private void LoadMetadata() { _container.MetadataChildItemAdded += ContainerOnMetadataChildItemAdded; try { using (new UpdateRegion(_container)) { if (_databases != null && _databases.Count != 0) { LoadForDatabases(); } else { LoadEntireContainer(); } } } catch (Exception e) { LoadingFailed?.Invoke(this, e.Message); } finally { _container.MetadataChildItemAdded -= ContainerOnMetadataChildItemAdded; LoadingFinished?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); } }
public async Task LoadModules(string path, string filter) { await Task.Run(() => { try { var curplug = 0; var pluginFiles = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(path, filter, System.IO.SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); foreach (var filename in pluginFiles) { ReportProgress?.Invoke(this, new ReportProgressEventArgs(++curplug, pluginFiles.Length, "Loading plugins...", OperationTag.Active)); var types = AssemblyLoader.LoadClassesFromFile <IInstallerModule>(System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(filename)).Where(t => t != null); if (types.Any()) { PluginLoaded?.Invoke(this, new PluginLoadedEventArgs(types)); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorOccured?.Invoke(this, new ErrorOccuredEventArgs(ex, "Error loading modules")); } finally { ReportProgress?.Invoke(this, new ReportProgressEventArgs(0, StatusName.Idle, OperationTag.None)); LoadingFinished?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); } }); }
IEnumerator FakeLoadingScreen() { GameManager.gameIsPaused = true; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(loadingScreen.GetComponent <Animator>().GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).length)); GameManager.gameIsPaused = false; loadingScreen.SetActive(false); LoadingFinished.Invoke(); }
public void SetState(int newValue) { if (newValue > 0) { current = newValue; currentState = (float)current / (float)max; if (current >= max) { onLoadFinished.Invoke(); active = false; if (deactivateSelfOnFinish) { gameObject.SetActive(false); } } if (current >= max / 2) // Randomize the text once at 50% load { RandomizeText(); } } ; }
internal IEnumerator LoadTableCoroutine(string table_name) { while (mLoadersCount >= MAX_LOADERS_COUNT) { yield return(0); } mLoadersCount++; string url = string.Format("{0}/{1}.json.gz", Path, table_name); UnityEngine.Debug.Log("[SnipeTable] Loading table " + url); this.LoadingFailed = false; int retry = 0; while (!this.Loaded && retry <= 2) { if (retry > 0) { yield return(new WaitForSecondsRealtime(0.1f)); UnityEngine.Debug.Log($"[SnipeTable] Retry #{retry} to load table - {table_name}"); } retry++; using (UnityWebRequest loader = new UnityWebRequest(url)) { loader.downloadHandler = new DownloadHandlerBuffer(); yield return(loader.SendWebRequest()); if (loader.isNetworkError || loader.isHttpError) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("[SnipeTable] Network error: Failed to load table - " + table_name); } else { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("[SnipeTable] table file loaded - " + table_name); try { if ( == null || < 1) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("[SnipeTable] Error: loaded data is null or empty. Table: " + table_name); } else { using (GZipStream gzip = new GZipStream(new MemoryStream(, false), CompressionMode.Decompress)) { using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(gzip)) { string json_string = reader.ReadToEnd(); ExpandoObject data = ExpandoObject.FromJSONString(json_string); if (data["list"] is List <object> list) { foreach (ExpandoObject item_data in list) { AddTableItem(item_data); } } UnityEngine.Debug.Log("[SnipeTable] table ready - " + table_name); this.Loaded = true; } } } } catch (Exception) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("[SnipeTable] failed to parse table - " + table_name); } } } } this.LoadingFailed = !this.Loaded; LoadingFinished?.Invoke(this.Loaded); mLoadersCount--; }
private void OnLoadingFinished() { _loadingFinished?.Invoke(); LoadingFinished?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); }
public void OnLoadingFinished() { LoadingFinished?.Invoke(this, new EventArgs()); }
public static bool LoadCDB(string dir, bool overwrite, bool clearData = false) { logger.Info("Start LOAD CDB {0}", dir); LoadPicsFile(); if (!File.Exists(dir)) { return(false); } if (clearData) { CardData.Clear(); } SQLiteConnection connection = new SQLiteConnection("Data Source=" + dir); List <string[]> datas = new List <string[]>(); List <string[]> texts = new List <string[]>(); try { connection.Open(); datas = SQLiteCommands.LoadData(connection); texts = SQLiteCommands.LoadText(connection); connection.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error("LOADCDB :" + ex.ToString()); connection.Close(); return(false); } progress = 0; total = datas.Count + texts.Count; foreach (string[] row in datas) { if (overwrite) { CardManager.UpdateOrAddCard(new CardInfos(row)); } else { if (!CardManager.ContainsCard(int.Parse(row[0]))) { CardManager.UpdateOrAddCard(new CardInfos(row)); } } if (!CheckPicsLoaded(Convert.ToInt32(row[0]))) { DownloadPics(row[0]); } else { progress++; Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => LoadingProgress?.Invoke(progress, total)); } } foreach (string[] row in texts) { progress++; Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => LoadingProgress?.Invoke(progress, total)); if (CardManager.ContainsCard(int.Parse(row[0]))) { CardManager.GetCard(int.Parse(row[0])).SetCardText(row); } } if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(FormExecution.path, "BattleCityAlpha", "strings.conf"))) { LoadSetCodesFromFile(CreateFileStreamFromString(File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(FormExecution.path, "BattleCityAlpha", "strings.conf")))); } SetCodesStringInit(); while (progress != total) { Thread.Sleep(500); } Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => LoadingFinished?.Invoke()); return(true); }