예제 #1
        public static void MapLiteDbEntities(LiteDB.BsonMapper mapper)
            mapper.RegisterType <ReleaseDate>
                (date) => date.Serialize(),
                (bson) => ReleaseDate.Deserialize(bson.AsString)

            mapper.Entity <Game>().
            Id(a => a.Id, false).
            Ignore(a => a.Genres).
            Ignore(a => a.Developers).
            Ignore(a => a.Publishers).
            Ignore(a => a.Tags).
            Ignore(a => a.Features).
            Ignore(a => a.Categories).
            Ignore(a => a.Platforms).
            Ignore(a => a.Series).
            Ignore(a => a.AgeRatings).
            Ignore(a => a.Regions).
            Ignore(a => a.Source).
            Ignore(a => a.ReleaseYear).
            Ignore(a => a.UserScoreRating).
            Ignore(a => a.CommunityScoreRating).
            Ignore(a => a.CriticScoreRating).
            Ignore(a => a.UserScoreGroup).
            Ignore(a => a.CommunityScoreGroup).
            Ignore(a => a.CriticScoreGroup).
            Ignore(a => a.LastActivitySegment).
            Ignore(a => a.AddedSegment).
            Ignore(a => a.ModifiedSegment).
            Ignore(a => a.PlaytimeCategory).
            Ignore(a => a.IsCustomGame).
            Ignore(a => a.InstallationStatus);
예제 #2
 public GamesCollection(GameDatabase database, LiteDB.BsonMapper mapper) : base((Game game) =>
     game.IsInstalling   = false;
     game.IsUninstalling = false;
     game.IsLaunching    = false;
     game.IsRunning      = false;
 }, mapper, type: GameDatabaseCollection.Games)
     db = database;
예제 #3
 public static void MapLiteDbEntities(LiteDB.BsonMapper mapper)
     mapper.Entity <Emulator>().
     Id(a => a.Id, false).
     Ignore(a => a.SelectableProfiles).
     Ignore(a => a.AllProfiles);
     mapper.Entity <BuiltInEmulatorProfile>().
     Ignore(a => a.Type);
     mapper.Entity <CustomEmulatorProfile>().
     Ignore(a => a.Type);
 public static void MapLiteDbEntities(LiteDB.BsonMapper mapper)
     mapper.Entity <FilterPreset>().Id(a => a.Id, false);
     mapper.Entity <FilterSettings>().
     Ignore(a => a.SearchActive).
     Ignore(a => a.IsActive).
     Ignore(a => a.SuppressFilterChanges);
     mapper.Entity <StringFilterItemProperites>().
     Ignore(a => a.IsSet);
     mapper.Entity <EnumFilterItemProperites>().
     Ignore(a => a.IsSet);
     mapper.Entity <FilterItemProperites>().
     Ignore(a => a.IsSet).
     Ignore(a => a.Texts);
예제 #5
 public static void MapLiteDbEntities(LiteDB.BsonMapper mapper)
     mapper.Entity <Tag>().Id(a => a.Id, false);
예제 #6
 public TagsCollection(GameDatabase database, LiteDB.BsonMapper mapper) : base(mapper, type: GameDatabaseCollection.Tags)
     db = database;
예제 #7
 public FeaturesCollection(GameDatabase database, LiteDB.BsonMapper mapper) : base(mapper, type: GameDatabaseCollection.Features)
     db = database;
예제 #8
 public PlatformsCollection(GameDatabase database, LiteDB.BsonMapper mapper) : base(mapper, type: GameDatabaseCollection.Platforms)
     db = database;
예제 #9
 public CompaniesCollection(GameDatabase database, LiteDB.BsonMapper mapper) : base(mapper, type: GameDatabaseCollection.Companies)
     db = database;
예제 #10
 public static void MapLiteDbEntities(LiteDB.BsonMapper mapper)
     mapper.Entity <ImportExclusionItem>().Id(a => a.Id, false);
예제 #11
 public ImportExclusionsCollection(GameDatabase database, LiteDB.BsonMapper mapper) : base(mapper, type: GameDatabaseCollection.ImportExclusions)
 public FilterPresetsCollection(GameDatabase database, LiteDB.BsonMapper mapper) : base(mapper, type: GameDatabaseCollection.FilterPresets)
 /// <summary>   Constructor. </summary>
 /// <remarks>   Mustafa SAÇLI, 9.05.2019. </remarks>
 /// <param name="connectionString"> The connection string. </param>
 /// <param name="mapper">           (Optional) The mapper. </param>
 /// <param name="log">              (Optional) The log. </param>
 public ErrorLogLiteDbRepository(string connectionString, LiteDB.BsonMapper mapper = null, LiteDB.Logger log = null)
     : base(connectionString, mapper, log)
예제 #14
 public GamesSourcesCollection(GameDatabase database, LiteDB.BsonMapper mapper) : base(mapper, type: GameDatabaseCollection.Sources)
     db = database;
예제 #15
 public EmulatorsCollection(GameDatabase database, LiteDB.BsonMapper mapper) : base(mapper, type: GameDatabaseCollection.Emulators)
     db = database;
예제 #16
 public AppSoftwareCollection(GameDatabase database, LiteDB.BsonMapper mapper) : base(mapper, type: GameDatabaseCollection.AppSoftware)
     db = database;