public void Clear() { if (LivelyWorld.CanWeUse(HunterPed)) { HunterPed.RelationshipGroup = Game.GenerateHash("CIVMALE"); if (HunterPed.CurrentBlip.Exists()) { HunterPed.CurrentBlip.Color = BlipColor.White; } Function.Call(Hash.RESET_PED_MOVEMENT_CLIPSET, HunterPed, 0.0f); Function.Call(Hash.RESET_PED_STRAFE_CLIPSET, HunterPed); HunterPed.IsPersistent = false; if (LivelyWorld.CanWeUse(HunterCar)) { LivelyWorld.TemporalPersistence.Add(HunterCar); TaskSequence seq = new TaskSequence(); Function.Call(Hash.TASK_PAUSE, 0, LivelyWorld.RandomInt(2, 4) * 1000); Function.Call(Hash.TASK_ENTER_VEHICLE, 0, HunterCar, 20000, -1, 1f, 1, 0); Function.Call(Hash.TASK_PAUSE, 0, LivelyWorld.RandomInt(2, 4) * 1000); Function.Call(Hash.TASK_VEHICLE_DRIVE_WANDER, 0, HunterCar, 30f, 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32); seq.Close(); HunterPed.Task.PerformSequence(seq); seq.Dispose(); HunterCar.IsPersistent = false; } } if (LivelyWorld.CanWeUse(HunterDog)) { HunterDog.IsPersistent = false; } }
public void Clear() { if (LivelyWorld.CanWeUse(Dealer)) { if (Dealer.CurrentBlip.Exists()) { Dealer.CurrentBlip.Color = BlipColor.White; } Dealer.IsPersistent = false; } if (LivelyWorld.CanWeUse(Buyer)) { Buyer.IsPersistent = false; } foreach (Ped ped in Goons) { if (LivelyWorld.CanWeUse(ped)) { ped.IsPersistent = false; } } if (LivelyWorld.CanWeUse(car)) { car.IsPersistent = false; } }
public bool Process() { if (VehiclesReplaced > 2) { if (LivelyWorld.Debug >= DebugLevel.EventsAndScenarios) { UI.Notify("~o~" + TargetVehicle + " replacement entered cooldown"); } Cooldown = Game.GameTime + 60000; VehiclesReplaced = 0; return(false); } if (Cooldown < Game.GameTime) { //if (LivelyWorld.Debug >= DebugLevel.EventsAndScenarios) UI.Notify(SourceVehicle + " - " + TargetVehicle + " - " + AreaOrZone + " - " + Time + " turn"); Vector3 PlayerPos = Game.Player.Character.Position; //UI.Notify(World.GetZoneName(PlayerPos).ToLowerInvariant()+"-" + AreaOrZone); if (AreaOrZone == "all" || LivelyWorld.IsInNamedArea(Game.Player.Character, AreaOrZone)) { //if (LivelyWorld.Debug >= DebugLevel.EventsAndScenarios) UI.Notify(SourceVehicle + " - "+AreaOrZone); if (Time == "all" || (LivelyWorld.IsNightTime() && Time == "night") || (!LivelyWorld.IsNightTime() && Time == "day")) { //if (LivelyWorld.Debug >= DebugLevel.EventsAndScenarios) UI.Notify("~g~ correct timeframe"); //if (LivelyWorld.Debug >= DebugLevel.EventsAndScenarios) UI.Notify("~g~" + TargetVehicle + " - getting all vehicles"); foreach (Vehicle v in LivelyWorld.AllVehicles) {// if (LivelyWorld.CanWeUse(v) && !v.IsPersistent && (!v.IsOnScreen || !LivelyWorld.WouldPlayerNoticeChangesHere(v.Position)) && !LivelyWorld.BlacklistedVehicles.Contains(v) && !Game.Player.Character.IsInRangeOf(v.Position, 10f) && !LivelyWorld.LastDriverIsPed(v, Game.Player.Character)) { //if (LivelyWorld.Debug >= DebugLevel.EventsAndScenarios) UI.Notify("Got a "+v.FriendlyName); if (v.ClassType == (VehicleClass)Function.Call <int>(Hash.GET_VEHICLE_CLASS_FROM_NAME, Game.GenerateHash(TargetVehicle)) && (SourceVehicle == "all" || v.Model == Game.GenerateHash(SourceVehicle) || v.FriendlyName.ToString().ToLowerInvariant() == SourceVehicle.ToLowerInvariant())) { if (LivelyWorld.DebugOutput) { File.AppendAllText(@"scripts\LivelyWorldDebug.txt", "\n" + DateTime.Now + " - replacing " + SourceVehicle + " with a " + TargetVehicle + ""); } if (LivelyWorld.Debug >= DebugLevel.EventsAndScenarios) { UI.Notify("~g~" + SourceVehicle + " replaced with " + TargetVehicle); } LivelyWorld.ReplaceVehicle(v, TargetVehicle, ShouldBeTuned); VehiclesReplaced++; return(true); } } } } } } else if (LivelyWorld.Debug >= DebugLevel.EventsAndScenarios) { UI.Notify("~o~" + SourceVehicle + " - " + TargetVehicle + " - " + AreaOrZone + " - " + Time + " is on cooldown"); } return(false); }
public void Clear() { if (LivelyWorld.CanWeUse(veh)) { veh.IsPersistent = false; } if (LivelyWorld.CanWeUse(ped)) { ped.IsPersistent = false; } }
public void AmbientDrive() { //if (LivelyWorld.Debug >= DebugLevel.EventsAndScenarios) UI.Notify("Tasked " + veh.FriendlyName + " to drive, speed " + veh.Speed); if (!LivelyWorld.CanWeUse(ped) || ped.IsInCombat) { return; } if (veh.Model.IsHelicopter || veh.Model.Hash == Game.GenerateHash("osprey")) { Vector3 pos = veh.Position + (veh.ForwardVector * 5000) + (veh.RightVector * LivelyWorld.RandomInt(-50, 50)); float speed = 20f; if (veh.Model.Hash == Game.GenerateHash("osprey")) { speed = 40f; } Function.Call(Hash.TASK_VEHICLE_DRIVE_TO_COORD, ped.Handle, veh.Handle, pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z, speed, 0, veh.Model, 6, 60, 10.0); //veh.SetHeliYawPitchRollMult(0.2f); } else if (veh.Model.IsPlane) { Vector3 pos = LivelyWorld.LerpByDistance(veh.Position, Game.Player.Character.Position, 5000);//veh.Position + (veh.ForwardVector * 300); Function.Call(Hash.TASK_PLANE_MISSION, ped, veh, 0, 0, pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z, 4, 100f, 0f, 90f, 0, 200f); } else if (veh.Model.IsBoat) { //Function.Call(Hash.TASK_HELI_MISSION, RecieveOrder.Handle, RecieveOrder.CurrentVehicle.Handle, 0, 0, safepos.X, safepos.Y, safepos.Z, 20, 40f, 1f, 36f, 15, 15, -1f, 1); Function.Call(Hash.TASK_VEHICLE_DRIVE_WANDER, ped, veh, 10f, 1 + 2 + 8 + 16 + 32 + 128 + 256); } else { int drivingstyle = 1 + 2 + 8 + 16 + 32 + 128 + 256; float speed = 20f; if (veh.HasSiren && LivelyWorld.CurrentlyAllowedEvents.Contains(EventType.EmergencyRushing) && !LivelyWorld.BobCatSecurity.Contains(veh.Model) && veh.Model != "coroner") { drivingstyle = 4 + 8 + 16 + 32; speed = 25f; veh.SirenActive = true; } else if (Terrain == TerrainType.Offroad && LivelyWorld.RandomInt(0, 10) <= 5) { drivingstyle = 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 + 128; speed = 40f; } Function.Call(Hash.TASK_VEHICLE_DRIVE_WANDER, ped, veh, speed, drivingstyle); } }
public void Process() { if ((!Game.Player.Character.IsInRangeOf(HunterPed.Position, DespawnRange) || !HunterPed.IsAlive) && !Finished) { Finished = true; } if (LivelyWorld.CanWeUse(HunterDog) && !HunterDog.IsInRangeOf(HunterPed.Position, 5f) && HunterDog.IsStopped) { Function.Call(Hash.TASK_GO_TO_ENTITY, HunterDog, HunterPed, -1, 2f, 1f, 0f, 0); } if (!Notified && Game.Player.Character.IsStopped && Game.Player.Character.IsInRangeOf(HunterPed.Position, 8f)) { Notified = true; LivelyWorld.AddQueuedConversation("~b~[Hunter]~w~: Hey man wandering alone in the woods, why don't you give me a hand here. If you spot any animal, tell