예제 #1
        public void Update(Saturn5 saturn5)
            if (saturn5 is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(saturn5));
            if (!this.HasSerialNumberAssociatedEntry(saturn5.SerialNumber))
                throw new ArgumentException("Saturns5DashboardRepository doesn't contain dashboard entry associated with the provided Saturn5.", nameof(saturn5));

            // Thread safety lock
            lock (this.DashboardDataLock)
                // Get live spreadsheets database reference.
                LiveSpreadsheetsDb db = this._dataRepository.GoogleService.SpreadsheetsDb;

                IList <string> updatedDashboardEntryRowData = this.GetUpdatedDashboardEntryRowData(saturn5);

                int     serialNumberDashboardRowIndex = this._dashboardRowIndexesBySerialNumbers[saturn5.SerialNumber];
                LiveRow saturns5DashboardEntry        = this._dashboardSheet[serialNumberDashboardRowIndex];

                saturns5DashboardEntry.SetDataFromStringsData(0, updatedDashboardEntryRowData);
예제 #2
        internal static async Task <Saturns5DashboardRepository> GetAsync(DataRepository dataRepository, string spreadsheetId)
            Saturns5DashboardRepository saturns5DashboardRepository = new Saturns5DashboardRepository(spreadsheetId);

            // Assign provided data repository.
            saturns5DashboardRepository._dataRepository = dataRepository;

            // Get live spreadsheets database reference.
            LiveSpreadsheetsDb db = saturns5DashboardRepository._dataRepository.GoogleService.SpreadsheetsDb;

            // Load spreadsheet containing saturns dashboard.
            await db.LoadSpreadsheetAsync(saturns5DashboardRepository.Saturns5Dashboard_SpreadsheetId);

            // Get and assign reference to Saturn5_Dashboard spreadsheet and sheet
            saturns5DashboardRepository._dashboardSpreadsheet = db[saturns5DashboardRepository.Saturns5Dashboard_SpreadsheetId];
            saturns5DashboardRepository._dashboardSheet       = saturns5DashboardRepository._dashboardSpreadsheet[Saturns5DashboardRepository.Saturns5Dashboard_SheetId];

            // Re build serialNumber-rowIndex association index

            saturns5DashboardRepository._dataRepository.UsersDB.UserSpreadsheetLoaded   += saturns5DashboardRepository.OnUserSpreadsheetLoaded;
            saturns5DashboardRepository._dataRepository.UsersDB.UserSpreadsheetAdded    += saturns5DashboardRepository.OnUserSpreadsheetAdded;
            saturns5DashboardRepository._dataRepository.UsersDB.UserSpreadsheetReplaced += saturns5DashboardRepository.OnUserSpreadsheetReplaced;
            saturns5DashboardRepository._dataRepository.UsersDB.UserSpreadsheetRemoved  += saturns5DashboardRepository.OnUserSpreadsheetRemoved;

예제 #3
        // 2)
        private void AddMissingSaturns5DashboardEntries(LiveSpreadsheetsDb db)

            // Loop through all the serial numbers of the Saturn5 units existing in Saturns5Db,
            // and append dashboard with new row for each missing one.
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> rowIndexBySerialNumber in this._dataRepository.Saturns5DB.RowIndexesBySerialNumbers.ToList())
                // Get currently looped through saturns 5 database serial number
                string dbSerialNumber = rowIndexBySerialNumber.Key;

                if (this.HasSerialNumberAssociatedEntry(dbSerialNumber))

                // Get saturn5 associated with the serial number located on currently looped throw row in the Satruns5DB
                Saturn5 dbSaturn5 = this._dataRepository.Saturn5Repository.Read(dbSerialNumber);

                // Get new dashboard row entry data using obtained saturn.
                IList <string> newDashboardEntryRowData = this.GetNewDashboardEntryRowData(dbSaturn5);

                // Append current dashboard missing saturn 5 dashboard entry representing obtained saturn into this._dashboardSheet
                this._dashboardSheet.AppendRows(db, Saturns5DashboardRepository.Saturns5Dashboard_EntryRowsCount,
                                                new IList <string>[Saturns5DashboardRepository.Saturns5Dashboard_EntryRowsCount] {

