public static ISet<int> GetSchemaVersionsForSubscription(List<string> capabilities)
            //The first two schema versions follow the old regex, and versions 3 on follow the new one.
            if (capabilities == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("capabilities");

            var matchesOld = capabilities.Select(s => ClustersContractCapabilityRegexOld.Match(s)).Where(match => match.Success).ToList();

            var schemaVersions = new HashSet<int>(matchesOld.Select(m => Int32.Parse(m.Groups[1].Value, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)).ToList());

            var matchesNew = capabilities.Select(s => ClustersContractCapabilityRegex.Match(s)).Where(match => match.Success).ToList();
            if (matchesNew.Count != 0)
                    matchesNew.Select(m => Int32.Parse(m.Groups[1].Value, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)));

            if (schemaVersions == null || !schemaVersions.Any())
                throw new NotSupportedException("This subscription is not enabled for the clusters contract.");

            return schemaVersions;
예제 #2
		public RefactorCombineTableForm(Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Store store, nHydrateDiagram diagram, nHydrateModel model, Entity entity1, Entity entity2)
			: this()
			_store = store;
			_model = model;
			_diagram = diagram;
			_entity1 = entity1;
			_entity2 = entity2;

			lblEntity1.Text = entity1.Name;
			lblEntity2.Text = entity2.Name;

			var fieldList = new List<Field>();
			fieldList.Remove(x => entity2.PrimaryKeyFields.Contains(x));

			if (fieldList.Select(x => x.Name.ToLower()).Count() != fieldList.Select(x => x.Name.ToLower()).Distinct().Count())
				cmdApply.Enabled = false;
				lblError.Text = "Duplicate field names are not allowed.";
				lblError.Visible = true;

			fieldList.ForEach(x => lstField.Items.Add(x.Name));
예제 #3
파일: Main.cs 프로젝트: Wox-launcher/Wox
        public void Init(PluginInitContext context)
            this.context = context;
            controlPanelItems = ControlPanelList.Create(48);
            iconFolder = Path.Combine(context.CurrentPluginMetadata.PluginDirectory, @"Images\ControlPanelIcons\");
            fileType = ".bmp";

            if (!Directory.Exists(iconFolder))

            foreach (ControlPanelItem item in controlPanelItems)
                if (!File.Exists(iconFolder + item.GUID + fileType) && item.Icon != null)
                    item.Icon.ToBitmap().Save(iconFolder + item.GUID + fileType);

            Task.Run(() =>
                var characters = controlPanelItems.Select(i => i.LocalizedString)
                    .Concat(controlPanelItems.Select(i => i.InfoTip));

                Parallel.ForEach(characters, c =>
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(c) && Alphabet.ContainsChinese(c))
예제 #4
        public ILogFormat Create(Stream stream)
            var savedPresets = Settings.Default.LexPresets ?? new XElement("Presets");

            var presets = new List<LexPreset>(
                from element in savedPresets.Elements("Preset")
                select new LexPreset {
                    Name = (string) element.Attribute("Name"),
                    CommonCode = (string) element.Attribute("CommonCode"),
                    SegmentCode = (string) element.Attribute("SegmentCode"),
                    RecordCode = (string) element.Attribute("RecordCode")

            var selectView = new LexPresetsView();
            var viewModel = selectView.ViewModel;

            foreach (var preset in presets)

            viewModel.SelectedPreset = viewModel.Presets.FirstOrDefault();

            viewModel.EditPreset = preset => {
                ShowEditPresetDialog(selectView, stream, preset, presets.Select(x => x.Name));

            viewModel.CreateNewPreset = () => {
                var preset = new LexPreset {
                    Name = "New Preset",
                    SegmentCode = "%%",
                    RecordCode = "%%"

                return ShowEditPresetDialog(selectView, stream, preset, presets.Select(x => x.Name)) ? preset : null;

            if (selectView.ShowDialog() != true)
                return null;

            Settings.Default.LexPresets =
                new XElement("Presets",
                    from preset in viewModel.Presets
                    select new XElement("Preset",
                        new XAttribute("Name", preset.Name),
                        new XAttribute("CommonCode", preset.CommonCode),
                        new XAttribute("SegmentCode", preset.SegmentCode),
                        new XAttribute("RecordCode", preset.RecordCode)));


            var selectedPreset = selectView.ViewModel.SelectedPreset;

            if (selectedPreset == null)
                return null;

            if (selectedPreset.Format != null)
                return selectedPreset.Format;

            return Compile(selectedPreset) ?? CompileManually(selectView, stream, selectedPreset);
        protected override string GetSolution()
            const double v = 3f / 7f;
            int maxD = 1000000;
            List<Tuple<int, int>> rpf = new List<Tuple<int, int>>();
            for (int d = 2; d < maxD; d++) {
                for (int n = 1; n < d; n++) {
                    if (Helper.GCD(d, n) == 1) {
                        rpf.Add(new Tuple<int, int>(n, d));
                        if (rpf.Count > 1000000) {
                            // Shrink list
                            var data = rpf.Select(x => new { Value = (double)x.Item1 / (double)x.Item2, Data = x }).OrderBy(x => x.Value).ToList();
                            var dataBefore = data.Where(x => x.Value <= v).ToList();
                            if (dataBefore.Count > 5) {
                                dataBefore = dataBefore.Skip(dataBefore.Count - 5).Take(5).ToList();
                            var dataAfter = data.Where(x => x.Value >= v).ToList();
                            if (dataAfter.Count > 5) {
                                dataAfter = dataAfter.Take(5).ToList();
                            data = dataBefore.Concat(dataAfter).Distinct().ToList();
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("Shrunk! D = " + d.ToString());
                            rpf = data.Select(x => x.Data).ToList();

            var sorted = rpf.Select(x => new { Value = (double)x.Item1 / (double)x.Item2, Data = x }).OrderBy(x => x.Value).ToList();
            var solution = sorted.Where(x => x.Value < v).Last();

            return solution.ToString();
        /// <summary>
        /// The try save characteristics to database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="characteristics">
        /// The characteristics.
        /// </param>
        public void TrySaveCharacteristicsToDatabase(List<Characteristic> characteristics)
            if (characteristics.Count > 0)
                catch (Exception exception)
                    // todo: refactor and optimize all this
                    var characteristicsSequences = characteristics.Select(c => c.SequenceId).Distinct().ToArray();
                    var characteristicsTypes = characteristics.Select(c => c.CharacteristicTypeLinkId).Distinct().ToArray();
                    var characteristicsFilter = characteristics.Select(c => new { c.SequenceId, c.CharacteristicTypeLinkId }).ToArray();
                    var wasteCharacteristics = db.Characteristic.Where(c => characteristicsSequences.Contains(c.SequenceId) && characteristicsTypes.Contains(c.CharacteristicTypeLinkId))
                            .ToArray().Where(c => characteristicsFilter.Contains(new { c.SequenceId, c.CharacteristicTypeLinkId })).Select(c => new { c.SequenceId, c.CharacteristicTypeLinkId });
                    var wasteNewCharacteristics = characteristics.Where(c => wasteCharacteristics.Contains(new { c.SequenceId, c.CharacteristicTypeLinkId }));

                    catch (Exception anotherException)
        public CollectionQuerySimplification(List<object> coll)
            var x = coll.Select(element => element as object).Any(element => element != null);  // Noncompliant use OfType
            x = coll.Select((element) => ((element as object))).Any(element => (element != null) && CheckCondition(element) && true);  // Noncompliant use OfType
            var y = coll.Where(element => element is object).Select(element => element as object); // Noncompliant use OfType
            var y = coll.Where(element => element is object).Select(element => element as object[]);
            y = coll.Where(element => element is object).Select(element => (object)element); // Noncompliant use OfType
            x = coll.Where(element => element == null).Any();  // Noncompliant use Any([expression])
            var z = coll.Where(element => element == null).Count();  // Noncompliant use Count([expression])
            z = Enumerable.Count(coll.Where(element => element == null));  // Noncompliant
            z = Enumerable.Count(Enumerable.Where(coll, element => element == null));  // Noncompliant
            y = coll.Select(element => element as object);
            y = coll.ToList().Select(element => element as object); // Noncompliant
            y = coll
                .ToList()  // Noncompliant
                .ToArray() // Noncompliant
                .Select(element => element as object);

            var z = coll
                .Select(element => element as object)

            var c = coll.Count(); //Noncompliant
            c = coll.OfType<object>().Count();

            x = Enumerable.Select(coll, element => element as object).Any(element => element != null); //Noncompliant
            x = Enumerable.Any(Enumerable.Select(coll, element => element as object), element => element != null); //Noncompliant
 public WatchSpecificMovies(List<Movie> moviesToWatch)
     Require.NotNull(moviesToWatch, "moviesToWatch");
     Require.IsTrue(() => moviesToWatch.Count > 0, "At least one movie required");
     MoviesToWatch = moviesToWatch.Select(m => new MovieToWatch(m)).ToList();
     Description = "Watch all movies: " + string.Join(" ,", moviesToWatch.Select(m => m.Name));
예제 #9
        public WbImageData(
            List<WbVmUtils.PlotPoint<Color>> plotPoints,
            List<WbVmUtils.PlotRectangle<Color>> filledRects,
            List<WbVmUtils.PlotRectangle<Color>> openRects,
            List<WbVmUtils.PlotLine<Color>> plotLines, 
            double width, 
            double height)
            Height = height;
            Width = width;
            PlotPoints = plotPoints;
            FilledRectangles = filledRects;
            OpenRectangles = openRects;
            PlotLines = plotLines;

            BoundingRect = RectExt.NegInfRect
                .BoundingRect(plotLines.Select(pl => pl.X1))
                .BoundingRect(plotLines.Select(pl => pl.X2))
                .BoundingRect(plotLines.Select(pl => pl.Y1))
                .BoundingRect(plotLines.Select(pl => pl.Y2))
                .BoundingRect(filledRects.Select(pl => pl.X))
                .BoundingRect(filledRects.Select(pl => pl.X + pl.Width))
                .BoundingRect(filledRects.Select(pl => pl.Y))
                .BoundingRect(filledRects.Select(pl => pl.Y + pl.Height))
                .BoundingRect(openRects.Select(pl => pl.X))
                .BoundingRect(openRects.Select(pl => pl.X + pl.Width))
                .BoundingRect(openRects.Select(pl => pl.Y))
                .BoundingRect(openRects.Select(pl => pl.Y + pl.Height))
                .BoundingRect(plotPoints.Select(pl => pl.X))
                .BoundingRect(plotPoints.Select(pl => pl.Y));
예제 #10
파일: PythonNode.cs 프로젝트: sm6srw/Dynamo
        protected AssociativeNode CreateOutputAST(
            AssociativeNode codeInputNode, List<AssociativeNode> inputAstNodes,
            List<Tuple<string, AssociativeNode>> additionalBindings)
            var names =
                    x => AstFactory.BuildStringNode(x.Item1) as AssociativeNode).ToList();

            var vals = additionalBindings.Select(x => x.Item2).ToList();

