예제 #1
        public static void ShowExample()
            #region DATA
            PERSON p1 = new PERSON() { Name = "Martin Hromek" };
            p1.PhoneNumbers = new List<PHONENUMBER>();
            p1.PhoneNumbers.Add(new PHONENUMBER() { Number = "+420775656055" });

            PERSON p2 = new PERSON() { Name = "Eva Brezovska" };
            p2.PhoneNumbers = new List<PHONENUMBER>();
            p2.PhoneNumbers.Add(new PHONENUMBER() { Number = "+420723195654" });

            List<PERSON> list = new List<PERSON>();

            // SELECT
            IEnumerable<IEnumerable<PHONENUMBER>> phoneList = list.Select(p => p.PhoneNumbers);

            // SELECT MANY
            Console.WriteLine("Vstupni pole: phone list");
            Console.WriteLine("Spojim [SelectMany] seznam telefonich cisle.");
            IEnumerable<PHONENUMBER> phonesList = list.SelectMany(p => p.PhoneNumbers);
            Console.WriteLine("SelectMany: {0}", string.Join(",", phonesList));

            var dictionary = list.SelectMany(p => p.PhoneNumbers, (parent, child) => new { name = parent.Name, parent.PhoneNumbers });
예제 #2
        internal static IServiceProvider FindServiceProvider(Assembly[] assembliesToSearch = null) {
            var assemblies = new List<Assembly>();
            if (assembliesToSearch != null && assembliesToSearch.Length > 0) {
            } else {
                try {
                    var entryAssembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly();
                    if (entryAssembly != null)
                } catch {}

            var serviceProviderTypes = assemblies.SelectMany(a =>
                a.GetTypes().Where(t => !t.IsInterface && !t.IsAbstract && typeof(IBootstrappedServiceProvider).IsAssignableFrom(t)));

            foreach (var serviceProviderType in serviceProviderTypes) {
                var bootstrapper = Activator.CreateInstance(serviceProviderType) as IServiceProvider;
                if (bootstrapper != null)
                    return bootstrapper;

            serviceProviderTypes = assemblies.SelectMany(a => a.GetTypes()
                .Where(t => !t.IsInterface && !t.IsAbstract && typeof(IServiceProvider).IsAssignableFrom(t)));

            foreach (var serviceProviderType in serviceProviderTypes) {
                var bootstrapper = Activator.CreateInstance(serviceProviderType) as IServiceProvider;
                if (bootstrapper != null)
                    return bootstrapper;

            return new ActivatorServiceProvider();
예제 #3
        public static IServiceProvider FindAndGetServiceProvider(ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, params Assembly[] assembliesToSearch) {
            var assemblies = new List<Assembly>();
            if (assembliesToSearch != null && assembliesToSearch.Length > 0) {
            } else {
                try {
                    var entryAssembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly();
                    if (entryAssembly != null)
                } catch { }

            // try to find bootstrapped service providers first
            var serviceProviderTypes = assemblies.SelectMany(a =>
                a.GetTypes().Where(t => !t.GetTypeInfo().IsInterface && !t.GetTypeInfo().IsAbstract && typeof(IBootstrappedServiceProvider).IsAssignableFrom(t)));

            foreach (var serviceProviderType in serviceProviderTypes) {
                var serviceProvider = GetServiceProvider(serviceProviderType, loggerFactory);
                if (serviceProvider != null)
                    return serviceProvider;

            // find any service providers
            serviceProviderTypes = assemblies.SelectMany(a => a.GetTypes()
                .Where(t => !t.GetTypeInfo().IsInterface && !t.GetTypeInfo().IsAbstract && typeof(IServiceProvider).IsAssignableFrom(t)));

            foreach (var serviceProviderType in serviceProviderTypes) {
                var serviceProvider = GetServiceProvider(serviceProviderType, loggerFactory);
                if (serviceProvider != null)
                    return serviceProvider;

            return new ActivatorServiceProvider();
        public SyncResponse Sync(string serverKey, List<PluginResource> discoveries = null, List<AnalyzerResult> metricResults = null, Dictionary<string, string> commandResults = null)
            if (AgentContext.Current.PluginBlacklist != null)
                discoveries = discoveries.Where(p => !AgentContext.Current.PluginBlacklist.Contains(p.Category, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)).ToList();

            // build payload
            var payLoad = new SyncRequest();

            if (metricResults != null && metricResults.Any())
                payLoad.AddCollectedMetrics(metricResults.SelectMany(r => r.Metrics).ToList());
                payLoad.AddAnomalies(metricResults.SelectMany(r => r.Anomalies).ToList());




            Log.DebugFormat("Syncing payload with cloud service:\n{0}", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(payLoad, Formatting.Indented));

            // send request
            var response = RestHelper.Post<JObject>("sync", new AggregatorAuthenticator(serverKey), r => r.AddBody(payLoad), r =>
                Log.ErrorFormat("Call to /sync resulted in an error with status code {0} ({1})", r.StatusCode, r.StatusDescription);

            // parse response
            if (response != null)
                Log.DebugFormat("Received sync response from cloud:\n{0}", response.ToString(Formatting.Indented));

                var syncResponse = new SyncResponse();

                if (response["schedules"] != null)
                    var newSchedules = ParsePluginResourceSchedulesFromJson(response["schedules"]);
                    if (newSchedules.Any())
                        syncResponse.PluginResourcesSchedules = newSchedules;

                var newCommands = response["commands"];
                if (newCommands != null && newCommands.Any())
                    syncResponse.AdminCommands = ((IDictionary<string, JToken>)newCommands).ToDictionary(c => c.Key, c => c.Value.Value<string>());

                return syncResponse;

            return null;
        public static DependencyGraph Filter(DependencyGraph graph, List<OutputEntry> warnings)
            var projs = new HashSet<Library>(warnings.SelectMany(w => w.Projects)
                .Concat(warnings.SelectMany(w => w.Dependencies.SelectMany(d => new[] { d.Source, d.Target }))));

            var deps = new HashSet<Dependency>(warnings.SelectMany(w => w.Dependencies));

            var filtered = new DependencyGraph();
            //filtered.AddEdgeRange(graph.Edges.Where(d => projs.Contains(d.Source) && projs.Contains(d.Target)));
            return filtered;
예제 #6
파일: ProjectRewriter.cs 프로젝트: aws/cta
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the project rewriter by getting a list of actions that will be run
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A list of project actions to be run</returns>
        public ProjectResult Initialize()
            ProjectActions projectActions = new ProjectActions();

                var allReferences = _sourceFileResults?.SelectMany(s => s.References)
                                    .Union(_sourceFileResults.SelectMany(s => s.Children.OfType <UsingDirective>())?.Select(u => new Reference()
                    Namespace = u.Identifier, Assembly = u.Identifier
                                    .Union(ProjectConfiguration.AdditionalReferences.Select(r => new Reference {
                    Assembly = r, Namespace = r
                RulesFileLoader rulesFileLoader = new RulesFileLoader(allReferences, ProjectConfiguration.RulesDir, ProjectConfiguration.TargetVersions, string.Empty, ProjectConfiguration.AssemblyDir);

                var projectRules = rulesFileLoader.Load();

                RulesAnalysis walker = new RulesAnalysis(_sourceFileResults, projectRules, ProjectConfiguration.ProjectType);
                projectActions = walker.Analyze();
                _projectReferences.ForEach(p =>
                    projectActions.ProjectReferenceActions.Add(Config.Utils.GetRelativePath(ProjectConfiguration.ProjectPath, p));

                _projectResult.ActionPackages = projectActions.PackageActions.Distinct().ToList();
                _projectResult.MetaReferences = _metaReferences;

                foreach (var p in ProjectConfiguration.PackageReferences)
                    projectActions.PackageActions.Add(new PackageAction()
                        Name = p.Key, OriginalVersion = p.Value.Item1, Version = p.Value.Item2
                projectActions.ProjectLevelActions = projectRules.ProjectTokens.SelectMany(p => p.ProjectLevelActions).Distinct().ToList();
                projectActions.ProjectLevelActions.AddRange(projectRules.ProjectTokens.SelectMany(p => p.ProjectFileActions));
                projectActions.ProjectRules   = projectRules;
                _projectResult.ProjectActions = projectActions;

                _projectResult.FeatureType = ProjectConfiguration.ProjectType;
            catch (Exception ex)
                LogHelper.LogError(ex, "Error while initializing project {0}", ProjectConfiguration.ProjectPath);

예제 #7
 private FileToWrite GetFileForNamespaceGroup(string @namespace, List<ToTypeScript> toTypeScripts)
     bool containsControllers = toTypeScripts.Any(obj => obj.ObjectType == ObjectType.Controller);
     // add static import only if the files is going to contains controllers
     var extraImport = containsControllers ? new[] { $"import {{ RestApi, RequestConfig }} from '../Nimrod';" } : new string[0];
     var imports = toTypeScripts
                 .SelectMany(t => t.GetImports())
                 // do not write import for the same namespace
                 .Where(import => import.Namespace != @namespace)
                 .GroupBy(import => import.Namespace)
                 .Select(grp => $"import * as {grp.Key.Replace('.', '_')} from './{ grp.Key}';")
                 .OrderBy(importLine => importLine);
     var content = toTypeScripts.SelectMany(t => t.GetLines());
     return new FileToWrite($"{@namespace}", extraImport.Concat(imports).Concat(content));
예제 #8
        public void Run(List<SampleTri> mesh)
            Parallel.ForEach(mesh.SelectMany(m => m.Samples).Distinct().ToList(), sample =>
                var neighbours = sample.DepthNeighbours(Depth);

                var colors = neighbours.Select(s => s.Color).OrderByDescending(c => c.Saturation).ToList();

                sample.NewColor = colors.Last();
            Parallel.ForEach(mesh.SelectMany(m => m.Samples).Distinct().ToList(), sample =>
                sample.Color = sample.NewColor;
예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the specified command and returns items of a specific type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TObject">The type of the object.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="queries">The queries to run.</param>
        /// <returns>The resulting data</returns>
        public async Task <IEnumerable <dynamic> > ExecuteAsync <TObject>(IDictionary <IMappingSource, QueryData <TObject> > queries)
            where TObject : class
            var KeyName = queries.Values.ToString(x => x + "_" + x.Source.Source.Name, "\n");

             ?.SelectMany(x => x.Parameters)
             ?? Array.Empty <IParameter>())
            ?.ForEach(x => KeyName = x.AddParameter(KeyName));
            if (QueryResults.IsCached(KeyName, Cache))
                return(QueryResults.GetCached(KeyName, Cache)?.SelectMany(x => x.ConvertValues <TObject>()) ?? Array.Empty <TObject>());
            var Results     = new List <QueryResults>();
            var FirstRun    = true;
            var TempQueries = queries.Where(x => x.Value.Source.CanRead && x.Value.Source.GetChildMappings(typeof(TObject)).Any());

            foreach (var Source in TempQueries.Where(x => x.Value.WhereClause.InternalOperator != null)
                     .OrderBy(x => x.Key.Order))
                await GenerateQueryAsync(Results, FirstRun, Source).ConfigureAwait(false);

                FirstRun = false;
            foreach (var Source in TempQueries.Where(x => x.Value.WhereClause.InternalOperator is null)
                     .OrderBy(x => x.Key.Order))
                await GenerateQueryAsync(Results, FirstRun, Source).ConfigureAwait(false);