                // Rebuild dashboard serial numbers - entry row index quick access relativity index
예제 #4
        // Creates new Saturns5DashboardEntry based on the saturn 5 unit existing withing Saturns5DB, and specified with provided serial number.
        public void Create(Saturn5 saturn5)
            if (saturn5 is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(saturn5));
            if (this.HasSerialNumberAssociatedEntry(saturn5.SerialNumber))
                throw new ArgumentException("Saturns5DashboardRepository already contains dashboard entry associated with the provided Saturn5 serial number.", nameof(saturn5));

            // Thread safety lock
            lock (this.DashboardDataLock)
                // Get live spreadsheets database reference.
                LiveSpreadsheetsDb db = this._dataRepository.GoogleService.SpreadsheetsDb;

                // Get new dashboard entry row data
                IList <string> dashboardEntryRowData = this.GetNewDashboardEntryRowData(saturn5);

                // Append dashboard sheet with the row representing dashboard entry associated with provided Saturn5
                this._dashboardSheet.AppendRows(db, Saturns5DashboardRepository.Saturns5Dashboard_NewEntryRowsCount,
                                                new IList <string>[Saturns5DashboardRepository.Saturns5Dashboard_NewEntryRowsCount] {

                // Creates serial number-rowIndex association in the repository for the newly created
                this._dashboardRowIndexesBySerialNumbers.Add(saturn5.SerialNumber, this._dbRowIndexesBySerialNumbers[saturn5.SerialNumber] + 1);
예제 #5
        public void ReObtainData()
            // Thread safety lock
            lock (this.DashboardDataLock)
                // Get live spreadsheets database reference.
                LiveSpreadsheetsDb db = this._dataRepository.GoogleService.SpreadsheetsDb;

                // Re-obtain users sheet data from google servers
        internal static async Task <Saturns5MovementRepository> GetAsync(DataRepository dataRepository, string spreadsheetId)
            Saturns5MovementRepository saturns5MovementRepository = new Saturns5MovementRepository(spreadsheetId);

            // Assign provided data repository.
            saturns5MovementRepository._dataRepository = dataRepository;

            // Get live spreadsheets database reference.
            LiveSpreadsheetsDb db = saturns5MovementRepository._dataRepository.GoogleService.SpreadsheetsDb;

            // Load spreadsheet containing saturns dashboard.
            await db.LoadSpreadsheetAsync(saturns5MovementRepository.Saturns5Movement_SpreadsheetId);

            // Get and assign reference to Movement spreadsheet and sheet
            saturns5MovementRepository._dashboardSpreadsheet = db[saturns5MovementRepository.Saturns5Movement_SpreadsheetId];
            saturns5MovementRepository._movementSheet        = saturns5MovementRepository._dashboardSpreadsheet[Saturns5MovementRepository.Saturns5Movement_SheetId];

예제 #7
        // Assures grid data...

        // (exactly the same number of entries indexed to the same primary key serial number at the same row index
        // - adjusted for the difference caused by the fact that the dashboards top row contains the header and as such associated entries
        // are located on the row index greater by 1 then the index of the associated Saturn5DB entry) of this._dashboardSheet
        // and LiveSheet representing Saturns5DB sheet)

        // ...consistency between current Saturns5DashboardRepository and Saturn5Repository by removing
        // Saturns5DashbordEntries associated with unrecognized serial numbers, and correcting incorrect dashboard short ids,
        // As well as adding missing entries. (Content of other cells then dashboard entries serial numbers still has to be updated)
        internal async Task AssureGridDataConsistencyAsync()
            await Task.Run(() =>
                // Get live spreadsheets database reference.
                LiveSpreadsheetsDb db = this._dataRepository.GoogleService.SpreadsheetsDb;

                // 1)

                // 2)

                // 3)

                // 4) Final rebuild of dashboard serial numbers - entry row quick access relativity dictionary index.
예제 #8
        // 1)
        private void RemoveSurplusSaturns5DashboardEntries(LiveSpreadsheetsDb db)

            // Get all rows from this._dashboardSheet, excluding header row.
            IList <LiveRow> dashboardRowEntries = this._dashboardSheet.SheetRows.ToList();


            foreach (LiveRow dashboardRow in dashboardRowEntries)
                string dashboardRowSerialNumber = dashboardRow[Saturns5DashboardRepository.Saturns5Dashboard_SerialNumber].GetDataAsString();
                string dashboardRowShortId      = dashboardRow[Saturns5DashboardRepository.Saturns5Dashboard_ShortId].GetDataAsString();

                if (!this._dataRepository.Saturn5Repository.HasSaturn5SerialNumber(dashboardRowSerialNumber))
                    this._dashboardSheet.RemoveRows(db, dashboardRow.RowIndex, 1);

