[Test()] public void TestIndex() { var list_proxy = new ListProxy<int>(CreateSequence(), CreateOddSequence()); for (int i = 0; i < list_proxy.Count; i++) Assert.AreEqual(i * 2 + 2, list_proxy[i]); }
[Test()] public void TestContains() { var list_proxy = new ListProxy<int>(CreateSequence(), CreateOddSequence()); foreach (int num in CreateEvenSequence()) Assert.IsTrue(list_proxy.Contains(num)); foreach (int num in CreateOddSequence()) Assert.IsFalse(list_proxy.Contains(num)); }
/// <summary>Create a RatingsProxy object</summary> /// <param name="ratings">a ratings data structure</param> /// <param name="indices">an index list pointing to entries in the ratings</param> public RatingsProxy(IRatings ratings, IList<int> indices) { Users = new ListProxy<int>(ratings.Users, indices); Items = new ListProxy<int>(ratings.Items, indices); Values = new ListProxy<double>(ratings, indices); MaxUserID = ratings.MaxUserID; MaxItemID = ratings.MaxItemID; MaxRating = ratings.MaxRating; MinRating = ratings.MinRating; }
[Test()] public void TestGetEnumerator() { IEnumerable<int> list_proxy = new ListProxy<int>(CreateSequence(), CreateOddSequence()); var enumerator = list_proxy.GetEnumerator(); foreach (int e in CreateEvenSequence()) { enumerator.MoveNext(); Assert.AreEqual(e, enumerator.Current); } }
/// <summary>Create a RatingsProxy object</summary> /// <param name="ratings">a ratings data structure</param> /// <param name="indices">an index list pointing to entries in the ratings</param> public RatingsProxy(IRatings ratings, IList<int> indices) { this.indices = indices; Users = new ListProxy<int>(ratings.Users, indices); Items = new ListProxy<int>(ratings.Items, indices); Values = new ListProxy<float>(ratings, indices); MaxUserID = Users.Max(); MaxItemID = Items.Max(); Scale = ratings.Scale; }
public void ClearList() { var proxy = new ListProxy(Enumerable.Range(0, 100).ToList()); var enumerator = proxy.GetEnumerator(); enumerator.MoveNext(); enumerator.MoveNext(); proxy.Clear(); Assert.AreEqual(100, proxy.Count); Assert.That(() => enumerator.MoveNext(), Throws.InvalidOperationException); }
public void EnumeratorForEnumerable() { var proxy = new ListProxy(Enumerable.Range(0, 2)); var enumerator = proxy.GetEnumerator(); Assert.That(enumerator.Current, Is.Null); Assert.That(enumerator.MoveNext(), Is.True); Assert.That(enumerator.Current, Is.EqualTo(0)); Assert.That(enumerator.MoveNext(), Is.True); Assert.That(enumerator.Current, Is.EqualTo(1)); Assert.That(enumerator.MoveNext(), Is.False); }
public static void Serialize(Stream stream, LuckyDrawUnityView instance) { int mask = 0; using (var bytes = new MemoryStream()) { EnumProxy <BundleCategoryType> .Serialize(bytes, instance.Category); if (instance.Description != null) { StringProxy.Serialize(bytes, instance.Description); } else { mask |= 1; } if (instance.IconUrl != null) { StringProxy.Serialize(bytes, instance.IconUrl); } else { mask |= 2; } Int32Proxy.Serialize(bytes, instance.Id); BooleanProxy.Serialize(bytes, instance.IsAvailableInShop); if (instance.LuckyDrawSets != null) { ListProxy <LuckyDrawSetUnityView> .Serialize(bytes, instance.LuckyDrawSets, new ListProxy <LuckyDrawSetUnityView> .Serializer <LuckyDrawSetUnityView>(LuckyDrawSetUnityViewProxy.Serialize)); } else { mask |= 4; } if (instance.Name != null) { StringProxy.Serialize(bytes, instance.Name); } else { mask |= 8; } Int32Proxy.Serialize(bytes, instance.Price); EnumProxy <UberStrikeCurrencyType> .Serialize(bytes, instance.UberStrikeCurrencyType); Int32Proxy.Serialize(stream, ~mask); bytes.WriteTo(stream); } }