me, ok?"); LivelyWorld.AddQueuedHelpText("If you spot prey, press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to tell the ~b~Hunter~w~."); World.SetRelationshipBetweenGroups(Relationship.Like, HunterRLGroup, Game.GenerateHash("PLAYER")); World.SetRelationshipBetweenGroups(Relationship.Like, Game.GenerateHash("PLAYER"), HunterRLGroup); } if (!HunterPed.IsInCombat && HunterPed.IsStopped) { patience++; if (!PlayedCall && LivelyWorld.RandomInt(0, 10) <= 5) { Function.Call(Hash.PLAY_SOUND_FROM_ENTITY, -1, "PLAYER_CALLS_ELK_MASTER", HunterPed, 0, 0, 0); PlayedCall = true; } } else if (PlayedCall) { PlayedCall = false; } if (HunterPed.IsInCombat) { foreach (Ped ped in World.GetAllPeds()) { if (ped.HeightAboveGround < 3f && !ped.IsHuman && !ped.IsAlive && HunterPed.IsInCombatAgainst(ped)) { Function.Call(Hash._0x0DC7CABAB1E9B67E, ped, true); //Load Collision //target = ped; TaskSequence seq = new TaskSequence(); //Function.Call(Hash._PLAY_AMBIENT_SPEECH1, 0, "KILLED_ALL", "SPEECH_PARAMS_FORCE"); Function.Call(Hash.TASK_GO_TO_ENTITY, 0, ped, -1, 1f, 3f, 0f, 0); Function.Call(Hash.SET_BLOCKING_OF_NON_TEMPORARY_EVENTS, 0, false); seq.Close(); HunterPed.Task.PerformSequence(seq); seq.Dispose(); if (TimesTold > 0) { LivelyWorld.AddQueuedConversation("~b~[Hunter]~w~: Thanks, man.~n~~g~$10~w~ for your help."); Game.Player.Money += 10; TimesTold = 0; } break; } } } else { if (patience > 5) { //HunterPed.RelationshipGroup = HunterRLGroup; foreach (Ped ped in World.GetNearbyPeds(HunterPed, 5f)) { if (ped.IsDead) { if (Game.Player.Character.IsInRangeOf(HunterPed.Position, 20f)) { Kills++; LivelyWorld.AddQueuedConversation("~b~[Hunter]~w~: That's one for the pot!"); if (Kills > 4 && LivelyWorld.CanWeUse(HunterCar)) { LivelyWorld.AddQueuedConversation("~b~[Hunter]~w~:That's enough for today."); Finished = true; } else if (Kills > 1) { LivelyWorld.AddQueuedConversation("~b~[Hunter]~w~: " + Kills + " already!"); } } if (LivelyWorld.CanWeUse(HunterCar)) { Function.Call(GTA.Native.Hash.SET_ENTITY_LOAD_COLLISION_FLAG, ped, true); //Load Collision Function.Call(Hash.SET_ENTITY_RECORDS_COLLISIONS, ped, true); //Load Collision ped.IsPersistent = true; LivelyWorld.TemporalPersistence.Add(ped); ped.Position = HunterCar.Position + (HunterCar.ForwardVector * -2) + (HunterCar.UpVector * 2); Function.Call(Hash.SET_PED_TO_RAGDOLL, ped, 2000, 2000, 3, true, true, false); Function.Call(Hash.CREATE_NM_MESSAGE, 1151); Function.Call(Hash.GIVE_PED_NM_MESSAGE, ped, true); } else { ped.Delete(); } break; } } HunterPed.BlockPermanentEvents = false; Vector3 pos = HunterPed.Position; Function.Call(Hash.TASK_WANDER_IN_AREA, HunterPed, pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z, 100f, 2f, 3f); patience = 0; TimesTold = 0; } } }