                    // Rebuild dashboard serial numbers - entry row index quick access relativity index
예제 #9
        // Delete
        public void Delete(string serialNumber)
            if (serialNumber is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(serialNumber));
            if (!this.HasSerialNumberAssociatedEntry(serialNumber))
                throw new ArgumentException("Saturns5DashboardRepository doesn't contain dashboard entry associated with the provided serial number.", nameof(serialNumber));

            // Thread safety lock
            lock (this.DashboardDataLock)
                // Get live spreadsheets database reference.
                LiveSpreadsheetsDb db = this._dataRepository.GoogleService.SpreadsheetsDb;

                int serialNumberDashboardRowIndex = this._dashboardRowIndexesBySerialNumbers[serialNumber];
                this._dashboardSheet.RemoveRows(db, serialNumberDashboardRowIndex, Saturns5DashboardRepository.Saturns5Dashboard_NewEntryRowsCount);

                // Rebuild serial number-dashboard row index association dictionary.
예제 #10
        // Dispose entire LiveGoogle service
        public void Dispose()
            // Stop available quota execution.

            // Dispose sessions repository
            this._sessionsRepository = null;

            // Dispose google apis sheets service
            this._apisSheetsService = null;

            // Dispose google apis drive service
            this._apisDriveService = null;

            // Dispose spreadsheetsDb together with all its content.
            this._spreadsheetsDb = null;

            // Cancel and get rid of user credentials
            this._googleApisUser = null;
예제 #11
        // Log out off the google apis
        public async Task DisconnectAsync()
            // Set connection state flag to null.
            if (this.IsConnected != false)
                this.IsConnected = null;

            // Stop available quota execution.

            // Await ending session
            await this._sessionsRepository.EndSessionAsync();

            // Dispose _sessions repository ...
            this._sessionsRepository = null;

            // Dispose google apis service...
            this._apisSheetsService = null;

            // .. and google drive service.
            this._apisDriveService = null;

            // Dispose live spreadsheets data...
            this._spreadsheetsDb = null;

            // Dispose google apis user credentials
            this._googleApisUser = null;

            // Set connection state flag to false.
            this.IsConnected = false;
        // Create
        public void AddSendToITFaultedAndDamagedLog(string serialNumber, string consignmentNumber, string incidentNumber, string sentBy, string damagedBy, string faultReportedBy, string damageDescription, string movementNote)
            // Validate parameters
            if (serialNumber is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(serialNumber));
            else if (sentBy is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sentBy));
            else if (damagedBy is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(damagedBy));
            else if (faultReportedBy is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(faultReportedBy));
            else if (damageDescription is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(damageDescription));
            else if (!this.Saturn5Repository.HasSaturn5SerialNumber(serialNumber))
                throw new ArgumentException($"Provided {serialNumber} is not recognized.", nameof(serialNumber));
            else if (!this.UserRepository.HasUsername(sentBy))
                throw new ArgumentException($"Provided {sentBy} is not recognized.", nameof(sentBy));

            // Get necessary data

            // Get database reference.
            LiveSpreadsheetsDb db = this._dataRepository.GoogleService.SpreadsheetsDb;

            // Get timestamp
            string timestamp = DateTime.Now.ToTimestamp();

            // Obtain saturn 5 spreadsheet id...
            string saturn5SpreadsheetId = this.Saturn5Repository.GetSaturn5LogSpreadsheetId(serialNumber);

            // ... and URL based on it.
            string saturn5SpreadsheetURL = this.GetUrlFromSpreadsheetId(saturn5SpreadsheetId);

            // Prepare data to commit

            // Create new row blueprint...
            IList <IList <string> > saturn5MovementLogRowData = new IList <string>[Saturns5MovementRepository.Saturns5Movement_EntryRowsCount]
                new string[Saturns5MovementRepository.Saturns5Movement_ColumnsCount]

            // .. and fill it with data.. (0 as first (and only) row of the data in the one-row-grid provided to 'AppendRows' method).