            Func<string, IList, IList, object> backendMethod =

            return AstFactory.BuildAssignment(
                    new List<AssociativeNode>
예제 #11
 private static IEnumerable<string> GetUsedPaths(List<Customer> customers)
     IEnumerable<string> usedPaths = customers.Select(cust => cust.PhotoPath);
     usedPaths = usedPaths.Concat(customers.Select(cust => cust.ProofOfIdPath));
     usedPaths = usedPaths.Concat(customers.Select(cust => cust.Address.ProofOfAddressPath));
     return usedPaths;
예제 #12
		private async Task<AffineTransformationParameters> CalibrateAsync(CalibrationStyle style)
			await _LoadTask.Task;

			double margin = 50;
			List<Tuple<Point, Point>> measurements = new List<Tuple<Point, Point>>();
			measurements.Add(new Tuple<Point, Point>(new Point(margin, margin), new Point())); //Top left
            if(style == CalibrationStyle.SevenPoint)
			    measurements.Add(new Tuple<Point, Point>(new Point(this.ActualWidth * .5, margin), new Point())); //Top center
			measurements.Add(new Tuple<Point, Point>(new Point(this.ActualWidth - margin, margin), new Point())); //Top right
			measurements.Add(new Tuple<Point, Point>(new Point(this.ActualWidth - margin, this.ActualHeight - margin), new Point())); //Bottom right
            if (style == CalibrationStyle.SevenPoint)
                measurements.Add(new Tuple<Point, Point>(new Point(this.ActualWidth * .5, this.ActualHeight - margin), new Point())); //Bottom center
			measurements.Add(new Tuple<Point, Point>(new Point(margin, this.ActualHeight - margin), new Point())); //Bottom left
            if (style == CalibrationStyle.CornersAndCenter || style == CalibrationStyle.SevenPoint)
                measurements.Add(new Tuple<Point, Point>(new Point(this.ActualWidth * .5, this.ActualHeight * .5), new Point())); //Center

			for (int i = 0; i < measurements.Count; i++)
				progress.Value = i * 100d / measurements.Count;
				var p = measurements[i].Item1;
				CalibrationMarker.RenderTransform = new TranslateTransform() { X = p.X, Y = p.Y };
				var p1 = await GetRawTouchEventAsync();
				measurements[i] = new Tuple<Point, Point>(p, p1);
			var lsa = new LeastSquaresAdjustment(measurements.Select(t => t.Item1), measurements.Select(t => t.Item2));
			return lsa.GetTransformation();
예제 #13
        private List<DpsPerCharacter> FillEmptyDataPoints(List<DpsPerCharacter> list)
            var allCharacters = list.Select(m => m.character).Distinct().OrderBy(m => m).ToList();
            var allIntervals = list.Select(m => m.interval).Distinct().OrderBy(m => m).ToList();

            // Fill in missing intervals
            var lastInterval = allIntervals.FirstOrDefault();
            foreach (var interval in allIntervals.OrderBy(m => m))
                int diff = interval - lastInterval;
                if (diff > 1)
                    for (int i = 1; i < diff; i++)
                        foreach (var character in allCharacters)
                            list.Add(new DpsPerCharacter { character = character, damage = 0, interval = lastInterval + i });

                foreach (var character in allCharacters)
                    if (list.Any(m => m.character == character && m.interval == interval) == false)
                        list.Add(new DpsPerCharacter { character = character, interval = interval, damage = 0 });

                lastInterval = interval;

            return list;
예제 #14
        public List<PostWrapped> Wrap(List<Guid> postIds, User currentUser = null)
            var posts = new List<PostWrapped>();
            foreach (var postId in postIds)
                var post = _postDao.GetPostById(postId);
                if (post != null)
                    posts.Add(new PostWrapped(post));

            var authors = _membershipService.GetUsersByIds(posts.Select(x => x.Post.UserId).Distinct().ToList()).ToDictionary(x => x.Id, x => x);
            var subs = _subDao.GetSubsByIds(posts.Select(x => x.Post.SubId).Distinct().ToList()).ToDictionary(x => x.Id, x => x);

            var likes = currentUser != null ? _voteDao.GetVotesOnPostsByUser(currentUser.Id, postIds) : new Dictionary<Guid, VoteType>();

            foreach (var item in posts)
                item.Author = authors.ContainsKey(item.Post.UserId) ? authors[item.Post.UserId] : null;
                item.Sub = subs.ContainsKey(item.Post.SubId) ? subs[item.Post.SubId] : null;
                if (currentUser != null)
                    item.CurrentUserVote = likes.ContainsKey(item.Post.Id) ? likes[item.Post.Id] : (VoteType?)null;

            return posts;
 public static IEnumerable<RestrictionModel> Sanitize(this IEnumerable<RestrictionModel> input)
     var patterns = new List<PatternRestrictionModel>();
     foreach (var item in input)
         var pattern = item as PatternRestrictionModel;
         if (pattern != null)
             yield return item;
     if (patterns.Count == 1)
         yield return patterns[0];
     else if (patterns.Count > 1)
         var config = patterns.Select(x => x.Configuration).First();
         var pattern = string.Join("|", patterns.Select(x => string.Format("({0})", x.Value)));
         yield return new PatternRestrictionModel(config)
             Value = pattern,
        public override void Frame(double dt)
            var enemies = Manager.GetEntitiesWithComponent<Enemy>().ToList();
            var bullets = Manager.GetEntitiesWithComponent<Bullet>().ToList();
            var collisions = new List<Tuple<Entity, Entity>>();

            foreach (var bullet in bullets)
                foreach (var enemy in enemies)
                    if (Collision(bullet.GetComponent<Position>(), enemy.GetComponent<Position>()))
                        collisions.Add(Tuple.Create(bullet, enemy));

            var deadbullets = collisions.Select(x => x.Item1).Distinct();
            var deadEnemies = collisions.Select(x => x.Item2).Distinct();

            foreach (var deadBullet in deadbullets)

            foreach (var deadEnemy in deadEnemies)
        [Fact] // CodePlex 583
        public void RemoveDuplicateTphColumns_removes_multiple_batches_of_duplicate_columns_from_same_table()
            var removed = new List<EdmMember>();
            var mockTableType = CreateMockType("Lancre");
            mockTableType.Setup(m => m.RemoveMember(It.IsAny<EdmMember>())).Callback<EdmMember>(removed.Add);

            var columns = CreateColumns(
                "Nanny", "Ogg", "Nanny", "Nanny", "Granny", "Magrat", "Weatherwax", "Weatherwax", "Magrat", "Garlik", "Tiffany", "Tiffany");

            var mappings = CreateMappings(
                "Nanny1", "Ogg", "Nanny2", "Nanny2", "Granny", "Magrat1", "Weatherwax", "Weatherwax", "Magrat2", "Garlik", "Tiffany",

            new TphColumnFixer(mappings).RemoveDuplicateTphColumns();

            Assert.Equal(5, removed.Count);
            Assert.Equal(2, removed.Select(m => m.Name).Count(n => n == "Nanny"));
            Assert.Equal(1, removed.Select(m => m.Name).Count(n => n == "Weatherwax"));
            Assert.Equal(1, removed.Select(m => m.Name).Count(n => n == "Magrat"));
            Assert.Equal(1, removed.Select(m => m.Name).Count(n => n == "Tiffany"));

            AssertDuplicatesRemoved(mappings, "Nanny");
            AssertDuplicatesRemoved(mappings, "Weatherwax");
            AssertDuplicatesRemoved(mappings, "Magrat");
            AssertDuplicatesRemoved(mappings, "Tiffany");
예제 #18
        public static List<Manning> CreateHierarchicalTree(List<Manning> mannings)
            Action<Manning> setChildren = null;

            setChildren = parent =>
                parent.Children = mannings
                    .Where(childItem => childItem.ParentId == parent.Id)

                // Recursively call the SetChildren method for each child.
                if (setChildren != null)

            var ids = mannings.Select(x => x.Id).ToList();
            var parentIds = mannings.Select(x => x.ParentId).ToList();
            var roots = parentIds.Except(ids).ToList();

            // Initialize the hierarchical list to root level items
            var hierarchicalItems = mannings
                .Where(x => roots.Contains(x.ParentId))

            // Call the SetChildren method to set the children on each root level item.

            return hierarchicalItems;
예제 #19
        public static void ExecuteUserCommand(string command, Dictionary<string, string> userInputsArgs)
            ChassisManagerLauncher launcher = new ChassisManagerLauncher();

            List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> methodParam = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>();

            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> parm in userInputsArgs)
                if (parm.Key != command && parm.Key != string.Empty)
                    methodParam.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>(CorrectParameterName(command,parm.Key) , parm.Value));

                launcher.GetType().InvokeMember(command, BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, launcher,
                    methodParam.Select(d => d.Value).ToArray(),
                    null, null, methodParam.Select(d => d.Key).ToArray());
            catch (TargetInvocationException ex)
                ex.InnerException.Data["OriginalStackTrace"] = ex.InnerException.StackTrace;
                throw ex.InnerException;
        private void onReceiveMessage(ZWaveContext context, ZWaveMessage message)
            var response = message.Message;

            var foundNodes = new List<byte>();
            for (var i = 7; i < 35; i++)
                for (var j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                    if ((response[i] & (0x01 << j)) != 0)
                        var nodeId = (byte)((i - 7) * 8 + (j + 1));
                        if (nodeId != context.ControllerId)

            if (foundNodes.Any())
                context.DoParallelFor(foundNodes.Select(x => new LoadNodeProtocolInfo(x)).ToArray());
                context.DoParallelFor(foundNodes.Select(x => new LoadNodeCapabilities(x)).ToArray());
        private Highcharts RenderChart()
            Random rand = new Random();

            var transactionCounts = new List<VolumeModel>
                new VolumeModel(){  Month="January", Volume=rand.Next(1001)},
                new VolumeModel(){  Month="February", Volume=rand.Next(1001)},
                new VolumeModel(){  Month="March", Volume=rand.Next(1001)},
                new VolumeModel(){  Month="April", Volume=rand.Next(1001)},
                new VolumeModel(){  Month="May", Volume=rand.Next(1001)},
                new VolumeModel(){  Month="June", Volume=rand.Next(1001)},
                new VolumeModel(){  Month="July", Volume=rand.Next(1001)},
                new VolumeModel(){  Month="August", Volume=rand.Next(1001)},
                new VolumeModel(){  Month="September", Volume=rand.Next(1001)},
                new VolumeModel(){  Month="October", Volume=rand.Next(1001)},
                new VolumeModel(){  Month="November", Volume=rand.Next(1001)},
                new VolumeModel(){  Month="December", Volume=rand.Next(1001)}

            var xDataMonths = transactionCounts.Select(i => i.Month).ToArray();
            var yDataCounts = transactionCounts.Select(i => new object[] { i.Volume }).ToArray();

            var chart = new Highcharts("chart")

                        .InitChart(new Chart { DefaultSeriesType = ChartTypes.Line })

                        .SetTitle(new Title { Text = "Average Trading Volume per Day" })

                        .SetSubtitle(new Subtitle { Text = "Light-Sweet Crude Oil" })

                        .SetXAxis(new XAxis { Categories = xDataMonths })

                        .SetYAxis(new YAxis { Title = new YAxisTitle { Text = "Volume x 10,000" } })

                        .SetTooltip(new Tooltip
                            Enabled = true,
                            Formatter = @"function() { return '<b>'+ +'</b><br/>'+ this.x +': '+ this.y; }"

                        .SetPlotOptions(new PlotOptions
                            Line = new PlotOptionsLine
                                DataLabels = new PlotOptionsLineDataLabels
                                    Enabled = true
                                EnableMouseTracking = false

                            new Series {Name = "2015", Data = new Data(yDataCounts)}

            return chart;
예제 #22
        public void UpLoadJob()
            List<int> successList = new List<int>();
                using (IDataReader dr = DataAccess.ExecuteReader("select * from jobMain where isUploaded=0"))
                    int id = 0;
                    while (dr.Read())
                        String jobdate = dr["jobDate"].ToString();
                        Int32 userid = Int32.Parse(dr["UserID"].ToString());
                        string begintime = dr["BeginTime"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : dr["BeginTime"].ToString();
                        string endtime = dr["EndTime"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : dr["EndTime"].ToString();
                        string ipAddress = dr["ipAddress"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : dr["ipAddress"].ToString();
                        Int32 needcheckposition = dr["NeedCheckPosition"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : Int32.Parse(dr["NeedCheckPosition"].ToString());
                        Int32 CheckPosition = dr["CheckPosition"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : Int32.Parse(dr["CheckPosition"].ToString());
                        Int32 PassPosition = dr["PassPosition"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : Int32.Parse(dr["PassPosition"].ToString());
                        id = Int32.Parse(dr["ID"].ToString());
                        String isfull = (dr["IsFull"] != DBNull.Value) ? dr["IsFull"].ToString() : "0";
                        string TrainCode = (dr["TrainCode"] == DBNull.Value) ? "" : dr["TrainCode"].ToString();
                        List<String> list = new List<string>();
                        using (IDataReader detaildr = DataAccess.ExecuteReader("select * from JobDetail where jobid=" + id.ToString()))

