예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is used to send notifications to LnD team.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="team">The team to which notification need to send.</param>
        /// <param name="card">The notification card that to be send.</param>
        /// <param name="updateCard">Boolean indicating whether existing card needs to be updated.</param>
        /// <param name="activityId">Existing card activity Id required for updating card.</param>
        /// <returns>Task indicating result of asynchronous operation.</returns>
        public async Task <string> SendNotificationInTeamAsync(LnDTeam team, Attachment card, bool updateCard = false, string activityId = null)
            team = team ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(team), "Team details cannot be null");
            card = card ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(card), "Card attachment cannot be null");

            if (updateCard && string.IsNullOrEmpty(activityId))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(activityId), "Activity Id cannot be null in case of updating an existing card");

            string serviceUrl = team.ServiceUrl;

            string teamsChannelId        = team.TeamId;
            var    conversationReference = new ConversationReference()
                ChannelId = Constants.TeamsBotFrameworkChannelId,
                Bot       = new ChannelAccount()
                    Id = this.microsoftAppCredentials.MicrosoftAppId
                ServiceUrl   = serviceUrl,
                Conversation = new ConversationAccount()
                    ConversationType = ConversationTypes.Channel, IsGroup = true, Id = teamsChannelId

                ResourceResponse resourceResponse = null;
                    async(conversationTurnContext, conversationCancellationToken) =>
                    if (updateCard)
                        var activity     = MessageFactory.Attachment(card);
                        activity.Id      = activityId;
                        resourceResponse = await conversationTurnContext.UpdateActivityAsync(activity);
                        resourceResponse = await conversationTurnContext.SendActivityAsync(MessageFactory.Attachment(card));

#pragma warning disable CA1031 // Catching general exception to continue sending notifications
#pragma warning restore CA1031 // Catching general exception to continue sending notifications
        /// <summary>
        /// Delete LnD team configuration details when LnD team uninstalls a Bot
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="teamDetails">The LnD team details which needs to be deleted.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns true if configuration details deleted successfully. Else returns false.</returns>
        public async Task <bool> DeleteLnDTeamConfigurationsAsync(LnDTeam teamDetails)
            if (teamDetails == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(teamDetails), "The team Id should have a valid value");

            return(await Task.Run(() => true));
        /// <summary>
        /// Insert a new LnD team configuration details when LnD team installs a Bot
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="teamDetails">The LnD team configuration details</param>
        /// <returns>Returns true if configuration details inserted successfully. Else returns false.</returns>
        public async Task <bool> InsertLnDTeamConfigurationAsync(LnDTeam teamDetails)
            if (teamDetails == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(teamDetails), "The team details should be provided");

            return(await Task.Run(() => true));
        /// <summary>
        /// Send a welcome card if bot is installed in Team scope.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="turnContext">Provides context for a turn in a bot.</param>
        /// <returns>A task that represents a response.</returns>
        public async Task OnBotInstalledInTeamAsync(ITurnContext <IConversationUpdateActivity> turnContext)
            turnContext = turnContext ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(turnContext));

            // If bot added to team, add team tab configuration with service URL.
            await this.SendWelcomeCardInChannelAsync(turnContext);

            var activity = turnContext.Activity;

            // Storing team information to storage.
            var teamsDetails = activity.TeamsGetTeamInfo();

            if (teamsDetails == null)
                this.logger.LogInformation($"Unable to store bot installation state for team {teamsDetails.Id} in storage. Team details is null.");
                this.logger.LogInformation($"Bot added in team {teamsDetails.Id}");
                LnDTeam teamEntity = new LnDTeam
                    TeamId         = teamsDetails.Id,
                    BotInstalledOn = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    ServiceUrl     = activity.ServiceUrl,

                bool operationStatus = await this.teamConfigurationRepository.InsertLnDTeamConfigurationAsync(teamEntity);

