public ListViewSubItem this[int index] { get { if (index < 0 || index >= Count) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index), index, string.Format(SR.InvalidArgument, nameof(index), index)); } return(_owner.subItems[index]); } set { if (index < 0 || index >= Count) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index), index, string.Format(SR.InvalidArgument, nameof(index), index)); } ListViewSubItem oldSubItem = _owner.subItems[index]; _owner.subItems[index] = value.OrThrowIfNull(); value._owner = _owner; oldSubItem._owner = null; _owner.UpdateSubItems(index); } }
public static void SetIfChanged(this ListViewSubItem item, string value) { if (item.Text != value) { item.Text = value; } }
private void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; this.button2.Text = "export to .txt"; = 0; this.pBar1.Value = 1; this.button1.Text = "Fetching Prices..."; ListViewItem item1 = new ListViewItem("item1", 0); if (async == true) { List <double> prices = ((double[])AsyncGetPrices(myParts1).Result).ToList(); populateList(prices); } else { myPartsPrices1 = GetPrices(myParts1); } string val3 = string.Format("${0:N2}",; ListViewSubItem item3 = new ListViewSubItem(); item3.Text = val3; item3.Font = new Font(this.listView1.Font, FontStyle.Bold); this.listView1.Items[this.myParts1.Count() + 1].SubItems.Add(item3); Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; this.button1.Text = "Get Prices"; }
private void ListViewControllers_RetrieveVirtualItem(object sender, RetrieveVirtualItemEventArgs e) { ConnectedDeviceInfo connectedDeviceInfo = connectedDeviceInfos[e.ItemIndex]; // Name ListViewItem listViewItem = new ListViewItem(); listViewItem.Text = connectedDeviceInfo.Information.InstanceName; // Type ListViewSubItem listViewSubItem = new ListViewSubItem(); listViewSubItem.Text = connectedDeviceInfo.Information.Type.ToString(); listViewItem.SubItems.Add(listViewSubItem); // Buttons listViewSubItem = new ListViewSubItem(); listViewSubItem.Text = connectedDeviceInfo.Capabilities.ButtonCount.ToString(); listViewItem.SubItems.Add(listViewSubItem); // Hats listViewSubItem = new ListViewSubItem(); listViewSubItem.Text = connectedDeviceInfo.Capabilities.PovCount.ToString(); listViewItem.SubItems.Add(listViewSubItem); // Axes listViewSubItem = new ListViewSubItem(); listViewSubItem.Text = connectedDeviceInfo.Capabilities.AxeCount.ToString(); listViewItem.SubItems.Add(listViewSubItem); e.Item = listViewItem; }
public void Remove(ListViewSubItem item) { if (List.Contains(item)) { List.Remove(item); } }
public ListViewSubItem Add(object value) { ListViewSubItem anItem = new ListViewSubItem(_owner); anItem.Value = value; return(this.Add(anItem)); }
public ListViewSubItem Add(ListViewSubItem item) { item._owner = _owner; int index = List.Add(item); return((ListViewSubItem)List[index]); }
protected virtual void Set(IResourceIndexEntry entry, IPackage package) { mEntry = entry; mPackage = package; mType = (ResourceType)mEntry.ResourceType; if (mEntry != null) { // NameColumn NameMapResource.NameMapResource nameMap = MainForm.CreateKeyResource(package) as NameMapResource.NameMapResource; if ((nameMap != null) && (nameMap.ContainsKey(mEntry.Instance))) { Text = nameMap[mEntry.Instance]; } // TagColumn SubItems.Add(Type.ToString()); // Instance mInstance = SubItems.Add(Instance); // Filename mFilename = SubItems.Add(""); } }
public void ListViewSubItemAndSubItemStyle_RoundTripAndExchangeWithNet() { string coreBlob; using (var font = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 9f)) { var listViewSubItem = new ListViewSubItem( new ListViewItem(), "SubItem1", foreColor: Color.White, backColor: Color.Black, font) { Tag = "UserData" }; coreBlob = BinarySerialization.ToBase64String(listViewSubItem); } Assert.Equal(ClassicListViewSubItem, coreBlob); var result = BinarySerialization.EnsureDeserialize <ListViewSubItem>(coreBlob); Assert.Equal("SubItem1", result.Text); Assert.True(result.CustomStyle); Assert.True(result.CustomForeColor); Assert.True(result.CustomBackColor); Assert.True(result.CustomFont); Assert.Equal(Color.White, result.ForeColor); Assert.Equal(Color.Black, result.BackColor); Assert.Equal(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif.Name, result.Font.FontFamily.Name); Assert.Null(result.Tag); // UserData is wiped on deserialization }