                            while (detaildr.Read())
                                if (detaildr["BarCode"] != DBNull.Value)
                                    TrainCode = detaildr["BarCode"].ToString().Trim();
                        string childlist = string.Join("@", list.ToArray());
                        if (TrainCode.Length == AppHelper.BarCodeDim)
                            TrainCode = TrainCode.Substring(4, 3);
                        _Service.UploadJob(jobdate, userid, begintime, endtime, ipAddress, needcheckposition, CheckPosition, PassPosition, childlist, isfull == "1" ? true : false, TrainCode);

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
                if (successList.Count > 0)
                    DataAccess.ExecuteNonQuery(String.Format("Delete from jobmain where id in ({0})", String.Join(",", successList.Select(jid => jid.ToString()).ToArray())));
                    DataAccess.ExecuteNonQuery(String.Format("Delete from jobDetail where jobid in ({0})", String.Join(",", successList.Select(jid => jid.ToString()).ToArray())));
예제 #23
        private static List<Standing> GetStandings(List<Game> games)
            var teams = games.Select(game => game.HomeTeam)
                .Concat(games.Select(game => game.AwayTeam))

            var standings = (from team in teams
                let teamGames = games.Where(game =>
                    (game.HomeTeam.Id == team.Id || game.AwayTeam.Id == team.Id) &&
                let scores = teamGames.Select(Score.GetScore).ToList()
                select new Standing {
                    Team = team,
                    Wins = scores.Count(score => score.WinningTeamId == team.Id),
                    Losses = scores.Count(score => score.LosingTeamId == team.Id),
                    Ties = scores.Count(score => score.IsTie),
                    Forfeits = teamGames.Count(game => game.WasForfeited && game.ForfeitingTeamId == team.Id),
                    GamesPlayed = teamGames.Count,
                    GoalsFor = teamGames.Sum(game => {
                        var score = Score.GetScore(game);
                        return game.HomeTeam.Id == team.Id ? score.HomeTeamScore : score.AwayTeamScore;
                    GoalsAgainst = teamGames.Sum(game => {
                        var score = Score.GetScore(game);
                        return game.HomeTeam.Id == team.Id ? score.AwayTeamScore : score.HomeTeamScore;

            return standings;
        public void SelectDisposableShouldWork()
            var scheduler = new TestScheduler();
            var disposables = new List<BooleanDisposable>();
            var list = new CompositeDisposable();
                new Recorded<Notification<long>>(100, Notification.CreateOnNext(0L)),
                new Recorded<Notification<long>>(200, Notification.CreateOnNext(1L)),
                new Recorded<Notification<long>>(300, Notification.CreateOnNext(2L)),
                new Recorded<Notification<long>>(400, Notification.CreateOnNext(3L)),
                new Recorded<Notification<long>>(400, Notification.CreateOnCompleted<long>())
            .SelectDisposable(list, i => {
                var d = new BooleanDisposable();
                return d;
            }, (i, _) => i)



            disposables.Select(d => d.IsDisposed).Should().NotContain(true);


            disposables.Select(d => d.IsDisposed).Should().NotContain(false);

예제 #25
        private Delegate CreateActionDelegate(MethodInfo method)
            List<ParameterExpression> parameters = new List<ParameterExpression>();
            foreach (ParameterInfo parameterInfo in method.GetParameters())
                parameters.Add(Expression.Parameter(parameterInfo.ParameterType, parameterInfo.Name));

            LambdaExpression lambda;

            if (method.IsStatic)
                lambda = Expression.Lambda(
                    GetActionType(parameters.Select(p => p.Type).ToArray()),
                    Expression.Call(method, parameters.Cast<Expression>().ToArray()),
                Type bindingType = method.DeclaringType;
                Expression<Func<object>> getInstanceExpression =
                    () => ScenarioContext.Current.GetBindingInstance(bindingType);

                lambda = Expression.Lambda(
                    GetActionType(parameters.Select(p => p.Type).ToArray()),
                        Expression.Convert(getInstanceExpression.Body, bindingType),

            return lambda.Compile();
예제 #26
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var images = new List<ImageInfo>();

            var imageId = 0;
            foreach (var dir in new DirectoryInfo(@"..\..\Images").GetDirectories())
                var groupId = int.Parse(dir.Name.Replace("s", string.Empty)) - 1;
                foreach (var imageFile in dir.GetFiles("*.pgm"))
                    images.Add(new ImageInfo
                        Image = new Mat(imageFile.FullName, LoadMode.GrayScale),
                        ImageId = imageId++,
                        ImageGroupId = groupId

            var model = FaceRecognizer.CreateFisherFaceRecognizer();
            model.Train(images.Select(x => x.Image), images.Select(x => x.ImageGroupId));

            var rnd = new Random();
            var randomImageId = rnd.Next(0, images.Count - 1);
            var testSample = images[randomImageId];

            Console.WriteLine("Actual group: {0}", testSample.ImageGroupId);
            Cv2.ImShow("actual", testSample.Image);

            var predictedGroupId = model.Predict(testSample.Image);
            Console.WriteLine("Predicted group: {0}", predictedGroupId);

예제 #27
        public ActionResult Agitator(int Id)
            var politicalViews = new List<KeyValuePair<string, int>>();
            var agitatorHouses = dataManager.AgitatorHouseRelations.GetAll().Where(ah => ah.AgitatorId == Id && ah.HouseId.HasValue).Select(wh => wh.HouseId.Value).ToList();

            var houses = dataManager.Houses.GetAll().Where(h => agitatorHouses.Contains(h.Id) && h.Latitude.HasValue && h.Longitude.HasValue).ToList();
            var persons = dataManager.Persons.GetAll().Where(p => houses.Select(x => x.Id).Contains(p.HouseId ?? 0)).ToList();
            var voters = dataManager.Voters.GetAll().Where(v => persons.Select(x => x.Id).Contains(v.PersonId ?? 0)).ToList();
            var voterPartyRelations = dataManager.VoterPartyRelations.GetAll().ToList();
            var parties = voterPartyRelations.Where(vp => voters.Select(x => x.Id).Contains(vp.VoterId ?? 0))
                .Select(x => dataManager.Parties.Get(x.PartyId ?? 0)).ToList();

            foreach (var house in houses)
                var hPersons = persons.Where(x => x.HouseId == house.Id).ToList();
                var hVoters = voters.Where(x => hPersons.Select(x2 => x2.Id).Contains(x.PersonId ?? 0)).ToList();
                var hVoterPartyRelations = voterPartyRelations.Where(x => hVoters.Select(x2 => x2.Id).Contains(x.VoterId ?? 0)).ToList();
                var hParties = parties.Where(x => hVoterPartyRelations.Select(x2 => x2.PartyId).Contains(x.Id)).ToList();

                foreach (var hParty in hParties.GroupBy(x => x.Id).Select(x => x.First()))
                    politicalViews.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, int>(hParty.Name, hVoterPartyRelations.Where(x => x.PartyId == hParty.Id).Count()));
            var chart = new Chart(width: 200, height: 200)
                name: "Employee",
                xValue: politicalViews.Select(p => p.Key).ToArray(),
                yValues: politicalViews.Select(p => p.Value).ToArray(),
                chartType: "Pie");
            return File(chart.GetBytes(), "image/jpeg");
예제 #28
        private static void DumpPosts()
            var path = Path.Combine(RawDataPath, "posts.xml");

            var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            var buffer = new List<byte[]>(20000);
            int total = 0;
            foreach (var line in ReadLinesSequentially(path).Where(l => l.StartsWith("  <row ")))
                total += 1;
                var post = PostParse(line);
                if (post == null)


                if (buffer.Count == buffer.Capacity)
                    _reader.WriteEventsInLargeBatch("", buffer.Select(x => (x)));
                    var speed = total / sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds;
                    Console.WriteLine("Posts:\r\n\t{0} per second\r\n\tAdded {1} posts", speed, total);
            _reader.WriteEventsInLargeBatch("s3:post", buffer.Select(x => (x)));
            Console.WriteLine("Posts import complete");
        public static bool Save(List<RoleFunctions> rolefunctions, OracleConnection conn)
                bool saved = false;
                string query = "INSERT INTO SYSTEMROLEFUNCTIONS (ROLEID, FUNCTIONID) values(:roleid, :functionid)";
                using (var command = conn.CreateCommand())
                    command.CommandText = query;
                    command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                    command.BindByName = true;
                    // In order to use ArrayBinding, the ArrayBindCount property
                    // of OracleCommand object must be set to the number of records to be inserted
                    command.ArrayBindCount = rolefunctions.Count;
                    command.Parameters.Add(":roleid", OracleDbType.Int32, rolefunctions.Select(rf => rf.RoleId).ToArray(), ParameterDirection.Input);
                    command.Parameters.Add(":functionid", OracleDbType.Int32, rolefunctions.Select(rf => rf.FunctionId).ToArray(), ParameterDirection.Input);

                    int result = command.ExecuteNonQuery();
                    if (result == rolefunctions.Count)
                        saved = true;

                    return saved;
            catch(Exception ex)
                throw ex;
예제 #30
        private ElementCollection CreateElementGroup(string xPath, List<Element> list)
            var names = new Dictionary<string, int>();
            foreach (var name in list.Select(el => el.Name))
                if (names.ContainsKey(name))
                    names.Add(name, 1);
            string mostRepeatedName = names.Keys.OrderBy(name => names[name]).First();

            int minX = list.Select(el => el.Location.X).Min();
            int minY = list.Select(el => el.Location.Y).Min();
            int maxX = list.Select(el => el.Location.X + el.Size.Width).Max();
            int maxY = list.Select(el => el.Location.Y + el.Size.Height).Max();

            var firstLocation = new Point(minX, minY);
            var combinedArea = new Size(maxX - minX, maxY - minY);
            return new ElementCollection()
                Name = mostRepeatedName + "Group",
                LocatorType = "xpath",
                Locator = xPath,
                Location = firstLocation,
                Size = combinedArea
예제 #31
 /// <summary>
 /// / 매칭 시도를 실패하면 선점한 플레이어를 삭제, 다른 매칭에 검색 되도록
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="player_list"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static async Task CancelOccupiedMatchUser(List <long> player_list)
     await Cache.Instance.GetDatabase().KeyDeleteAsync(player_list.Select(key => (RedisKey)$"match_user:{key}").ToArray());
예제 #32
        protected override void ProcessRecordInternal()
            switch (ParameterSetName)
            case ListActionRulesParameterSet:
            case ListActionRulesByTargetResourceIdParameterSet:
                IPage <ActionRule> pageResult = new Page <ActionRule>();
                List <ActionRule>  resultList = new List <ActionRule>();
                bool listByResourceGroup      = false;

                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ResourceGroupName))
                    pageResult = this.AlertsManagementClient.ActionRules.ListBySubscriptionWithHttpMessagesAsync(
                        targetResource: TargetResourceId,
                        targetResourceType: TargetResourceType,
                        targetResourceGroup: TargetResourceGroup,
                        monitorService: MonitorService,
                        severity: Severity,
                        alertRuleId: AlertRuleId,
                        impactedScope: ImpactedScope,
                        actionGroup: ActionGroup,
                        description: Description,
                        name: Name

                    listByResourceGroup = false;
                    pageResult = this.AlertsManagementClient.ActionRules.ListByResourceGroupWithHttpMessagesAsync(
                        resourceGroupName: ResourceGroupName,
                        targetResource: TargetResourceId,
                        targetResourceType: TargetResourceType,
                        targetResourceGroup: TargetResourceGroup,
                        monitorService: MonitorService,
                        severity: Severity,
                        alertRuleId: AlertRuleId,
                        impactedScope: ImpactedScope,
                        actionGroup: ActionGroup,
                        description: Description,
                        name: Name

                    listByResourceGroup = true;

                // Deal with paging in response
                ulong first = MyInvocation.BoundParameters.ContainsKey("First") ? this.PagingParameters.First : ulong.MaxValue;
                ulong skip  = MyInvocation.BoundParameters.ContainsKey("Skip") ? this.PagingParameters.Skip : 0;

                // Any items before this count should be return
                ulong lastCount    = MyInvocation.BoundParameters.ContainsKey("First") ? skip + first : ulong.MaxValue;
                ulong currentCount = 0;
                var   nextPageLink = pageResult.NextPageLink;

