameter"); } invocationParams.Add(param.Name); } } } return(string.Join(", ", invocationParams)); }
/// <summary> /// Get the invocation args for an invocation with an async method /// </summary> public string GetAsyncMethodInvocationArgs(string customHeaderReference) { List <string> invocationParams = new List <string>(); LocalParameters.ForEach(p => invocationParams.Add(p.Name)); invocationParams.Add(customHeaderReference); invocationParams.Add("cancellationToken"); return(string.Join(", ", invocationParams)); }
private void BuildOptionsParameterTemplateModel() { CompositeType optionsType; optionsType = new CompositeType { Name = "options", SerializedName = "options", Documentation = "Optional Parameters." }; var optionsParmeter = new Parameter { Name = "options", SerializedName = "options", IsRequired = false, Documentation = "Optional Parameters.", Location = ParameterLocation.None, Type = optionsType }; IEnumerable <ParameterTemplateModel> optionalParameters = LocalParameters.Where(p => !p.IsRequired); foreach (ParameterTemplateModel parameter in optionalParameters) { Property optionalProperty = new Property { IsReadOnly = false, Name = parameter.Name, IsRequired = parameter.IsRequired, DefaultValue = parameter.DefaultValue, Documentation = parameter.Documentation, Type = parameter.Type, SerializedName = parameter.SerializedName }; parameter.Constraints.ToList().ForEach(x => optionalProperty.Constraints.Add(x.Key, x.Value)); parameter.Extensions.ToList().ForEach(x => optionalProperty.Extensions.Add(x.Key, x.Value)); ((CompositeType)optionsParmeter.Type).Properties.Add(optionalProperty); } //Adding customHeaders to the options object Property customHeaders = new Property { IsReadOnly = false, Name = "customHeaders", IsRequired = false, Documentation = "Headers that will be added to the request", Type = new PrimaryType(KnownPrimaryType.Object), SerializedName = "customHeaders" }; ((CompositeType)optionsParmeter.Type).Properties.Add(customHeaders); OptionsParameterTemplateModel = new ParameterTemplateModel(optionsParmeter); }
/// <summary> /// Generate the method parameter declarations for a method, using TypeScript declaration syntax /// <param name="includeOptions">whether the ServiceClientOptions parameter should be included</param> /// <param name="isOptionsOptional">whether the ServiceClientOptions parameter should be optional</param> /// </summary> public string MethodParameterDeclarationTS(bool includeOptions, bool isOptionsOptional = true) { StringBuilder declarations = new StringBuilder(); bool first = true; IEnumerable <ParameterTS> requiredParameters = LocalParameters.Where(p => p.IsRequired); foreach (var parameter in requiredParameters) { if (!first) { declarations.Append(", "); } declarations.Append(parameter.Name); declarations.Append(": "); // For date/datetime parameters, use a union type to reflect that they can be passed as a JS Date or a string. var type = parameter.ModelType; declarations.Append(ProvideParameterType(type)); first = false; } if (includeOptions) { if (!first) { declarations.Append(", "); } if (isOptionsOptional) { declarations.Append("options?: "); } else { declarations.Append("options: "); } if (OptionsParameterModelType.Name.EqualsIgnoreCase("RequestOptionsBase")) { declarations.Append("msRest.RequestOptionsBase"); } else { declarations.AppendFormat("Models.{0}", OptionsParameterModelType.Name); } } return(declarations.ToString()); }
public override string Represent() { var ret = $"{Delimiter.ToString()}"; foreach (var parameter in LocalParameters) { ret += $"{parameter.ToString()}"; if (!LocalParameters.Last().Equals(parameter)) { ret += ", "; } } return(ret); }
/// <summary> /// Generate the method parameter declaration. /// </summary> /// <param name="includePkgName">Pass true if the type name should include the package prefix. Defaults to false.</param> public string MethodParametersSignature(bool includePkgName = false) { var declarations = new List <string> { "ctx context.Context" }; LocalParameters .ForEach(p => declarations.Add(string.Format( p.IsRequired || p.ModelType.CanBeEmpty() ? "{0} {1}" : "{0} *{1}", p.Name, p.ModelType.HasInterface() ? p.ModelType.GetInterfaceName(includePkgName) : ParameterTypeSig(p.ModelType, includePkgName)))); return(string.Join(", ", declarations)); }
/// <summary> /// Gets Get method invocation arguments for Long Running Operations. /// </summary> /// <param name="getMethod">Get method.</param> /// <returns>Invocation arguments.</returns> public string GetMethodInvocationArgs(Method getMethod) { if (getMethod == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("getMethod"); } var invocationParams = new List <string>(); getMethod.Parameters .Where(p => LocalParameters.Any(lp => lp.Name == p.Name)) .ForEach(p => invocationParams.Add(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}: {0}", p.Name))); invocationParams.Add("customHeaders: customHeaders"); invocationParams.Add("cancellationToken: cancellationToken"); return(string.Join(", ", invocationParams)); }