                FirstRun = false;
            QueryResults.CacheValues(KeyName, Results, Cache);
            return(Results?.SelectMany(x => x.ConvertValues <TObject>())?.ToArray() ?? Array.Empty <TObject>());
예제 #10
파일: Program.cs 프로젝트: vadimostanin/GA
        static void Main()
            var groups = new List<List<string[]>>();
            var strings = File.ReadAllLines("Test.txt");
            var n = 0;

            foreach (var l in strings)
                if (l.StartsWith("[") && l.EndsWith("]"))
                    n = int.Parse(l.Trim('[', ']')) - 1;
                    groups.Add(new List<string[]>());

            var lines = groups.SelectMany(g => g);

            var ids = lines.Select(l => l[0])

            var paths = ids.Select(id => GetNodes(id, lines).Reverse()).ToList();

            var pairs = paths.Select(p => Tuple.Create(p.Count(), GetPartCount(p, lines)))

            Application.Run(new Form1(pairs));
        public List<TextUnitScore> GetImportantTextUnits(List<Sentence> Sentences)
            var textUnitFrequencyGrader = new Dictionary<TextUnit, long>();
            foreach (var tu in Sentences.SelectMany(s => s.TextUnits))
                if (m_Rules.UnimportantWords.Contains(tu.FormattedValue))

                if (textUnitFrequencyGrader.ContainsKey(tu))
                    textUnitFrequencyGrader.Add(tu, 1);

                textUnitFrequencyGrader.OrderByDescending(kvp => kvp.Value)
                    .Select(kvp => new TextUnitScore {ScoredTextUnit = kvp.Key, Score = kvp.Value})
예제 #12
 /// <summary>
 /// 获取指定命名空间下都类型集合
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="assemblys">命名空间<para>支持通配符</para></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static List <Type> GetTypes(this List <string> assemblys)
     return(assemblys?.SelectMany(x =>
             return Assembly.Load(x).GetTypes();
         catch (FileNotFoundException)
             var result = Array.Empty <Type>();
             if (x.IndexOfAny(new[] { '\\', '/', ':', '*', '"', '<', '>', '|' }) > -1)
                 var Files = Directory.GetFiles(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, $"{x}.dll");
                 if (Files.Length > 0)
                     result = Files.SelectMany(F => Assembly.LoadFile(F).GetTypes()).ToArray();
                 var path = $"{AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory}{x}.dll";
                 if (File.Exists(path))
                     result = Assembly.LoadFile(path).GetTypes();
             return result;
예제 #13
        public override Population Run()
            var m = GetOption("select_count", Math.Ceiling((double) (Population.Osobi.Count/20)));
            if (Population.Osobi.Count < m) return Population;
            var groups =new List < List<Unit> >();
            var tempc = 0;
            var templ = new List<Unit>();
            for (int i = 0; i < Population.Osobi.Count; i++)
                var unit = Population.Osobi[i];
                if (tempc>=m)
                    templ=new List<Unit>();
                    tempc = 0;

            if (templ.Count > 0) { groups.Add(templ);templ=new List<Unit>();}

            var goods=groups.SelectMany(u => u.Where(u1 => u1.Function == u.Max(u2 => u2.Function)));
            Population.TempPopulation = goods.Select(u=>u.Id).ToList();
            return Population;
        ///<summary>Resolves the full path to the JS file that will be loaded by a call to require().  This will always return an existing file (not directory) on disk, or null.</summary>
        ///<param name="callerPath">The path to the directory containing the file that is calling require().  This must be an absolute path.</param>
        ///<param name="modulePath">The string passed to require().  This can be a relative path, a module name, or a path within a module name.</param>
        ///<returns>The path to the fully resolved file, after resolving default extensions, default directory files, and package.json.</returns>
        public async static Task<string> ResolveModule(string callerDirectory, string modulePath)
            string rawPath = ResolvePath(callerDirectory, modulePath);

            // If we couldn't locate the module at all, or if we got an actual file, stop.
            if (rawPath == null || File.Exists(rawPath))
                return rawPath;

            // Build a list of file-like paths to try with various extensions.
            // In order, try the original path, the 'package.json' main entry,
            // and any index file.
            // https://github.com/joyent/node/blob/master/lib/module.js#L155
            var potentialPaths = new List<string> { rawPath };

            // If the non-existent file is a directory, look inside.
            if (Directory.Exists(rawPath))
                var mainEntry = await GetPackageMain(rawPath).ConfigureAwait(false);
                if (mainEntry != null)
                    potentialPaths.Add(Path.Combine(rawPath, mainEntry));
                    potentialPaths.Add(Path.Combine(rawPath, mainEntry, "index"));
                potentialPaths.Add(Path.Combine(rawPath, "index"));
            // Don't try to resolve a path with a trailing / as a file.
            potentialPaths.RemoveAll(p => p.EndsWith("/", StringComparison.Ordinal));

            // Try adding the default extensions to each potential path we've found, then give up.
            return potentialPaths.SelectMany(path => ModuleExtensions.Select(e => path + e))
        public virtual async Task<CodeAction> GetFixAsync(
            ImmutableDictionary<Document, ImmutableArray<Diagnostic>> documentsAndDiagnosticsToFixMap,
            FixAllContext fixAllContext)
            if (documentsAndDiagnosticsToFixMap != null && documentsAndDiagnosticsToFixMap.Any())

                var documents = documentsAndDiagnosticsToFixMap.Keys.ToImmutableArray();
                var fixesBag = new List<CodeAction>[documents.Length];
                var options = new ParallelOptions() { CancellationToken = fixAllContext.CancellationToken };
                Parallel.ForEach(documents, options, (document, state, index) =>
                    fixesBag[index] = new List<CodeAction>();
                    this.AddDocumentFixesAsync(document, documentsAndDiagnosticsToFixMap[document], fixesBag[index].Add, fixAllContext).Wait(fixAllContext.CancellationToken);

                if (fixesBag.Any(fixes => fixes.Count > 0))
                    return await this.TryGetMergedFixAsync(fixesBag.SelectMany(i => i), fixAllContext).ConfigureAwait(false);

            return null;
예제 #16
    static void Main(string[] args)
        const int NUMBER_OF_POSITIONS = 4;
        Console.Error.WriteLine("Using {0} positions", NUMBER_OF_POSITIONS);

        var allPositions = Enumerable.Range(0, NUMBER_OF_POSITIONS).ToArray();

        var validValues = new List<int[][]> {
            Enumerable.Repeat(Enumerable.Range(0, 10).ToArray(), NUMBER_OF_POSITIONS).ToArray()


        int N = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
            string[] inputs = Console.ReadLine().Split(' ');
            int[] guess = inputs[0].Select(x => int.Parse(x.ToString())).ToArray();
            int bulls = int.Parse(inputs[1]);
            int cows = int.Parse(inputs[2]);
            Console.Error.WriteLine("guess {0} == {1} bulls + {2} cows", inputs[0], bulls, cows);

            validValues = validValues.SelectMany(possibility =>
                solve(possibility, guess, bulls, cows, NUMBER_OF_POSITIONS - 1)


        var solution = string.Join("", validValues.Single().Select(x => x.Single()).ToArray());
        protected List<PerformanceRecord> ExecuteWriteWithParallel(IEnumerable<TestData> data, int numberOfTransactions, int itemsPerTransaction, int numberOfThreads, Func<IEnumerator<TestData>, long, long, List<PerformanceRecord>> writeFunction, out long elapsedMilliseconds)
            var countdownEvent = new CountdownEvent(numberOfThreads);

            var parallelData = SplitData(data, numberOfTransactions, itemsPerTransaction, numberOfThreads);

            var records = new List<PerformanceRecord>[numberOfThreads];
            var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfThreads; i++)
                    state =>
                        var index = (int)state;
                        var pData = parallelData[index];

                        records[index] = writeFunction(pData.Enumerate(), pData.ItemsPerTransaction, pData.NumberOfTransactions);



            elapsedMilliseconds = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            return records
                .SelectMany(x => x)
예제 #18
        public ObjectCreator(Manifest manifest, FileSystem.FileSystem modFiles)
            typeCache = new Cache<string, Type>(FindType);
            ctorCache = new Cache<Type, ConstructorInfo>(GetCtor);

            // Allow mods to load types from the core Game assembly, and any additional assemblies they specify.
            var assemblyList = new List<Assembly>() { typeof(Game).Assembly };
            foreach (var path in manifest.Assemblies)
                var data = modFiles.Open(path).ReadAllBytes();

                // .NET doesn't provide any way of querying the metadata of an assembly without either:
                //   (a) loading duplicate data into the application domain, breaking the world.
                //   (b) crashing if the assembly has already been loaded.
                // We can't check the internal name of the assembly, so we'll work off the data instead
                var hash = CryptoUtil.SHA1Hash(data);

                Assembly assembly;
                if (!ResolvedAssemblies.TryGetValue(hash, out assembly))
                    assembly = Assembly.Load(data);
                    ResolvedAssemblies.Add(hash, assembly);


            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += ResolveAssembly;
            assemblies = assemblyList.SelectMany(asm => asm.GetNamespaces().Select(ns => Pair.New(asm, ns))).ToArray();
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve -= ResolveAssembly;
예제 #19
파일: NPChart.cs 프로젝트: mparsin/Elements
        protected override void UpdateLevelsValues(List<List<SamplePrimitive>> primitives, MobileObservableCollection<SampleUnit> samples)
            var dataList = primitives.SelectMany(x => x.Select(y => !((bool)y.SampleValue)));
            var dataSum = dataList.Sum(x => Convert.ToInt32(x));
            var dataCount = dataList.Count();

            var p = 0.0;
            var np = 0.0;
            var delta = 0.0;
            if (samples.Any())
                p = (double) dataSum/dataCount;
                np = ParentPanel.SubgroupSize * p;
                delta = 3 * Math.Sqrt(np * (1 - p));

                Mean = Math.Round(np, 2);

                UCL = Math.Round(Mean + delta, 2);
                LCL = Math.Round(Math.Max(Mean - delta, 0), 2);

            foreach (var sample in samples)

                sample.SetUCL(ParentPanel.CustomUCL, true);
                sample.SetLCL(ParentPanel.CustomLCL, true);

예제 #20
        public ScanIndex()
            AssemblyTypes = new Dictionary<Assembly, List<Type>>();
            TypeAssemblies = new Dictionary<Type, Assembly>();
            ImplementorsOfType = new Dictionary<Type, List<Type>>();
            TypeHierarchies = new Dictionary<Type, List<Type>>();
            Closers = new Dictionary<Type, List<Type>>();
            AssemblyExclusionList = new List<string>();
            ReferenceLookup = new Dictionary<Assembly, List<Assembly>>();
            ConfiguredSymbiotes = new Dictionary<Assembly, bool>();
            SingleImplementations = new Dictionary<Type, Type>();
            Scanner = new TypeScanner();


            var initialList = new List<Assembly>( Scanner.GetAssembliesFromBaseDirectory().ToList() );
            var references = initialList
                .SelectMany( GetReferenceList )
            initialList.AddRange( references.Where( r => !initialList.Any( a => a.FullName.Equals( r.FullName ) ) ) );

            var uniqueList = initialList.Distinct();
            var filtered = uniqueList.Where( x => !AssemblyExclusionList.Any( e => x.FullName.StartsWith( e ) ) );
            CompleteAssemblyList = new List<Assembly>( filtered.ToList() );
예제 #21
        protected override MobileObservableCollection<SampleUnit> ConvertPrimitivesToSamples(List<List<SamplePrimitive>> primitives)
            var newSource = new MobileObservableCollection<SampleUnit>();

            for (var i = 0; i < primitives.Count; i++)
                var data = primitives[i].Select(x => x.SampleValue).Cast<double>();

                var commonItemId = (from s in primitives[i]
                                    group s by s.ItemId into gr
                                    orderby gr.Count() descending
                                    select gr).First().First().ItemId;

                var sampleValue = ProcessSubgroup(data);

                var subgroupSample = SpcManager.CreateSample(sampleValue, commonItemId, i);
                subgroupSample.SetXLabelValue(i, LabelValueDataTypes.Number);