                if (operationStatus)
                    this.logger.LogInformation($"Successfully stored bot installation state for team {teamsDetails.Id} in storage.");
                    this.logger.LogInformation($"Unable to store bot installation state for team {teamsDetails.Id} in storage.");
예제 #5
        static EventWorkflowHelperData()
            eventEntity = new EventEntity
                EventId    = "ad4b2b43-1cb5-408d-ab8a-17e28edac2baz-1234-2345",
                TeamId     = "ad4b2b43-1cb5-408d-ab8a-17e28edac2baz-1234",
                Audience   = 3,
                CategoryId = "088ddf0d-4deb-4e95-b1f3-907fc4511b02",
                AutoRegisteredAttendees = "",
                CategoryName            = "Test_Category",
                CreatedBy                   = "Jack",
                CreatedOn                   = new DateTime(2020, 09, 24),
                Description                 = "Teams Event",
                EndDate                     = new DateTime(2020, 09, 25),
                EndTime                     = new DateTime(2020, 09, 25),
                ETag                        = "",
                GraphEventId                = "088ddf0d-4deb-4e95-b1f3-907fc4511b02g",
                IsAutoRegister              = false,
                IsRegistrationClosed        = false,
                IsRemoved                   = false,
                MandatoryAttendees          = "",
                MaximumNumberOfParticipants = 10,
                MeetingLink                 = "",
                Name                        = "Mandaotory Training Event",
                NumberOfOccurrences         = 1,
                OptionalAttendees           = "",
                Photo                       = "https://testurl/img.png",
                StartDate                   = new DateTime(2020, 09, 25),
                StartTime                   = new DateTime(2020, 09, 25),
                UpdatedBy                   = "Jack",
                Venue                       = "",
                SelectedUserOrGroupListJSON = "",
                RegisteredAttendeesCount    = 0,
                Type                        = 0,
                RegisteredAttendees         = ""

            validEventEntity = new EventEntity
                EventId    = "ad4b2b43-1cb5-408d-ab8a-17e28edac2baz-1234-2345",
                TeamId     = "ad4b2b43-1cb5-408d-ab8a-17e28edac2baz-1234",
                Audience   = 1,
                CategoryId = "088ddf0d-4deb-4e95-b1f3-907fc4511b02",
                AutoRegisteredAttendees = "",
                CategoryName            = "Test_Category",
                CreatedBy                   = "Jack",
                CreatedOn                   = DateTime.UtcNow,
                Description                 = "Teams Event",
                EndDate                     = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(4).Date,
                EndTime                     = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(4).Date,
                ETag                        = "",
                GraphEventId                = "088ddf0d-4deb-4e95-b1f3-907fc4511b02g",
                IsAutoRegister              = false,
                IsRegistrationClosed        = false,
                IsRemoved                   = false,
                MandatoryAttendees          = "",
                MaximumNumberOfParticipants = 10,
                MeetingLink                 = "",
                Name                        = "Mandaotory Training Event",
                NumberOfOccurrences         = 1,
                OptionalAttendees           = "",
                Photo                       = "https://www.testurl.com/img.png",
                StartDate                   = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(2).Date,
                StartTime                   = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(2).Date,
                UpdatedBy                   = "Jack",
                Venue                       = "",
                SelectedUserOrGroupListJSON = "",
                RegisteredAttendeesCount    = 0,
                Type                        = 2,
                RegisteredAttendees         = ""

            eventEntities = new List <EventEntity>()
                new EventEntity
                    EventId      = "ad4b2b43-1cb5-408d-ab8a-17e28edac2ba-445567-888",
                    CategoryId   = "ad4b2b43-1cb5-408d-ab8a-17e28edac2ba",
                    CategoryName = ""
                new EventEntity
                    EventId      = "ad4b2b43-1cb5-408d-ab8a-17e28edac2ba-445567-999",
                    CategoryId   = "ad4b2b43-1cb5-408d-ab8a-17e28edac3ba",
                    CategoryName = ""

            category = new Category
                CategoryId  = "ad4b2b43-1cb5-408d-ab8a-17e28edac2ba",
                Name        = "Test_Category_1",
                Description = "Description",
                CreatedBy   = "ad4b2b43-1cb5-408d-ab8a-17e28edacabc",
                CreatedOn   = DateTime.UtcNow,
                UpdatedOn   = DateTime.UtcNow,

            categoryList = new List <Category>
                new Category
                    CategoryId  = "ad4b2b43-1cb5-408d-ab8a-17e28edac1ba",
                    Name        = "Test_Category_1",
                    Description = "Description",
                    CreatedBy   = "ad4b2b43-1cb5-408d-ab8a-17e28edacabc",
                    CreatedOn   = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    UpdatedOn   = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    IsInUse     = false,
                new Category
                    CategoryId  = "ad4b2b43-1cb5-408d-ab8a-17e28edac2ba",
                    Name        = "Test_Category_1",
                    Description = "Description",
                    CreatedBy   = "ad4b2b43-1cb5-408d-ab8a-17e28edacabc",
                    CreatedOn   = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    UpdatedOn   = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    IsInUse     = false,
                new Category
                    CategoryId  = "ad4b2b43-1cb5-408d-ab8a-17e28edac3ba",
                    Name        = "Test_Category_1",
                    Description = "Description",
                    CreatedBy   = "ad4b2b43-1cb5-408d-ab8a-17e28edacabc",
                    CreatedOn   = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    UpdatedOn   = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    IsInUse     = false,