            // 'Timestamp:' - when send to IT has been logged.
            saturn5MovementLogRowData[0][Saturns5MovementRepository.Saturns5Movement_Timestamp_ColumnsIndex] = timestamp;

            // 'Serial Number:' of the saturn 5 unit send to IT.
            saturn5MovementLogRowData[0][Saturns5MovementRepository.Saturns5Movement_SerialNumber_ColumnsIndex] = serialNumber;

            // 'Consignment Number:' used to send unit to IT.
            saturn5MovementLogRowData[0][Saturns5MovementRepository.Saturns5Movement_ConsignmentNumber_ColumnsIndex] = consignmentNumber;

            // 'Incident Number:' associated with
            saturn5MovementLogRowData[0][Saturns5MovementRepository.Saturns5Movement_IncidentNumber_ColumnsIndex] = incidentNumber;

            // 'Saturn 5 Spreadsheet URL:' last known saturn5 unit spreadsheetURL
            saturn5MovementLogRowData[0][Saturns5MovementRepository.Saturns5Movement_Saturn5SpreadsheetURL_ColumnsIndex] = saturn5SpreadsheetURL;

            // 'Received / Sent:' - Sent
            saturn5MovementLogRowData[0][Saturns5MovementRepository.Saturns5Movement_ReceivedOrSent_ColumnsIndex] = Saturn5MovementType.Sent.ToString();

            // 'Received by/ Sent by:' Send by - Username.
            saturn5MovementLogRowData[0][Saturns5MovementRepository.Saturns5Movement_ReceivedOrSentByUsername_ColumnsIndex] = sentBy;

            // 'Physical damage:' - boolean flag indicating whether unit is damage or not.
            saturn5MovementLogRowData[0][Saturns5MovementRepository.Saturns5Movement_PhysicalDamage_ColumnsIndex] = true.ToString();

            // 'Damaged by username:'******'Non-physical issue::' - boolean flag indicating whether unit is faulty or not.
            saturn5MovementLogRowData[0][Saturns5MovementRepository.Saturns5Movement_NonPhysicalIssue_ColumnsIndex] = true.ToString();

            // 'Non-physical issue reported by:' - Username of the user responsible for reporting unit fault.
            saturn5MovementLogRowData[0][Saturns5MovementRepository.Saturns5Movement_NonPhysicalIssueReportedByUsername_ColumnsIndex] = faultReportedBy;

            // 'Damage/Issue description:' - damage description
            saturn5MovementLogRowData[0][Saturns5MovementRepository.Saturns5Movement_DamageOrIssueDescription_ColumnsIndex] = damageDescription;

            // 'Received by note/ Sent by note:' - Movement note
            saturn5MovementLogRowData[0][Saturns5MovementRepository.Saturns5Movement_ReceivedOrSentByNote_ColumnsIndex] = movementNote;

            // Commit data.
            this._movementSheet.AppendRows(db, Saturns5MovementRepository.Saturns5Movement_EntryRowsCount, saturn5MovementLogRowData);
예제 #13
        // 3)
        private void AssureRowIndexLocationSaturns5DashboardEntries(LiveSpreadsheetsDb db)
            // ASSURE ROW INDEXES INTEGRITY BETWEEN ALL ENTRIES EXISTING ENTRIES IN THE Saturns5DashboardsRepository and Saturn5Repository

            bool modified = false;

                modified = false;

                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> rowIndexBySerialNumber in this._dataRepository.Saturns5DB.RowIndexesBySerialNumbers.ToList())
                    // Get currently looped through saturns 5 database serial number
                    string dbSerialNumber = rowIndexBySerialNumber.Key;

                    // Get currently saturns 5 database row index.
                    int dbRowIndex = rowIndexBySerialNumber.Value;

                    // Get row dashboard row currently located on the dbRow saturn 5 serial number associated row
                    LiveRow dashboardRow = this._dashboardSheet.SheetRows.ElementAtOrDefault(dbRowIndex + 1);

                    // Get saturn 5 serial number currently stored in the dashboard row entry located at the same rowIndex
                    // as the currently looped through saturn 5 DB row.
                    string dashboardRowSerialNumber = dashboardRow[Saturns5DashboardRepository.Saturns5Dashboard_SerialNumber].GetDataAsString();

                    // if dbRow index is in the scope of this._dashboardSheet
                    // and dashbordRow contains serial number matching serial number
                    // located on the row with matching index in the saturn 5 database
                    if (dbSerialNumber == dashboardRowSerialNumber)
                        // (TO BRAKE OUT OF DO WHILE LOOP - each of looped through entries in
                        // the foreach loop should terminate here).