public void Process() { if (hitch.IsInCombat) { Finished = true; return; } if (LivelyWorld.CanWeUse(Taxi) && LivelyWorld.CanWeUse(hitch) && LivelyWorld.CanWeUse(Driver) && Taxi.IsInRangeOf(Game.Player.Character.Position, Range)) { if (DropOff) { if (Status == 0) { Status++; Vector3 pos = World.GetSafeCoordForPed(Taxi.Position + (Taxi.ForwardVector * 50f)); Function.Call(Hash.TASK_VEHICLE_DRIVE_TO_COORD, Driver, Taxi, pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z, 10f, 1, Taxi.Model, 1 + 2 + 8 + 16 + 32 + 128 + 256, 5.0, 30.0); } else { if (Taxi.IsStopped) { hitch.Task.LeaveVehicle(); Finished = true; } } } else { switch (Status) { case 0: { if (Taxi.IsInRangeOf(hitch.Position, 20f)) { Status++; Vector3 pos = Taxi.Position + (Taxi.ForwardVector * 10f) + (Taxi.RightVector * 2); Function.Call(Hash.TASK_VEHICLE_DRIVE_TO_COORD, Driver, Taxi, pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z, 3f, 1, Taxi.Model, 4 + 8 + 16 + 32, 3.0, 50.0); } else if (Taxi.IsStopped) { Vector3 pos = hitch.Position; Function.Call(Hash.TASK_VEHICLE_DRIVE_TO_COORD, Driver, Taxi, pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z, 10f, 1, Taxi.Model, 1 + 2 + 8 + 16 + 32 + 128 + 256, 15.0, 1.0); //Driver.Task.DriveTo(Taxi, hitch.Position, 10f, 10f, 1 + 2 + 16 + 32+ 128 + 256); } break; } case 1: { if (hitch.IsInVehicle(Taxi)) { Status++; Range = 50; } else if (!hitch.IsGettingIntoAVehicle) { hitch.Task.EnterVehicle(Taxi, VehicleSeat.RightRear, -1, 1f); } break; } case 2: { if (Taxi.IsStopped) { Function.Call(Hash.TASK_VEHICLE_DRIVE_WANDER, Driver, Taxi, 20f, 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 + 128 + 256); } break; } } } } else if (!Finished) { Finished = true; } }
public bool Process() { ExistingVehicles = 0; foreach (Vehicle v in LivelyWorld.AllVehicles) { if (v.Model == SourceVehicle) { ExistingVehicles++; } } if (ExistingVehicles > 4) { if (LivelyWorld.DebugOutput) { File.AppendAllText(@"scripts\LivelyWorldDebug.txt", "\n" + DateTime.Now + " - Too many vehicles of " + SourceVehicle + " already exist, spawn attempt aborted"); } return(false); } if (Terrain == TerrainType.Water && !LivelyWorld.IsPlayerNearWater(200f)) { return(false); } if (!LivelyWorld.CanWeUse(veh)) { if (Cooldown < Game.GameTime) { Vector3 PlayerPos = Game.Player.Character.Position; if (AreaOrZone == "all" || LivelyWorld.IsInNamedArea(Game.Player.Character, AreaOrZone)) { if (Time == "all" || (LivelyWorld.IsNightTime() && Time == "night") || (!LivelyWorld.IsNightTime() && Time == "day")) { if (LivelyWorld.RandomInt(0, 100) > Prob) { Cooldown = Game.GameTime + CooldownTime; if (LivelyWorld.DebugOutput) { File.AppendAllText(@"scripts\LivelyWorldDebug.txt", "\n" + DateTime.Now + " - Probability check for " + SourceVehicle + " too low, resetting cooldown without spawning."); } return(false); } else { if (LivelyWorld.DebugOutput) { File.AppendAllText(@"scripts\LivelyWorldDebug.txt", "\n" + DateTime.Now + " - Spawning a " + SourceVehicle + ""); } } Vector3 spawnpos = Vector3.Zero; int patience = 0; if (patience < 3) // while (Game.GameTime > patience+3000 && (spawnpos==Vector3.Zero || LivelyWorld.WouldPlayerNoticeChangesHere(spawnpos))) //WOULD_ENTITY_BE_OCCLUDED(Hash entityModelHash, float x, float y, float z, BOOL p4) { patience++; switch (Terrain) { case TerrainType.Road: { int p = 1; spawnpos = Vector3.Zero; while (p < 50 && (spawnpos == Vector3.Zero || LivelyWorld.WouldPlayerNoticeChangesHere(spawnpos))) { p++; spawnpos = LivelyWorld.GenerateSpawnPos(Game.Player.Character.Position.Around(100 + (p * 10)), LivelyWorld.Nodetype.Road, false); Script.Yield(); } break; } case TerrainType.Offroad: { int p = 1; while (p < 50 && (spawnpos == Vector3.Zero || LivelyWorld.WouldPlayerNoticeChangesHere(spawnpos))) { p++; spawnpos = LivelyWorld.GenerateSpawnPos(Game.Player.Character.Position.Around(100 + (p * 10)), LivelyWorld.Nodetype.Offroad, false); Script.Yield(); } break; } case TerrainType.Air: { int traffic = 0; foreach (Vehicle v in LivelyWorld.AllVehicles) { if (v.HeightAboveGround > 20 && (v.Model.IsHelicopter || v.Model.IsPlane)) { traffic++; } } if (traffic > 10) { if (LivelyWorld.DebugOutput) { File.AppendAllText(@"scripts\LivelyWorldDebug.txt", "\n" + DateTime.Now + " - too much air traffic (>5) to spawn more."); } return(false); } if (new Model(SourceVehicle).IsHelicopter) { spawnpos = Game.Player.Character.Position.Around(LivelyWorld.RandomInt(300, 600)); } else { spawnpos = Game.Player.Character.Position.Around(LivelyWorld.RandomInt(500, 800)); } spawnpos = spawnpos + new Vector3(0, 0, LivelyWorld.RandomInt(50, 100)); break; } case TerrainType.Water: { int traffic = 0; foreach (Vehicle v in LivelyWorld.AllVehicles) { if (v.Model.IsBoat) { traffic++; } } if (traffic > 10) { if (LivelyWorld.DebugOutput) { File.AppendAllText(@"scripts\LivelyWorldDebug.txt", "\n" + DateTime.Now + " - too much boat traffic (> 5) to spawn more."); } return(false); } if (World.GetZoneNameLabel(Game.Player.Character.Position) == "OCEANA") { foreach (Vector3 v in LivelyWorld.OceanSpawns) { if (Game.Player.Character.IsInRangeOf(v, despawnRange - 100f) && !LivelyWorld.AnyVehicleNear(v, 100f) && !LivelyWorld.WouldPlayerNoticeChangesHere(v)) { spawnpos = v; break; } } } else { spawnpos = LivelyWorld.GenerateSpawnPos(Game.Player.Character.Position.Around(200), LivelyWorld.Nodetype.Water, false); } break; } } } if (spawnpos == Vector3.Zero) { if (LivelyWorld.DebugOutput) { File.AppendAllText(@"scripts\LivelyWorldDebug.txt", "\n" + DateTime.Now + " - adequate spawn position not found, aborting traffic spawn."); } return(false); } float angle = LivelyWorld.AngleBetweenVectors(Game.Player.Character.Position, spawnpos); if (Terrain != TerrainType.Road) { angle = +LivelyWorld.RandomInt(-90, 90); } veh = World.CreateVehicle(SourceVehicle, spawnpos, angle); if (LivelyWorld.CanWeUse(veh)) { veh.Position = veh.Position + (veh.RightVector * 2); //Make sure it spawns on the right side of the road, not the left (oncoming) string model = null; if (model == null || new Model(model).IsValid == false) { ped = veh.CreateRandomPedOnSeat(VehicleSeat.Driver); } else { ped = World.CreatePed(model, veh.Position.Around(5)); ped.SetIntoVehicle(veh, VehicleSeat.Driver); } if (veh.Model.IsHelicopter || veh.Model.Hash == Game.GenerateHash("osprey")) { veh.Position = veh.Position + new Vector3(0, 0, LivelyWorld.RandomInt(50, 100)); foreach (Vector3 takeoff in LivelyWorld.AmbientHeliLanding) { if (Game.Player.Character.IsInRangeOf(takeoff, 1000f)) { veh.Position = takeoff; break; } } Function.Call(Hash.SET_HELI_BLADES_FULL_SPEED, veh); Function.Call(Hash.SET_VEHICLE_FORWARD_SPEED, veh, 30f); veh.LandingGear = VehicleLandingGear.Retracted; } else if (veh.Model.IsPlane) { veh.Position = LivelyWorld.LerpByDistance(Game.Player.Character.Position, veh.Position, 500); if (veh.Model.GetDimensions().Y > 20f) { veh.Position = veh.Position + new Vector3(0, 0, 200); } if (veh.Model.GetDimensions().Y > 