            UpdateLevelsValues(primitives, newSource);

            YStep = (int)Math.Abs(primitives.SelectMany(l1 => l1.Select(l2 => l2.SampleValue)).Cast<double>().Range() / (3 * ParentPanel.HeightMultiplier));

            return newSource;
예제 #22
        public void Write(List<PackageViewModel> packages, string file)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(file))
                file = "packages.dgml";

            XNamespace ns = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/vs/2009/dgml";
            var colors = new DgmlColorConfiguration();
            var nodes =
                        package =>
                            new XElement(ns + "Node",
                                new XAttribute("Id", package.Id),
                                new XAttribute("Label", string.Format("{0} ({1})", package.NugetId, package.LocalVersion)),
                                new XAttribute("Background", GraphHelper.GenerateBackgroundColor(packages, package, colors))))

            var links =
                        package => package.Dependencies, (package, dep) =>
                            new XElement(ns + "Link",
                                new XAttribute("Source", package.Id),
                                new XAttribute("Target", packages.Any(x => x.NugetId == dep.NugetId && x.LocalVersion == dep.Version) ? packages.First(x => x.NugetId == dep.NugetId && x.LocalVersion == dep.Version).Id : string.Format("{0} ({1})", dep.NugetId, dep.Version)))))

            var document =
                new XDocument(
                    new XDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", string.Empty),
                    new XElement(ns + "DirectedGraph", new XElement(ns + "Nodes", nodes), new XElement(ns + "Links", links)));

        public List<GameStats> Apply(List<DeckStats> stats)
            // filter by deck first if needed
            IEnumerable<GameStats> filtered = null;
            if (Deck != null)
                filtered = stats.Where<DeckStats>(d => d.DeckId.Equals(Deck)).SelectMany(d => d.Games);
                filtered = stats.SelectMany(d => d.Games).ToList<GameStats>();
            // region filter
            if (!Region.Equals(StatsRegion.All))
                filtered = filtered.Where<GameStats>(g => (int)g.Region == (int)Region);
            // game mode filter
            if (!Mode.Equals(GameMode.All))
                filtered = filtered.Where<GameStats>(g => g.GameMode.Equals(Mode));
            // time filter
            var times = GetFilterTimes(TimeFrame);
            filtered = filtered.Where<GameStats>(g => g.StartTime >= times.Item1 && g.EndTime <= times.Item2);

            // finally sort by time
            return filtered.OrderByDescending<GameStats, DateTime>(g => g.EndTime).ToList<GameStats>();
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="XElementExportProvider"/> class.
        /// Includes *.xml and *.config by default.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">The path. Defaults to Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()</param>
        /// <param name="filters">A list of additional file filters to include.</param>
        public XElementExportProvider(string path = null, IEnumerable<string> filters = null)
            if (path == null)
                path = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
            List<string> include = new List<string>(new[] { "*.xml", "*.config" });
            if (filters != null)
                foreach (string filter in filters.Where(filter => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filter)).Where(filter => !include.Contains(filter)))

            List<string> xmlFiles = new List<string>(include.SelectMany(ext => Directory.GetFiles(path, ext)));

            _exportsDictionary = xmlFiles.Select(filePath => new FileInfo(filePath)).ToDictionary(
                fileInfo => fileInfo.Name,
                fileInfo =>
                    ExportDefinition def = new ExportDefinition(fileInfo.Name, null);
                    Export e = new Export(def, () => XElement.Load(fileInfo.FullName));
                    return e;
예제 #25
        public static Blockchain RandomBlockchain(RandomDataOptions options = default(RandomDataOptions))
            //TODO blockCount algorithm isn't exact
            var blockCount = random.Next((options != null ? options.BlockCount : null) ?? 100) + ((options != null ? options.MinimumBlockCount : null) ?? 1);
            var blockList = new List<Block>(blockCount);
            var chainedBlockList = new List<ChainedBlock>(blockCount);

            var previousBlockHash = UInt256.Zero;
            var totalWork = new BigInteger(0);
            for (var i = 0; i < blockCount; i++)
                var block = RandomData.RandomBlock(options);
                block = block.With(Header: block.Header.With(PreviousBlock: previousBlockHash));

                previousBlockHash = block.Hash;
                totalWork += block.Header.CalculateWork();

                chainedBlockList.Add(new ChainedBlock(block.Hash, block.Header.PreviousBlock, i, totalWork));

            var blockListHashes = blockList.Select(x => x.Hash).ToImmutableHashSet();
            var utxo = blockList.SelectMany(block =>
                block.Transactions.Select((tx, txIndex) =>
                    new UnspentTx(block.Hash, (UInt32)txIndex, tx.Hash, random.NextImmutableBitArray((options != null ? options.TxOutputCount : null) ?? 100))))
                .ToImmutableDictionary(unspentTx => unspentTx.TxHash, unspentTx => unspentTx);

            return new Blockchain
예제 #26
 public override List <CkanModule> LatestAvailableWithProvides(
     IRegistryQuerier registry, GameVersionCriteria crit, IEnumerable <CkanModule> installed = null,
     IEnumerable <CkanModule> toInstall = null
     return(any_of?.SelectMany(r => r.LatestAvailableWithProvides(registry, crit, installed, toInstall)).ToList());
예제 #27
 public byte[] GetBytes(float mul = 1.0f)
     List<byte[]> data = new List<byte[]>();
     return data.SelectMany(_ => _).ToArray();
예제 #28
파일: Program.cs 프로젝트: iolevel/peachpie
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // parse args
            string cwd = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
            var testdirs = new List<string>();
            string phpexepath = Path.Combine(cwd, "php.exe");

            foreach (var arg in args)
                if (arg.EndsWith("php.exe", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    phpexepath = arg;
                    testdirs.Add(Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(cwd, arg)));

            // run tests lazily
            var tests = testdirs
                .SelectMany(dir => ExpandTestDir(dir));

            // output results
            foreach (var test in tests)
                Console.Write($"{test} ... ");
                Console.WriteLine(TestCore(test, phpexepath));
예제 #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the metro applications.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IEnumerable<MetroApplication> GetApplications()
            var packages = new PackageManager()

            var metroPackages = new List<MetroPackage>();

            foreach (var package in packages)
                var metroPackage = new MetroPackage(package);

                if (metroPackage.Applications.Any())
                    metroPackages.Add(new MetroPackage(package));

            var metroApplications = metroPackages
                .SelectMany(package => package.Applications)
                    application =>
                        !string.IsNullOrEmpty(application.AppUserModelId) &&

            return metroApplications;
예제 #30
        private static void feed_Loaded(object sender, SyndicationResourceLoadedEventArgs e)
            var feed = (RssFeed)sender;
            feed.Loaded -= feed_Loaded;

            Console.WriteLine("RSS Feed loaded at " + DateTime.UtcNow);
            List<string[]> allLines = new List<string[]>();
            foreach (var rssItem in feed.Channel.Items)
                string title = rssItem.Title;
                title = RemoveHtml(title);
                if (m_includeDescription)
                    string description = rssItem.Description;
                    description = RemoveHtml(description);
                    allLines.Add(new string[] { title + ": " + description });
                    allLines.Add(new string[] { title });

            lock (m_forecastFeedLines)
                m_forecastFeedLines.AddRange(allLines.SelectMany(s => s));

예제 #31
        protected COBSCodec() { } // not instantiable

         * Returns the encoded representation of the given bytes.
         * Inefficient method, but easy to use and understand.
         * @param src the bytes to encode
         * @return the encoded bytes.
        public static byte[] encode(byte[] src)
            List<byte[]> dest = new List<byte[]>(maxEncodedSize(src.Length));
            encode(src, 0, src.Length, dest);
            return dest.SelectMany(a => a).ToArray();
        public Task Subscribe(Guid recordID, string group)
            if (UserList.Any(x => x.User == Context.ConnectionId))
                return null;
            Console.WriteLine("[{0}] Client '{1}' has been added to group {2}.", DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-mm-yyyy hh:MM:ss"), Context.ConnectionId, group);
            var adv = new AdvList
                Name = @group,
                User = Context.ConnectionId,
                UserRecordID = recordID,
                ListOfLanes = new List<Guid>()

            List<CustomerHierarchy> chList = new List<CustomerHierarchy>();
            if(!CustomerHierarchy.Load(recordID, out chList))
                Console.WriteLine("Error retrieving customer hierarchy for user " + User.LoadUser(recordID).DisplayName);

            var listOfLanes = new List<Guid>();
           adv.ListOfLanes = chList.SelectMany(x => x.Equipment.Select(e => e.RecordID)).Distinct().ToList();

            Console.WriteLine("user list contains this many people on subscription" + UserList.Count());
            return Groups.Add(Context.ConnectionId, group);
예제 #33
        private static async Task<IEnumerable<MethodCountInfo>> GetClassMethodCounts(string solutionFile)
            var methodCounts = new List<IEnumerable<MethodCountInfo>>();

            using (MSBuildWorkspace workspace = MSBuildWorkspace.Create())
                Solution solution = await workspace.OpenSolutionAsync(solutionFile);

                foreach (var project in solution.Projects)
                    Console.WriteLine("Processing: " + project.Name);

                    var compilation = await project.GetCompilationAsync();

                    foreach (var syntaxTree in compilation.SyntaxTrees)
                        var methodCounter = new MethodCountingWalker(compilation.GetSemanticModel(syntaxTree));

            return methodCounts.SelectMany(seq => seq);
예제 #34
        public IEnumerable<Money> Eject(CashDeal inCash, ChangePool inReservedMoney)
            try {
                if (inCash.UsedAmount == 0) {
                    return inCash.RecevedMoney.ToList();

                var result = new List<KeyValuePair<Money, int>>();

                    inReservedMoney.Items.OrderByDescending(pair => pair.Key.Value()),
                    (m, totalCount, useCount) => {
                            new KeyValuePair<Money, int>(m, (int)useCount)

                return result.SelectMany(r => Enumerable.Repeat(r.Key, r.Value));
            finally {
예제 #35
        private void SalvarReprovadasStagingConectSys(List <PassagemReprovadaEstacionamentoDto> passagensReprovadas, PassagensReprovadasParkResponse response, Guid execucaoId)
            var sw = new Stopwatch();


            var transacoesRecusadas = passagensReprovadas?.Select(c => c.TransacaoEstacionamentoRecusada).ToList();
            var transacoesEstacionamentoRecusadasLoteStaging = Mapper.Map <List <TransacaoEstacionamentoRecusadaLoteStaging> >(transacoesRecusadas);
            var idsTransacoes = transacoesRecusadas.Select(x => x.RegistroTransacaoId).ToList();

            var detalhePassagens = passagensReprovadas?.SelectMany(c => c.TransacaoEstacionamentoRecusada.Detalhes).ToList();
            var detalhePassagemEstacionamentoRecusadasStaging = new List <DetalheTransacaoEstacionamentoRecusadaLoteStaging>();

            detalhePassagens.ForEach(x => detalhePassagemEstacionamentoRecusadasStaging.Add(Mapper.Map <DetalheTransacaoEstacionamentoRecusadaLoteStaging>(x)));

