예제 #1
        public override void Update(FrameTick elapsedTime)
            Loc movediff = Destination - CurPos;
            int movelen  = movediff.Length();

            //Get the difference between the current position and destination
            double x = movediff.X / Math.Sqrt(movediff.DistSquared());
            double y = movediff.Y / Math.Sqrt(movediff.DistSquared());

            //Ignore translation on a given axis if its already at the correct position on that axis.
            // Mainly because we're rounding the values to the nearest integer, and might overshoot otherwise.
            if (movediff.X == 0)
                x = 0;
            if (movediff.Y == 0)
                y = 0;

            //Convert the floating point number to the biggest nearby integer value, and keep its sign
            Loc movevec = new Loc();

            movevec.X = (int)(Math.Ceiling(Math.Abs(x)) * Math.Sign(x));
            movevec.Y = (int)(Math.Ceiling(Math.Abs(y)) * Math.Sign(y));

            Loc checkedmove = new Loc();

            //Constrain the move vector components to the components of the position difference vector to
            // ensure we don't overshoot because of the move rate
            checkedmove.X = Math.Min(Math.Abs(movediff.X), Math.Abs(movevec.X * moveRate)) * Math.Sign(movevec.X);
            checkedmove.Y = Math.Min(Math.Abs(movediff.Y), Math.Abs(movevec.Y * moveRate)) * Math.Sign(movevec.Y);

            //Update facing direction. Ignore none, since it crashes the game.
            Dir8 newdir = movevec.ApproximateDir8();

            if (newdir != Dir8.None)
                CharDir = newdir;

            Move    = checkedmove;
            CurPos += Move; //Increment our internal current position, since we have no ways of knowing where we are otherwise..
예제 #2
        public override void Update(BaseScene scene, FrameTick elapsedTime)
            CurrentBurstTime += elapsedTime;
            while (CurrentBurstTime >= Math.Max(1, BurstTime))
                CurrentBurstTime -= Math.Max(1, BurstTime);
                for (int ii = 0; ii < ParticlesPerBurst; ii++)
                    List <int> openDirs  = getOpenDirs();
                    int        openIndex = openDirs[MathUtils.Rand.Next(openDirs.Count)];
                    Coverages[openIndex] = true;

                    double angle = (openIndex + MathUtils.Rand.NextDouble()) * Math.PI / 4;

                    int dist       = Math.Min(Range, MathUtils.Rand.Next(StartDistance + 1));
                    Loc startDelta = new Loc((int)Math.Round(Math.Cos(angle) * dist), (int)Math.Round(Math.Sin(angle) * dist));
                    if (AreaLimit == Dungeon.Hitbox.AreaLimit.Cone)
                        angle = (45 * (int)Dir + 45) * Math.PI / 180 + angle / 4;
                    else if (AreaLimit == Dungeon.Hitbox.AreaLimit.Sides)
                        if (Dir.IsDiagonal())
                            //either +135 or -135 from the direction
                            if (MathUtils.Rand.Next(2) == 0)
                                angle = (45 * (int)Dir + 90 + 135) * Math.PI / 180;
                                angle = (45 * (int)Dir + 90 - 135) * Math.PI / 180;
                            //either +90 or -90 from the direction
                            if (MathUtils.Rand.Next(2) == 0)
                                angle = (45 * (int)Dir + 90 + 90) * Math.PI / 180;
                                angle = (45 * (int)Dir + 90 - 90) * Math.PI / 180;

                    Loc particleSpeed = new Loc((int)(Math.Cos(angle) * Speed), (int)(Math.Sin(angle) * Speed));

                    if (Anims.Count > 0)
                        int resultRange = MathUtils.Rand.Next(dist, Range + RangeDiff) + 1;
                        int totalTime   = resultRange - dist;
                        if (Speed > 0)
                            totalTime *= GraphicsManager.MAX_FPS;
                            totalTime /= Speed;