/// <summary> /// Create a new subitem with a zeroed Tag. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> protected ListViewSubItem NewSubItem() { ListViewSubItem item = new ListViewSubItem(); item.Tag = -1; // Arbitrarily initialize to -1. return(item); }
public ListViewSubItem Add(ListViewSubItem item) { SizeSubItemArray(1, -1); owner.subItems[owner.subItemsCount++] = item; //TODO return(item); }
/// <summary> /// Adds a sub-item to the list view item. /// </summary> /// <param name="itemText">The text of the sub-item.</param> public void AddSubItem(string itemText) { ListViewSubItem listViewSubItem = new ListViewSubItem(); listViewSubItem.Text = itemText; SubItems.Add(listViewSubItem); }
public ListViewSubItem Add(string text, Color foreColor, Color backColor, Font font) { ListViewSubItem item = new ListViewSubItem(_owner, text, foreColor, backColor, font); Add(item); return(item); }
public ListViewSubItem Add(string text) { ListViewSubItem item = new ListViewSubItem(owner, text); this.AddInternal(item); return(item); }
public JobListItem(int id,String name,String status) : base(id.ToString()) { = id; lblName = new ListViewSubItem(); lblName.Text = name; lblStatus = new ListViewSubItem(); lblStatus.Text = status; this.SubItems.Add(lblName); this.SubItems.Add(lblStatus); (new Thread(() => { while (true) { lock (locker) { update(); Thread.Sleep(800); } } })).Start(); }
private void BillDetailList(String custName, String masterBillNo) { String criteria = $"(客户简称 = '{custName}' And (len(总单号) = 0 or 总单号 is null))"; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(masterBillNo)) { criteria += $" or (总单号 = '{masterBillNo}')"; } var list = ds.Tables["Info"].Select(criteria).Select(p => new { billno = p["交货单号"], masterbillno = p["总单号"] }); this.listView1.Items.Clear(); foreach (var l in list) { ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(l.billno.ToString()) { UseItemStyleForSubItems = false }; var subitem = new ListViewSubItem(item, String.IsNullOrEmpty(l.masterbillno?.ToString()) ? "未关联" : "已关联") { ForeColor = String.IsNullOrEmpty(l.masterbillno?.ToString()) ? Color.Red : Color.Green }; item.SubItems.Add(subitem); this.listView1.Items.Add(item); } }
public TimerEntry(string id) { m_id = id; m_subToday = SubItems.Add("-"); m_subAllTime = SubItems.Add("-"); }
// Make sure we have enough space in the array. insert at "index" or at the end if index is -1. private void SizeSubItemArray(int size, int index) { // Do we need more space? if (owner.subItems.Length < owner.subItemsCount + size) { int newLength = owner.subItems.Length * 2; int minLength = owner.subItemsCount + size; for (; newLength < minLength; newLength *= 2) { } ListViewSubItem[] newSubItems = new ListViewSubItem[newLength]; if (index != -1) { Array.Copy(owner.subItems, 0, newSubItems, 0, index); Array.Copy(owner.subItems, index, newSubItems, index + size, owner.subItemsCount - index); } else { Array.Copy(owner.subItems, newSubItems, owner.subItemsCount); } owner.subItems = newSubItems; return; } // Move items after index up to make space for the new items. if (index != -1) { for (int i = owner.subItemsCount - 1; i >= index; i--) { owner.subItems[(i + size)] = owner.subItems[i]; } } }
public ListViewSubItem Add(string text) { ListViewSubItem item = new ListViewSubItem(_owner, text); Add(item); return(item); }
private void LoadProfiles(ListView list, List <String> activeProfiles) { list.Items.Clear(); foreach (Profile profile in this.profiles) { var listitem = new ListViewItem(); var path = new ListViewSubItem(); ListViewGroup group = GetGameGroup(; //list.Groups.Add(group); path.Text = profile.storeLocation; if (activeProfiles.Contains( { listitem.Font = new Font(listitem.Font, FontStyle.Bold); } listitem.Group = GetGameGroup(; listitem.Name =; listitem.Text =; listitem.SubItems.Add(path); list.Items.Add(listitem); } }