                    List <ActionRule> tempList = pageResult.ToList();
                    if (currentCount + (ulong)tempList.Count - 1 < skip)
                        // skip the whole chunk if they are all in skip
                        currentCount += (ulong)tempList.Count;
                        foreach (ActionRule currentActionRule in tempList)
                            // not return "skip" count of items in the begin, and only return "first" count of items after that.
                            if (currentCount >= skip && currentCount < lastCount)
                            if (currentCount >= lastCount)

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nextPageLink))
                        if (listByResourceGroup)
                            pageResult = this.AlertsManagementClient.ActionRules.ListByResourceGroupNextWithHttpMessagesAsync(nextPageLink).Result.Body;
                            pageResult = this.AlertsManagementClient.ActionRules.ListBySubscriptionNextWithHttpMessagesAsync(nextPageLink).Result.Body;
                        nextPageLink = pageResult.NextPageLink;
                } while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nextPageLink) && currentCount < lastCount);

                WriteObject(resultList.Select((r) => TransformOutput(r)), enumerateCollection: true);

            case ActionRuleByNameParameterSet:
                var rulebyName = this.AlertsManagementClient.ActionRules.GetByNameWithHttpMessagesAsync(ResourceGroupName, Name).Result.Body;
                WriteObject(sendToPipeline: TransformOutput(rulebyName));

            case ResourceIdParameterSet:
                ExtractedInfo info     = CommonUtils.ExtractFromActionRuleResourceId(ResourceId);
                var           ruleById = this.AlertsManagementClient.ActionRules.GetByNameWithHttpMessagesAsync(info.ResourceGroupName, info.Resource).Result.Body;
                WriteObject(sendToPipeline: TransformOutput(ruleById));
예제 #33
        public List <ProductCardModel> Get(List <Product> products)
            var galleryIds = products.Select(product => product.Gallery.Id).ToList();
            var productIds = products.Select(product => product.Id).ToList();
            List <MediaFile> mediaFiles = _session.QueryOver <MediaFile>()
                                          .Where(file => file.MediaCategory.Id.IsIn(galleryIds))
                                          .OrderBy(file => file.DisplayOrder)
            List <ProductVariant> variants = _session.QueryOver <ProductVariant>()
                                             .Where(productVariant => productVariant.Product.Id.IsIn(productIds))

            var productCardModels = new List <ProductCardModel>();

            foreach (var product in products)
                MediaFile image           = mediaFiles.FirstOrDefault(file => file.IsImage() && file.MediaCategory.Id == product.Gallery.Id);
                var       productVariants = variants.FindAll(productVariant => productVariant.Product.Id == product.Id);
                if (!productVariants.Any())

                var productCardModel = new ProductCardModel
                    Name                  = product.Name,
                    Url                   = product.LiveUrlSegment,
                    Abstract              = product.ProductAbstract,
                    Image                 = image == null ? null : image.FileUrl,
                    PreviousPriceText     = _ecommerceSettings.PreviousPriceText,
                    ProductReviewsEnabled = _productReviewSettings.EnableProductReviews,
                    IsMultiVariant        = productVariants.Count > 1
                if (productVariants.Count == 1)
                    var variant = productVariants.FirstOrDefault();
                    productCardModel.PreviousPrice = product.ShowPreviousPrice ? variant.PreviousPrice : null;
                    productCardModel.Price         = variant.Price;
                    productCardModel.VariantId     = variant.Id;
                    CanBuyStatus canBuyStatus = _productVariantAvailabilityService.CanBuy(variant, 1);
                    productCardModel.CanBuyStatus = canBuyStatus;
                    productCardModel.StockMessage = canBuyStatus.OK
                        ? (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(variant.CustomStockInStockMessage)
                            ? variant.CustomStockInStockMessage
                            : _stringResourceProvider.GetValue("In Stock"))
                        : (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(variant.CustomStockOutOfStockMessage)
                            ? variant.CustomStockOutOfStockMessage
                            : _stringResourceProvider.GetValue("Out of Stock"));
                    productCardModel.Rating          = variant.Rating;
                    productCardModel.NumberOfReviews = variant.NumberOfReviews;

                    if (variant.ETag != null)
                        productCardModel.ETag = variant.ETag;
                    ProductVariant variant = productVariants.OrderBy(x => x.Price).FirstOrDefault();
                    productCardModel.Price           = variant != null ? variant.Price : (decimal?)null;
                    productCardModel.Rating          = variant.Rating;
                    productCardModel.NumberOfReviews = variant.NumberOfReviews;
                    if (variant.ETag != null)
                        productCardModel.ETag = variant.ETag;
예제 #34
        private static bool Judge(List <int> resources,
                                  List <List <int> > claimedResources,
                                  List <List <int> > allocatedResources)
            var processCount    = claimedResources.Count;
            var neededResources = claimedResources.Zip(allocatedResources,
                                                       (a, b) => a.Zip(b, (i, j) => i - j)).ToList();
            var currentResources = resources.Zip(allocatedResources.Aggregate(
                                                     (a, b) => a.Zip(b, (int1, int2) => int1 + int2).ToList()),
                                                 (int1, int2) => int1 - int2).ToList();

            if (currentResources.Any(o => o < 0))
                    "Currently allocated resources exceeds the limitation", Color.Red);

            var results = new List <int>();
            var runed   = Enumerable.Repeat(false, claimedResources.Count)

            for (var i = 0; i < processCount; i++)
                if (neededResources[i].All(o => o.Equals(0)))
                    runed[i] = true;
                    Console.WriteLine(i + 1 + " seems running, freed.", Color.Aqua);
                    currentResources = currentResources.Zip(
                        (i1, i2) => i1 + i2).ToList();

            while (runed.Any(fg => !fg))
                var onceRun = false;
                for (var i = 0; i < processCount; i++)
                    if (!runed[i] && currentResources
                        .Zip(neededResources[i], (i1, i2) => i1 - i2)
                        .All(o => o >= 0))
                        runed[i] = true;
                        Console.WriteLine(i + 1 + " is running, freed.", Color.Aqua);
                        currentResources = currentResources.Zip(
                            (i1, i2) => i1 + i2).ToList();

                        onceRun = true;

                if (!onceRun)

            Console.WriteLine(results.Select(o => (o + 1).ToString()).Aggregate((i1, i2) => $"{i1}->{i2}"), Color.Aqua);

예제 #35
        /// <summary>
        /// Every 30s queries mail server for new email.
        /// When there are new emails available it first download all mail headers and publishes them to the stream.
        /// Afterwards start downloading all mail content for just downloaded mail headers.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cancel"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task RunCheckForNewMailAsyncLoop(CancellationToken cancel)
            // Create mail client.
            IMailClient client = (new TrivialMailDllFactory()).Build(_serverType);

                // Publish Connecting state.
                client.Connect(_serverEncryption, _host);

                // Publish LoggingIn state.
                client.Login(_user, _password);

                // Publish Connected state.

                // Main loop
                while (!cancel.IsCancellationRequested)
                    // If disconnect or not encrypted (when should be) then reconnect.
                    if (client.IsConnected && (_serverEncryption == MailServerEncryption.Unencrypted || client.IsEncrypted))
                        // MailHeaderList contains new headers which will be published to subscribers.
                        List <MailHeaderEntity> mailHeaderEntities = new List <MailHeaderEntity>();

                        using (IMailStorage <MailHeaderEntity> storage = _mailHeaderStorageFactory())
                            // 1. Get from mail server all uids (emails).
                            // ToDo: for Imap this could be improved.
                            List <string> newUids = client.GetAllUids().ToList();

                            // 2. Distinct list of uids which are not yet stored in the database.
                            // Let's reverse and start checking with the most recent email (the latest uid).
                            List <string> uidList = new List <string>();
                            foreach (var uid in newUids)
                                if (!storage.Exists(x => x.Uid == uid))
                                // Note: if any first exists, break the loop other emails are probably downloaded.

                            if (uidList.Count > 0)
                                // 3. Download mail headers.
                                foreach (var uid in uidList)
                                    // Download message header.
                                    var header = client.GetHeadersByUid(uid);

                                    // Note: MailDll documentation states that header can be null.
                                    if (header == null)
                                        throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(header), $"Downloaded an empty email header ({uid}).");

                                    var email            = new MailBuilder().CreateFromEml(header);
                                    var emailFrom        = email?.From.FirstOrDefault();
                                    var mailHeaderEntity = new MailHeaderEntity()
                                        Uid            = uid,
                                        Date           = email?.Date ?? DateTime.MinValue,
                                        Subject        = email?.Subject,
                                        MailFromEntity = new MailFromEntity()
                                            Address    = emailFrom?.Address,
                                            Name       = emailFrom?.Name,
                                            LocalPart  = emailFrom?.LocalPart,
                                            DomainPart = emailFrom?.DomainPart


                                // 4. Insert all new mail headers into the storage.

                        // For all new email headers publish them to the subscribers and download the content.
                        // Note: This whole block is taken out from above using() to release storage handle asap.
                        if (mailHeaderEntities.Count > 0)
                            // 5. Publish all new mail headers to the stream.
                            mailHeaderEntities.ForEach(mailHeaderEntity => { _mailHeaderStream.OnNext(new MailHeader(mailHeaderEntity)); });

                            // 6. Start downloading content loop
                            // It's not done in above foreach loop to not to keep storage open for too long
                            // when running over slow internet connection.
                            RunDownloadContentAsyncLoop(cancel, mailHeaderEntities.Select(x => x.Uid).ToList());

                    // Check for new email again in 30s
                    await Observable.Return(0).Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30), Scheduler.CurrentThread).ToTask(cancel);
            catch (Exception e)
                Logger.Error(e, $"RunCheckForNewMailAsyncLoop");

                if (!cancel.IsCancellationRequested)
                    // Publish Disconnected state.
        private async Task GetTodoList(bool isAppStarting)
            // Get an access token to call the To Do service.
            AuthenticationResult result = null;

                result = await authContext.AcquireTokenSilentAsync(todoListResourceId, clientId);

                SignInButton.Content = clearCacheString;
            catch (AdalException ex)
                // There is no access token in the cache, so prompt the user to sign-in.
                if (ex.ErrorCode == AdalError.UserInteractionRequired || ex.ErrorCode == AdalError.FailedToAcquireTokenSilently)
                    if (!isAppStarting)
                        MessageBox.Show("Please sign in to view your To-Do list");
                        SignInButton.Content = signInString;
                    // An unexpected error occurred.
                    string message = ex.Message;
                    if (ex.InnerException != null)
                        message += "Error Code: " + ex.ErrorCode + "Inner Exception : " + ex.InnerException.Message;

                UserName.Content = Properties.Resources.UserNotSignedIn;


            // Once the token has been returned by ADAL, add it to the http authorization header, before making the call to access the To Do list service.
            httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", result.AccessToken);

            // Call the To Do list service.
            HttpResponseMessage response = await httpClient.GetAsync(todoListBaseAddress + "/api/todolist");

            if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                // Read the response and databind to the GridView to display To Do items.
                string s = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                List <TodoItem>      toDoArray  = serializer.Deserialize <List <TodoItem> >(s);

                TodoList.ItemsSource = toDoArray.Select(t => new { t.Title });
                MessageBox.Show("An error occurred : " + response.ReasonPhrase);

예제 #37
        /// <summary>
        /// Wrapp the given hl shopping cart to view.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hlCarts">List of shopping cart.</param>
        /// <returns>Shopping cart views.</returns>
        public static List<MyHLShoppingCartView> WrappToShoppingCartViewList(List<MyHLShoppingCart> hlCarts, string Locale, string filterExpressions, string sortExpressions, bool savedCartsMode)
            var config = HLConfigManager.Configurations.DOConfiguration;
            if (config.UseGregorianCalendar)
            // Initializing the MyHLShoppingCartView list result.
            var cartViewList = new List<MyHLShoppingCartView>();
            if (hlCarts.Count > 1 && hlCarts[0].ShoppingCartID == hlCarts[1].ShoppingCartID && hlCarts[0].IsSavedCart)
                // Leave the cart with the right date in list
            foreach (MyHLShoppingCart cart in hlCarts)
                if (!cartViewList.Select(i => i.ID).Contains(cart.ShoppingCartID.ToString()) && cart.OrderCategory != ServiceProvider.CatalogSvc.OrderCategoryType.APF)
                    var cartView = new MyHLShoppingCartView();