                    #region WARRNING - int dashboardRowIndex variable
                    // WARRNING - DO NOT REPLACE with indexer from this._dashboardRowIndexesBySerialNumbers[]
                    // at this point this quick-access serialNumber-dashboardRowIndex dictionary is in INVALID state...

                    // (as content of this._dashboardSheet has been potentially already partially modified,
                    // but quick-access  serialNumber -dashboardRowIndex dictionary index hasn't been modified accordingly yet
                    // - and it cannot be modified before all of the content of this._dashboardSheet will be corrected),

                    // ...and dashboardRowIndex has to be found using LINQ instead, to obtain valid data.
                    // Get row index of the entry in this_dashboardSheet having equal serial number then the one in
                    // the currently looped through Saturns5DB row.
                    int dashboardRowIndex = this._dashboardSheet.SheetRows.First((dashboardSheetRow) =>
                                                                                 { return(dashboardSheetRow[Saturns5DashboardRepository.Saturns5Dashboard_SerialNumber].GetDataAsString() == dbSerialNumber); }

                    // Else if serial number located on the currently looped through saturns5 database row,
                    // can be found one of this._dashbordSheet rows, but it is located ABOVE its intended location.
                    if (dashboardRowIndex != dbRowIndex)
                        // Get row data from its current position
                        IList <string> newDashboardEntryRowData = this._dashboardSheet[dashboardRowIndex].GetDataAsStrings();

                        // Remove it from its current position
                        this._dashboardSheet.RemoveRows(db, dashboardRowIndex, Saturns5DashboardRepository.Saturns5Dashboard_EntryRowsCount);

                        // Insert it into its designated position
                        this._dashboardSheet.InsertRows(db, dbRowIndex + 1, Saturns5DashboardRepository.Saturns5Dashboard_EntryRowsCount,
                                                        new IList <string>[Saturns5DashboardRepository.Saturns5Dashboard_EntryRowsCount] {

                        // Set flag to indicate that content of this._dashboardSheet has been modified
                        modified = true;
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"THIS SHOULD NOT HAPPENED - CLEARLY INVALID LOGIC IMPLEMENTATION - {nameof(Saturns5DashboardRepository)}");
            } while (modified);
예제 #14
        // Update
        public void UpdateUserDetails(User user)
            // Thread safety lock
            lock (this.DashboardDataLock)
                // Get live spreadsheets database reference.
                LiveSpreadsheetsDb db = this._dataRepository.GoogleService.SpreadsheetsDb;

                // Loop through all the rows in the dashboard
                // Loop through each of the rows (apart from the header row) in the LiveSheet containing saturn 5 database.
                for (int i = 1; i < this._dashboardSheet.RowCount; i++)
                    // Obtain dashboard row located on the currently looped through index...
                    LiveRow dashboardRow = this._dashboardSheet[i];

                    // ... get the cell containing last seen Username for the specific saturn unit located on the dashboard row...
                    LiveCell usernameCell = dashboardRow[Saturns5DashboardRepository.Saturns5Dashboard_LastSeenUserUsername];

                    // ... get the username data from that cell...
                    string dashboardRowUsername = usernameCell.GetDataAsString();

                    // ... and compare provided user Username with dashboard row saturn 5 last seen username,
                    // if they are found being equal, update data in other user related cells.
                    if (user.Username == dashboardRowUsername)
                        // Boolean flag indicating necessity for updating the changes.
                        bool changesRequired = false;

                        LiveCell firstNameCell          = dashboardRow[Saturns5DashboardRepository.Saturns5Dashboard_LastSeenUserFirstName];
                        LiveCell surnameCell            = dashboardRow[Saturns5DashboardRepository.Saturns5Dashboard_LastSeenUserSurname];
                        LiveCell userSpreadsheetURLCell = dashboardRow[Saturns5DashboardRepository.Saturns5Dashboard_LastSeenUserSpreadsheetURL];
                        LiveCell saturn5StatusCell      = dashboardRow[Saturns5DashboardRepository.Saturns5Dashboard_Status];

                        string currentFirstName      = firstNameCell.GetDataAsString();
                        string currentSurname        = surnameCell.GetDataAsString();
                        string currentSpreadsheetURL = userSpreadsheetURLCell.GetDataAsString();