public void Insert(int index, ListViewSubItem item) { SizeSubItemArray(1, index); item.owner = owner; owner.subItems[index] = item; owner.subItemsCount++; //TODO }
public void Remove(object value) { if (value is ListViewSubItem) { ListViewSubItem listViewSubItem = (ListViewSubItem)value; this.RemoveInternal(listViewSubItem); } }
public void Insert(int index, object value) { if (value is ListViewSubItem) { ListViewSubItem listViewSubItem = (ListViewSubItem)value; this.Insert(index, listViewSubItem); } }
public virtual void RemoveByKey(string key) { ListViewSubItem value = this[key]; if (value != null) { this.RemoveInternal(value); } }
public ServerVariableListViewItem(ServerVariableItem variable) : base(variable.Name) { _value = new ListViewSubItem(this, variable.Value); SubItems.Add(_value); _replace = new ListViewSubItem(this, variable.Replace.ToString()); SubItems.Add(_replace); Item = variable; }
public void AddAndDateStamp(ListView ListView) { ListViewSubItem dateStamp = new ListViewSubItem(); dateStamp.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString(); base.SubItems.Insert(1, dateStamp); ListView.Items.Insert(0, this); Datestamped = true; }
public ConditionListViewItem(ConditionItem condition) : base(condition.Input) { _matchType = new ListViewSubItem(this, GetText(condition.MatchType)); this.SubItems.Add(_matchType); _pattern = new ListViewSubItem(this, condition.MatchType > 3 ? condition.Pattern : "N/A"); this.SubItems.Add(_pattern); this.Item = condition; }
public void Remove(ListViewSubItem item) { int pos = this.IndexOf(item); if (pos != -1) { RemoveAt(pos); } }
public int Add(object value) { if (value is ListViewSubItem) { ListViewSubItem listViewSubItem = (ListViewSubItem)value; this.AddInternal(listViewSubItem); } return(this.subItems.Count); }
public WorkingListViewItem(string rootfile, ListView parent, TextBox txtbtShow) { //initializing delegates mySetProgress = new SetProgress(SetProgressCore); myWriteLog = new WriteLog(WriteLogCore); myTransferState = new TransferState(TransferStateCore); myIncProgressBlock = new IncProgressBlock(IncProgressBlockCore); progressListener = new EventHandler(setProgressBlock); // feedbackListenerForLog = new EventHandler(WriteConverterLog); mySetProgressBarMove = new SetProgressBarMoveDelegate(SetProgressMoveCore); mySetProgressBarStop = new SetProgressBarMoveDelegate(SetProgressStopCore); state = new FileState(); state.StateValProgress = StateVal.STATE_READY; this.state.SourceFileName = rootfile; this.ToolTipText = rootfile; this.displayName = Path.GetFileName(rootfile); Icon icon = GetSmallIcon(rootfile); if (icon == null) { icon = IconResource.Default; } fileIcon = icon.ToBitmap(); //Create Working Thread workingThread = null; //For Status Button ListViewSubItem statusSub = this.SubItems[0]; btnItem = new UofStatusButton(this); btnItem.Tag = this.ListView; parent.Controls.Add(btnItem); ((UofListView)parent).AddControlToSubItem(btnItem, statusSub, true); //For name & Progress Bar ListViewSubItem nameSub = this.SubItems.Add(""); pgbItem = new UofProgressBar(this); pgbItem.Minimum = 1; pgbItem.Maximum = 1000; pgbItem.Step = 1; pgbItem.Tag = this.ListView; pgbItem.Showtext = displayName; parent.Controls.Add(pgbItem); ((UofListView)parent).AddControlToSubItem(pgbItem, nameSub, false); totalFiles = 0; currentFile = 0; logText = ""; // this.txtbxShow = txtbxShow; }
public AuthenticationListViewItem(AuthenticationFeature feature, AuthenticationPage page) : base(feature.Name) { _page = page; Feature = feature; _status = new ListViewSubItem(this, feature.IsEnabled ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"); SubItems.Add(_status); SubItems.Add(new ListViewSubItem(this, GetString(feature.AuthenticationType))); feature.AuthenticationSettingsUpdated = AuthenticationSettingsUpdated; }
protected void SetMainListItem() { base.Checked = m_active; base.Text = m_caption; ListViewSubItem subItem = new ListViewSubItem(); subItem.Name = SUBITEM_DESCRIPTION; subItem.Text = m_description; base.SubItems.Add(subItem); base.ImageKey = m_id; }