                TransactionContextHelper.ExecuteTransaction((reprovadas) =>
                    Log.Debug($"ID: {execucaoId} - Início - Staging Passagens Reprovadas Park - ConectSys.");
                    using (var datasourceConectSys = AdoDataSourceProvider.GetDataSource(DbConnectionDataSourceType.ConectSys))
                            datasourceConectSys.Connection.BulkInsertTransacoes(transacoesEstacionamentoRecusadasLoteStaging, "TransacaoEstacionamentoRecusadaLoteStaging");
                            datasourceConectSys.Connection.BulkInsertTransacoes(detalhePassagemEstacionamentoRecusadasStaging, "DetalhePassagemEstacionamentoRecusadaLoteStaging");

                            response.QtdTransacaoEstacionamentoRecusadaStaging       = transacoesEstacionamentoRecusadasLoteStaging.Count;
                            response.QtdDetalhePassagemEstacionamentoRecusadaStaging = detalhePassagemEstacionamentoRecusadasStaging.Count;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Log.Fatal($"ID: {execucaoId} - Erro Fatal - Staging Passagens Reprovadas Park - ConectSys.", ex);
                            response.SucessoStagingConectSys = false;
                    Log.Debug($"ID: {execucaoId} - Fim - Staging Passagens Reprovadas Park - ConectSys.");
                }, passagensReprovadas);

                TransactionContextHelper.ExecuteTransaction((reprovadas) =>
                    using (var dataSourceConectPark = new DbConnectionDataSource("ConectParkConnStr"))
                        var command = new AtualizarRegistroTransacaoProcessadoCommand(dataSourceConectPark);
                        command.Execute(new AtualizarRegistroTransacaoProcessadoArgs
                            RegistroTransacaoIds = idsTransacoes
                }, transacoesRecusadas);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Fatal($"ID: {execucaoId} - Erro Fatal. Erro: {ex.Message}", ex);

            response.TempoExecucaoStagingConectSys = sw.Elapsed;
예제 #36
 public IEnumerable <ContextInfoContent> GetContextInfoContent()
                units?.SelectMany(u => u.GetContextInfoContent()),
예제 #37
        public async Task <IEnumerable <Coin> > GetItemsAsync(bool forceRefresh = false)
            var exchanges = await Settings.ExchangeListAsync();

            List <Dictionary <String, Coin> > saveData = new List <Dictionary <String, Coin> >();

            List <Coin> newItems = new List <Coin>();

            if (exchanges == null)
                newItems.Add(new Coin()
                    CoinName = "Please Add."
                //Parallel has odd issues in Mono.Net
                var tasks = new List <Task <Dictionary <string, Coin> > >();

                foreach (var x in exchanges)
                    //Workaround, oddities with Async Parllel
                    tasks.Add(Task.Factory.StartNew(async() =>
                        var data = await LoadData.LoadCoinBalanceAsync(x);

                await Task.WhenAll(tasks.ToArray());

                tasks.ForEach(x => saveData.Add(x.Result));

            var groupbyName = saveData?.SelectMany(x => x.Values).GroupBy(x => x.CoinName).OrderByDescending(x => x.Sum(c => c.AvaliableValue));

            foreach (var coinGroup in groupbyName)
                Coin x = new Coin()
                    CoinName     = coinGroup.Key, AvaliableValue = coinGroup.Sum(c => c.AvaliableValue),
                    OnOrderValue = coinGroup.Sum(c => c.OnOrderValue)
                if (x.AvaliableValue > 0 || x.OnOrderValue > 0)

            items = newItems;

            return(await Task.FromResult(newItems));
예제 #38
        internal async Task <List <CartLineComponent> > Resolve(CommerceContext commerceContext, string category,
                                                                bool includeSubCategories)
            List <Order> allOrders = await orderResolver.Resolve(commerceContext);

            string categorySitecoreId = AsyncHelper.RunSync(() => GetSitecoreIdFromCommerceId(commerceContext, category));

            return(allOrders?.SelectMany(x => x.Lines)
                   .Where(line => HasCategory(includeSubCategories, line, categorySitecoreId))
예제 #39
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the project rewriter by getting a list of actions that will be run
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A list of project actions to be run</returns>
        public ProjectResult Initialize()
            ProjectActions projectActions = new ProjectActions();

                var             allReferences   = _sourceFileResults?.SelectMany(s => s.References).Distinct();
                RulesFileLoader rulesFileLoader = new RulesFileLoader(allReferences, RulesEngineConfiguration.RulesDir, RulesEngineConfiguration.TargetVersions, string.Empty, RulesEngineConfiguration.AssemblyDir);
                var             projectRules    = rulesFileLoader.Load();

                RulesAnalysis walker = new RulesAnalysis(_sourceFileResults, projectRules);
                projectActions = walker.Analyze();
                _projectReferences.ForEach(p =>
                    projectActions.ProjectReferenceActions.Add(Config.Utils.GetRelativePath(RulesEngineConfiguration.ProjectPath, p));

                _projectResult.ActionPackages = projectActions.PackageActions.Distinct().ToList();
                _projectResult.MetaReferences = _metaReferences;

                foreach (var p in RulesEngineConfiguration.PackageReferences)
                    projectActions.PackageActions.Add(new PackageAction()
                        Name = p.Key, OriginalVersion = p.Value.Item1, Version = p.Value.Item2
                projectActions.ProjectLevelActions = projectRules.ProjectTokens.SelectMany(p => p.ProjectLevelActions).Distinct().ToList();
                projectActions.ProjectLevelActions.AddRange(projectRules.ProjectTokens.SelectMany(p => p.ProjectFileActions));
                projectActions.ProjectRules   = projectRules;
                _projectResult.ProjectActions = projectActions;
            catch (Exception ex)
                LogHelper.LogError(ex, "Error while initializing project {0}", RulesEngineConfiguration.ProjectPath);

예제 #40
 public void ConfigurarDatasRelatorio(List <ControleFeriasNegocio.Dominio.Funcionario> funcionariosEmFerias = null)
     if (funcionariosEmFerias == null)
         funcionariosEmFerias = _FuncionariosFerias;
     _Ferias = funcionariosEmFerias?.Where(f => !f.PeriodosFerias.IsNullOrEmpty()).SelectMany(f => f.PeriodosFerias)?.ToList();
     DateTime[] datas = _Ferias?.SelectMany(p => DatasDoPeriodo(p))?.OrderBy(p => p).ToArray();
     if (datas != null)
         monthCalendar1.BoldedDates = datas;
        public async Task RegisterNewProductAsync(Domain.Entities.Product product, List <RequestFile> photos, RequestFile profile)
            const string profilePhotoName = nameof(product.ProfilePhoto);
            const string photosName       = nameof(product.Photos);
            const string bucketName       = nameof(profile.Bucket);
            const string nameOfPhotosName = nameof(RequestFile.Name);

            var productValidation = product.Validate(profilePhotoName, photosName);
            var profileValidation = profile.Validate(bucketName, nameOfPhotosName);
            var photosValidation  = photos?.SelectMany(p => p.Validate(bucketName, nameOfPhotosName));

            if (productValidation.IsValid() && profileValidation.IsValid() && photosValidation.IsValid())
                await _repository.CreateProductAsync(product);

                _uploader.FileUploaded += OnPhotoUploaded;

                profile.Name     = $"{ProductName}-{product.Key}-{ProfileTypeName}-{profile.Key}".ToLower();
                profile.Bucket   = "store-lab-product-profile";
                profile.Metadata = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { ProductKeyName, product.Key },
                    { FileTypeName, ProfileTypeName }

                photos?.ForEach(p =>
                    p.Name     = $"{ProductName}-{product.Key}-{PhotoTypeName}-{p.Key}".ToLower();
                    p.Bucket   = "store-lab-product-photos";
                    p.Metadata = new Dictionary <string, string>
                        { ProductKeyName, product.Key },
                        { FileTypeName, PhotoTypeName }

                await _uploader.UploadAsync(profile);

                await _uploader.UploadAllAsync(photos);

                var args = new RegisterNewProductEventArgs {
                    Product = product

                ProductRegisted?.Invoke(this, args);
                throw new EntityException(productValidation.Aggregate(profileValidation).Aggregate(photosValidation));
        public virtual StatsEmployees CalculateStats()
            int     countEmployees;
            decimal avgVacationDays;
            int     diffJobTitles;

            EmployeesController employeesController = new();
            List <Employee>?    allEmployees        = employeesController.GetAllEmployees()?.ToList();

            countEmployees  = allEmployees?.Count ?? 0;
            avgVacationDays = (decimal)(allEmployees?.Average(x => x.VacationDays) ?? 0);
            diffJobTitles   = allEmployees?.SelectMany(x => x.JobTitle)?.Distinct()?.Count() ?? 0;

            return(new(countEmployees, avgVacationDays, diffJobTitles));
예제 #43
        private void OnSelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
            if (e == null)

            var previousCol = _SelectedCascade;

            _SelectedCascade = (sender as DataTemplates.CascadeComponentXaml)?.Column ?? -1;
            ICard top = (_SelectedCascade >= 0) ? _Cards[_SelectedCascade].LastOrDefault() : CardEx.Empty; // card available to play of cascade (visually on bottom but called top)

            ICard previous = null;

            foreach (var c in _Cards?.SelectMany(z => z)?.Where(z => z.Selected))
                //if (c.Selected) previous = c;
                c.Selected = false;
            previous = _SelectedCard;

            var current = e.CurrentSelection.FirstOrDefault() as ICard;

            if ((current != null) && (top == current))   // only allow top card in cascade to be selected
                current.Selected = true;

            if (previous == CardEx.Empty)
                this.BackgroundColor = Color.Gray;                           // nothing previously selected
            else if (previous == current)
                this.BackgroundColor = Color.Gray;                           // same card
            else if (previous.CanBePlacedOnSingle(current))
                this.BackgroundColor = Color.Green;                                             // move is valid
                this.BackgroundColor = Color.Yellow;  // invalid move
            _SelectedCard = current;

        private void OnTimerElapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
            using (var context = new CoreDBContext(new DbContextOptionsBuilder <CoreDBContext>().UseNpgsql(_connectionString).Options))
                List <Account> accounts = context?.Accounts?
                                          .Include(a => a.Subscriptions)
                                          .ThenInclude(s => s.Currency)

                List <SignalsDTO> signalsDTOs = new List <SignalsDTO>();

                Dictionary <string, List <SignalsDTO> > userSignals = new Dictionary <string, List <SignalsDTO> >(accounts?.Count ?? 0);

                List <string> currencies = accounts?.SelectMany(x => x.Subscriptions?.Select(s => s?.Currency?.Name))?.Distinct()?.ToList();

                foreach (var currency in currencies)
                    SignalsDTO signal = CheckSignals(currency).Result;
                    if (signal != null)

                foreach (var account in accounts)
                    foreach (var subscription in account?.Subscriptions)
                        if (currencies.Contains(subscription?.Currency?.Name))
                            if (userSignals.TryGetValue(account?.Email, out var signals) == false)
                                signals = new List <SignalsDTO>();
                                userSignals.Add(account?.Email, signals);
                            if (signals.Exists(s => s.Symbol == subscription?.Currency?.Symbol) == false)
                                SignalsDTO signal = signalsDTOs.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Symbol == subscription?.Currency.Symbol);