                        // Obtain status from the dashboard cell associated with the saturn 5
                        // with (according dashboard) the same last user as the one provided for update.
                        Saturn5Status currentStatus = Saturn5StatusService.GetStatusFromDashboardString(saturn5StatusCell.GetDataAsString());

                        if (currentStatus.IsWithUser())
                            // Get saturn5 status according the type of the user the saturn5 is getting allocated to.
                            Saturn5Status status = user.Type.GetWithUserSaturn5Status();

                            if (currentStatus != status)
                                changesRequired = true;


                        if (currentFirstName != user.FirstName)
                            changesRequired = true;


                        if (currentSurname != user.Surname)
                            changesRequired = true;


                        string userSpreadsheetId = this._dataRepository.UserRepository.GetUserLogSpreadsheetId(dashboardRowUsername);
                        string newSpreadsheetURL = this.GetUrlFromSpreadsheetId(userSpreadsheetId);

                        if (currentSpreadsheetURL != newSpreadsheetURL)
                            changesRequired = true;


                        if (changesRequired)
예제 #15
        // OwnInstanceSessionIsActiveOrActivatingException - If live google is already connected or in a process of getting activated by the current instance of an application.

        // Thrown from StartNewSessionAsync only:
        // OperationCanceledException - On operation canceled...

        // OtherInstanceSessionAlreadyActiveException - When unable to start new session activation because other application instance currently owns active session,
        // or failed during active session and didn't clean up 'Last' stamp after itself as recently that this stamp is not considered as unresponsive yet.

        // OtherInstanceSessionAlreadyStartingException - When unable to start new session activation because other application instance is currently in a process of starting new session,
        // or failed during activation process and didn't clean up one of the 'ConnectedIn' stamps after itself as recently that this stamps are not considered as unresponsive yet.

        // SessionActivationInterruptedByOwnInstanceException - When ongoing new session activation has been interrupted and failed because own application instance attempted to start
        // another new session when process of activating new session if already ongoing. Should occur only in case of cross thread calls, which the method should be protected from with _sessionsLock.

        // SessionActivationInterruptedByOtherInstanceException - When ongoing new session activation has been interrupted and failed because other application instance,
        // either began the new session activation process, or activating session by updating value of 'Connected' stamp
        public async Task <Task> ConnectAsync(CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource, bool forceOtherInstanceActiveSessionTakeover)
            if (this.IsConnected != false)
                throw new OwnInstanceSessionIsActiveOrActivatingException();

            // Set connection state flag to null.
            this.IsConnected = null;

            // Assign allocation token source.
            this._sessionTokenSource = cancellationTokenSource;

            // Declare maintainConnectionTask variable.
            Task maintainConnectionTask;

            #region Try
                await Task.Run(() =>
                    // Get and assign google apis user credentials.
                    this._googleApisUser = this.GetGoogleApisUserCredential();

                    // Get and assign google apis sheets service.
                    this._apisSheetsService = this.GetApisSheetsService();

                    // Get and assign google apis drive service.
                    this._apisDriveService = this.GetApisDriveService();

                // Initialize session requests limiter.
                await SessionRequestsLimiter.Instance.StartQuotaCount(this._apisSheetsService, this._sessionsSpreadsheetId, this._sessionTokenSource.Token);

                await Task.Run(() =>
                    // Get spreadsheets database.
                    this._spreadsheetsDb = this.GetSpreadsheetsDb();

                    // Get sessions repository
                    this._sessionsRepository = new SessionsRepository(this, this._sessionsSpreadsheetId);

                // Await new active session to start
                maintainConnectionTask = await this._sessionsRepository.StartNewSessionAsync(this._sessionTokenSource, forceOtherInstanceActiveSessionTakeover);
            #region Catch
                // Stop available quota execution.

                // Dispose sessions repository
                this._sessionsRepository = null;

                // Dispose spreadsheets database.
                this._spreadsheetsDb = null;

                // Dispose and assign google apis drive service.
                this._apisDriveService = null;

                // Dispose and assign google apis sheets service.
                this._apisSheetsService = null;

                // Get and assign google apis user credentials.
                this._googleApisUser = null;

                // Set connection state flag to false.
                this.IsConnected = false;


            // Set connection state flag to true.
            this.IsConnected = true;

            // return connection maintenance task