                    // Direct properties.
                    cartView.ID = cart.ShoppingCartID.ToString();
                    cartView.OrderNumber = cart.OrderNumber ?? string.Empty;
                    cartView.DraftName = cart.CartName ?? string.Empty;

                    if (savedCartsMode)
                        cartView.Date = cart.LastUpdated.ToString("d", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
                        cartView.LastUpdatedDate = cart.LastUpdated;
                        cartView.Date = cart.OrderDate.ToString("d", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
                        cartView.LastUpdatedDate = cart.OrderDate;

                    var deliveryOpt = cart.DeliveryOption;

                    // Address formatting
                    if (savedCartsMode)
                        cart.LoadShippingInfo(cart.DeliveryOptionID, cart.ShippingAddressID, cart.DeliveryOption, true);
                        if (cart.DeliveryInfo == null || cart.DeliveryInfo.Address == null)
                            cart.GetShippingInfoForCopyOrder(cart.DistributorID, cart.Locale, cart.ShoppingCartID, deliveryOpt, true);

                    cartView.Recipient = cart.DeliveryInfo != null && cart.DeliveryInfo.Address != null ?
                        cart.DeliveryInfo.Address.Recipient ?? string.Empty : string.Empty;
                    if (cart.DeliveryInfo != null && cart.DeliveryInfo.Address != null)
                        cartView.Address =
                            ShippingProvider.GetShippingProvider(Locale.Substring(3, 2)).FormatShippingAddress(
                                new DeliveryOption(cart.DeliveryInfo.Address),
                                cart.DeliveryInfo.Option, cart.DeliveryInfo.Description, false) ?? string.Empty;
                        cartView.AddressValue = cart.DeliveryInfo.Address.Address;

                    if (!savedCartsMode && deliveryOpt == ServiceProvider.CatalogSvc.DeliveryOptionType.Pickup && cart.DeliveryInfo != null && cart.DeliveryInfo.Address != null)
                        cartView.Address = string.Concat(cart.DeliveryInfo.Address.Alias, "</br>", cartView.Address);
                        cartView.AddressValue = cart.DeliveryInfo.Address.Address;


                    // Getting car items
                    var cartItems = new List<MyHLProductItemView>();

                    if (cart.CartItems != null)
                            item =>
                            cartItems.Add(new MyHLProductItemView() { Quantity = item.Quantity, SKU = item.SKU }));

                        // Getting descriptions
                        if (savedCartsMode)
                            cart.GetShoppingCartForDisplay(false, true);

                        if (cart.ShoppingCartItems != null && cart.ShoppingCartItems.Count() > 0)
                            foreach (MyHLProductItemView t in cartItems)
                                if (t != null)
                                    var item = cart.ShoppingCartItems.Where(x => x.SKU == t.SKU);
                                    if (item.Count() > 0)
                                        t.Description = item.FirstOrDefault().Description;

                    cartView.CartItems = cartItems;

            // Search
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filterExpressions))
                cartViewList = Search(cartViewList, filterExpressions);
            // Sort
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortExpressions))
                cartViewList = SortBy(cartViewList, sortExpressions);

            return cartViewList;
예제 #38
 public List <Order> GetOrders()
     return(orders.Select(item => (Order)item).ToList());
예제 #39
 public List <Rate> Get()
            Select(item => (Rate)item.Clone()).ToList());
예제 #40
        public async Task <IActionResult> Import(IFormFile file)
            var stream = file.OpenReadStream();
            var reader = new EmployeeReader(stream);
            var models = reader.Parse();
            var list   = new List <EmployeeBuffer>();
            var data   = await _service.GetDataForEmployeeAction();

            if (!models.Any())
                return(BadRequest("File trống"));
            foreach (var model in models)
                var row    = model.Row;
                var staff  = model.Model;
                var buffer = new EmployeeBuffer {
                    Employee = new Employee(), Errors = new List <string>()
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(staff.Code))
                    buffer.Errors.Add("Mã nhân viên trống.");
                    buffer.Index = row;
                    buffer.Employee.DefCode = staff.Code;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(staff.Name))
                    buffer.Errors.Add("Tên nhân viên trống.");
                    buffer.Index = row;
                    buffer.Employee.Name = staff.Name;
                buffer.Employee.DateOfBirth  = staff.DateOfBirth;
                buffer.Employee.Email        = staff.Email;
                buffer.Employee.Phone        = staff.Phone;
                buffer.Employee.CreatedDate  = DateTime.Now;
                buffer.Employee.LastModified = DateTime.Now;
                buffer.Employee.IsPublished  = true;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(staff?.FacutlyCode.ToString()))
                    buffer.Errors.Add("Mã khoa trống");
                    buffer.Index = row;
                    var facutly = data.Facutlies.ToList()?.FirstOrDefault(x => x.DefCode == staff.FacutlyCode);
                    if (facutly == null)
                        buffer.Errors.Add("Không tìm thấy khoa trên hệ thống");
                        buffer.Index = row;
                        buffer.Employee.FacutlyCode = facutly.Id.ToObjectId();

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(staff.MajorCode.ToString()))
                    buffer.Errors.Add("Mã chuyên môn trống");
                    buffer.Index = row;
                    var major = data.Majors.ToList()?.FirstOrDefault(x => x.DefCode == staff.MajorCode);
                    if (major == null)
                        buffer.Errors.Add("Không tìm thấy chuyên môn trên hệ thống");
                        buffer.Index = row;
                        buffer.Employee.MajorCode = major.Id.ToObjectId();

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(staff.LevelCode.ToString()))
                    buffer.Errors.Add("Mã trình độ trống");
                    buffer.Index = row;
                    var level = data.Levels.ToList()?.FirstOrDefault(x => x.DefCode == staff.LevelCode);
                    if (level == null)
                        buffer.Errors.Add("Không tìm thấy trình độ trên hệ thống");
                        buffer.Index = row;
                        buffer.Employee.LevelCode = level.Id.ToObjectId();

            if (list.Any(x => x.Errors.Any()))
                    Errors = list.Where(x => x.Errors.Any()).ToList()
            var listToInsert = list.Select(x => x.Employee).ToList();
            await _service.Import(listToInsert);

        protected override ShoppingCartRuleResult PerformRules(MyHLShoppingCart cart, ShoppingCartRuleReason reason, ShoppingCartRuleResult Result)
            if (!GetPurchaseRestrictionManager(cart.DistributorID).CanPurchase)
                            string.Format("{0}_ErrorMessage", HLConfigManager.Platform), "CantBuy").ToString()));
                Result.Result = RulesResult.Failure;

            var currentlimits = GetCurrentPurchasingLimits(cart.DistributorID, GetCurrentOrderMonth());

            if (cart == null || currentlimits == null)

            if (cart.ItemsBeingAdded == null || cart.ItemsBeingAdded.Count == 0)

            string processingCountryCode = DistributorProfileModel.ProcessingCountryCode;

            //bool bCanPurchasePType = CanPurchasePType(cart.DistributorID);
            var           errors          = new List <string>();
            decimal       NewVolumePoints = decimal.Zero;
            decimal       cartVolume      = cart.VolumeInCart;
            bool          bLimitExceeded  = false;
            List <string> skuToAdd        = new List <string>();

            foreach (var item in cart.ItemsBeingAdded)
                var currentItem = CatalogProvider.GetCatalogItem(item.SKU, Country);
                if (currentItem == null)

                if (currentlimits.PurchaseLimitType == PurchaseLimitType.Volume || currentlimits.RestrictionPeriod == PurchasingLimitRestrictionPeriod.PerOrder)
                    if (currentlimits.maxVolumeLimit == -1)
                    NewVolumePoints += currentItem.VolumePoints * item.Quantity;

                    if (currentlimits.RemainingVolume - (cartVolume + NewVolumePoints) < 0)
                        if (currentlimits.LimitsRestrictionType == LimitsRestrictionType.FOP || currentlimits.LimitsRestrictionType == LimitsRestrictionType.OrderThreshold)
                        //MPE FOP
                            Result.Result = RulesResult.Failure;
                            ///Order exceeds the allowable volume for First Order Program. The Volume on the order needs to be reduced by {0:F2} VPs. The following SKU(s) have not been added to the cart.
                            if (!bLimitExceeded) //  to add this message only once
                                            string.Format("{0}_Rules", HLConfigManager.Platform),
                                            "FOPVolumePointExceeds").ToString(), 1100,
                                        PurchaseRestrictionProvider.GetThresholdPeriod(processingCountryCode), -999));
                                // -999 should be replaced with caluclated value.
                                bLimitExceeded = true;
                            /// Item SKU:{0}.
                                        string.Format("{0}_Rules", HLConfigManager.Platform),
                                        "VolumePointExceedsThreshold").ToString(), item.SKU));
                            if (currentItem.ProductType != ServiceProvider.CatalogSvc.ProductType.Product)
                                Result.Result = RulesResult.Failure;
                                            string.Format("{0}_Rules", HLConfigManager.Platform),
                                            "PurchaseLimitTypeProductCategory").ToString(), item.SKU));
            if (Result.Result == RulesResult.Failure && errors.Count > 0)
                if (cart.OnCheckout && (currentlimits.LimitsRestrictionType == LimitsRestrictionType.FOP || currentlimits.LimitsRestrictionType == LimitsRestrictionType.OrderThreshold))
                                                        string.Format("{0}_Rules", HLConfigManager.Platform),
                                                        "FOPVolumePointExceedsOnCheckout").ToString(), 1100, PurchaseRestrictionProvider.GetVolumeLimitsAfterFirstOrderFOP(processingCountryCode), PurchaseRestrictionProvider.GetThresholdPeriod(processingCountryCode), (cartVolume + NewVolumePoints) - currentlimits.RemainingVolume));
                    errors = errors.Select(x => x.Replace("-999", ((cartVolume + NewVolumePoints) - currentlimits.RemainingVolume).ToString())).ToList <string>();
                    Array.ForEach(errors.ToArray(), a => Result.AddMessage(a));
            cart.ItemsBeingAdded.RemoveAll(s => !skuToAdd.Contains(s.SKU));

예제 #42
        /// <summary>
        ///   Loot any wrecks & cargo containers close by
        /// </summary>
        private void LootWrecks()
            var cargo = Cache.Instance.DirectEve.GetShipsCargo();

            if (cargo.Window == null)
                // No, command it to open

            // Ship's cargo is not ready yet
            if (!cargo.IsReady)

            var shipsCargo        = cargo.Items.Select(i => new ItemCache(i)).ToList();
            var freeCargoCapacity = cargo.Capacity - cargo.UsedCapacity;
            var lootWindows       = Cache.Instance.DirectEve.Windows.OfType <DirectContainerWindow>().Where(w => w.Type == "form.LootCargoView");

            foreach (var window in lootWindows)
                // The window is not ready, then continue
                if (!window.IsReady)

                // Get the container
                var containerEntity = Cache.Instance.EntityById(window.ItemId);

                // Does it no longer exist or is it out of transfer range or its looted
                if (containerEntity == null || containerEntity.Distance > 2500 || Cache.Instance.LootedContainers.Contains(containerEntity.Id))
                    Logging.Log("Salvage: Closing loot window [" + window.ItemId + "]");

                // Get the container that is associated with the cargo container
                var container = Cache.Instance.DirectEve.GetContainer(window.ItemId);

                // List its items
                var items = container.Items.Select(i => new ItemCache(i));

                // Build a list of items to loot
                var lootItems = new List <ItemCache>();

                // Walk through the list of items ordered by highest value item first
                foreach (var item in items.OrderByDescending(i => i.IskPerM3))
                    // We pick up loot depending on isk per m3
                    var isMissionItem = Cache.Instance.MissionItems.Contains((item.Name ?? string.Empty).ToLower());

                    // Never pick up contraband (unless its the mission item)
                    if (!isMissionItem && item.IsContraband)

                    // Do we want to loot other items?
                    if (!isMissionItem && !LootEverything)

