예제 #1
        public void FreeSlot_Insert()
            using (var e = new LiteEngine())

                // get transaction/snapshot "col1"
                var t = e.GetTransaction(false, out var isNew);
                var s = t.CreateSnapshot(LockMode.Write, "col1", true);

                e.Insert("col1", new BsonDocument[] { new BsonDocument {
                                                          ["n"] = new byte[200]
                                                      } }, BsonAutoId.Int32);

                // get pages
                var colPage   = s.CollectionPage;
                var dataPage  = s.LocalPages.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PageType == PageType.Data);
                var indexPage = s.LocalPages.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PageType == PageType.Index);

                // test dataPage free space
                Assert.AreEqual(7928, dataPage.FreeBytes);

                // page sloud be in Slot #0 (7344 - 8160 free bytes)
                CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new uint[] { dataPage.PageID, uint.MaxValue, uint.MaxValue, uint.MaxValue, uint.MaxValue },

                // adding 1 more document into same page
                e.Insert("col1", new BsonDocument[] { new BsonDocument {
                                                          ["n"] = new byte[600]
                                                      } }, BsonAutoId.Int32);

                Assert.AreEqual(7296, dataPage.FreeBytes);

                // page should me moved into Slot #1 (6120 - 7343 free bytes)
                CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new uint[] { uint.MaxValue, dataPage.PageID, uint.MaxValue, uint.MaxValue, uint.MaxValue },

                // adding 1 big document to move this page into last page
                e.Insert("col1", new BsonDocument[] { new BsonDocument {
                                                          ["n"] = new byte[6000]
                                                      } }, BsonAutoId.Int32);

                Assert.AreEqual(1264, dataPage.FreeBytes);

                // now this page should me moved into last Slot (#4) - next document will use another data page (even a very small document)
                CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new uint[] { uint.MaxValue, uint.MaxValue, uint.MaxValue, uint.MaxValue, dataPage.PageID },

                // adding a very small document to test adding new page
                e.Insert("col1", new BsonDocument[] { new BsonDocument {
                                                          ["n"] = new byte[10]
                                                      } }, BsonAutoId.Int32);

                // no changes in dataPage... but new page as created
                Assert.AreEqual(1264, dataPage.FreeBytes);

                var dataPage2 = s.LocalPages.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PageType == PageType.Data && x.PageID != dataPage.PageID);

                Assert.AreEqual(8118, dataPage2.FreeBytes);

                // test slots (#0 for dataPage2 and #4 for dataPage1)
                CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new uint[] { dataPage2.PageID, uint.MaxValue, uint.MaxValue, uint.MaxValue, dataPage.PageID },

                // add another big document into dataPage2 do put both pages in same free Slot (#4)
                e.Insert("col1", new BsonDocument[] { new BsonDocument {
                                                          ["n"] = new byte[7000]
                                                      } }, BsonAutoId.Int32);

                // now, both pages are linked in same slot #4 (starts with new dataPage2)
                CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new uint[] { uint.MaxValue, uint.MaxValue, uint.MaxValue, uint.MaxValue, dataPage2.PageID },

                // dataPage2 link into dataPage1
                Assert.AreEqual(dataPage.PageID, dataPage2.NextPageID);
                Assert.AreEqual(dataPage2.PageID, dataPage.PrevPageID);

                // and both start/end points to null
                Assert.AreEqual(uint.MaxValue, dataPage2.PrevPageID);
                Assert.AreEqual(uint.MaxValue, dataPage.NextPageID);

                // do ColID tests
                Assert.AreEqual(colPage.PageID, dataPage.ColID);
                Assert.AreEqual(colPage.PageID, dataPage2.ColID);
                Assert.AreEqual(colPage.PageID, indexPage.ColID);
예제 #2
        public void FreeSlot_Delete()
            using (var e = new LiteEngine())

                // get transaction/snapshot "col1"
                var t = e.GetTransaction(false, out var isNew);
                var s = t.CreateSnapshot(LockMode.Write, "col1", true);

                // first page
                e.Insert("col1", new BsonDocument[] { new BsonDocument {
                                                          ["_id"] = 1, ["n"] = new byte[2000]
                                                      } }, BsonAutoId.Int32);
                e.Insert("col1", new BsonDocument[] { new BsonDocument {
                                                          ["_id"] = 2, ["n"] = new byte[2000]
                                                      } }, BsonAutoId.Int32);
                e.Insert("col1", new BsonDocument[] { new BsonDocument {
                                                          ["_id"] = 3, ["n"] = new byte[2000]
                                                      } }, BsonAutoId.Int32);

                // second page
                e.Insert("col1", new BsonDocument[] { new BsonDocument {
                                                          ["_id"] = 4, ["n"] = new byte[2000]
                                                      } }, BsonAutoId.Int32);
                e.Insert("col1", new BsonDocument[] { new BsonDocument {
                                                          ["_id"] = 5, ["n"] = new byte[2000]
                                                      } }, BsonAutoId.Int32);
                e.Insert("col1", new BsonDocument[] { new BsonDocument {
                                                          ["_id"] = 6, ["n"] = new byte[2000]
                                                      } }, BsonAutoId.Int32);

                // get pages
                var colPage   = s.CollectionPage;
                var indexPage = s.LocalPages.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PageType == PageType.Index);
                var dataPage1 = s.LocalPages.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PageType == PageType.Data);
                var dataPage2 = s.LocalPages.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PageType == PageType.Data && x.PageID != dataPage1.PageID);

                // test dataPage free space
                Assert.AreEqual(2064, dataPage1.FreeBytes);
                Assert.AreEqual(2064, dataPage2.FreeBytes);

                CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new uint[] { uint.MaxValue, uint.MaxValue, uint.MaxValue, uint.MaxValue, dataPage2.PageID },

                // delete some data
                e.Delete("col1", new BsonValue[] { 2 });

                // test again dataPage
                Assert.AreEqual(4092, dataPage1.FreeBytes);

                CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new uint[] { uint.MaxValue, uint.MaxValue, uint.MaxValue, dataPage1.PageID, dataPage2.PageID },

                // clear first page
                e.Delete("col1", new BsonValue[] { 1, 3 });

                // page1 must be now a clean page
                var emptyPage = s.LocalPages.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PageID == dataPage1.PageID);

                Assert.AreEqual(PageType.Empty, emptyPage.PageType);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, emptyPage.ItemsCount);
                Assert.AreEqual(8160, emptyPage.FreeBytes);

                Assert.AreEqual(1, t.Pages.DeletedPages);
                Assert.AreEqual(emptyPage.PageID, t.Pages.FirstDeletedPageID);
                Assert.AreEqual(emptyPage.PageID, t.Pages.LastDeletedPageID);