예제 #45
        /// <summary>
        /// If this fee has a <see cref="MaximumUsageCount" />, returns the number of allowed usages remaining for the specified <see cref="RegistrationInstance" />
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="registrationInstance">The registration instance.</param>
        /// <param name="otherRegistrants">The other registrants that have been registered so far in this registration</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int?GetUsageCountRemaining(RegistrationInstance registrationInstance, List <RegistrantInfo> otherRegistrants)
            if (!this.MaximumUsageCount.HasValue || registrationInstance == null)

            var registrationInstanceId        = registrationInstance.Id;
            var registrationInstanceFeesQuery = new RegistrationRegistrantFeeService(new RockContext()).Queryable().Where(a => a.RegistrationRegistrant.Registration.RegistrationInstanceId == registrationInstanceId);

            var feeUsedCount = registrationInstanceFeesQuery.Where(a => a.RegistrationTemplateFeeItemId == this.Id).Sum(a => ( int? )a.Quantity) ?? 0;

            // get a list of fees that the other registrants in this registrant entry have incurred so far
            List <FeeInfo> otherRegistrantsFees = otherRegistrants?.SelectMany(a => a.FeeValues).Where(a => a.Value != null && a.Key == this.RegistrationTemplateFeeId).SelectMany(a => a.Value).ToList();

            // get the count of fees of this same fee item for other registrants
            int otherRegistrantsUsedCount = otherRegistrantsFees?.Where(a => a.RegistrationTemplateFeeItemId == this.Id).Sum(f => f.Quantity) ?? 0;

            usageCountRemaining = this.MaximumUsageCount.Value - feeUsedCount - otherRegistrantsUsedCount;
예제 #46
        /// <summary>
        /// Get all rewards applied on line items and shipment into a single list
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="orderShipment"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected List <Reward> GetAllRewards(List <Shipment> orderShipment)
            var allRewards = new List <Reward>();

            if (orderShipment.Any())
                var shipmentRewards = Enumerable.Empty <Reward>();
                var lineItemRewards = Enumerable.Empty <Reward>();

                shipmentRewards = orderShipment.SelectMany(s => s.Rewards);

                if (orderShipment?.SelectMany(s => s.LineItems?.SelectMany(l => l.Rewards)) != null)
                    lineItemRewards = orderShipment
                                      .SelectMany(t => t.LineItems
                                                  .SelectMany(l => l.Rewards));

                allRewards = shipmentRewards
예제 #47
        private void SalvarAprovadasStagingConectSys(List <PassagemAprovadaEstacionamentoDto> passagensAprovadas, PassagensAprovadasParkResponse response, Guid execucaoId)
                var transacoes       = passagensAprovadas?.Select(c => c.TransacaoEstacionamento).ToList();
                var transacaoStaging = Mapper.Map <List <TransacaoPassagemEstacionamentoLoteStaging> >(transacoes);
                var idsTransacoes    = transacoes.Select(x => x.RegistroTransacaoId).ToList();

                var extratos        = passagensAprovadas?.Select(c => c.Extrato).ToList();
                var extratosStaging = Mapper.Map <List <ExtratoLoteStaging> >(extratos);

                var conveniadoInformacoes        = passagensAprovadas?.Select(c => c.ConveniadoInformacoesRPS).ToList();
                var conveniadoInformacoesStaging = Mapper.Map <List <ConveniadoInformacoesRpsLoteStaging> >(conveniadoInformacoes);

                var detalhePassagens       = passagensAprovadas?.SelectMany(c => c.TransacaoEstacionamento.Detalhes).ToList();
                var detalhePassagemStaging = new List <DetalhePassagemEstacionamentoLoteStaging>();
                detalhePassagens.ForEach(x => detalhePassagemStaging.Add(Mapper.Map <DetalhePassagemEstacionamentoLoteStaging>(x)));

                var pistaInformacoes           = passagensAprovadas?.Select(c => c.PistaInformacoesRPS).ToList();
                var pistaInformacoesRpsStaging = Mapper.Map <List <PistaInformacoesRPSLoteStaging> >(pistaInformacoes);

                TransactionContextHelper.ExecuteTransaction((aprovadas) =>
                    Log.Debug($"ID: {execucaoId} - Início - Staging Passagens Aprovadas Park - ConectSys.");
                    using (var datasourceConectSys = AdoDataSourceProvider.GetDataSource(DbConnectionDataSourceType.ConectSys))
                            datasourceConectSys.Connection.BulkInsert(transacaoStaging, "TransacaoPassagemEstacionamentoStaging");
                            datasourceConectSys.Connection.BulkInsert(extratosStaging, "ExtratoLoteStaging");
                            datasourceConectSys.Connection.BulkInsert(detalhePassagemStaging, "DetalhePassagemEstacionamentoStaging");
                            datasourceConectSys.Connection.BulkInsert(conveniadoInformacoesStaging, "ConveniadoInformacoesRPSStaging");
                            datasourceConectSys.Connection.BulkInsert(pistaInformacoesRpsStaging, "PistaInformacoesRpsStaging");

                            response.QtdConveniadoInformacoesRPSStaging        = conveniadoInformacoesStaging.Count;
                            response.QtdDetalhePassagemEstacionamentoStaging   = detalhePassagemStaging.Count;
                            response.QtdPistaInformacoesRPSStaging             = pistaInformacoesRpsStaging.Count;
                            response.QtdTransacaoPassagemEstacionamentoStaging = transacaoStaging.Count;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Log.Fatal($"ID: {execucaoId} - Erro Fatal - Staging Passagem Aprovadas Park - ConectSys", ex);
                            response.SucessoStagingConectSys = false;
                    Log.Debug($"ID: {execucaoId} - Fim - Staging Passagens Aprovadas Park - ConectSys");
                }, passagensAprovadas);

                TransactionContextHelper.ExecuteTransaction((aprovadas) =>
                    using (var dataSourceConectPark = new DbConnectionDataSource("ConectParkConnStr"))
                        var command = new AtualizarRegistroTransacaoProcessadoCommand(dataSourceConectPark);
                        command.Execute(new AtualizarRegistroTransacaoProcessadoArgs
                            RegistroTransacaoIds = idsTransacoes
                }, passagensAprovadas);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Fatal($"ID: {execucaoId} - Erro Fatal. Erro: {ex.Message}", ex);
예제 #48
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns column name and tooltip for the extra fields in publication overview
 /// </summary>
 public static List <VersionedExtraPropertiesColumnInfo> GetExtraPropertiesNames()
     return(_instances?.SelectMany(p => p.GetExtraPropertiesNames() ?? new List <VersionedExtraPropertiesColumnInfo>()).ToList());
예제 #49
 public IEnumerable <INotificationEto> GetDomainEvents()
     return(changeTracker?.SelectMany(e => e.GetDomainEvents()));
        internal TryCatch <PartitionedQueryExecutionInfoInternal> TryGetPartitionedQueryExecutionInfoInternal(
            SqlQuerySpec querySpec,
            PartitionKeyDefinition partitionKeyDefinition,
            bool requireFormattableOrderByQuery,
            bool isContinuationExpected,
            bool allowNonValueAggregateQuery,
            bool hasLogicalPartitionKey)
            if (querySpec == null || partitionKeyDefinition == null)
                return(TryCatch <PartitionedQueryExecutionInfoInternal> .FromResult(DefaultInfoInternal));

            string queryText = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(querySpec);

            List <string> paths = new List <string>(partitionKeyDefinition.Paths);

            List <string[]> pathParts = new List <string[]>();

            paths.ForEach(path =>

            string[] allParts     = pathParts.SelectMany(parts => parts).ToArray();
            uint[]   partsLengths = pathParts.Select(parts => (uint)parts.Length).ToArray();

            PartitionKind partitionKind = partitionKeyDefinition.Kind;


            byte[] buffer = new byte[InitialBufferSize];
            uint   errorCode;
            uint   serializedQueryExecutionInfoResultLength;

                fixed(byte *bytePtr = buffer)
                    errorCode = ServiceInteropWrapper.GetPartitionKeyRangesFromQuery(
                        new IntPtr(bytePtr),
                        out serializedQueryExecutionInfoResultLength);

                    if (errorCode == DISP_E_BUFFERTOOSMALL)
                        buffer = new byte[serializedQueryExecutionInfoResultLength];
                        fixed(byte *bytePtr2 = buffer)
                            errorCode = ServiceInteropWrapper.GetPartitionKeyRangesFromQuery(
                                hasLogicalPartitionKey, // has logical partition key
                                new IntPtr(bytePtr2),
                                out serializedQueryExecutionInfoResultLength);

            string serializedQueryExecutionInfo = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer, 0, (int)serializedQueryExecutionInfoResultLength);

            Exception exception = Marshal.GetExceptionForHR((int)errorCode);

            if (exception != null)
                DefaultTrace.TraceInformation("QueryEngineConfiguration: " + this.queryengineConfiguration);
                string errorMessage;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(serializedQueryExecutionInfo))
                    errorMessage = $"Message: Query service interop parsing hit an unexpected exception: {exception.ToString()}";
                    errorMessage = "Message: " + serializedQueryExecutionInfo;

                return(TryCatch <PartitionedQueryExecutionInfoInternal> .FromException(new Exception(errorMessage)));

            PartitionedQueryExecutionInfoInternal queryInfoInternal =
                JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PartitionedQueryExecutionInfoInternal>(
                    new JsonSerializerSettings
                DateParseHandling = DateParseHandling.None

            return(TryCatch <PartitionedQueryExecutionInfoInternal> .FromResult(queryInfoInternal));
예제 #51
        public Requerimento ImportarPessoas(Requerimento requerimento, List <Pessoa> pessoasRelacionadas, BancoDeDados bancoInterno)
                #region Fisica
                Pessoa aux;

                List <Pessoa> pessoas = requerimento.Pessoas.Where(x => x.IsFisica && pessoasRelacionadas.Exists(z => z.CPFCNPJ == x.CPFCNPJ)).ToList();

                pessoas.Where(x => x.SelecaoTipo == (int)eExecutorTipo.Credenciado).ToList().ForEach(r =>
                    _busPessoa.AlterarConjuge(_busPessoa.ObterId(r.CPFCNPJ), bancoInterno);

                pessoas.Where(x => x.SelecaoTipo == (int)eExecutorTipo.Credenciado).ToList().ForEach(r =>
                    aux         = _busPessoa.Importar(r, bancoInterno, true);
                    r.InternoId = aux.InternoId;

                pessoas.Where(x => x.SelecaoTipo == (int)eExecutorTipo.Interno).ToList().ForEach(r =>
                    r.InternoId = _busPessoa.ObterId(r.CPFCNPJ, bancoInterno);


                #region Juridica

                List <Pessoa> juridicas = requerimento.Pessoas.Where(x => x.IsJuridica && pessoasRelacionadas.Exists(z => z.CPFCNPJ == x.CPFCNPJ)).ToList();

                juridicas.SelectMany(x => x.Juridica.Representantes).ToList().ForEach(r =>
                    aux = pessoas.FirstOrDefault(y => y.CPFCNPJ == r.CPFCNPJ);
                    if (aux != null && aux.InternoId.HasValue)
                        r.Id = aux.InternoId.GetValueOrDefault();

                juridicas.Where(x => x.SelecaoTipo == (int)eExecutorTipo.Credenciado).ToList().ForEach(r =>
                    aux         = _busPessoa.Importar(r, bancoInterno);
                    r.InternoId = aux.InternoId;

                juridicas.Where(x => x.SelecaoTipo == (int)eExecutorTipo.Interno).ToList().ForEach(r =>
                    r.InternoId = _busPessoa.ObterId(r.CPFCNPJ, bancoInterno);



                if (pessoas != null && pessoas.Count > 0)
                    pessoas.Where(x => x.IsFisica && x.Fisica.ConjugeId > 0).ToList().ForEach(r =>
                        aux = pessoas.FirstOrDefault(y => y.CPFCNPJ == r.Fisica.ConjugeCPF);