40f) { veh.Position = veh.Position + new Vector3(0, 0, 200); despawnRange = 2000f; } veh.LandingGear = VehicleLandingGear.Retracted; Function.Call(Hash.SET_VEHICLE_FORWARD_SPEED, veh, 30f); } else if (!veh.Model.IsBoat) { LivelyWorld.MoveEntitytoNearestRoad(veh, true, true); } if (LivelyWorld.DebugBlips) { veh.AddBlip(); if (veh.Model.IsPlane) { veh.CurrentBlip.Sprite = BlipSprite.Plane; } if (veh.Model.IsBike) { veh.CurrentBlip.Sprite = BlipSprite.PersonalVehicleBike; } if (veh.Model.IsBoat) { veh.CurrentBlip.Sprite = BlipSprite.Boat; } if (veh.Model.IsCar) { veh.CurrentBlip.Sprite = BlipSprite.PersonalVehicleCar; } if (veh.Model.IsHelicopter) { veh.CurrentBlip.Sprite = BlipSprite.Helicopter; } veh.CurrentBlip.Color = BlipColor.White; veh.CurrentBlip.IsShortRange = true; veh.CurrentBlip.Name = veh.FriendlyName; } AmbientDrive(); veh.Alpha = 0; veh.Driver.Alpha = 0; LivelyWorld.FadeIn.Add(veh); LivelyWorld.FadeIn.Add(veh.Driver); if (LivelyWorld.CarrierVehicles.Contains(veh.Model)) { Model vehicle = LivelyWorld.RandomNormalVehicle(); Vehicle cargo = World.CreateVehicle(vehicle, veh.Position + (veh.UpVector * 5f)); if (LivelyWorld.CanWeUse(cargo)) { LivelyWorld.Attach(veh, cargo); } LivelyWorld.TemporalPersistence.Add(cargo); } if (LivelyWorld.Debug >= DebugLevel.EventsAndScenarios) { UI.Notify("~o~" + SourceVehicle + " spawned (and entered cooldown)"); // if(LivelyWorld.Debug >= DebugLevel.EventsAndScenarios) } if (!veh.SirenActive) { veh.Driver.IsPersistent = false; veh.IsPersistent = false; } } else { return(false); } return(true); } } } //else if (LivelyWorld.Debug >= DebugLevel.EventsAndScenarios) UI.Notify("~o~Spawner - " + SourceVehicle + " - " + AreaOrZone + " - " + Time + " is on cooldown"); } else if (LivelyWorld.CanWeUse(veh)) { if (!veh.IsInRangeOf(Game.Player.Character.Position, despawnRange) && !LivelyWorld.WouldPlayerNoticeChangesHere(veh.Position)) { if (veh.CurrentBlip.Exists()) { veh.CurrentBlip.Color = BlipColor.White; } veh.MarkAsNoLongerNeeded(); veh = null; if (LivelyWorld.CanWeUse(ped)) { ped.MarkAsNoLongerNeeded(); ped = null; } if (Cooldown < Game.GameTime) { Cooldown = Game.GameTime + CooldownTime; } } else { if (veh.Speed < 3f && LivelyWorld.CanWeUse(ped)) { // AmbientDrive(); } } if (Cooldown < Game.GameTime) { Cooldown = Game.GameTime + 40000; } } return(false); }
public DrugDeal(Vector3 place, bool gangs) { if (LivelyWorld.DebugOutput) { File.AppendAllText(@"scripts\LivelyWorldDebug.txt", "\n" + DateTime.Now + " - Called for DrugDeal Event"); } center = place; TimeAlive = Game.GameTime + 60000; //Distance = place.DistanceTo(Game.Player.Character.Position); GangDeal = gangs; if (LivelyWorld.Debug >= DebugLevel.EventsAndScenarios) { UI.Notify("~b~Deal spawned"); } //LivelyWorld.BlacklistedImportantEvents.Add(EventType.Deal); Vector3 carpos = World.GetSafeCoordForPed(center, false); float Heading = LivelyWorld.AngleBetweenVectors(place, carpos); OutputArgument outArgA = new OutputArgument(); OutputArgument outArgB = new OutputArgument(); if (Function.Call <bool>(Hash.GET_CLOSEST_VEHICLE_NODE_WITH_HEADING, place.X, place.Y, place.Z, outArgA, outArgB, 0, 1077936128, 0)) { Heading = outArgB.GetResult <float>(); } if (gangs) { car = World.CreateVehicle("gburrito", carpos, Heading + LivelyWorld.RandomInt(-20, 20));// LivelyWorld.AngleBetweenVectors(place, carpos)); if (!LivelyWorld.CanWeUse(car)) { Finished = true; return; } if (!LivelyWorld.CarCanSeePos(car, car.Position + (car.ForwardVector * -10), 0)) { car.Position = car.Position + (car.ForwardVector * 3); } //Dealer Ped newped = World.CreatePed("G_M_Y_Lost_01", car.Position + (car.ForwardVector * -4)); if (!LivelyWorld.CanWeUse(newped)) { Finished = true; return; } newped.RelationshipGroup = LivelyWorld.NeutralRLGroup; newped.Weapons.Give(WeaponHash.Pistol, 30, false, true); newped.AlwaysKeepTask = true; Function.Call(Hash.TASK_START_SCENARIO_IN_PLACE, newped, "WORLD_HUMAN_STAND_IMPATIENT", 1000, true); newped.Heading = car.Heading + 180f;//LivelyWorld.AngleBetweenVectors(carpos, place); Dealer = newped; //Goons newped = World.CreatePed("G_M_Y_Lost_01", car.Position + (car.ForwardVector * -3) + (car.RightVector * -2)); if (!LivelyWorld.CanWeUse(newped)) { Finished = true; return; } newped.RelationshipGroup = LivelyWorld.NeutralRLGroup; newped.Weapons.Give(WeaponHash.AssaultRifle, 30, true, true); newped.AlwaysKeepTask = true; newped.Heading = LivelyWorld.AngleBetweenVectors(carpos, place); //Function.Call(Hash.TASK_START_SCENARIO_IN_PLACE, newped, "PROP_HUMAN_STAND_IMPATIENT", 5000, true); Goons.Add(newped); newped = World.CreatePed("G_M_Y_Lost_01", car.Position + (car.ForwardVector * -3) + (car.RightVector * 2)); if (!LivelyWorld.CanWeUse(newped)) { Finished = true; return; } newped.RelationshipGroup = LivelyWorld.NeutralRLGroup; newped.Weapons.Give(WeaponHash.AssaultRifle, 30, true, true); newped.AlwaysKeepTask = true; newped.Heading = LivelyWorld.AngleBetweenVectors(carpos, place); //Function.Call(Hash.TASK_START_SCENARIO_IN_PLACE, newped, "WORLD_HUMAN_SMOKING", 5000, true); Goons.Add(newped); //Buyer newped = null; newped = World.CreateRandomPed(car.Position + (car.ForwardVector * -7)); if (!LivelyWorld.CanWeUse(newped)) { Finished = true; return; } newped.RelationshipGroup = LivelyWorld.NeutralRLGroup; //newped.SetConfigFlag(17, true); newped.AlwaysKeepTask = true; Function.Call(Hash.TASK_START_SCENARIO_IN_PLACE, newped, "CODE_HUMAN_CROSS_ROAD_WAIT", 1000, true); newped.Heading = car.Heading;//LivelyWorld.AngleBetweenVectors(place, carpos); car.OpenDoor(VehicleDoor.Trunk, false, false); Buyer = newped; //PedsInvolved.Add(newped); } else { center = place; Model model = LivelyWorld.DrugCars[LivelyWorld.RandomInt(0, LivelyWorld.DrugCars.Count - 1)]; while (!model.IsVehicle) { model = LivelyWorld.DrugCars[LivelyWorld.RandomInt(0, LivelyWorld.DrugCars.Count - 1)]; } car = World.CreateVehicle(model, carpos, LivelyWorld.AngleBetweenVectors(place, carpos)); if (!LivelyWorld.CanWeUse(car)) { Finished = true; return; } if (!LivelyWorld.CarCanSeePos(car, car.Position + (car.ForwardVector * -10), 0)) { car.Position = car.Position + (car.ForwardVector * 3); } Ped newped = World.CreatePed("s_m_y_dealer_01", car.Position + (car.ForwardVector * -4)); if (!LivelyWorld.CanWeUse(newped)) { Finished = true; return; } newped.RelationshipGroup = LivelyWorld.NeutralRLGroup; newped.Weapons.Give(WeaponHash.Pistol, 30, false, true); newped.AlwaysKeepTask = true; //newped.Task.StartScenario("WORLD_HUMAN_SMOKING", newped.Position); newped.Heading = car.Heading + 180f; //LivelyWorld.AngleBetweenVectors(carpos, place); Dealer = newped; // PedsInvolved.Add(newped); newped = null; newped = World.CreateRandomPed(car.Position + (car.ForwardVector * -7)); if (!LivelyWorld.CanWeUse(newped)) { Finished = true; return; } newped.RelationshipGroup = LivelyWorld.NeutralRLGroup; //newped.SetConfigFlag(17, true); newped.AlwaysKeepTask = true; //newped.Task.StartScenario("WORLD_HUMAN_SMOKING", newped.Position); newped.Heading = car.Heading;//LivelyWorld.AngleBetweenVectors(place, carpos); Buyer = newped; car.OpenDoor(VehicleDoor.Trunk, false, false); // PedsInvolved.Add(newped); } Dealer.RelationshipGroup = DealerRLGroup; foreach (Ped ped in Goons) { ped.RelationshipGroup = DealerRLGroup; } if (LivelyWorld.DebugBlips) { Dealer.AddBlip(); Dealer.CurrentBlip.Scale = 0.7f; Dealer.CurrentBlip.IsShortRange = true; Dealer.CurrentBlip.Name = "Deal"; } if (LivelyWorld.Debug >= DebugLevel.EventsAndScenarios) { UI.Notify("~b~Spawned Deal"); } }
public void Process() { if (!StoleCar && Game.Player.Character.IsInVehicle(car)) { StoleCar = true; if (GangDeal) { Game.Player.Character.Weapons.Give(WeaponHash.SawnOffShotgun, 50, false, true); Game.Player.Character.Weapons.Give(WeaponHash.AssaultRifle, 250, false, true); Game.Player.Character.Weapons.Give(WeaponHash.Molotov, 8, false, true); LivelyWorld.DisplayHelpTextThisFrame("You found some weapons inside the van."); } else { int money = LivelyWorld.RandomInt(200, 1000); Game.Player.Money += money; LivelyWorld.DisplayHelpTextThisFrame("You found some money in the glove compartment."); } } if (!Ruined) { if (TimeAlive < Game.GameTime) { TaskSequence seq = new TaskSequence(); Function.Call(Hash.TASK_ENTER_VEHICLE, 0, car, 20000, -1, 1f, 1, 0); Function.Call(Hash.TASK_VEHICLE_DRIVE_WANDER, 0, car, 15f, 1 + 2 + 8 + 32 + 128 + 256); seq.Close(); Dealer.Task.PerformSequence(seq); seq.Dispose(); if (LivelyWorld.CanWeUse(car)) { car.CloseDoor(VehicleDoor.Trunk, false); } Finished = true; } if (LivelyWorld.isCopInRange(Dealer.Position, 40) || LivelyWorld.isCopVehicleRange(Dealer.Position, 40)) { Dealer.Task.FightAgainst(Game.Player.Character); } if (Game.Player.Character.IsInRangeOf(Dealer.Position, 40f) && Dealer.IsOnScreen && World.GetRelationshipBetweenGroups(DealerRLGroup, Game.Player.Character.RelationshipGroup) != Relationship.Hate) { World.SetRelationshipBetweenGroups(Relationship.Hate, DealerRLGroup, Function.Call <int>(GTA.Native.Hash.GET_HASH_KEY, "PLAYER")); World.SetRelationshipBetweenGroups(Relationship.Hate, Function.Call <int>(GTA.Native.Hash.GET_HASH_KEY, "PLAYER"), DealerRLGroup); } if (Dealer.IsInCombat) { if (!Buyer.IsFleeing) { Buyer.Task.ReactAndFlee(Dealer); } Ruined = true; if (Goons.Count > 0 && LivelyWorld.CanWeUse(car)) { TaskSequence seq = new TaskSequence(); Function.Call(Hash.TASK_VEHICLE_DRIVE_WANDER, 0, car, 30f, 4 + 8 + 16 + 32); seq.Close(); Dealer.Task.PerformSequence(seq); seq.Dispose(); } } if (!Game.Player.Character.IsInRangeOf(car.Position, Distance * 1.5f) || (!car.IsAlive || StoleCar)) { Finished = true; } } else if (!Game.Player.Character.IsInRangeOf(car.Position, 100f) || (!car.IsAlive || StoleCar)) { Finished = true; } }