                        float maxHeight    = HeightRatio * resultRange;
                        float velocity     = 4 * maxHeight * GraphicsManager.MAX_FPS / totalTime;
                        float acceleration = -8 * maxHeight * GraphicsManager.MAX_FPS * GraphicsManager.MAX_FPS / totalTime / totalTime;

                        IParticleEmittable chosenAnim = Anims[MathUtils.Rand.Next(Anims.Count)];
                        scene.Anims[(int)Layer].Add(chosenAnim.CreateParticle(totalTime, Origin + startDelta, particleSpeed, Loc.Zero, 0, (int)Math.Round(velocity), (int)Math.Round(acceleration), particleSpeed.ApproximateDir8()));

                if (CurrentBursts >= Bursts)
예제 #3
        public override void Update(BaseScene scene, FrameTick elapsedTime)
            CurrentBurstTime += elapsedTime;
            while (CurrentBurstTime >= Math.Max(1, BurstTime))
                CurrentBurstTime -= Math.Max(1, BurstTime);
                for (int ii = 0; ii < ParticlesPerBurst; ii++)
                    if (Anims.Count > 0)
                        List <int> openDirs  = getOpenDirs();
                        int        openIndex = openDirs[MathUtils.Rand.Next(openDirs.Count)];
                        Coverages[openIndex] = true;

                        double angle = (openIndex + MathUtils.Rand.NextDouble()) * Math.PI / 4;

                        int dist       = StartDistance + MathUtils.Rand.Next(StartVariance + 1);
                        Loc startDelta = new Loc((int)Math.Round(Math.Cos(angle) * dist), (int)Math.Round(Math.Sin(angle) * dist));

                        double endAngle = MathUtils.Rand.NextDouble() * Math.PI * 2;
                        int    endDist  = MathUtils.Rand.Next(EndDistance + 1);
                        Loc    endDelta = new Loc((int)Math.Round(Math.Cos(endAngle) * endDist), (int)Math.Round(Math.Sin(endAngle) * endDist));

                        Loc particleSpeed = ((UseDest ? Destination : Origin) + endDelta - (Origin + startDelta)) * GraphicsManager.MAX_FPS / TravelTime;

                        Loc startLoc = Origin + startDelta;
                            AnimData animData   = Anims[MathUtils.Rand.Next(Anims.Count)];
                            AnimData scaledAnim = new AnimData(animData);
                            DirSheet fxSheet    = GraphicsManager.GetAttackSheet(animData.AnimIndex);
                            scaledAnim.FrameTime = (int)Math.Ceiling((float)TravelTime / scaledAnim.GetTotalFrames(fxSheet.TotalFrames) / Math.Max(1, Cycles));
                            ParticleAnim anim = new ParticleAnim(scaledAnim, 0, TravelTime);
                            anim.SetupEmitted(startLoc, particleSpeed, Loc.Zero, 0, 0, 0, particleSpeed.ApproximateDir8());

                if (CurrentBursts >= Math.Max(1, Bursts))
예제 #4
        protected override void ReleaseAnim(BaseScene scene, int dist, Loc startLoc, Loc speed)
            int totalTime = Range - dist;

            if (Speed > 0)
                totalTime *= GraphicsManager.MAX_FPS;
                totalTime /= Speed;

            IParticleEmittable chosenAnim = Anims[MathUtils.Rand.Next(Anims.Count)];

            scene.Anims[(int)Layer].Add(chosenAnim.CreateParticle(totalTime, startLoc, speed, Loc.Zero, LocHeight, 0, 0, speed.ApproximateDir8()));
예제 #5
        protected virtual void ReleaseAnim(BaseScene scene, int dist, Loc startLoc, Loc speed)
            IParticleEmittable chosenAnim = Anims[MathUtils.Rand.Next(Anims.Count)];

            scene.Anims[(int)Layer].Add(chosenAnim.CreateParticle(startLoc, speed, Loc.Zero, LocHeight, 0, 0, speed.ApproximateDir8()));