                        if (aux != null)
                            r.Fisica.ConjugeId = aux.InternoId.GetValueOrDefault();
                            _busPessoa.AlterarConjugeEstadoCivil(r.InternoId.GetValueOrDefault(), r.Fisica.ConjugeId.Value, bancoInterno);

                    requerimento.Interessado.Id = pessoas.Where(y => y.Id == requerimento.Interessado.Id).FirstOrDefault().InternoId.GetValueOrDefault();

                    requerimento.Responsaveis.Where(x => x.Representantes != null).SelectMany(z => z.Representantes).ToList().ForEach(r =>
                        r.Id = pessoas.Where(y => y.Id == r.Id).FirstOrDefault().InternoId.GetValueOrDefault();

                    requerimento.Responsaveis.ForEach(r =>
                        aux = pessoas.FirstOrDefault(y => y.CPFCNPJ == r.CpfCnpj);
                        if (aux != null && aux.InternoId.HasValue)
                            r.Id = aux.InternoId.GetValueOrDefault();

                requerimento.Pessoas = pessoas;
            catch (Exception exc)

예제 #52
        public FltRetModApplyModel GetRetModApply(int rmid)
            FltRetModApplyEntity fltRetModApply = _fltRetModApplyDal.Find <FltRetModApplyEntity>(rmid);
            List <FltRetModFlightApplyEntity> fltRetModFlightApplyEntities =
                _fltRetModFlightApplyDal.Query <FltRetModFlightApplyEntity>(n => n.Rmid == rmid).ToList();
            List <FltRetModApplyLogEntity> fltRetModApplyLogEntities =
                _fltRetModApplyLogDal.Query <FltRetModApplyLogEntity>(n => n.Rmid == rmid).ToList();

            FltRetModApplyModel fltRetModApplyModel =
                Mapper.Map <FltRetModApplyEntity, FltRetModApplyModel>(fltRetModApply);

            fltRetModApplyModel.DetailList =
                Mapper.Map <List <FltRetModFlightApplyEntity>, List <FltRetModFlightApplyModel> >(
            fltRetModApplyModel.LogList = Mapper.Map <List <FltRetModApplyLogEntity>, List <FltRetModApplyLogModel> >(
            List <SearchCityModel>    cityModels    = AportInfo?.CountryList.SelectMany(n => n.CityList).ToList();
            List <SearchAirportModel> airportModels = cityModels?.SelectMany(n => n.AirportList).ToList();

            #region 乘机人信息
            List <int> pidList = fltRetModApplyModel.DetailList.Select(n => n.Pid).ToList();
            List <FltPassengerEntity> passengerEntities =
                _fltPassengerDal.Query <FltPassengerEntity>(n => pidList.Any(x => x == n.PId)).ToList();


            List <FltClassNameModel> classNameModels = _getClassNameBll.GetFlightClassName();

            fltRetModApplyModel.DetailList.ForEach(n =>
                FltFlightEntity orderFlightEntity =
                    _fltFlightDal.Query <FltFlightEntity>(x => x.OrderId == fltRetModApplyModel.OrderId && x.Sequence == n.Sequence)
                if (orderFlightEntity != null)
                    if (!n.TackoffTime.HasValue)
                        n.TackoffTime = orderFlightEntity.TackoffTime;
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(n.FlightNo))
                        n.FlightNo = orderFlightEntity.FlightNo;

                string dport = n.Dport.ToLower();
                if (fltRetModApplyModel.OrderType == "R" && orderFlightEntity != null)
                    dport = orderFlightEntity.Dport.ToLower();

                SearchAirportModel airportModel = airportModels.Find(x => x.AirportCode.ToLower() == dport);
                if (airportModel != null)
                    n.DportName = airportModel.AirportName;
                    SearchCityModel cityModel = cityModels.Find(x => x.CityCode.ToLower() == airportModel.CityCode.ToLower());
                    n.DportCity = cityModel.CityName;

                string aport = n.Aport.ToLower();
                if (fltRetModApplyModel.OrderType == "R" && orderFlightEntity != null)
                    aport = orderFlightEntity.Aport.ToLower();

                SearchAirportModel airportModel2 = airportModels.Find(x => x.AirportCode.ToLower() == aport);
                if (airportModel2 != null)
                    n.AportName = airportModel2.AirportName;
                    SearchCityModel cityModel2 = cityModels.Find(x => x.CityCode.ToLower() == airportModel2.CityCode.ToLower());
                    n.AportCity = cityModel2.CityName;
                FltPassengerModel passengerModel =
                    Mapper.Map <FltPassengerEntity, FltPassengerModel>(passengerEntities.Find(x => x.PId == n.Pid));

                n.PassengerModel = passengerModel;

                if (fltRetModApplyModel.OrderType == "R")
                    n.PassengerModel.RefundTicketNo = n.TicketNo;

                if (n.ChoiceReasonId.HasValue)
                    n.ChoiceReason = PolicyReasonList?.Find(x => x.Id == n.ChoiceReasonId.Value)?.Reason;

                FltClassNameModel classNameModel =
                        x =>
                        !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.MClass) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(n.Class) &&
                        x.MClass.ToLower() == n.Class.ToLower() &&
                        !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.AirlineCode) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(n.FlightNo) &&
                        x.AirlineCode.ToLower() == n.FlightNo.Substring(0, 2).ToLower());

                if (classNameModel != null)
                    n.ClassName = classNameModel.ClassName;

예제 #53
        /// <summary>
        /// 根据订单号获取订单信息
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="orderId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public FltOrderInfoModel GetFltOrderById(int orderId)
            FltOrderEntity fltOrderEntity = _fltOrderDal.Find <FltOrderEntity>(orderId);

            if (fltOrderEntity == null)

            //1.根据订单号 获取航段信息
            List <FltFlightEntity> flightEntities =
                _fltFlightDal.Query <FltFlightEntity>(n => n.OrderId == orderId, true).ToList();
            //2.根据订单号 获取乘机人信息
            List <FltPassengerEntity> passengerEntities =
                _fltPassengerDal.Query <FltPassengerEntity>(n => n.OrderId == orderId, true).ToList();
            //3.根据订单号 获取成本中心
            FltCorpCostCenterEntity costCenterEntity =
                _fltCorpCostCenterDal.Query <FltCorpCostCenterEntity>(n => n.Orderid == orderId, true).FirstOrDefault();
            List <FltClassNameModel> classNameModels = _getClassNameBll.GetFlightClassName();
            List <SearchCityModel>    cityModels    = AportInfo?.CountryList.SelectMany(n => n.CityList).ToList();
            List <SearchAirportModel> airportModels = cityModels?.SelectMany(n => n.AirportList).ToList();
            FltOrderUnionEntity fltOrderUnionEntity = _fltOrderUnionDal.Find <FltOrderUnionEntity>(orderId);

            FltOrderInfoModel result = Mapper.Map <FltOrderEntity, FltOrderInfoModel>(fltOrderEntity);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(costCenterEntity?.Depart))
                result.CostCenter = costCenterEntity.Depart;
            if (fltOrderUnionEntity?.ProjectId != null && ProjectNameList != null)
                ProjectNameModel projectNameModel = ProjectNameList.Find(n => n.ProjectId == fltOrderUnionEntity.ProjectId.Value);
                result.ProjectName = projectNameModel?.ProjectName;
            //result.CorpPolicy = fltOrderUnionEntity?.CorpPolicy;
            result.PassengerList =
                Mapper.Map <List <FltPassengerEntity>, List <FltPassengerModel> >(
                    passengerEntities.FindAll(n => n.OrderId == fltOrderEntity.OrderId));
            result.FlightList =
                Mapper.Map <List <FltFlightEntity>, List <FltFlightModel> >(
                    flightEntities.FindAll(n => n.OrderId == fltOrderEntity.OrderId));

            result.PassengerList.ForEach(n =>
                if (n.InsCompanyId.HasValue)
                    n.InsuranceName = InsuranceCompanyList?.Find(x => x.CompanyID == n.InsCompanyId.Value)?.ProductName;
            #region 行程信息

            result.CorpPolicy   = string.Empty;
            result.ChoiceReason = string.Empty;
            foreach (var n in result.FlightList)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(n.CorpPolicy) && n.CorpPolicy.ToLower() != "undefined")
                    result.CorpPolicy += ";" + n.CorpPolicy;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(n.ChoiceReason) && n.ChoiceReason.ToLower() != "undefined")
                    result.ChoiceReason += ";" + n.ChoiceReason;
                SearchAirportModel airportModel = airportModels?.Find(x => x.AirportCode.ToLower() == n.Dport.ToLower());
                if (airportModel != null)
                    n.DportName = airportModel.AirportLongName;
                    SearchCityModel cityModel = cityModels.Find(x => x.CityCode.ToLower() == airportModel.CityCode.ToLower());
                    n.DportCity = cityModel.CityName;

                SearchAirportModel airportModel2 = airportModels?.Find(x => x.AirportCode.ToLower() == n.Aport.ToLower());
                if (airportModel2 != null)
                    n.AportName = airportModel2.AirportLongName;
                    SearchCityModel cityModel2 = cityModels.Find(x => x.CityCode.ToLower() == airportModel2.CityCode.ToLower());
                    n.AportCity = cityModel2.CityName;

                FltClassNameModel classNameModel =
                        x =>
                        !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.MClass) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(n.Class) &&
                        x.MClass.ToLower() == n.Class.ToLower() &&
                        !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.AirlineCode) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(n.AirlineNo) &&
                        x.AirlineCode.ToLower() == n.AirlineNo.ToLower());

                if (classNameModel != null)
                    n.ClassName   = classNameModel.ClassName;
                    n.ClassEnName = classNameModel.ClassEnName;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.CorpPolicy))
                result.CorpPolicy = result.CorpPolicy.Substring(1);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.ChoiceReason))
                result.ChoiceReason = result.ChoiceReason.Substring(1);