                    // We are at our max, either make room or skip the item
                    if ((freeCargoCapacity - item.TotalVolume) <= (isMissionItem ? 0 : ReserveCargoCapacity))
                        // We can't drop items in this container anyway, well get it after its salvaged
                        if (!isMissionItem && containerEntity.GroupId != (int)Group.CargoContainer)

                        // Make a list of items which are worth less
                        List <ItemCache> worthLess;
                        if (isMissionItem)
                            worthLess = shipsCargo;
                        else if (item.IskPerM3.HasValue)
                            worthLess = shipsCargo.Where(sc => sc.IskPerM3.HasValue && sc.IskPerM3 < item.IskPerM3).ToList();
                            worthLess = shipsCargo.Where(sc => sc.IskPerM3.HasValue).ToList();

                        // Remove mission item from this list
                        worthLess.RemoveAll(wl => Cache.Instance.MissionItems.Contains((wl.Name ?? string.Empty).ToLower()));
                        worthLess.RemoveAll(wl => (wl.Name ?? string.Empty).ToLower() == Cache.Instance.BringMissionItem);

                        // Consider dropping ammo if it concerns the mission item!
                        if (!isMissionItem)
                            worthLess.RemoveAll(wl => Ammo.Any(a => a.TypeId == wl.TypeId));

                        // Nothing is worth less then the current item
                        if (worthLess.Count() == 0)

                        // Not enough space even if we dumped the crap
                        if ((freeCargoCapacity + worthLess.Sum(wl => wl.TotalVolume)) < item.TotalVolume)
                            if (isMissionItem)
                                Logging.Log("Salvage: Not enough space for mission item! Need [" + item.TotalVolume + "] maximum available [" + (freeCargoCapacity + worthLess.Sum(wl => wl.TotalVolume)) + "]");


                        // Start clearing out items that are worth less
                        var moveTheseItems = new List <DirectItem>();
                        foreach (var wl in worthLess.OrderBy(wl => wl.IskPerM3.HasValue ? wl.IskPerM3.Value : double.MaxValue).ThenByDescending(wl => wl.TotalVolume))
                            // Mark this item as moved

                            // Substract (now) free volume
                            freeCargoCapacity += wl.TotalVolume;

                            // We freed up enough space?
                            if ((freeCargoCapacity - item.TotalVolume) >= ReserveCargoCapacity)

                        if (moveTheseItems.Count > 0)
                            // If this is not a cargo container, then jettison loot
                            if (containerEntity.GroupId != (int)Group.CargoContainer || isMissionItem)
                                if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(_lastJettison).TotalSeconds < 185)

                                Logging.Log("Salvage: Jettisoning [" + moveTheseItems.Count + "] items to make room for the more valuable loot");

                                // Note: This could (in theory) f**k up with the bot jettison an item and
                                // then picking it up again :/ (granted it should never happen unless
                                // mission item volume > reserved volume
                                cargo.Jettison(moveTheseItems.Select(i => i.ItemId));
                                _lastJettison = DateTime.Now;

                            // Move items to the cargo container

                            // Remove it from the ships cargo list
                            shipsCargo.RemoveAll(i => moveTheseItems.Any(wl => wl.ItemId == i.Id));
                            Logging.Log("Salvage: Moving [" + moveTheseItems.Count + "] items into the cargo container to make room for the more valuable loot");

                    // Update free space
                    freeCargoCapacity -= item.TotalVolume;

                // Mark container as looted

                // Loot actual items
                if (lootItems.Count != 0)
                    Logging.Log("Salvage: Looting container [" + containerEntity.Name + "][" + containerEntity.Id + "], [" + lootItems.Count + "] valuable items");
                    cargo.Add(lootItems.Select(i => i.DirectItem));
                    Logging.Log("Salvage: Container [" + containerEntity.Name + "][" + containerEntity.Id + "] contained no valuable items");

            // Open a container in range
            foreach (var containerEntity in Cache.Instance.Containers.Where(e => e.Distance <= 2500))
                // Emptry wreck, ignore
                if (containerEntity.GroupId == (int)Group.Wreck && containerEntity.IsWreckEmpty)

                // We looted this container
                if (Cache.Instance.LootedContainers.Contains(containerEntity.Id))

                // We already opened the loot window
                var window = lootWindows.FirstOrDefault(w => w.ItemId == containerEntity.Id);
                if (window != null)

                // Ignore open request within 10 seconds
                if (_openedContainers.ContainsKey(containerEntity.Id) && DateTime.Now.Subtract(_openedContainers[containerEntity.Id]).TotalSeconds < 10)

                // Open the container
                Logging.Log("Salvage: Opening container [" + containerEntity.Name + "][" + containerEntity.Id + "]");
                _openedContainers[containerEntity.Id] = DateTime.Now;
    // this is a GET  /fubar/1,2,3,4
    public Result CalcThis(string function, string args)
        // function=fubar
        // args = 1,2,3,4
        var allargs = args.Split(',');

        // store each argument with their type
        var typeList = new List <Tuple <Type, object> >();

        // parsr to gind the best match
        foreach (var arg in allargs)
            // convert each argument string
            // to a type that is supported
            int i;
            if (Int32.TryParse(arg, out i))
                typeList.Add(new Tuple <Type, object>(typeof(Int32), i));
            double d;
            if (Double.TryParse(arg,
                                new CultureInfo("en-us"),
                                out d))
                typeList.Add(new Tuple <Type, object>(typeof(Double), d));
            // if all fails assume string
            typeList.Add(new Tuple <Type, object>(typeof(string), arg));

        // find and call the correct method
        // notice that parameters and their type do matter
        // overloads of the same methodname with
        // different types is supported
        // Functions is the static type with methods to call
        var method = typeof(Functions).GetMethod(
            BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod,
            typeList.Select(ty => ty.Item1).ToArray(),     //all types
        var callresult = method.Invoke(
            typeList.Select(ty => ty.Item2).ToArray());     // all values

        // shape the output in the form you need
        var result = new Result();

        if (callresult is double)
            result.DoubleResult = (double)callresult;
        if (callresult is int)
            result.IntResult = (int)callresult;
        if (callresult is string)
            result.Message = (string)callresult;

예제 #44
파일: token.cs 프로젝트: mosabalturk/TTCACC
 public static List <string> getLexemesFromList(List <token> tkns)
     return(tkns.Select(a => a.lexeme).ToList());
예제 #45
        public ActionResult Create(string JsonLessonSessions, string FILTER_Keyword, string FILTER_InvoiceNo, int?FILTER_Cancelled,
                                   bool?FILTER_chkDateFrom, DateTime?FILTER_DateFrom, bool?FILTER_chkDateTo, DateTime?FILTER_DateTo)
            List <LessonSessionsModel> LessonSessions = new List <LessonSessionsModel>();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(JsonLessonSessions))
                return(returnView(LessonSessions, "Please add at least one student"));

            LessonSessions = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <LessonSessionsModel> >(JsonLessonSessions);
            LessonSessionsModel model = LessonSessions[0];

            model.Branches_Id = Helper.getActiveBranchId(Session);

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                Guid PayrollPaymentItems_Id = Guid.NewGuid();

                //verify remaining hours is enough to cover the session hours. show error for the first error only
                string SaleInvoiceItems_IdList = string.Join(",", LessonSessions.Select(x => x.SaleInvoiceItems_Id.ToString()).ToArray());
                List <SaleInvoiceItemsModel> SaleInvoiceItems           = SaleInvoiceItemsController.get_by_IdList(SaleInvoiceItems_IdList);
                List <SaleInvoiceItemsModel> insufficientRemainingHours = SaleInvoiceItems.Where(x => x.SessionHours_Remaining < model.SessionHours).ToList();
                if (insufficientRemainingHours.Count > 0)
                    return(returnView(LessonSessions, string.Format("Insufficient remaining hours for student {0}", insufficientRemainingHours[0].Customer_UserAccounts_Name)));

                //set tutor pay rate
                List <HourlyRatesModel> hourlyRates = HourlyRatesController.get(null, null, model.Tutor_UserAccounts_Id);
                bool isFullTimeTutor = false;
                foreach (HourlyRatesModel hourlyRate in hourlyRates)
                    if (hourlyRate.FullTimeTutorPayrate > 0)
                        isFullTimeTutor = true;

                foreach (LessonSessionsModel session in LessonSessions)
                    SaleInvoiceItemsModel saleInvoiceItem = SaleInvoiceItems.Where(x => x.Id == session.SaleInvoiceItems_Id).FirstOrDefault();

                    session.Id                     = Guid.NewGuid();
                    session.Branches_Id            = model.Branches_Id;
                    session.HourlyRates_Rate       = 0;
                    session.SessionHours           = session.IsScheduleChange ? 0 : session.SessionHours;
                    session.TravelCost             = session.IsScheduleChange ? 0 : (int)Math.Ceiling((saleInvoiceItem.TravelCost / saleInvoiceItem.SessionHours) * session.SessionHours);
                    session.TutorTravelCost        = session.IsScheduleChange ? 0 : (int)Math.Ceiling((saleInvoiceItem.TutorTravelCost / saleInvoiceItem.SessionHours) * session.SessionHours);
                    session.PayrollPaymentItems_Id = session.IsScheduleChange ? (Guid?)null : PayrollPaymentItems_Id;

                    //Calculate tutor payrate
                    if (!isFullTimeTutor && hourlyRates.Count > 0)
                        foreach (HourlyRatesModel hourlyRate in hourlyRates)
                            session.HourlyRates_Rate = Math.Ceiling(hourlyRate.Rate / LessonSessions.Count);
                            if (hourlyRate.LessonPackages_Id == saleInvoiceItem.LessonPackages_Id) //rate for the exact lesson package
                    model.TutorTravelCost = session.TutorTravelCost;


                    //adjust remaining session hours
                    saleInvoiceItem.SessionHours_Remaining -= session.SessionHours;
                    SaleInvoiceItemsController.update_SessionHours_Remaining(db, Session, saleInvoiceItem.Id, saleInvoiceItem.SessionHours_Remaining,
                                                                             string.Format("Lesson Session on {0:dd/MM/yy HH:mm} for {1:N2} hours. Remaining hours: {2:N2} hours.", session.Timestamp, session.SessionHours, saleInvoiceItem.SessionHours_Remaining));

                //create payrollpaymentitem
                if (!model.IsScheduleChange)
                    //Calculate tutor payrate
                    decimal HourlyRate = 0;
                    if (!isFullTimeTutor && hourlyRates.Count > 0)
                        foreach (HourlyRatesModel hourlyRate in hourlyRates)
                            HourlyRate = hourlyRate.Rate;
                            if (hourlyRate.Branches_Id == model.Branches_Id) //rate for the exact lesson package