[Test()] public void TestContains() { var list_proxy = new ListProxy <int>(CreateSequence(), CreateOddSequence()); foreach (int num in CreateEvenSequence()) { Assert.IsTrue(list_proxy.Contains(num)); } foreach (int num in CreateOddSequence()) { Assert.IsFalse(list_proxy.Contains(num)); } }
public void IEnumerableAddDoesNotReport0() { var custom = new CustomINCC(); custom.Add("test"); custom.Add("test2"); var proxy = new ListProxy(custom); Assert.That(proxy.Count, Is.EqualTo(2)); custom.Add("testing"); Assert.That(proxy.Count, Is.EqualTo(3)); }
/// <summary>Create a TimedRatingsProxy object</summary> /// <param name="ratings">a ratings data structure</param> /// <param name="indices">an index list pointing to entries in the ratings</param> public TimedRatingsProxy(ITimedRatings ratings, IList <int> indices) { Users = new ListProxy <int>(ratings.Users, indices); Items = new ListProxy <int>(ratings.Items, indices); Values = new ListProxy <float>(ratings, indices); Times = new ListProxy <DateTime>(ratings.Times, indices); MaxUserID = ratings.MaxUserID; MaxItemID = ratings.MaxItemID; Scale = ratings.Scale; EarliestTime = Count > 0 ? Times.Min() : DateTime.MaxValue; LatestTime = Count > 0 ? Times.Max() : DateTime.MinValue; }
/// <summary>Create a TimedRatingsProxy object</summary> /// <param name="ratings">a ratings data structure</param> /// <param name="indices">an index list pointing to entries in the ratings</param> public TimedRatingsProxy(ITimedRatings ratings, IList<int> indices) { Users = new ListProxy<int>(ratings.Users, indices); Items = new ListProxy<int>(ratings.Items, indices); Values = new ListProxy<float>(ratings, indices); Times = new ListProxy<DateTime>(ratings.Times, indices); MaxUserID = ratings.MaxUserID; MaxItemID = ratings.MaxItemID; Scale = ratings.Scale; EarliestTime = Count > 0 ? Times.Min() : DateTime.MaxValue; LatestTime = Count > 0 ? Times.Max() : DateTime.MinValue; }
public void SynchronizedCollectionAdd() { bool invoked = false; Device.PlatformServices = new MockPlatformServices(isInvokeRequired: true, invokeOnMainThread: action => { invoked = true; action(); }); var collection = new ObservableCollection <string> { "foo" }; var context = new object(); var list = new ListProxy(collection); Assert.IsFalse(invoked, "An invoke shouldn't be executed just setting up ListProxy"); bool executed = false; BindingBase.EnableCollectionSynchronization(collection, context, (enumerable, o, method, access) => { executed = true; Assert.AreSame(collection, enumerable); Assert.AreSame(context, o); Assert.IsNotNull(method); Assert.IsFalse(access); lock (enumerable) method(); }); var mre = new ManualResetEvent(false); Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { lock (collection) collection.Add("foo"); mre.Set(); }, CancellationToken.None, TaskCreationOptions.None, TaskScheduler.Default); mre.WaitOne(5000); Assert.IsTrue(executed, "Callback was not executed"); Assert.IsTrue(invoked, "Callback was not executed on the UI thread"); }
// Token: 0x060011C9 RID: 4553 RVA: 0x0001D8E0 File Offset: 0x0001BAE0 public static Coroutine GetAllLuckyDraws(Action <List <LuckyDrawUnityView> > callback, Action <Exception> handler) { Coroutine result; using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { result = MonoInstance.Mono.StartCoroutine(SoapClient.MakeRequest("IShopWebServiceContract", "ShopWebService", "GetAllLuckyDraws_1", memoryStream.ToArray(), delegate(byte[] data) { if (callback != null) { callback(ListProxy <LuckyDrawUnityView> .Deserialize(new MemoryStream(data), new ListProxy <LuckyDrawUnityView> .Deserializer <LuckyDrawUnityView>(LuckyDrawUnityViewProxy.Deserialize))); } }, handler)); } return(result); }