private void buttonSave_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { this.Close(); LocalParameters.username = txtBoxName.Text; PDFPrinter pdfPrint = new PDFPrinter(); pdfPrint.PrintPDF(); localCon.LocalAddRecord(); LocalParameters.RestoreParameters(); LogWriter.LogWrite("Added to SQLite DB."); } catch (Exception g) { MessageBox.Show(g.Message); LogWriter.LogWrite(g.ToString()); } }
/// <summary> /// Generate the method parameter declaration for sync methods and extensions /// </summary> /// <param name="addCustomHeaderParameters">If true add the customHeader to the parameters</param> /// <returns>Generated string of parameters</returns> public virtual string GetSyncMethodParameterDeclaration(bool addCustomHeaderParameters) { var declarations = new List <string>(); foreach (var parameter in LocalParameters.Where(x => x.Location != ParameterLocation.Header)) { var format = (parameter.IsRequired ? "{0} {1}" : "{0} {1} = {2}"); var defaultValue = $"default({parameter.ModelTypeName})"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameter.DefaultValue) && parameter.ModelType is PrimaryType) { defaultValue = parameter.DefaultValue; } declarations.Add(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, format, parameter.ModelTypeName, parameter.Name, defaultValue)); } return(string.Join(", ", declarations)); }
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (!_disposedValue) { if (disposing) { foreach (var relay in Relay) { relay.Dispose(); } Relay.Clear(); Relay = null; Parameters.Clear(); Parameters = null; LocalParameters.Clear(); LocalParameters = null; } _disposedValue = true; } }
/// <summary> /// Generate the method parameter declarations for a method, using TypeScript declaration syntax /// <param name="includeOptions">whether the ServiceClientOptions parameter should be included</param> /// <param name="isOptionsOptional">whether the ServiceClientOptions parameter should be optional</param> /// </summary> public string MethodParameterDeclarationTS(bool includeOptions, bool isOptionsOptional = true) { TSBuilder builder = new TSBuilder(); TSParameterList parameterList = new TSParameterList(builder); parameterList.Parameters(LocalParameters.Where(p => p.IsRequired).Select(AutoRestParameterToTSParameter)); if (includeOptions) { string optionsParameterType; if (OptionsParameterModelType.Name.EqualsIgnoreCase("RequestOptionsBase")) { optionsParameterType = "msRest.RequestOptionsBase"; } else { optionsParameterType = $"Models.{OptionsParameterModelType.Name}"; } parameterList.Parameter("options", optionsParameterType, isOptionsOptional); } return(builder.ToString()); }
public override string Represent() { return($"= {LocalParameters.First()}"); }
/// <summary> /// Generate the method parameter declarations for a method, using TypeScript declaration syntax /// <param name="includeOptions">whether the ServiceClientOptions parameter should be included</param> /// </summary> public string MethodParameterDeclarationTS(bool includeOptions) { StringBuilder declarations = new StringBuilder(); bool first = true; IEnumerable <ParameterTemplateModel> requiredParameters = LocalParameters.Where(p => p.IsRequired); foreach (var parameter in requiredParameters) { if (!first) { declarations.Append(", "); } declarations.Append(parameter.Name); declarations.Append(": "); // For date/datetime parameters, use a union type to reflect that they can be passed as a JS Date or a string. var type = parameter.Type; if (type == PrimaryType.Date || type == PrimaryType.DateTime) { declarations.Append("Date|string"); } else { declarations.Append(type.TSType(false)); } first = false; } if (includeOptions) { if (!first) { declarations.Append(", "); } declarations.Append("options: { "); var optionalParameters = ((CompositeType)OptionsParameterTemplateModel.Type).Properties; for (int i = 0; i < optionalParameters.Count; i++) { if (i != 0) { declarations.Append(", "); } declarations.Append(optionalParameters[i].Name); declarations.Append("? : "); if (optionalParameters[i].Name.Equals("customHeaders", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { declarations.Append("{ [headerName: string]: string; }"); } else { declarations.Append(optionalParameters[i].Type.TSType(false)); } } declarations.Append(" }"); } return(declarations.ToString()); }