                    PayrollPaymentItemsController.add(new PayrollPaymentItemsModel()
                        Id = PayrollPaymentItems_Id,
                        PayrollPayments_Id = null,
                        Timestamp          = model.Timestamp,
                        Description        = null,
                        Hour            = model.IsWaiveTutorFee ? 0 : model.SessionHours,
                        HourlyRate      = HourlyRate,
                        TutorTravelCost = model.TutorTravelCost,
                        Amount          = PayrollPaymentItemsController.calculateAmount(model.IsWaiveTutorFee, model.SessionHours, HourlyRate, model.TutorTravelCost),
                        UserAccounts_Id = model.Tutor_UserAccounts_Id,
                        Branches_Id     = model.Branches_Id,
                        IsFullTime      = false

                return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index), new
                    FILTER_Keyword = FILTER_Keyword,
                    FILTER_InvoiceNo = FILTER_InvoiceNo,
                    FILTER_Cancelled = FILTER_Cancelled,
                    FILTER_chkDateFrom = FILTER_chkDateFrom,
                    FILTER_DateFrom = FILTER_DateFrom,
                    FILTER_chkDateTo = FILTER_chkDateTo,
                    FILTER_DateTo = FILTER_DateTo

            return(returnView(LessonSessions, null));
    public int TranslateRomanNumeral(string input)
        var inputList = input?.ToUpper().ToList();

        if (inputList == null || inputList.Any(x => _validNumerals.Select(t => t.Item1).Contains(x) == false))
            throw new ArgumentException();
        char?valForSubtraction = null;
        int  result            = 0;
        bool noAdding          = false;
        int  equalSum          = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < inputList.Count; i++)
            var  currentNumeral        = _validNumerals.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Item1 == inputList[i]);
            var  nextNumeral           = i < inputList.Count - 1 ? _validNumerals.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Item1 == inputList[i + 1]) : null;
            bool currentIsDecimalPower = currentNumeral?.Item3?.Any() ?? false;
            if (nextNumeral != null)
                // Syntax and Semantics checks
                if ((currentNumeral.Item2 < nextNumeral.Item2) && (currentIsDecimalPower == false || currentNumeral.Item3.Any(s => s == nextNumeral.Item1) == false) ||
                    (currentNumeral.Item2 == nextNumeral.Item2) && (currentIsDecimalPower == false || nextNumeral.Item1 == valForSubtraction) ||
                    (currentIsDecimalPower && result > 0 && ((nextNumeral.Item2 - currentNumeral.Item2) > result)) ||
                    (currentNumeral.Item2 > nextNumeral.Item2) && (nextNumeral.Item1 == valForSubtraction)

                    throw new ArgumentException();
                if (currentNumeral.Item2 == nextNumeral.Item2)
                    equalSum += equalSum == 0 ? currentNumeral.Item2 + nextNumeral.Item2 : nextNumeral.Item2;
                    int?smallest = null;
                    var list     = _validNumerals.Where(p => _validNumerals.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Item1 == currentNumeral.Item1).Item3.Any(s2 => s2 != null && s2 == p.Item1)).ToList();
                    if (list.Any())
                        smallest = list.Select(s3 => s3.Item2).ToList().Min();
                    // Another Semantics check
                    if (currentNumeral.Item3 != null && equalSum >= (smallest - currentNumeral.Item2))
                        throw new ArgumentException();
                    result           += noAdding ? 0 : currentNumeral.Item2 + nextNumeral.Item2;
                    noAdding          = !noAdding;
                    valForSubtraction = null;
                if (currentNumeral.Item2 < nextNumeral.Item2)
                    equalSum          = 0;
                    result           += nextNumeral.Item2 - currentNumeral.Item2;
                    valForSubtraction = currentNumeral.Item1;
                    noAdding          = true;
                if (currentNumeral.Item2 > nextNumeral.Item2)
                    equalSum          = 0;
                    result           += noAdding ? 0 : currentNumeral.Item2;
                    noAdding          = false;
                    valForSubtraction = null;
                result += noAdding ? 0 : currentNumeral.Item2;
예제 #47
        protected override List <MenuItem> CreateMenuItems()
            townCodesArray = RailTrackRegistry.AllTracks.Select(p => p.logicTrack.ID.FullID)
                             .Where(s => !s.StartsWith(SelectTrackPage.GENERAL_TRACK_PREFIX))
                             .Select(s => s.GetUntilOrEmpty(SelectTrackPage.TRACK_PARTS_SEPARATOR))
                             .OrderBy(s => s)

            if (townCodesArray.Length == 0)
                Terminal.Log("No town found!");

            List <string> townNames = new List <string>();

            foreach (var townCode in townCodesArray)
                switch (townCode)
                case "HB":
                    townNames.Add("Harbor and town"); break;

                case "GF":
                    townNames.Add("Goods factory and town"); break;

                case "FF":
                    townNames.Add("Foods factory and town"); break;

                case "OWN":
                    townNames.Add("Oil well north"); break;

                case "OWC":
                    townNames.Add("Oil well central"); break;

                case "CM":
                    townNames.Add("Coal mine"); break;

                case "SM":
                    townNames.Add("Steel mill"); break;

                case "CSW":
                    townNames.Add("City SW"); break;

                case "IME":
                    townNames.Add("Iron ore mine east"); break;

                case "IMW":
                    townNames.Add("Iron ore mine west"); break;

                case "FRC":
                    townNames.Add("Forest central"); break;

                case "FRS":
                    townNames.Add("Forest south"); break;

                case "FM":
                    townNames.Add("Farm"); break;

                case "MF":
                    townNames.Add("Machine factory and town"); break;

                case "MB":
                    townNames.Add("Military base"); break;

                case "SW":
                    townNames.Add("Sawmill"); break;

                case "HMB":
                    townNames.Add("Harbor military base"); break;

                case "MFMB":
                    townNames.Add("Machine factory military base"); break;

                    townNames.Add(townCode); break;

            return(townNames.Select(s => new MenuItem(s, null)).ToList());
예제 #48
        private void butConvertBrand_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (gridMissing.SelectedIndices.Length == 0)
                MsgBox.Show(this, "Please select an item from the list before attempting to convert.");
            List <MedicationPat> listMedPats   = (List <MedicationPat>)gridMissing.Rows[gridMissing.SelectedIndices[0]].Tag;
            List <Medication>    listRxCuiMeds = null;
            Medication           medBrand      = null;

            if (listMedPats[0].RxCui != 0)
                listRxCuiMeds = Medications.GetAllMedsByRxCui(listMedPats[0].RxCui);
                medBrand      = listRxCuiMeds.FirstOrDefault(x => x.MedicationNum != x.GenericNum);
                if (medBrand == null && listRxCuiMeds.FirstOrDefault(x => x.MedicationNum == x.GenericNum) != null)           //A Generic Medication exists with matching RxCui.
                    MsgBox.Show(this, "A generic medication matching the RxNorm of the selected medication already exists in the medication list.  "
                                + "You cannot create a brand for the selected medication.  Use the Convert to Generic button instead.");
            if (listRxCuiMeds == null || listRxCuiMeds.Count == 0)         //No medications found matching the RxCui
                Medication medGeneric = null;
                if (gridAllMedications.SelectedIndices.Length > 0)
                    medGeneric = (Medication)gridAllMedications.Rows[gridAllMedications.SelectedIndices[0]].Tag;
                    if (medGeneric.MedicationNum != medGeneric.GenericNum)
                        medGeneric = null;                      //The selected medication is a brand medication, not a generic medication.
                if (medGeneric == null)
                    MsgBox.Show(this, "Please select a generic medication from the All Medications tab before attempting to convert.  "
                                + "The selected medication will be used as the generic medication for the new brand medication.");
                medBrand            = new Medication();
                medBrand.MedName    = listMedPats[0].MedDescript;
                medBrand.RxCui      = listMedPats[0].RxCui;
                medBrand.GenericNum = medGeneric.MedicationNum;
                FormMedicationEdit FormME = new FormMedicationEdit();
                FormME.MedicationCur = medBrand;
                FormME.IsNew         = true;
                FormME.ShowDialog();                //This window refreshes the Medication cache if the user clicked OK.
                if (FormME.DialogResult != DialogResult.OK)
                    return;                    //User canceled.
            else if (medBrand != null &&
                     !MsgBox.Show(this, true, "A brand medication matching the RxNorm of the selected medication already exists in the medication list.  "
                                  + "Click OK to use the existing medication as the brand for the selected medication, or click Cancel to abort."))
            Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            MedicationPats.UpdateMedicationNumForMany(medBrand.MedicationNum, listMedPats.Select(x => x.MedicationPatNum).ToList());
            Cursor = Cursors.Default;
            MsgBox.Show(this, "Done.");
 public static void Launch(string name, string path, List <string> args, string cwd = null)
         if (args == null)
             args = new();
         string argsString = "";
         argsString = string.Join(" ", args.Select(a => $"\"{a}\""));
         Logger.Info($"running {name}: \"{path}\" {argsString}");
         List <string> stdOut = new();
         List <string> stdErr = new();
         using Process p                    = new();
         p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute        = false;
         p.StartInfo.FileName               = path;
         p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute        = false;
         p.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow         = true;
         p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
         p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError  = true;
         args.ForEach(a => p.StartInfo.ArgumentList.Add(a));
         if (cwd != null)
             p.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = cwd;
         p.ErrorDataReceived += (sender, line) =>
             if (line.Data != null)
         p.OutputDataReceived += (sender, line) =>
             if (line.Data != null)
         bool timeout = !p.WaitForExit(10000);
         if (!timeout)
         if (stdErr.Count != 0)
             Logger.Warn($"{name}'s output does not indicate success: {string.Join("\n", stdErr)}");
         if (stdOut.Count > 0)
             Logger.Info($"{name}'s output: {string.Join("\n", stdOut)}");
         if (timeout)
             Logger.Warn($"{name}: {path} {args} took too long to complete and had to be stopped");
         if (p.ExitCode != 0)
             Logger.Warn($"{name}'s exit code does not indicate success. exit code: { p.ExitCode }");
     catch (Exception ex)
         Logger.Warn(ex, $"error while running {name}:");
        private IEnumerable <String> GenerateLines(String BuildGradlePath, String BaseDirPath)
            var conf        = Project.Configurations.Merged(Project.TargetType, HostOperatingSystem, HostArchitecture, TargetOperatingSystem, TargetArchitecture, null, Toolchain, Compiler, CLibrary, CLibraryForm, CppLibrary, CppLibraryForm, ConfigurationType);
            var confDebug   = Project.Configurations.Merged(Project.TargetType, HostOperatingSystem, HostArchitecture, TargetOperatingSystem, TargetArchitecture, null, Toolchain, Compiler, CLibrary, CLibraryForm, CppLibrary, CppLibraryForm, Cpp.ConfigurationType.Debug);
            var confRelease = Project.Configurations.Merged(Project.TargetType, HostOperatingSystem, HostArchitecture, TargetOperatingSystem, TargetArchitecture, null, Toolchain, Compiler, CLibrary, CLibraryForm, CppLibrary, CppLibraryForm, Cpp.ConfigurationType.Release);

            var Results               = BuildGradleTemplateText.Replace("\r\n", "\n").Split('\n').AsEnumerable();
            var SolutionOutputDir     = SolutionOutputDirectory.RelativeTo(BaseDirPath).ToString(PathStringStyle.Unix);
            var ArchitectureType      = TargetArchitecture.Value.ToString();
            var ProjectTargetName     = Project.TargetName ?? ProjectName;
            var ApplicationId         = conf.Options.ContainsKey("gradle.applicationId") ? conf.Options["gradle.applicationId"] : (SolutionName + "." + ProjectTargetName).ToLower();
            var ConsumerProguardFiles = conf.Options.ContainsKey("gradle.consumerProguardFiles") ? new List <String> {
                String.Join(", ", conf.Options["gradle.consumerProguardFiles"].Split(';').Select(d => "'" + d.AsPath().RelativeTo(BaseDirPath).ToString(PathStringStyle.Unix) + "'"))
            } : new List <String> {
            var ManifestSrcFile        = conf.Options.ContainsKey("gradle.manifestSrcFile") ? conf.Options["gradle.manifestSrcFile"].AsPath().RelativeTo(BaseDirPath).ToString(PathStringStyle.Unix) : (InputDirectory / "AndroidManifest.xml").RelativeTo(BaseDirPath).ToString(PathStringStyle.Unix);
            var JavaSrcDirs            = String.Join(", ", conf.Files.Where(f => System.IO.Directory.Exists(f.Path)).Select(f => "'" + f.Path.RelativeTo(BaseDirPath).ToString(PathStringStyle.Unix) + "'"));
            var ResSrcDirs             = conf.Options.ContainsKey("gradle.resSrcDirs") ? String.Join(", ", conf.Options["gradle.resSrcDirs"].Split(';').Select(d => "'" + d.AsPath().RelativeTo(BaseDirPath).ToString(PathStringStyle.Unix) + "'")) : "'" + (InputDirectory / "res").RelativeTo(BaseDirPath).ToString(PathStringStyle.Unix) + "'";
            var AssetsSrcDirs          = conf.Options.ContainsKey("gradle.assetsSrcDirs") ? String.Join(", ", conf.Options["gradle.assetsSrcDirs"].Split(';').Select(d => "'" + d.AsPath().RelativeTo(BaseDirPath).ToString(PathStringStyle.Unix) + "'")) : "'" + (InputDirectory / "assets").RelativeTo(BaseDirPath).ToString(PathStringStyle.Unix) + "'";
            var JarFiles               = conf.Options.ContainsKey("gradle.jarFiles") ? conf.Options["gradle.jarFiles"].Split(';').Select(d => d.AsPath().RelativeTo(BaseDirPath).ToString(PathStringStyle.Unix)).ToList() : new List <String> {
            var ProjectDependencies    = conf.Options.ContainsKey("gradle.projectDependencies") ? conf.Options["gradle.projectDependencies"].Split(';').ToList() : new List <String> {
            var AndroidAbi             = GetArchitectureString(TargetArchitecture.Value);
            var TempJniLibsDirDebug    = confDebug.Options.ContainsKey("gradle.tempJniLibsDirectory") ? confDebug.Options["gradle.tempJniLibsDirectory"].AsPath().RelativeTo(BaseDirPath).ToString(PathStringStyle.Unix) : $"{SolutionOutputDir}/Debug/gradle/{ProjectName}";
            var TempJniLibsDirRelease  = confRelease.Options.ContainsKey("gradle.tempJniLibsDirectory") ? confRelease.Options["gradle.tempJniLibsDirectory"].AsPath().RelativeTo(BaseDirPath).ToString(PathStringStyle.Unix) : $"{SolutionOutputDir}/Release/gradle/{ProjectName}";
            var TargetDirectoryDebug   = confDebug.Options.ContainsKey("gradle.targetDirectory") ? confDebug.Options["gradle.targetDirectory"].AsPath() : (SolutionOutputDirectory / $"Debug");
            var TargetDirectoryRelease = confRelease.Options.ContainsKey("gradle.targetDirectory") ? confRelease.Options["gradle.targetDirectory"].AsPath() : (SolutionOutputDirectory / $"Release");

