internal void UpdateBookmark(string uid, LiveMeUser liveMeUser) { using (var db = _dbContextFactory.CreateApplicationDbContext()) { var bookmark = db.Bookmarks.Find(uid); bookmark.ReplayCount = liveMeUser.CountInfo.VideoCount; bookmark.FollowerCount = liveMeUser.CountInfo.FollowerCount; bookmark.FollowingCount = liveMeUser.CountInfo.FollowingCount; bookmark.LastUpdated = DateTime.UtcNow; try { bookmark.Signature = liveMeUser.UserInfo.usign; bookmark.Face = liveMeUser.UserInfo.face; bookmark.Nickname = liveMeUser.UserInfo.uname; bookmark.Shortid = long.Parse(liveMeUser.UserInfo.short_id); } catch (Exception) { // ignore exception if something went wrong in updting the above UserInfo, // because this is not that important and should not break the scan. } db.SaveChanges(); } }
public void AddToBookmark(LiveMeUser user) { var info = user.UserInfo; using (var db = _dbContextFactory.CreateApplicationDbContext()) { var found = db.Bookmarks.Find(info.uid); if (found != null) { found.Deleted = false; } else { db.Bookmarks.Add(new Bookmark { Uid = info.uid, Face = info.face, Gender = == "male" ? Gender.Male : Gender.Female, Nickname = info.uname, Shortid = Convert.ToInt64(info.short_id), Signature = info.usign, ReplayCount = user.CountInfo.ReplayCount, FollowerCount = user.CountInfo.FollowerCount, FollowingCount = user.CountInfo.FollowingCount }); } db.SaveChanges(); } }
public async Task Load(ListWindowPageType pageType) { PageType = pageType; OfUser = await _livemeApiProvider .GetUserInfo(UserId, CancellationToken.None) .ConfigureAwait(true); NofifyChanged(); await LoadMore().ConfigureAwait(true); }
public void ToggleBookmark(LiveMeUser user) { var uid = user.UserInfo.uid; if (IsBookmarked(uid)) { RemoveBookmark(uid); } else { AddToBookmark(user); } }
public void AddToBookmark(LiveMeUser user) { _dataAccess.AddToBookmark(user); }