public void AddAndDateStamp(ListView listView) { ListViewSubItem dateStamp = new ListViewSubItem {Text = DateTime.Now.ToString()}; base.SubItems.Insert(1, dateStamp); // if(!listView.Items.Contains(this)) listView.Items.Insert(0, this); Datestamped = true; }
/// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TextMessageListViewItem"/> class.</summary> /// <param name="_message">The TextMessage whose details are to be displayed.</param> public TextMessageListViewItem(TextMessage _message) : base() { message = _message; format = message.Format; string toNamesAndNumbers = NamesAndNumbers(message.To); string fromNamesAndNumbers = NamesAndNumbers(message.From); string fromNumber = fromNamesAndNumbers; string toNumber = toNamesAndNumbers; //TODO: use Reflector to see the internals of new ListViewItem(string[]) - in regards to SubItems and the default item /* public ListViewItem(string[] items, int imageIndex) : this() { this.ImageIndexer.Index = imageIndex; if ((items != null) && (items.Length > 0)) { this.subItems = new ListViewSubItem[items.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++) { this.subItems[i] = new ListViewSubItem(this, items[i]); } this.SubItemCount = items.Length; } } */ ListViewSubItem fromNumberItem = new ListViewSubItem(this, fromNumber); fromNumberItem.Name = "FromNumber"; SubItems.Add(fromNumberItem); ListViewSubItem messageItem = new ListViewSubItem(this, message.MessageText); messageItem.Name = "Message"; SubItems.Add(messageItem); string dateString = message.DateTime.Date.ToShortDateString(); ListViewSubItem dateItem = new ListViewSubItem(this, dateString); dateItem.Name = "Date"; SubItems.Add(dateItem); string timeString = message.DateTime.TimeOfDay.ToString(); ListViewSubItem timeItem = new ListViewSubItem(this, timeString); timeItem.Name = "Time"; SubItems.Add(timeItem); ListViewSubItem toNumberItem = new ListViewSubItem(this, toNumber); toNumberItem.Name = "ToNumber"; SubItems.Add(toNumberItem); ListViewSubItem fileNameItem = new ListViewSubItem(this, message.FileName); fileNameItem.Name = "FileName"; SubItems.Add(fileNameItem); SubItems.RemoveAt(0);//remove initial default entry }
public ConnectionStateListViewItem(IrcSharp.Extended.IrcConnection con) { Tag = con; Text = con.ConnectionID.ToString(); ListViewSubItem subItem; subItem = new ListViewSubItem(this, con.NetworkName); if (subItem.Text == "") subItem.Text = "[Unnamed]"; SubItems.Add(subItem); subItem = new ListViewSubItem(this, ""); SubItems.Add(subItem); UpdateStatus(); con.Connected += new IrcSharp.ConnectEventHandler(Client_OnConnect); con.Login += new IrcSharp.LoginEventHandler(Client_OnLogin); }
public void AddAndDateStamp(ListView listView) { ListViewSubItem dateStamp = new ListViewSubItem {Text = DateTime.Now.ToString()}; base.SubItems.Insert(1, dateStamp); // // TODO resolve exception by prevention rather than simply catching try { listView.Items.Insert(0, this); } catch { } Datestamped = true; }
/// <include file='doc\ListViewItem.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="ListViewItem.ListViewSubItemCollection.Remove"]/*' /> /// <devdoc> /// <para>[To be supplied.]</para> /// </devdoc> public void Remove(ListViewSubItem item) { int index = IndexOf(item); if (index != -1) { RemoveAt(index); } }
/// <include file='doc\ListViewItem.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="ListViewItem.ListViewSubItemCollection.Insert"]/*' /> /// <devdoc> /// <para>[To be supplied.]</para> /// </devdoc> public void Insert(int index, ListViewSubItem item) { if (index < 0 || index > Count) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index"); } item.owner = owner; EnsureSubItemSpace(1, index); // Insert new item // owner.subItems[index] = item; owner.SubItemCount++; owner.UpdateSubItems(-1); }
/// <include file='doc\ListViewItem.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="ListViewItem.ListViewItem14"]/*' /> /// <devdoc> /// <para>[To be supplied.]</para> /// </devdoc> public ListViewItem(ListViewSubItem[] subItems, int imageIndex, ListViewGroup group) : this(subItems, imageIndex) { this.Group = group; }