예제 #54
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns column name and tooltip for the extra fields in publication overview
 /// </summary>
 public static IEnumerable <VersionedExtraPropertiesColumnInfo> GetExtraPropertyNames()
     return(_services?.SelectMany(p => p.GetExtraPropertiesNames() ?? Enumerable.Empty <VersionedExtraPropertiesColumnInfo>()).ToList());
        public Task <ResultList <TicketCoreModel> > List(FilterModel model)
        => ResultList <TicketCoreModel> .TryAsync(async() =>
            var isAdmin = generalDataService.User.Permissions.Any(p => p == (int)PermissionType.Admin);
            var tickets = new List <Ticket>();
            if (isAdmin)
                var list = await _repository.ListAsNoTrackingAsync <Ticket>(i =>
                                                                            (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Keyword) || model.Keyword == i.Title) &&
                                                                            (model.UserId == null || i.UserId == model.UserId.Value) &&
                                                                            (model.CreationDate == null ||
                                                                             model.CreationDate.Value.ToString("d") == i.CreationDate.ToString("d")),
                                                                            new PagingModel {
                    PageSize = 1000, PageNumber = 0
                }, t => t.Comment);
                tickets = list.Items.ToList();

                var list = await _repository.ListAsNoTrackingAsync <Ticket>(i =>
                                                                            i.UserId == generalDataService.User.Id &&
                                                                            (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Keyword) || model.Keyword == i.Title),
                                                                            new PagingModel {
                    PageSize = 1000, PageNumber = 0
                }, t => t.Comment);
                tickets = list.Items.ToList();
                tickets = tickets.Where(t => t.Title != "Survey").ToList();

            if (tickets == null)
                return(ResultList <TicketCoreModel> .Failed(Error.WithData(1000, new[] { "Tickets Not Found" })));

            var users = (await _membershipServiceApi.SystemUserApiService.ListByIds(tickets
                                                                                    .Select(a => a.UserId)
                                                                                           .Select(a => a.RepresentativeId != null ? a.RepresentativeId.Value : Guid.Empty)
                                                                                           .Where(a => a != Guid.Empty)).Union(tickets?.SelectMany(t => t.Comment)?.Select(t => t.UserId))

            var ticketModels = tickets.OrderBy(t => t.CreationDate).Reverse().Take(model.PageSize)
                               .Skip(model.PageSize *model.PageNumber).Select(ticket => new TicketCoreModel
                Id             = ticket.Id,
                Title          = ticket.Title,
                Text           = ticket.Text,
                User           = users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Id == ticket.UserId),
                Representative = users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Id == ticket.RepresentativeId),
                BlobId         = ticket.BlobId,
                Active         = ticket.Active,
                CreationDate   = ticket.CreationDate,
                Priority       = (TicketPriority)ticket.Priority,
                Comment        = ticket.Comment?.Select(c => new CommentCoreModel
                    Id           = c.Id,
                    BlobId       = c.BlobId,
                    CreationDate = c.CreationDate,
                    Text         = c.Text,
                    User         = users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Id == c.UserId)
            return(ResultList <TicketCoreModel> .Successful(ticketModels));
예제 #56
 public List <string> GetIdentifiers() => Results?
 .SelectMany(g => g.GetIdentifiers())
 ?? new List <string>();
예제 #57
        public NaiveSolver(string inputFileName, string outputFileName, char delimiter)
            // Model initializations

            int D; // the duration of the simulation, in seconds
            int I; // the number of intersections (with IDs from 0 to I -1)
            int S; // the number of streets
            int V; // the number of cars
            int F; // the bonus points for each car that reaches its destination before time D

            List <Street>  streets   = new List <Street>();
            List <CarPath> carPathes = new List <CarPath>();

            List <IntersectionSchedule> schedules = new List <IntersectionSchedule>();

            *  Input loading

            Console.WriteLine("Input loading... " + inputFileName);

            string inputFilePath = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), inputFileName);

            string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(inputFilePath);

            // Metadata parsing
            string[] line0 = lines[0].Split(delimiter);
            D = int.Parse(line0[0]);
            I = int.Parse(line0[1]);
            S = int.Parse(line0[2]);
            V = int.Parse(line0[3]);
            F = int.Parse(line0[4]);

            // Streets parsing
            for (int i = 1; i <= S; i++)
                string[] lineStreet = lines[i].Split(delimiter);

                Street newStreet = new Street()
                    B    = int.Parse(lineStreet[0]),
                    E    = int.Parse(lineStreet[1]),
                    Name = lineStreet[2],
                    L    = int.Parse(lineStreet[3])


            // Pathes parsing
            for (int i = S + 1; i <= S + V; i++)
                string[] lineCarPath = lines[i].Split(delimiter);

                CarPath newCarPath = new CarPath()
                    P       = int.Parse(lineCarPath[0]),
                    Streets = new List <string>()

                for (int j = 1; j <= newCarPath.P; j++)


            *  Solver

            // Remove unused streets
            List <string> usefullStreets = carPathes.SelectMany(cP => cP.Streets).Distinct().ToList();

            // Initialize Intersection (Schedules)
            for (int i = 0; i < I; i++)
                schedules.Add(new IntersectionSchedule()
                    i  = i,
                    Ei = 0,
                    GreenLightSchedules = new List <GreenlightSchedule>()

            // Fill intersections with incoming streets
            foreach (Street street in streets)
                if (usefullStreets.Contains(street.Name) &&
                    schedules[street.E].GreenLightSchedules.Where(g => g.StreetName == street.Name).Count() == 0) // If the intersection doesn't have this incoming street yet
                    // Order will be updated (but almost no impact)
                    schedules[street.E].GreenLightSchedules.Add(new GreenlightSchedule() // Only "E" (stop of a street) is an incoming street of an intersection
                        Duration   = 1,                                                  // This will be updated with weighted value
                        StreetName = street.Name

            // Clean schedules
            schedules = schedules.Where(s => s.GreenLightSchedules.Count() > 0).ToList();

            // Give more duration to busy streets
            int maxGreenDuration = 6;

            // Building weight map
            Dictionary <string, int> streetPathCounter = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            foreach (CarPath carPath in carPathes)
                foreach (string streetName in carPath.Streets)
                    if (!streetPathCounter.ContainsKey(streetName))
                        streetPathCounter.Add(streetName, 1);

            foreach (IntersectionSchedule intersect in schedules)
                int maxWeight = 0;

                foreach (GreenlightSchedule gLS in intersect.GreenLightSchedules)
                    if (streetPathCounter[gLS.StreetName] > maxWeight)
                        maxWeight = streetPathCounter[gLS.StreetName];

                foreach (GreenlightSchedule gLS in intersect.GreenLightSchedules)
                    gLS.Duration = (int)Math.Ceiling((float)streetPathCounter[gLS.StreetName] / (float)maxWeight * maxGreenDuration);

                    Math.Clamp(gLS.Duration, 1, maxGreenDuration);

            // Sort greenlights (almost no impact)
            foreach (IntersectionSchedule intersect in schedules)
                intersect.GreenLightSchedules = intersect.GreenLightSchedules.OrderByDescending(gLS => gLS.Duration).ToList();

            *  Output

            Console.WriteLine("Output to file...");

            using (StreamWriter outputFile = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), outputFileName)))

                foreach (IntersectionSchedule schedule in schedules)

                    foreach (GreenlightSchedule greenLightSchedule in schedule.GreenLightSchedules)
                        outputFile.WriteLine(greenLightSchedule.StreetName + " " + greenLightSchedule.Duration);

            Console.WriteLine(Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), outputFileName));
예제 #58
 public virtual IEnumerable<string> GetAvailableResources()
     lock (stores) return stores.SelectMany(s => s.GetAvailableResources()).ExcludeSystemFileNames();
예제 #59
        /// <summary>
        /// Query query
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query"></param>
        public SqlStatement CreateQuery <TModel>(IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <String, Object> > query, String tablePrefix, bool skipJoins, params ColumnMapping[] selector)
            var tableType = m_mapper.MapModelType(typeof(TModel));
            var tableMap  = TableMapping.Get(tableType);
            List <TableMapping> scopedTables = new List <TableMapping>()

            bool         skipParentJoin  = true;
            SqlStatement selectStatement = null;
            KeyValuePair <SqlStatement, List <TableMapping> > cacheHit;

            if (skipJoins)
                selectStatement = new SqlStatement($" FROM {tableMap.TableName} AS {tablePrefix}{tableMap.TableName} ");
                if (!s_joinCache.TryGetValue($"{tablePrefix}.{typeof(TModel).Name}", out cacheHit))
                    selectStatement = new SqlStatement($" FROM {tableMap.TableName} AS {tablePrefix}{tableMap.TableName} ");

                    Stack <TableMapping> fkStack = new Stack <TableMapping>();
                    // Always join tables?
                        var dt = fkStack.Pop();
                        foreach (var jt in dt.Columns.Where(o => o.IsAlwaysJoin))
                            var fkTbl = TableMapping.Get(jt.ForeignKey.Table);
                            var fkAtt = fkTbl.GetColumn(jt.ForeignKey.Column);
                            selectStatement.Append($"INNER JOIN {fkAtt.Table.TableName} AS {tablePrefix}{fkAtt.Table.TableName} ON ({tablePrefix}{jt.Table.TableName}.{jt.Name} = {tablePrefix}{fkAtt.Table.TableName}.{fkAtt.Name}) ");
                            if (!scopedTables.Contains(fkTbl))
                    } while (fkStack.Count > 0);

                    // Add the heavy work to the cache
                    lock (s_joinCache)
                        if (!s_joinCache.ContainsKey($"{tablePrefix}.{typeof(TModel).Name}"))
                            s_joinCache.Add($"{tablePrefix}.{typeof(TModel).Name}", new KeyValuePair <SqlStatement, List <TableMapping> >(selectStatement.Build(), scopedTables));
                    selectStatement = cacheHit.Key.Build();
                    scopedTables    = cacheHit.Value;

            // Column definitions
            var columnSelector = selector;

            if (selector == null || selector.Length == 0)
                columnSelector = scopedTables.SelectMany(o => o.Columns).ToArray();
            // columnSelector = scopedTables.SelectMany(o => o.Columns).ToArray();

            List <String> flatNames  = new List <string>();
            var           columnList = String.Join(",", columnSelector.Select(o =>
                var rootCol     = tableMap.GetColumn(o.SourceProperty);
                skipParentJoin &= rootCol != null;
                if (!flatNames.Contains(o.Name))
                    return($"{tablePrefix}{o.Table.TableName}.{o.Name} AS {o.Name}");
                else if (skipParentJoin)

            selectStatement = new SqlStatement($"SELECT {columnList} ").Append(selectStatement);

            // We want to process each query and build WHERE clauses - these where clauses are based off of the JSON / XML names
            // on the model, so we have to use those for the time being before translating to SQL
            List <KeyValuePair <String, Object> > workingParameters = new List <KeyValuePair <string, object> >(query);

            // Where clause
            SqlStatement        whereClause   = new SqlStatement();
            List <SqlStatement> cteStatements = new List <SqlStatement>();

            // Construct
            while (workingParameters.Count > 0)
                var parm = workingParameters.First();

                // Match the regex and process
                var propertyPredicate = QueryPredicate.Parse(parm.Key);
                if (propertyPredicate == null)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(parm.Key);

                // Next, we want to construct the
                var otherParms = workingParameters.Where(o => QueryPredicate.Parse(o.Key).ToString(QueryPredicatePart.PropertyAndCast) == propertyPredicate.ToString(QueryPredicatePart.PropertyAndCast)).ToArray();

                // Remove the working parameters if the column is FK then all parameters
                if (otherParms.Any() || !String.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyPredicate.Guard) || !String.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyPredicate.SubPath))
                    foreach (var o in otherParms)

                    // We need to do a sub query

                    IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <String, Object> > queryParms = new List <KeyValuePair <String, Object> >()

                    // Grab the appropriate builder
                    var subProp = typeof(TModel).GetQueryProperty(propertyPredicate.Path, true);
                    if (subProp == null)
                        throw new MissingMemberException(propertyPredicate.Path);

                    // Link to this table in the other?
                    // Is this a collection?
                    if (!this.m_hacks.Any(o => o.HackQuery(this, selectStatement, whereClause, typeof(TModel), subProp, tablePrefix, propertyPredicate, parm.Value, scopedTables)))
                        if (typeof(IList).GetTypeInfo().IsAssignableFrom(subProp.PropertyType.GetTypeInfo())) // Other table points at this on
                            var propertyType = subProp.PropertyType.StripGeneric();
                            // map and get ORM def'n
                            var subTableType = m_mapper.MapModelType(propertyType);
                            var subTableMap  = TableMapping.Get(subTableType);
                            var linkColumns  = subTableMap.Columns.Where(o => scopedTables.Any(s => s.OrmType == o.ForeignKey?.Table));
                            var linkColumn   = linkColumns.Count() > 1 ? linkColumns.FirstOrDefault(o => propertyPredicate.SubPath.StartsWith("source") ? o.SourceProperty.Name != "SourceUuid" : o.SourceProperty.Name == "SourceUuid") : linkColumns.FirstOrDefault();
                            // Link column is null, is there an assoc attrib?
                            SqlStatement subQueryStatement = new SqlStatement();