public void CollectionChangedWhileEnumerating() { var c = new ObservableCollection <string> { "foo", "bar" }; var p = new ListProxy(c); IEnumerator <object> e = p.GetEnumerator(); Assert.IsTrue(e.MoveNext(), "Initial MoveNext() failed, test can't continue"); c.Add("baz"); Assert.That(() => e.MoveNext(), Throws.InvalidOperationException, "MoveNext did not throw an exception when the underlying collection had changed"); }
public static UberStrikeItemGearView Deserialize(Stream bytes) { var mask = Int32Proxy.Deserialize(bytes); var view = new UberStrikeItemGearView(); view.ArmorPoints = Int32Proxy.Deserialize(bytes); view.ArmorWeight = Int32Proxy.Deserialize(bytes); if ((mask & 1) != 0) { view.CustomProperties = DictionaryProxy <string, string> .Deserialize(bytes, StringProxy.Deserialize, StringProxy.Deserialize); } if ((mask & 2) != 0) { view.Description = StringProxy.Deserialize(bytes); } view.ID = Int32Proxy.Deserialize(bytes); view.IsConsumable = BooleanProxy.Deserialize(bytes); view.ItemClass = EnumProxy <UberStrikeItemClass> .Deserialize(bytes); if ((mask & 4) != 0) { view.ItemProperties = DictionaryProxy <ItemPropertyType, int> .Deserialize(bytes, EnumProxy <ItemPropertyType> .Deserialize, Int32Proxy.Deserialize); } view.LevelLock = Int32Proxy.Deserialize(bytes); view.MaxDurationDays = Int32Proxy.Deserialize(bytes); if ((mask & 8) != 0) { view.Name = StringProxy.Deserialize(bytes); } if ((mask & 16) != 0) { view.PrefabName = StringProxy.Deserialize(bytes); } if ((mask & 32) != 0) { view.Prices = ListProxy <ItemPriceView> .Deserialize(bytes, ItemPriceViewProxy.Deserialize); } view.ShopHighlightType = EnumProxy <ItemShopHighlightType> .Deserialize(bytes); return(view); }
// Token: 0x060011F1 RID: 4593 RVA: 0x0001DC10 File Offset: 0x0001BE10 public static Coroutine GenerateNonDuplicatedMemberNames(string username, Action <List <string> > callback, Action <Exception> handler) { Coroutine result; using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { StringProxy.Serialize(memoryStream, username); result = MonoInstance.Mono.StartCoroutine(SoapClient.MakeRequest("IUserWebServiceContract", "UserWebService", "GenerateNonDuplicatedMemberNames", memoryStream.ToArray(), delegate(byte[] data) { if (callback != null) { callback(ListProxy <string> .Deserialize(new MemoryStream(data), new ListProxy <string> .Deserializer <string>(StringProxy.Deserialize))); } }, handler)); } return(result); }
// Token: 0x06001163 RID: 4451 RVA: 0x0001C570 File Offset: 0x0001A770 public static Coroutine GetAllGroupInvitations(string authToken, Action <List <GroupInvitationView> > callback, Action <Exception> handler) { Coroutine result; using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { StringProxy.Serialize(memoryStream, authToken); result = MonoInstance.Mono.StartCoroutine(SoapClient.MakeRequest("IClanWebServiceContract", "ClanWebService", "GetAllGroupInvitations", memoryStream.ToArray(), delegate(byte[] data) { if (callback != null) { callback(ListProxy <GroupInvitationView> .Deserialize(new MemoryStream(data), new ListProxy <GroupInvitationView> .Deserializer <GroupInvitationView>(GroupInvitationViewProxy.Deserialize))); } }, handler)); } return(result); }