            teamEvent = new Event
                Subject = "Teams Event",
                Body    = new ItemBody
                    ContentType = BodyType.Html,
                    Content     = eventEntity.Type == (int)EventType.LiveEvent ?
                                  $"{eventEntity.Description}<br/><br/><a href='{eventEntity.MeetingLink}'>{eventEntity.MeetingLink}</a>" :
                Attendees        = new List <Attendee>(),
                OnlineMeetingUrl = eventEntity.Type == (int)EventType.LiveEvent ? eventEntity.MeetingLink : null,
                IsReminderOn     = true,
                Location         = eventEntity.Type == (int)EventType.InPerson ? new Location
                    Address = new PhysicalAddress {
                        Street = eventEntity.Venue
                    : null,
                AllowNewTimeProposals = false,
                IsOnlineMeeting       = true,
                OnlineMeetingProvider = OnlineMeetingProviderType.TeamsForBusiness,
                Id = "ad4b2b43-1cb5-408d-ab8a-17e28edac2ba-445567-999-rrtyy"

            lndTeam = new LnDTeam
                ETag         = "",
                PartitionKey = "ad4b2b43-1cb5-408d-ab8a-17e28edac2ba-445567-999",
                TeamId       = "ad4b2b43-1cb5-408d-ab8a-17e28edac2ba-445567-999-000",
                RowKey       = "ad4b2b43-1cb5-408d-ab8a-17e28edac2ba-445567-999-000"

            graphUser = new Graph.User
                DisplayName       = "Jack",
                UserPrincipalName = "Jack",
                Id   = "ad4b2b43-1cb5-408d-ab8a-17e28edac2ba-445567-999-001",
                Mail = "*****@*****.**"

            graphUsers = new List <Graph.User>()
                new Graph.User
                    DisplayName       = "Jack",
                    UserPrincipalName = "Jack",
                    Id   = "ad4b2b43-1cb5-408d-ab8a-17e28edac2ba-445567-999-001",
                    Mail = "*****@*****.**"
                new Graph.User
                    DisplayName       = "Jack",
                    UserPrincipalName = "Jack",
                    Id   = "ad4b2b43-1cb5-408d-ab8a-17e28edac2ba-445567-999-002",
                    Mail = "*****@*****.**"
                new Graph.User
                    DisplayName       = "Jack",
                    UserPrincipalName = "Jack",
                    Id   = "ad4b2b43-1cb5-408d-ab8a-17e28edac2ba-445567-999-003",
                    Mail = "*****@*****.**"

            graphGroups = new List <Graph.Group>()
                new Graph.Group
                    DisplayName = "Jack",
                    Id          = "ad4b2b43-1cb5-408d-ab8a-17e28edac2ba-445567-999-001",
                    Mail        = "*****@*****.**"
                new Graph.Group
                    DisplayName = "Jack",
                    Id          = "ad4b2b43-1cb5-408d-ab8a-17e28edac2ba-445567-999-002",
                    Mail        = "*****@*****.**"
                new Graph.Group
                    DisplayName = "Jack",
                    Id          = "ad4b2b43-1cb5-408d-ab8a-17e28edac2ba-445567-999-003",
                    Mail        = "*****@*****.**"

            graphGroupDirectoryObject = new List <Graph.DirectoryObject>()
                new Graph.DirectoryObject
                    Id = "ad4b2b43-1cb5-408d-ab8a-17e28edac2ba-445567-999-001"
                new Graph.DirectoryObject
                    Id = "ad4b2b43-1cb5-408d-ab8a-17e28edac2ba-445567-999-002"
                new Graph.DirectoryObject
                    Id = "ad4b2b43-1cb5-408d-ab8a-17e28edac2ba-445567-999-003"

            fileInfo = new FormFile(new MemoryStream(), 1, 1, "sample.jpeg", "sample.jpeg");