private void init() { SubItems.Clear(); if (Date == null) { Date = "?"; } if (Context == null) { Context = "?"; } if (Data == null) { Data = "null"; } switch (Severity) { case (int)nUtility.MainWindow.TextSeverity.VERBOSE: ItemColor = nUtility.MainWindow.TextSeverityColor.VERBOSE; break; case (int)nUtility.MainWindow.TextSeverity.INFO: ItemColor = nUtility.MainWindow.TextSeverityColor.INFO; break; case (int)nUtility.MainWindow.TextSeverity.WARNING: ItemColor = nUtility.MainWindow.TextSeverityColor.WARNING; break; case (int)nUtility.MainWindow.TextSeverity.ERROR: ItemColor = nUtility.MainWindow.TextSeverityColor.ERROR; break; case (int)nUtility.MainWindow.TextSeverity.FATAL: ItemColor = nUtility.MainWindow.TextSeverityColor.FATAL; break; default: ItemColor = nUtility.MainWindow.TextSeverityColor.INFO; break; } ListViewSubItem date = new ListViewSubItem(this, Date); ListViewSubItem context = new ListViewSubItem(this, Context); ListViewSubItem data = new ListViewSubItem(this, Data.ToString()); date.Tag = DATE_TAG; context.Tag = CONTEXT_TAG; data.Tag = DATA_TAG; date.Text = Date; context.Text = Context; data.Text = Data.ToString(); SubItems.Insert(0, date); SubItems.Insert(1, context); SubItems.Insert(2, data); ForeColor = ItemColor; }
/// <include file='doc\ListViewItem.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="ListViewItem.ListViewItem18"]/*' /> /// <devdoc> /// <para>[To be supplied.]</para> /// </devdoc> public ListViewItem(ListViewSubItem[] subItems, string imageKey) : this() { this.ImageIndexer.Key = imageKey; this.subItems = subItems; this.SubItemCount = this.subItems.Length; // Update the owner of these subitems // for(int i=0; i < subItems.Length; ++i) { subItems[i].owner = this; } }
/// <include file='doc\ListViewItem.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="ListViewItem.ListViewItem16"]/*' /> /// <devdoc> /// <para>[To be supplied.]</para> /// </devdoc> public ListViewItem(string[] items, string imageKey) : this() { this.ImageIndexer.Key = imageKey; if (items != null && items.Length > 0) { this.subItems = new ListViewSubItem[items.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++) { subItems[i] = new ListViewSubItem(this, items[i]); } this.SubItemCount = items.Length; } }
/// <include file='doc\ListViewItem.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="ListViewItem.Clone"]/*' /> /// <devdoc> /// <para>[To be supplied.]</para> /// </devdoc> public virtual object Clone() { ListViewSubItem[] clonedSubItems = new ListViewSubItem[this.SubItems.Count]; for(int index=0; index < this.SubItems.Count; ++index) { ListViewSubItem subItem = this.SubItems[index]; clonedSubItems[index] = new ListViewSubItem(null, subItem.Text, subItem.ForeColor, subItem.BackColor, subItem.Font); clonedSubItems[index].Tag = subItem.Tag; } Type clonedType = this.GetType(); ListViewItem newItem = null; if (clonedType == typeof(ListViewItem)) { newItem = new ListViewItem(clonedSubItems, this.ImageIndexer.Index); } else { // SECREVIEW : Late-binding does not represent a security thread, see bug#411899 for more info.. // newItem = (ListViewItem)Activator.CreateInstance(clonedType); } newItem.subItems = clonedSubItems; newItem.ImageIndexer.Index = this.ImageIndexer.Index; newItem.SubItemCount = this.SubItemCount; newItem.Checked = this.Checked; newItem.UseItemStyleForSubItems = this.UseItemStyleForSubItems; newItem.Tag = this.Tag; // Only copy over the ImageKey if we're using it. if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.ImageIndexer.Key)) { newItem.ImageIndexer.Key = this.ImageIndexer.Key; } newItem.indentCount = this.indentCount; newItem.StateImageIndex = this.StateImageIndex; newItem.toolTipText = this.toolTipText; newItem.BackColor = this.BackColor; newItem.ForeColor = this.ForeColor; newItem.Font = this.Font; newItem.Text = this.Text; newItem.Group = this.Group; return newItem; }
public ListViewSubItem Add(string text) { ListViewSubItem item = new ListViewSubItem(owner, text); this.AddInternal(item); return item; }