public static AccountCompletionResultView Deserialize(Stream bytes) { int mask = Int32Proxy.Deserialize(bytes); var view = new AccountCompletionResultView(); if ((mask & 1) != 0) { view.ItemsAttributed = DictionaryProxy <int, int> .Deserialize(bytes, Int32Proxy.Deserialize, Int32Proxy.Deserialize); } if ((mask & 2) != 0) { view.NonDuplicateNames = ListProxy <string> .Deserialize(bytes, StringProxy.Deserialize); } view.Result = Int32Proxy.Deserialize(bytes); return(view); }
public static void Serialize(Stream stream, AuthenticateApplicationView instance) { int mask = 0; using (var bytes = new MemoryStream()) { if (instance.CommServer != null) { PhotonViewProxy.Serialize(bytes, instance.CommServer); } else { mask |= 1; } if (instance.EncryptionInitVector != null) { StringProxy.Serialize(bytes, instance.EncryptionInitVector); } else { mask |= 2; } if (instance.EncryptionPassPhrase != null) { StringProxy.Serialize(bytes, instance.EncryptionPassPhrase); } else { mask |= 4; } if (instance.GameServers != null) { ListProxy <PhotonView> .Serialize(bytes, instance.GameServers, PhotonViewProxy.Serialize); } else { mask |= 8; } BooleanProxy.Serialize(bytes, instance.IsEnabled); BooleanProxy.Serialize(bytes, instance.WarnPlayer); Int32Proxy.Serialize(stream, ~mask); bytes.WriteTo(stream); } }
// Token: 0x0600118C RID: 4492 RVA: 0x0001CA28 File Offset: 0x0001AC28 public static Coroutine GetFacebookFriendsList(List <string> facebookIds, Action <List <PublicProfileView> > callback, Action <Exception> handler) { Coroutine result; using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { ListProxy <string> .Serialize(memoryStream, facebookIds, new ListProxy <string> .Serializer <string>(StringProxy.Serialize)); result = MonoInstance.Mono.StartCoroutine(SoapClient.MakeRequest("IFacebookWebServiceContract", "FacebookWebService", "GetFacebookFriendsList", memoryStream.ToArray(), delegate(byte[] data) { if (callback != null) { callback(ListProxy <PublicProfileView> .Deserialize(new MemoryStream(data), new ListProxy <PublicProfileView> .Deserializer <PublicProfileView>(PublicProfileViewProxy.Deserialize))); } }, handler)); } return(result); }
// Token: 0x060011FB RID: 4603 RVA: 0x0001E160 File Offset: 0x0001C360 public static Coroutine GetMemberListSessionData(List <string> authTokens, Action <List <MemberSessionDataView> > callback, Action <Exception> handler) { Coroutine result; using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { ListProxy <string> .Serialize(memoryStream, authTokens, new ListProxy <string> .Serializer <string>(StringProxy.Serialize)); result = MonoInstance.Mono.StartCoroutine(SoapClient.MakeRequest("IUserWebServiceContract", "UserWebService", "GetMemberListSessionData", memoryStream.ToArray(), delegate(byte[] data) { if (callback != null) { callback(ListProxy <MemberSessionDataView> .Deserialize(new MemoryStream(data), new ListProxy <MemberSessionDataView> .Deserializer <MemberSessionDataView>(MemberSessionDataViewProxy.Deserialize))); } }, handler)); } return(result); }
// Token: 0x060011AF RID: 4527 RVA: 0x0001D12C File Offset: 0x0001B32C public static Coroutine GetContactsByGroups(string authToken, bool populateFacebookIds, Action <List <ContactGroupView> > callback, Action <Exception> handler) { Coroutine result; using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { StringProxy.Serialize(memoryStream, authToken); BooleanProxy.Serialize(memoryStream, populateFacebookIds); result = MonoInstance.Mono.StartCoroutine(SoapClient.MakeRequest("IRelationshipWebServiceContract", "RelationshipWebService", "GetContactsByGroups", memoryStream.ToArray(), delegate(byte[] data) { if (callback != null) { callback(ListProxy <ContactGroupView> .Deserialize(new MemoryStream(data), new ListProxy <ContactGroupView> .Deserializer <ContactGroupView>(ContactGroupViewProxy.Deserialize))); } }, handler)); } return(result); }