            teamsChannelAccount = new List <TeamsChannelAccount>()
                new TeamsChannelAccount
                    GivenName         = "sam",
                    UserPrincipalName = "s"
                new TeamsChannelAccount
                    GivenName         = "jack",
                    UserPrincipalName = "j"

            teamEvent = new Event
                Subject = "Teams Event",
                Body    = new ItemBody
                    ContentType = BodyType.Html,
                    Content     = eventEntity.Type == (int)EventType.LiveEvent ?
                                  $"{eventEntity.Description}<br/><br/><a href='{eventEntity.MeetingLink}'>{eventEntity.MeetingLink}</a>" :
                Attendees        = new List <Attendee>(),
                OnlineMeetingUrl = eventEntity.Type == (int)EventType.LiveEvent ? eventEntity.MeetingLink : null,
                IsReminderOn     = true,
                Location         = eventEntity.Type == (int)EventType.InPerson ? new Location
                    Address = new PhysicalAddress {
                        Street = eventEntity.Venue
                    : null,
                AllowNewTimeProposals = false,
                IsOnlineMeeting       = true,
                OnlineMeetingProvider = OnlineMeetingProviderType.TeamsForBusiness,
                Id = "ad4b2b43-1cb5-408d-ab8a-17e28edac2ba-445567-999-rrtyy"

            lndTeam = new LnDTeam
                ETag         = "",
                PartitionKey = "ad4b2b43-1cb5-408d-ab8a-17e28edac2ba-445567-999",
                TeamId       = "ad4b2b43-1cb5-408d-ab8a-17e28edac2ba-445567-999-000",
                RowKey       = "ad4b2b43-1cb5-408d-ab8a-17e28edac2ba-445567-999-000"

            graphUser = new Graph.User
                DisplayName       = "Jack",
                UserPrincipalName = "Jack",
                Id   = "ad4b2b43-1cb5-408d-ab8a-17e28edac2ba-445567-999-001",
                Mail = "*****@*****.**"

            graphUsers = new List <Graph.User>()
                new Graph.User
                    DisplayName       = "Jack",
                    UserPrincipalName = "Jack",
                    Id   = "ad4b2b43-1cb5-408d-ab8a-17e28edac2ba-445567-999-001",
                    Mail = "*****@*****.**"
                new Graph.User
                    DisplayName       = "Jack",
                    UserPrincipalName = "Jack",
                    Id   = "ad4b2b43-1cb5-408d-ab8a-17e28edac2ba-445567-999-002",
                    Mail = "*****@*****.**"
                new Graph.User
                    DisplayName       = "Jack",
                    UserPrincipalName = "Jack",
                    Id   = "ad4b2b43-1cb5-408d-ab8a-17e28edac2ba-445567-999-003",
                    Mail = "*****@*****.**"

            graphGroups = new List <Graph.Group>()
                new Graph.Group
                    DisplayName = "Jack",
                    Id          = "ad4b2b43-1cb5-408d-ab8a-17e28edac2ba-445567-999-001",
                    Mail        = "*****@*****.**"
                new Graph.Group
                    DisplayName = "Jack",
                    Id          = "ad4b2b43-1cb5-408d-ab8a-17e28edac2ba-445567-999-002",
                    Mail        = "*****@*****.**"
                new Graph.Group
                    DisplayName = "Jack",
                    Id          = "ad4b2b43-1cb5-408d-ab8a-17e28edac2ba-445567-999-003",
                    Mail        = "*****@*****.**"

            graphGroupDirectoryObject = new List <Graph.DirectoryObject>()
                new Graph.DirectoryObject
                    Id = "ad4b2b43-1cb5-408d-ab8a-17e28edac2ba-445567-999-001"
                new Graph.DirectoryObject
                    Id = "ad4b2b43-1cb5-408d-ab8a-17e28edac2ba-445567-999-002"
                new Graph.DirectoryObject
                    Id = "ad4b2b43-1cb5-408d-ab8a-17e28edac2ba-445567-999-003"

            fileInfo = new FormFile(new MemoryStream(), 1, 1, "sample.jpeg", "sample.jpeg");

            teamsChannelAccount = new List <TeamsChannelAccount>()
                new TeamsChannelAccount
                    GivenName         = "sam",
                    UserPrincipalName = "s"
                new TeamsChannelAccount
                    GivenName         = "jack",
                    UserPrincipalName = "j"