protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { var data = new DataServiceContext(); var source = data.GetResultOfCheckingDto(); var result = Mapper.Map <IEnumerable <ResultOfCheckingDto>, IEnumerable <ResultOfCheckingViewModel> > (source); ListViewResult.DataSource = result; ListViewResult.DataBind(); }
//This event controls the actions, if the Button "Verbindung suchen" is clicked. private void BtnConnections_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //The items and columns in the ListView will be cleared if the button is clicked. Also 4 new Colums are getting created. //The Event .Items.Clear and .Colums.Clear, deletes eery item and every Column in the ListView. //.Columns.Add ist responsible for creating new Colums. These colums are used to view the Details for the Route. ListViewResult.Items.Clear(); ListViewResult.Columns.Clear(); ListViewResult.Columns.Add("Gleis"); ListViewResult.Columns.Add("Abfahrt"); ListViewResult.Columns.Add("Dauer"); ListViewResult.Columns.Add("Ankunft"); //In this section of the Code the Connections are geting calculated. //The object "transport" ist geting created from the class "SwissTransoport.Transport" //The variable "foundConnections" is geting defined. Now the Values from the two Comboboxes are written to the variable. //The ListView gets again cleared from the Items. If the user wants to search for another connection between two new Stations, //The Items will be cleared if the user clicks the button again. //Now the foreach loop calculates the connections between the two stations, which are selected by the user. SwissTransport.Transport transport = new SwissTransport.Transport(); DateTime dtDate = this.DateTimeDate.Value; DateTime dtTime = this.DateTimeClock.Value; //var foundConnections = transport.GetConnections(ComboBoxStart.Text, ComboBoxEnd.Text, dtDate, dtTime); ListViewResult.Items.Clear(); foreach (Connection conn in transport.GetConnections(ComboBoxStart.Text, ComboBoxEnd.Text, dtDate, dtTime).ConnectionList) { //The Date and the Time is geting parsed from the Depature and Arrival time. //After this step, the string for the ListView is getting created. the Values for the connection are saved in the string now. //Then, the String is added to the Listview with the .Items.Add(lvitem) //In the end the Colums are getting auto resized, for a better view. DateTime dtDeparture = DateTime.Parse(conn.From.Departure); DateTime dtArrival = DateTime.Parse(conn.To.Arrival); String[] item = { conn.From.Platform, dtDeparture.ToString(), conn.Duration, dtArrival.ToString() }; ListViewItem lvitem = new ListViewItem(item); ListViewResult.Items.Add(lvitem); ListViewResult.AutoResizeColumns(ColumnHeaderAutoResizeStyle.ColumnContent); ListViewResult.AutoResizeColumns(ColumnHeaderAutoResizeStyle.HeaderSize); } }
//With this Button, the Connections from one Station will be showed to the user. private void btnTimetable_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { //Again the items and de colums are getting cleared, and new Columns are getting created. ListViewResult.Items.Clear(); ListViewResult.Columns.Clear(); ListViewResult.Columns.Add("Verkehrsmittel"); ListViewResult.Columns.Add("Nach"); ListViewResult.Columns.Add("Abfahrt"); ListViewResult.Columns.Add("Betreiber"); DateTime dtDate = this.DateTimeDate.Value; DateTime dtTime = this.DateTimeClock.Value; //In this section the Departures from one selected station will be calculated. DateTime DtDate = this.DateTimeDate.Value; DateTime DtTime = this.DateTimeClock.Value; string strAbfahrt = ComboBoxStart.SelectedItem.ToString(); string id = mainTransport.GetStations(strAbfahrt).StationList[0].Id; StationBoardRoot sbRoot = mainTransport.GetStationBoard(strAbfahrt, id, dtDate, dtTime); //In this loop, the Results for the Departures are getting calculated, and the Items will be wirtten down, //to a string, then, a new ListViewItem is created and will be written down in the ListView. foreach (StationBoard sb in sbRoot.Entries) { String[] result = { sb.Name, sb.To, sb.Stop.Departure.ToString(), sb.Operator }; ListViewItem lvItem = new ListViewItem(result); ListViewResult.Items.Add(lvItem); } //In the end the Colums are getting auto resized again, for a better view. ListViewResult.AutoResizeColumns(ColumnHeaderAutoResizeStyle.ColumnContent); ListViewResult.AutoResizeColumns(ColumnHeaderAutoResizeStyle.HeaderSize); } catch { } }