// Token: 0x060011C6 RID: 4550 RVA: 0x0001D748 File Offset: 0x0001B948 public static Coroutine GetAllMysteryBoxs(BundleCategoryType bundleCategoryType, Action <List <MysteryBoxUnityView> > callback, Action <Exception> handler) { Coroutine result; using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { EnumProxy <BundleCategoryType> .Serialize(memoryStream, bundleCategoryType); result = MonoInstance.Mono.StartCoroutine(SoapClient.MakeRequest("IShopWebServiceContract", "ShopWebService", "GetAllMysteryBoxs_2", memoryStream.ToArray(), delegate(byte[] data) { if (callback != null) { callback(ListProxy <MysteryBoxUnityView> .Deserialize(new MemoryStream(data), new ListProxy <MysteryBoxUnityView> .Deserializer <MysteryBoxUnityView>(MysteryBoxUnityViewProxy.Deserialize))); } }, handler)); } return(result); }
// Token: 0x06001198 RID: 4504 RVA: 0x0001CB40 File Offset: 0x0001AD40 public static Coroutine GetAllMessageThreadsForUser(string authToken, int pageNumber, Action <List <MessageThreadView> > callback, Action <Exception> handler) { Coroutine result; using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { StringProxy.Serialize(memoryStream, authToken); Int32Proxy.Serialize(memoryStream, pageNumber); result = MonoInstance.Mono.StartCoroutine(SoapClient.MakeRequest("IPrivateMessageWebServiceContract", "PrivateMessageWebService", "GetAllMessageThreadsForUser", memoryStream.ToArray(), delegate(byte[] data) { if (callback != null) { callback(ListProxy <MessageThreadView> .Deserialize(new MemoryStream(data), new ListProxy <MessageThreadView> .Deserializer <MessageThreadView>(MessageThreadViewProxy.Deserialize))); } }, handler)); } return(result); }
// Token: 0x060011BF RID: 4543 RVA: 0x0001D390 File Offset: 0x0001B590 public static Coroutine GetBundles(ChannelType channel, Action <List <BundleView> > callback, Action <Exception> handler) { Coroutine result; using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { EnumProxy <ChannelType> .Serialize(memoryStream, channel); result = MonoInstance.Mono.StartCoroutine(SoapClient.MakeRequest("IShopWebServiceContract", "ShopWebService", "GetBundles", memoryStream.ToArray(), delegate(byte[] data) { if (callback != null) { callback(ListProxy <BundleView> .Deserialize(new MemoryStream(data), new ListProxy <BundleView> .Deserializer <BundleView>(BundleViewProxy.Deserialize))); } }, handler)); } return(result); }
public void EnumerableCount() { var enumerable = Enumerable.Range(0, 100); var proxy = new ListProxy(enumerable, 10); int changed = 0; proxy.CountChanged += (o, e) => changed++; var enumerator = proxy.GetEnumerator(); enumerator.MoveNext(); Assert.AreEqual(10, proxy.Count); Assert.AreEqual(1, changed); enumerator.MoveNext(); Assert.AreEqual(10, proxy.Count); Assert.AreEqual(1, changed); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { } enumerator.Dispose(); Assert.AreEqual(100, proxy.Count); Assert.AreEqual(19, changed); using (enumerator = proxy.GetEnumerator()) { Assert.AreEqual(100, proxy.Count); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { Assert.AreEqual(100, proxy.Count); } Assert.AreEqual(100, proxy.Count); } Assert.AreEqual(19, changed); }