                            var    subTableColumn = linkColumn;
                            string existsClause   = String.Empty;

                            if (linkColumn == null)
                                var tableWithJoin = scopedTables.Select(o => o.AssociationWith(subTableMap)).FirstOrDefault();
                                linkColumn = tableWithJoin.Columns.SingleOrDefault(o => scopedTables.Any(s => s.OrmType == o.ForeignKey?.Table));
                                var targetColumn = tableWithJoin.Columns.SingleOrDefault(o => o.ForeignKey?.Table == subTableMap.OrmType);
                                subTableColumn = subTableMap.GetColumn(targetColumn.ForeignKey.Column);
                                // The sub-query statement needs to be joined as well
                                var lnkPfx = IncrementSubQueryAlias(tablePrefix);
                                subQueryStatement.Append($"SELECT {lnkPfx}{tableWithJoin.TableName}.{linkColumn.Name} FROM {tableWithJoin.TableName} AS {lnkPfx}{tableWithJoin.TableName} WHERE ");
                                existsClause = $"{lnkPfx}{tableWithJoin.TableName}.{targetColumn.Name}";
                                //throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot find foreign key reference to table {tableMap.TableName} in {subTableMap.TableName}");

                            // Local Table
                            var localTable = scopedTables.Where(o => o.GetColumn(linkColumn.ForeignKey.Column) != null).FirstOrDefault();
                            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(existsClause))
                                existsClause = $"{tablePrefix}{localTable.TableName}.{localTable.GetColumn(linkColumn.ForeignKey.Column).Name}";

                            // Guards
                            var guardConditions = queryParms.GroupBy(o => QueryPredicate.Parse(o.Key).Guard);
                            int nGuards         = 0;
                            foreach (var guardClause in guardConditions)
                                var subQuery = guardClause.Select(o => new KeyValuePair <String, Object>(QueryPredicate.Parse(o.Key).ToString(QueryPredicatePart.SubPath), o.Value)).ToList();

                                // TODO: GUARD CONDITION HERE!!!!
                                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(guardClause.Key))
                                    StringBuilder guardCondition = new StringBuilder();
                                    var           clsModel       = propertyType;
                                    while (clsModel.GetTypeInfo().GetCustomAttribute <ClassifierAttribute>() != null)
                                        var clsProperty = clsModel.GetRuntimeProperty(clsModel.GetTypeInfo().GetCustomAttribute <ClassifierAttribute>().ClassifierProperty);
                                        clsModel = clsProperty.PropertyType.StripGeneric();
                                        var redirectProperty = clsProperty.GetCustomAttribute <SerializationReferenceAttribute>()?.RedirectProperty;
                                        if (redirectProperty != null)
                                            clsProperty = clsProperty.DeclaringType.GetRuntimeProperty(redirectProperty);

                                        guardCondition.Append(clsProperty.GetCustomAttributes <XmlElementAttribute>().First().ElementName);
                                        if (typeof(IdentifiedData).GetTypeInfo().IsAssignableFrom(clsModel.GetTypeInfo()))
                                    subQuery.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, object>(guardCondition.ToString(), guardClause.Key.Split('|')));

                                // Generate method
                                var prefix    = IncrementSubQueryAlias(tablePrefix);
                                var genMethod = typeof(QueryBuilder).GetGenericMethod("CreateQuery", new Type[] { propertyType }, new Type[] { subQuery.GetType(), typeof(String), typeof(bool), typeof(ColumnMapping[]) });

                                // Sub path is specified
                                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyPredicate.SubPath) && "null".Equals(parm.Value))
                                    subQueryStatement.And($" {existsClause} NOT IN (");
                                    subQueryStatement.And($" {existsClause} IN (");

                                existsClause = $"{prefix}{subTableColumn.Table.TableName}.{subTableColumn.Name}";

                                if (subQuery.Count(p => !p.Key.Contains(".")) == 0)
                                    subQueryStatement.Append(genMethod.Invoke(this, new Object[] { subQuery, prefix, true, new ColumnMapping[] { subTableColumn } }) as SqlStatement);
                                    subQueryStatement.Append(genMethod.Invoke(this, new Object[] { subQuery, prefix, false, new ColumnMapping[] { subTableColumn } }) as SqlStatement);

                                //// TODO: Check if limiting the the query is better
                                //if (guardConditions.Last().Key != guardClause.Key)
                                //    subQueryStatement.Append(" INTERSECT ");

                            // Unwind guards
                            while (nGuards-- > 0)

                            if (subTableColumn != linkColumn)
                                whereClause.And($"{tablePrefix}{localTable.TableName}.{localTable.GetColumn(linkColumn.ForeignKey.Column).Name} IN (").Append(subQueryStatement).Append(")");
                        else // this table points at other
                            var          subQuery     = queryParms.Select(o => new KeyValuePair <String, Object>(QueryPredicate.Parse(o.Key).ToString(QueryPredicatePart.SubPath), o.Value)).ToList();
                            TableMapping tableMapping = null;
                            var          subPropKey   = typeof(TModel).GetQueryProperty(propertyPredicate.Path);

                            // Get column info
                            PropertyInfo  domainProperty = scopedTables.Select(o => { tableMapping = o; return(m_mapper.MapModelProperty(typeof(TModel), o.OrmType, subPropKey)); })?.FirstOrDefault(o => o != null);
                            ColumnMapping linkColumn     = null;
                            // If the domain property is not set, we may have to infer the link
                            if (domainProperty == null)
                                var subPropType = m_mapper.MapModelType(subProp.PropertyType);
                                // We find the first column with a foreign key that points to the other !!!
                                linkColumn = scopedTables.SelectMany(o => o.Columns).FirstOrDefault(o => o.ForeignKey?.Table == subPropType);
                                linkColumn = tableMapping.GetColumn(domainProperty);

                            var fkTableDef  = TableMapping.Get(linkColumn.ForeignKey.Table);
                            var fkColumnDef = fkTableDef.GetColumn(linkColumn.ForeignKey.Column);

                            // Create the sub-query
                            SqlStatement subQueryStatement = null;
                            var          subSkipJoins      = subQuery.Count(o => !o.Key.Contains(".") && o.Key != "obsoletionTime") == 0;

                            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyPredicate.CastAs))
                                var genMethod = typeof(QueryBuilder).GetGenericMethod("CreateQuery", new Type[] { subProp.PropertyType }, new Type[] { subQuery.GetType(), typeof(string), typeof(bool), typeof(ColumnMapping[]) });
                                subQueryStatement = genMethod.Invoke(this, new Object[] { subQuery, null, subSkipJoins, new ColumnMapping[] { fkColumnDef } }) as SqlStatement;
                            else // we need to cast!
                                var castAsType = new OpenIZ.Core.Model.Serialization.ModelSerializationBinder().BindToType("OpenIZ.Core.Model", propertyPredicate.CastAs);

                                var genMethod = typeof(QueryBuilder).GetGenericMethod("CreateQuery", new Type[] { castAsType }, new Type[] { subQuery.GetType(), typeof(String), typeof(bool), typeof(ColumnMapping[]) });
                                subQueryStatement = genMethod.Invoke(this, new Object[] { subQuery, null, false, new ColumnMapping[] { fkColumnDef } }) as SqlStatement;

                            cteStatements.Add(new SqlStatement($"{tablePrefix}cte{cteStatements.Count} AS (").Append(subQueryStatement).Append(")"));

                            //subQueryStatement.And($"{tablePrefix}{tableMapping.TableName}.{linkColumn.Name} = {sqName}{fkTableDef.TableName}.{fkColumnDef.Name} ");

                            //selectStatement.Append($"INNER JOIN {tablePrefix}cte{cteStatements.Count - 1} ON ({tablePrefix}{tableMapping.TableName}.{linkColumn.Name} = {tablePrefix}cte{cteStatements.Count - 1}.{fkColumnDef.Name})");
                            whereClause.And($"{tablePrefix}{tableMapping.TableName}.{linkColumn.Name} IN (SELECT {tablePrefix}cte{cteStatements.Count - 1}.{fkColumnDef.Name} FROM {tablePrefix}cte{cteStatements.Count - 1})");
                else if (!this.m_hacks.Any(o => o.HackQuery(this, selectStatement, whereClause, typeof(TModel), typeof(TModel).GetQueryProperty(propertyPredicate.Path), tablePrefix, propertyPredicate, parm.Value, scopedTables)))
                    whereClause.And(CreateWhereCondition(typeof(TModel), propertyPredicate.Path, parm.Value, tablePrefix, scopedTables));

            // Return statement
            SqlStatement retVal = new SqlStatement();

            if (cteStatements.Count > 0)
                retVal.Append("WITH ");
                foreach (var c in cteStatements)
                    if (c != cteStatements.Last())
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // The requirement
            // We are having a Customer class and Order class,

            // A Customer may generate any number of orders
            // In the following Line we do have a List of customers who are having the list of orders he / she has created inside the Customer Class

            //public List<Order> AllOrdersList = new List<Order>();

            // The question is if we want to see all the orders (only) for particular set of Customers

            // Select in LINQ will help you only to some extent

            // Let's see how it is

            // Let's generate sample data for 3 customers

            List <Customer> LstCustomer = new List <Customer>()
                new Customer("Cust 1", "CUS1", "Active", new List <Order>()
                    new Order(100, DateTime.Now, "New"),
                    new Order(101, DateTime.Now.AddDays(-2), "InProgress"),
                    new Order(102, DateTime.Now, "New"),
                    new Order(103, DateTime.Now.AddDays(-10), "Complete")

                new Customer("Cust 2", "CUS2", "Active", new List <Order>()
                    new Order(120, DateTime.Now, "New"),
                    new Order(121, DateTime.Now.AddDays(-2), "InProgress"),
                    new Order(122, DateTime.Now, "New"),
                    new Order(123, DateTime.Now.AddDays(-10), "Complete")

                new Customer("Cust 3", "CUS3", "InActive", new List <Order>()
                    new Order(130, DateTime.Now, "OnHold"),
                    new Order(131, DateTime.Now.AddDays(-2), "InProgress"),
                    new Order(132, DateTime.Now, "OnHold"),
                    new Order(133, DateTime.Now.AddDays(-10), "Complete")

            var selectResult = LstCustomer.Select(X => X.OrderList);

            // As a output you will get a lit of lists i.e List<List<Order>>

            // To dig deeper in this

            // We are implementing Select Many in this

            var selectManyResult = LstCustomer.SelectMany(X => X.OrderList);

            // The output is really awesome, as this is returning the list of Orders alone

            // Let's add more filters to this
            // Getting only the "New" orders

            var selectManyResul2 = LstCustomer
                                   .SelectMany(X => X.OrderList)
                                   .Where(X => X.OrderStatus == "New");

            // Adding more filters

            // Getting the Active Customers and
            // Getting only the "New" orders from those

            var selectManyResult3 = LstCustomer
                                    .Where(X => X.CusotmerStatus == "Active")
                                    .SelectMany(X => X.OrderList)
                                    .Where(X => X.OrderStatus == "New");