private void buildSubItemsFromRosterItem() { this.SubItems.Clear(); this.Text = _rosterItem.Name; ListViewSubItem i1 = new ListViewSubItem(this, "Unknown"); ListViewSubItem i2 = new ListViewSubItem(this, string.Empty); if (!object.Equals(_presence, null)) { if (_presence is AvailableRequest) { AvailableRequest avail = WConvert.ToAvailableRequest(_presence); i1.Text = avail.Show.ToString(); i2.Text = avail.Status; } else if (_presence is UnavailableRequest) { UnavailableRequest unavail = WConvert.ToUnavailableRequest(_presence); i1.Text = "Unavailable"; i2.Text = unavail.Status; } else { //*** Do nothing } } ListViewSubItem i3 = new ListViewSubItem(this, _rosterItem.Subscription.ToLower()); this.SubItems.Add(i1); this.SubItems.Add(i2); this.SubItems.Add(i3); }
public object Clone() { ListViewItem clone = new ListViewItem(); clone.owner = this.owner; clone.selected = this.selected; foreach (ListViewSubItem subItem in this.subItems) { ListViewSubItem newItem = new ListViewSubItem(); newItem.ListViewItem = subItem.ListViewItem; newItem.Name = subItem.Name; newItem.Tag = subItem.Tag; newItem.Text = subItem.Text; clone.subItems.Add(newItem); } return clone; }
private void RemoveInternal(ListViewSubItem subItem) { this.subItems.Remove(subItem); if (this.subItems.Count == 0) { this.subItems.Add(new ListViewSubItem(this.owner, "")); } ListView owner = this.owner.owner; if (owner != null) { owner.RebuildHierarchy(); } }
private void AddInternal(ListViewSubItem subItem) { this.subItems.Add(subItem); ListView owner = this.owner.owner; if (owner != null) { owner.RebuildHierarchy(); } }
public void AddRange(ListViewSubItem[] items) { foreach (var item in items) { this.AddInternal(item); } }
public ListViewItem(ListViewSubItem[] subItems, int imageIndex) {}
/// <include file='doc\ListViewItem.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="ListViewItem.ListViewItem22"]/*' /> /// <devdoc> /// <para>[To be supplied.]</para> /// </devdoc> public ListViewItem(ListViewSubItem[] subItems, string imageKey, ListViewGroup group) : this(subItems, imageKey) { this.Group = group; }
public ListViewItem(ListViewSubItem[] subItems, string imageKey) {}
public ListViewSubItem Add(ListViewSubItem item) { this.AddInternal(item); return item; }
public ListViewItem(ListViewSubItem[] subItems, int imageIndex, ListViewGroup group) {}
/// <devdoc> /// Ensures that the sub item array has the given /// capacity. If it doesn't, it enlarges the /// array until it does. If index is -1, additional /// space is tacked onto the end. If it is a valid /// insertion index into the array, this will move /// the array data to accomodate the space. /// </devdoc> private void EnsureSubItemSpace(int size, int index) { // Range check subItems. if (owner.SubItemCount == ListViewItem.MAX_SUBITEMS) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.ErrorCollectionFull)); } if (owner.SubItemCount + size > owner.subItems.Length) { // must grow array. Don't do it just by size, though; // chunk it for efficiency. if (owner.subItems == null) { int newSize = (size > 4) ? size : 4; owner.subItems = new ListViewSubItem[newSize]; } else { int newSize = owner.subItems.Length * 2; while(newSize - owner.SubItemCount < size) { newSize *= 2; } ListViewSubItem[] newItems = new ListViewSubItem[newSize]; // Now, when copying to the member variable, use index // if it was provided. // if (index != -1) { Array.Copy(owner.subItems, 0, newItems, 0, index); Array.Copy(owner.subItems, index, newItems, index + size, owner.SubItemCount - index); } else { Array.Copy(owner.subItems, newItems, owner.SubItemCount); } owner.subItems = newItems; } } else { // We had plenty of room. Just move the items if we need to // if (index != -1) { for(int i = owner.SubItemCount - 1; i >= index; i--) { owner.subItems[i + size] = owner.subItems[i]; } } } }
public ListViewItem(ListViewSubItem[] subItems, string imageKey, ListViewGroup group) {}
/// <include file='doc\ListViewItem.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="ListViewItem.ListViewSubItemCollection.IndexOf"]/*' /> /// <devdoc> /// <para>[To be supplied.]</para> /// </devdoc> public int IndexOf(ListViewSubItem subItem) { for(int index=0; index < Count; ++index) { if (owner.subItems[index] == subItem) { return index; } } return -1; }