// Token: 0x06001139 RID: 4409 RVA: 0x0001BA54 File Offset: 0x00019C54 public static Coroutine GetMaps(string clientVersion, DefinitionType clientType, Action <List <MapView> > callback, Action <Exception> handler) { Coroutine result; using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { StringProxy.Serialize(memoryStream, clientVersion); EnumProxy <DefinitionType> .Serialize(memoryStream, clientType); result = MonoInstance.Mono.StartCoroutine(SoapClient.MakeRequest("IApplicationWebServiceContract", "ApplicationWebService", "GetMaps", memoryStream.ToArray(), delegate(byte[] data) { if (callback != null) { callback(ListProxy <MapView> .Deserialize(new MemoryStream(data), new ListProxy <MapView> .Deserializer <MapView>(MapViewProxy.Deserialize))); } }, handler)); } return(result); }
// Token: 0x06001275 RID: 4725 RVA: 0x0001F1AC File Offset: 0x0001D3AC public void SendSetContactList(List <int> cmids) { using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { ListProxy <int> .Serialize(memoryStream, cmids, new ListProxy <int> .Serializer <int>(Int32Proxy.Serialize)); Dictionary <byte, object> customOpParameters = new Dictionary <byte, object> { { this.__id, memoryStream.ToArray() } }; if (this.sendOperation != null) { this.sendOperation(24, customOpParameters, true, 0, false); } } }
public static void Serialize(Stream stream, UberStrikeItemShopClientView instance) { int mask = 0; using (var bytes = new MemoryStream()) { if (instance.FunctionalItems != null) { ListProxy <UberStrikeItemFunctionalView> .Serialize(bytes, instance.FunctionalItems, UberStrikeItemFunctionalViewProxy.Serialize); } else { mask |= 1; } if (instance.GearItems != null) { ListProxy <UberStrikeItemGearView> .Serialize(bytes, instance.GearItems, UberStrikeItemGearViewProxy.Serialize); } else { mask |= 2; } if (instance.QuickItems != null) { ListProxy <UberStrikeItemQuickView> .Serialize(bytes, instance.QuickItems, UberStrikeItemQuickViewProxy.Serialize); } else { mask |= 4; } if (instance.WeaponItems != null) { ListProxy <UberStrikeItemWeaponView> .Serialize(bytes, instance.WeaponItems, UberStrikeItemWeaponViewProxy.Serialize); } else { mask |= 8; } Int32Proxy.Serialize(stream, ~mask); bytes.WriteTo(stream); } }
// Token: 0x06001271 RID: 4721 RVA: 0x0001EFB4 File Offset: 0x0001D1B4 public void SendSpeedhackDetectionNew(List <float> timeDifferences) { using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { ListProxy <float> .Serialize(memoryStream, timeDifferences, new ListProxy <float> .Serializer <float>(SingleProxy.Serialize)); Dictionary <byte, object> customOpParameters = new Dictionary <byte, object> { { this.__id, memoryStream.ToArray() } }; if (this.sendOperation != null) { this.sendOperation(20, customOpParameters, true, 0, false); } } }
internal LayeredApplicationModelImmutable( LayeredArchitecture architecture, Type genericCompositePropertyMixin, Type genericCompositeEventMixin, Type genericFragmentBaseType, DictionaryQuery <CompositeModelType, CompositeModelTypeAssemblyScopeSupport> modelTypeAssemblyScopeSupport, out DictionaryQuery <CompositeModelType, CompositeModelTypeModelScopeSupport> compositeModelTypeSupport, out DictionaryProxy <Int32, CompositeModel> models, out ListProxy <LayerModelMutable> topLevelLayers, out ListProxy <LayerModelMutable> allLayers ) : base(architecture, genericCompositePropertyMixin, genericCompositeEventMixin, genericFragmentBaseType, modelTypeAssemblyScopeSupport, out compositeModelTypeSupport, out models) { this._topLevelLayers = this.CollectionsFactory.NewListProxy <LayerModelMutable>(); this._allLayers = this.CollectionsFactory.NewListProxy <LayerModelMutable>(); topLevelLayers = this._topLevelLayers; allLayers = this._allLayers; }
