//Function add data story public void AddDataStory() { try { ListOfStories.Clear(); if (_Story_Data != null) { IMethods.Set_TextViewIcon("1", BackIcon, IonIcons_Fonts.AndroidArrowBack); //ImageServiceLoader.Load_Image(UserProfileImage, "no_profile_image.png", _Story_Data.user_data.avatar, 1); ImageCacheLoader.LoadImage(_Story_Data.user_data.avatar, UserProfileImage, false, true); User_ID = _Story_Data.user_id; Story_ID = _Story_Data.id; string name = IMethods.Fun_String.DecodeString(_Story_Data.user_data.name); usernameText.Text = name; Txt_LastSeen.Text = _Story_Data.expire; //Successfully read _Story_Data.Profile_indicator = AppSettings.Story_Read_Color; //Set show or not icon delete DeleteStory_Icon.Visibility = _Story_Data.is_owner ? ViewStates.Visible : ViewStates.Invisible; var getStory = Classes.StoryList.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Value == User_ID); if (getStory.Value != null) { if (Classes.StoryList?.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Value == User_ID).Key?.Count == 0) { var ckd = Last_Stroies_Fragment.StoryAdapter?.mStoryList?.FirstOrDefault(a => a.user_id == User_ID); if (ckd != null) { ckd.Profile_indicator = AppSettings.Story_Read_Color; } } count = getStory.Key.Count; foreach (var story in getStory.Key) { string storyAbout = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_Story_Data.description)) { storyAbout = story.description; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_Story_Data.title)) { storyAbout = story.title; } //image and video if (!story.thumbnail.Contains("avatar")) { string[] data = new string[] { story.id, storyAbout }; ListOfStories?.Add(story.thumbnail, data); } if (story.images?.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < story.images?.Count; i++) { string[] data = new string[] { story.id, storyAbout }; ListOfStories.Add(story.images[i].filename, data); } } if (story.videos?.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < story.videos?.Count; i++) { string[] data = new string[] { story.id, storyAbout }; ListOfStories.Add(story.videos[i].filename, data); } } } } count = ListOfStories.Count; CountStoryText.Text = count.ToString(); } Timerstory = new Timer(); Timerstory.Interval = 6000; Timerstory.Elapsed += Timerstory_Elapsed; Timerstory.Start(); Timerprogress = new Timer(); Timerprogress.Interval = 60; Timerprogress.Elapsed += Timerprogress_Elapsed; Timerprogress.Start(); progrescount = 0; countstory = -1; // starts the list from the first url RunOnUiThread(ChangeStoryView); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } }
public void ChangeStoryView() { try { if (!Timerstory.Enabled) { Timerstory.Enabled = true; Timerprogress.Enabled = true; StoriesProgressViewDisplay.Max = 100; } progrescount = 0; if (Build.VERSION.SdkInt >= BuildVersionCodes.N) { StoriesProgressViewDisplay.SetProgress(progrescount, true); } else { try { // For API < 24 StoriesProgressViewDisplay.Progress = progrescount; } catch (Exception exception) { Console.WriteLine(exception); } } countstory++; CountStoryText.Text = (count - countstory).ToString(); if (countstory <= count - 1) { var dataStory = ListOfStories.FirstOrDefault(); if (dataStory.Key != null) { var type = IMethods.AttachmentFiles.Check_FileExtension(dataStory.Key); if (type == "Video") { SetVideoStory(dataStory.Key, dataStory.Value); } else if (type == "Image") { SetImageStory(dataStory.Key, dataStory.Value); } ListOfStories.Remove(dataStory.Key); } } else { Finish(); Timerstory.Enabled = false; Timerstory.Stop(); Timerprogress.Enabled = false; Timerprogress.Stop(); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } }
//Function add data story public void AddDataStory() { try { ListOfStories.Clear(); if (_Story_Data != null) { IMethods.Set_TextViewIcon("1", BackIcon, IonIcons_Fonts.AndroidArrowBack); IMethods.Load_Image_From_Url(UserProfileImage, _Story_Data.user_data.avatar); User_ID = _Story_Data.user_id; Story_ID = _Story_Data.id; usernameText.Text = _Story_Data.user_data.name; Txt_LastSeen.Text = _Story_Data.expire; //Successfully read _Story_Data.Profile_indicator = Settings.Story_Read_Color; //Set show or not icon delete DeleteStory_Icon.Visibility = _Story_Data.is_owner ? ViewStates.Visible : ViewStates.Invisible; var getStory = Classes.StoryList.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Value == User_ID); if (getStory.Value != null) { count = getStory.Key.Count; foreach (var story in getStory.Key) { string storyAbout = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_Story_Data.description)) { storyAbout = _Story_Data.description; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_Story_Data.title)) { storyAbout = _Story_Data.title; } //image and video if (!story.thumbnail.Contains("avatar")) { string[] data = new string[] { story.id, storyAbout }; ListOfStories?.Add(story.thumbnail, data); } if (story.images?.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < story.images?.Count; i++) { string[] data = new string[] { story.id, storyAbout }; ListOfStories.Add(story.images[i].filename, data); } } if (story.videos?.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < story.videos?.Count; i++) { string[] data = new string[] { story.id, storyAbout }; ListOfStories.Add(story.videos[i].filename, data); } } } } count = ListOfStories.Count; CountStoryText.Text = count.ToString(); } Timerstory = new Timer(); Timerstory.Interval = 6000; Timerstory.Elapsed += Timerstory_Elapsed; Timerstory.Start(); Timerprogress = new Timer(); Timerprogress.Interval = 60; Timerprogress.Elapsed += Timerprogress_Elapsed; Timerprogress.Start(); progrescount = 0; countstory = -1; // starts the list from the first url RunOnUiThread(ChangeStoryView); } catch (Exception e) { Crashes.TrackError(e); } }