private void btOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (tbLogin.Text == "" || tbPassword.Text == "") { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Имя пользователя и пароль должны быть заполнены.", "Ошибка", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } Dictionary <string, object> parameters = new Dictionary <string, object>(); parameters.Add("login", tbLogin.Text); string encrypted_data; try { encrypted_data = (string)DBFunctions.ReadScalarFromDB("SELECT encrypted_credentials FROM auth_user WHERE login = @login", parameters); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Передайте администратору следующее:" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message, "Ошибка", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } if (encrypted_data == null) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Вход не удался.", "Ошибка", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Error); tbPassword.Text = ""; tbPassword.Focus(); return; } string credentials; try { credentials = Encryption.Decrypt(encrypted_data, tbPassword.Text); } catch (Exception) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Вход не удался.", "Ошибка", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Error); tbPassword.Text = ""; tbPassword.Focus(); return; } string[] cred_array = credentials.Split('%'); DBFunctions.login = cred_array[0]; DBFunctions.password = cred_array[1]; DBFunctions.login_from_parameters = false; DBFunctions.Init(); if (!DBFunctions.TestConnecion()) { DBFunctions.login = DBFunctions.password = ""; DBFunctions.login_from_parameters = true; DBFunctions.Init(); System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Вход прошел удачно, но не удается установить соединение с БД. Обратитесь к администратору", "Ошибка", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } try { AuthModule.user_id = (int)DBFunctions.ReadScalarFromDB("SELECT id FROM auth_user WHERE login = @login", parameters); object ob_rigths = DBFunctions.ReadScalarFromDB("SELECT rights FROM auth_user LEFT JOIN auth_roles ON role_id = WHERE login = @login", parameters); if (ob_rigths != DBNull.Value) { AuthModule.rights.Deserialize((string)ob_rigths); } else { AuthModule.rights.Deserialize(""); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Передайте администратору следующее:" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message, "Ошибка", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } LocalParameters.Login = tbLogin.Text; LocalParameters.SaveParameters(); this.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK; Close(); }
protected TSParameter[] GetRequiredParameters() { return(LocalParameters.Where(parameter => parameter.IsRequired).Select(AutoRestParameterToTSParameter).ToArray()); }
/// <summary> /// Generate the method parameter declarations for a method, using TypeScript declaration syntax /// <param name="includeOptions">whether the ServiceClientOptions parameter should be included</param> /// <param name="isOptionsOptional">whether the ServiceClientOptions parameter should be optional</param> /// </summary> public string MethodParameterDeclarationTS(bool includeOptions, bool isOptionsOptional = true) { StringBuilder declarations = new StringBuilder(); bool first = true; IEnumerable <ParameterJs> requiredParameters = LocalParameters.Where(p => p.IsRequired); foreach (var parameter in requiredParameters) { if (!first) { declarations.Append(", "); } declarations.Append(parameter.Name); declarations.Append(": "); // For date/datetime parameters, use a union type to reflect that they can be passed as a JS Date or a string. var type = parameter.ModelType; if (type.IsPrimaryType(KnownPrimaryType.Date) || type.IsPrimaryType(KnownPrimaryType.DateTime)) { declarations.Append("Date|string"); } else { declarations.Append(type.TSType(false)); } first = false; } if (includeOptions) { if (!first) { declarations.Append(", "); } if (isOptionsOptional) { declarations.Append("options?: { "); } else { declarations.Append("options: { "); } var optionalParameters = ((CompositeType)OptionsParameterTemplateModel.ModelType).Properties.OrderBy(each => each.Name == "customHeaders" ? 1 : 0).ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < optionalParameters.Length; i++) { if (i != 0) { declarations.Append(", "); } declarations.Append(optionalParameters[i].Name); declarations.Append("? : "); if (optionalParameters[i].Name.EqualsIgnoreCase("customHeaders")) { declarations.Append("{ [headerName: string]: string; }"); } else { declarations.Append(optionalParameters[i].ModelType.TSType(false)); } } declarations.Append(" }"); } return(declarations.ToString()); }
private void buttonExit_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { this.Close(); LocalParameters.RestoreParameters(); }
/// <summary> /// Get the invocation args for an invocation with an async method /// </summary> public string GetAsyncMethodInvocationArgs(string customHeaderReference, string cancellationTokenReference = "cancellationToken") => string.Join(", ", LocalParameters.Select(each => (string)each.Name).Concat(new[] { customHeaderReference, cancellationTokenReference }));
private void btnChangeParams_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { LocalParameters.EditParameters(); this.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes; Close(); }