// Token: 0x060012C6 RID: 4806 RVA: 0x0002032C File Offset: 0x0001E52C public void SendPowerUpRespawnTimes(List <ushort> respawnTimes) { using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { ListProxy <ushort> .Serialize(memoryStream, respawnTimes, new ListProxy <ushort> .Serializer <ushort>(UInt16Proxy.Serialize)); Dictionary <byte, object> customOpParameters = new Dictionary <byte, object> { { this.__id, memoryStream.ToArray() } }; if (this.sendOperation != null) { this.sendOperation(3, customOpParameters, true, 0, false); } } }
public void WeakToWeak() { WeakCollectionChangedList list = new WeakCollectionChangedList(); _proxyForWeakToWeakTest = new ListProxy(list); Assert.True(list.AddObject(), "GC hasn't run"); GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); Assert.IsTrue(list.AddObject(), "GC run, but proxy should still hold a reference"); _proxyForWeakToWeakTest = null; GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); Assert.IsFalse(list.AddObject(), "Proxy is gone and GC has run"); }
// Token: 0x06001269 RID: 4713 RVA: 0x0001EBF0 File Offset: 0x0001CDF0 public void SendChatMessageToClan(List <int> clanMembers, string message) { using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { ListProxy <int> .Serialize(memoryStream, clanMembers, new ListProxy <int> .Serializer <int>(Int32Proxy.Serialize)); StringProxy.Serialize(memoryStream, message); Dictionary <byte, object> customOpParameters = new Dictionary <byte, object> { { this.__id, memoryStream.ToArray() } }; if (this.sendOperation != null) { this.sendOperation(12, customOpParameters, true, 0, false); } } }
// Token: 0x060011C8 RID: 4552 RVA: 0x0001D850 File Offset: 0x0001BA50 public static Coroutine RollMysteryBox(string authToken, int mysteryBoxId, ChannelType channel, Action <List <MysteryBoxWonItemUnityView> > callback, Action <Exception> handler) { Coroutine result; using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { StringProxy.Serialize(memoryStream, authToken); Int32Proxy.Serialize(memoryStream, mysteryBoxId); EnumProxy <ChannelType> .Serialize(memoryStream, channel); result = MonoInstance.Mono.StartCoroutine(SoapClient.MakeRequest("IShopWebServiceContract", "ShopWebService", "RollMysteryBox", memoryStream.ToArray(), delegate(byte[] data) { if (callback != null) { callback(ListProxy <MysteryBoxWonItemUnityView> .Deserialize(new MemoryStream(data), new ListProxy <MysteryBoxWonItemUnityView> .Deserializer <MysteryBoxWonItemUnityView>(MysteryBoxWonItemUnityViewProxy.Deserialize))); } }, handler)); } return(result); }
/// <summary>Create a RatingsProxy object</summary> /// <param name="ratings">a ratings data structure</param> /// <param name="indices">an index list pointing to entries in the ratings</param> public RatingsProxy(IRatings ratings, IList<int> indices) { this.indices = indices; Users = new ListProxy<int>(ratings.Users, indices); Items = new ListProxy<int>(ratings.Items, indices); Values = new ListProxy<float>(ratings, indices); MaxUserID = -1; MaxItemID = -1; MaxRating = ratings.MaxRating; MinRating = ratings.MinRating; foreach (int index in indices) { if (ratings.Users[index] > MaxUserID) MaxUserID = ratings.Users[index]; if (ratings.Items[index] > MaxItemID) MaxItemID = ratings.Items[index]; } }
[Test()] public void TestCount() { var list_proxy = new ListProxy<int>(CreateSequence(), CreateOddSequence()); Assert.AreEqual(CreateOddSequence().Count, list_proxy.Count); }
[Test()] public void TestIsReadOnly() { var list_proxy = new ListProxy<int>(CreateSequence(), CreateOddSequence()); Assert.IsTrue(list_proxy.IsReadOnly); }