            if (ConfigurationType == Cpp.ConfigurationType.Debug)
                TempJniLibsDirRelease  = TempJniLibsDirDebug;
                TargetDirectoryRelease = TargetDirectoryDebug;
            else if (ConfigurationType == Cpp.ConfigurationType.Release)
                TempJniLibsDirDebug  = TempJniLibsDirRelease;
                TargetDirectoryDebug = TargetDirectoryRelease;
            var SoLibraryPathsDebug = new List <PathString> {
                TargetDirectoryDebug / $"lib{ProjectTargetName}.so"
            var SoLibraryPathsRelease = new List <PathString> {
                TargetDirectoryRelease / $"lib{ProjectTargetName}.so"

            foreach (var Lib in confDebug.Libs)
                if (Lib.Extension.ToLowerInvariant() != "so")
                var Found = false;
                foreach (var LibDirectory in confDebug.LibDirectories)
                    if (System.IO.File.Exists(LibDirectory / Lib))
                        SoLibraryPathsDebug.Add(LibDirectory / Lib);
                        Found = true;
                if (!Found)
                    SoLibraryPathsDebug.Add(SolutionOutputDirectory / $"Debug" / Lib);
            foreach (var Lib in confRelease.Libs)
                if (Lib.Extension.ToLowerInvariant() != "so")
                var Found = false;
                foreach (var LibDirectory in confRelease.LibDirectories)
                    if (System.IO.File.Exists(LibDirectory / Lib))
                        SoLibraryPathsRelease.Add(LibDirectory / Lib);
                        Found = true;
                if (!Found)
                    SoLibraryPathsRelease.Add(SolutionOutputDirectory / $"Release" / Lib);
            if ((CppLibrary == CppLibraryType.libcxx) && (CppLibraryForm == CppLibraryForm.Dynamic))
                var LibcxxSo = AndroidNdk / $"toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/{GetHostArchitectureString(HostOperatingSystem, HostArchitecture)}/sysroot/usr/lib/{GetTargetTripletString(TargetArchitecture.Value)}/";
            var LibsDebug   = String.Join(", ", SoLibraryPathsDebug.Select(p => "'" + p.RelativeTo(BaseDirPath).ToString(PathStringStyle.Unix) + "'"));
            var LibsRelease = String.Join(", ", SoLibraryPathsRelease.Select(p => "'" + p.RelativeTo(BaseDirPath).ToString(PathStringStyle.Unix) + "'"));

            Results = Results.Select(Line => Line.Replace("${ApplicationId}", ApplicationId));
            Results = Results.SelectMany(Line => Line.Contains("${ConsumerProguardFiles}") ? ConsumerProguardFiles.Select(v => Line.Replace("${ConsumerProguardFiles}", v)) : new List <String> {
            Results = Results.Select(Line => Line.Replace("${ManifestSrcFile}", ManifestSrcFile));
            Results = Results.Select(Line => Line.Replace("${JavaSrcDirs}", JavaSrcDirs));
            Results = Results.Select(Line => Line.Replace("${ResSrcDirs}", ResSrcDirs));
            Results = Results.Select(Line => Line.Replace("${AssetsSrcDirs}", AssetsSrcDirs));
            Results = Results.Select(Line => Line.Replace("${AndroidAbi}", AndroidAbi));
            Results = Results.Select(Line => Line.Replace("${TempJniLibsDirDebug}", TempJniLibsDirDebug));
            Results = Results.Select(Line => Line.Replace("${TempJniLibsDirRelease}", TempJniLibsDirRelease));
            Results = Results.Select(Line => Line.Replace("${LibsDebug}", LibsDebug));
            Results = Results.Select(Line => Line.Replace("${LibsRelease}", LibsRelease));
            Results = Results.SelectMany(Line => Line.Contains("${JarFiles}") ? JarFiles.Select(JarDir => Line.Replace("${JarFiles}", JarDir)) : new List <String> {
            Results = Results.SelectMany(Line => Line.Contains("${ProjectDependencies}") ? ProjectDependencies.Select(ProjectDependency => Line.Replace("${ProjectDependencies}", ProjectDependency)) : new List <String> {

예제 #51
        public DbCommand CreateCommand(IQueryable query, IEntityType entity, List <Tuple <string, object> > values)
            Assembly assembly           = null;
            Assembly postgreSqlAssembly = null;

                assembly = Assembly.Load(new AssemblyName("Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer"));
            catch (Exception ex)
                    postgreSqlAssembly = Assembly.Load(new AssemblyName("Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL"));
                    throw new Exception(ExceptionMessage.BatchOperations_AssemblyNotFound);

            if (assembly != null || postgreSqlAssembly != null)
                string tableName   = "";
                string primaryKeys = "";

                if (assembly != null)
                    var type = assembly.GetType("Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServerMetadataExtensions");
                    var sqlServerEntityTypeMethod = type.GetMethod("SqlServer", new[] { typeof(IEntityType) });
                    var sqlServerPropertyMethod   = type.GetMethod("SqlServer", new[] { typeof(IProperty) });
                    var sqlServer = (IRelationalEntityTypeAnnotations)sqlServerEntityTypeMethod.Invoke(null, new[] { entity });

                    // GET mapping
                    tableName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(sqlServer.Schema) ?
                                string.Concat("[", sqlServer.TableName, "]") :
                                string.Concat("[", sqlServer.Schema, "].[", sqlServer.TableName, "]");

                    // GET keys mappings
                    var columnKeys = new List <string>();
                    foreach (var propertyKey in entity.GetKeys().ToList()[0].Properties)
                        var mappingProperty = sqlServerPropertyMethod.Invoke(null, new[] { propertyKey });

                        var columnNameProperty = mappingProperty.GetType().GetProperty("ColumnName", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);

                    // GET primary key join
                    primaryKeys = string.Join(Environment.NewLine + "AND ", columnKeys.Select(x => string.Concat("A.[", x, "] = B.[", x, "]")));
                else if (postgreSqlAssembly != null)
                    var type = assembly.GetType("Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.NpgsqlMetadataExtensions");
                    var sqlServerEntityTypeMethod = type.GetMethod("Npgsql", new[] { typeof(IEntityType) });
                    var sqlServerPropertyMethod   = type.GetMethod("Npgsql", new[] { typeof(IProperty) });
                    var sqlServer = (IRelationalEntityTypeAnnotations)sqlServerEntityTypeMethod.Invoke(null, new[] { entity });

                    // GET mapping
                    tableName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(sqlServer.Schema) ? string.Concat("\"", sqlServer.TableName, "\"") : string.Concat("\"", sqlServer.Schema, "\".\"", sqlServer.TableName, "\"");

                    // GET keys mappings
                    var columnKeys = new List <string>();
                    foreach (var propertyKey in entity.GetKeys().ToList()[0].Properties)
                        var mappingProperty = sqlServerPropertyMethod.Invoke(null, new[] { propertyKey });

                        var columnNameProperty = mappingProperty.GetType().GetProperty("ColumnName", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);

                    // GET primary key join
                    primaryKeys = string.Join(Environment.NewLine + "AND ", columnKeys.Select(x => string.Concat(tableName + ".\"", x, "\" = B.\"", x, "\"")));
            var assembly           = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().FirstOrDefault(x => x.FullName.StartsWith("Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer", StringComparison.InvariantCulture));
            var postgreSqlAssembly = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().FirstOrDefault(x => x.FullName.StartsWith("Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL", StringComparison.InvariantCulture));

            if (assembly != null || postgreSqlAssembly != null)
                string tableName   = "";
                string primaryKeys = "";

                if (assembly != null)
                    var type = assembly.GetType("Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServerMetadataExtensions");
                    var sqlServerEntityTypeMethod = type.GetMethod("SqlServer", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static, null, new[] { typeof(IEntityType) }, null);
                    var sqlServerPropertyMethod   = type.GetMethod("SqlServer", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static, null, new[] { typeof(IProperty) }, null);
                    var sqlServer = (IRelationalEntityTypeAnnotations)sqlServerEntityTypeMethod.Invoke(null, new[] { entity });

                    // GET mapping
                    tableName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(sqlServer.Schema) ? string.Concat("[", sqlServer.TableName, "]") : string.Concat("[", sqlServer.Schema, "].[", sqlServer.TableName, "]");

                    // GET keys mappings
                    var columnKeys = new List <string>();
                    foreach (var propertyKey in entity.GetKeys().ToList()[0].Properties)
                        var mappingProperty = sqlServerPropertyMethod.Invoke(null, new[] { propertyKey });

                        var columnNameProperty = mappingProperty.GetType().GetProperty("ColumnName", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);

                    // GET primary key join
                    primaryKeys = string.Join(Environment.NewLine + "AND ", columnKeys.Select(x => string.Concat("A.[", x, "] = B.[", x, "]")));
                else if (postgreSqlAssembly != null)
                    var type = postgreSqlAssembly.GetType("Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.NpgsqlMetadataExtensions");
                    var sqlServerEntityTypeMethod = type.GetMethod("Npgsql", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static, null, new[] { typeof(IEntityType) }, null);
                    var sqlServerPropertyMethod   = type.GetMethod("Npgsql", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static, null, new[] { typeof(IProperty) }, null);
                    var sqlServer = (IRelationalEntityTypeAnnotations)sqlServerEntityTypeMethod.Invoke(null, new[] { entity });

                    // GET mapping
                    tableName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(sqlServer.Schema) ? string.Concat("\"", sqlServer.TableName, "\"") : string.Concat("\"", sqlServer.Schema, "\".\"", sqlServer.TableName, "\"");

                    // GET keys mappings
                    var columnKeys = new List <string>();
                    foreach (var propertyKey in entity.GetKeys().ToList()[0].Properties)
                        var mappingProperty = sqlServerPropertyMethod.Invoke(null, new[] { propertyKey });

                        var columnNameProperty = mappingProperty.GetType().GetProperty("ColumnName", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);

                    // GET primary key join
                    primaryKeys = string.Join(Environment.NewLine + "AND ", columnKeys.Select(x => string.Concat(tableName + ".\"", x, "\" = B.\"", x, "\"")));
                // GET command text template
                var commandTextTemplate =
#if TODO
                    BatchSize > 0 ?
                    BatchDelayInterval > 0 ?
                    CommandTextWhileDelayTemplate :
                    CommandTextWhileTemplate :
                    assembly == null && postgreSqlAssembly != null ? CommandTextTemplate_PostgreSQL : CommandTextTemplate;

                // GET inner query
                RelationalQueryContext queryContext;
                var relationalCommand = query.CreateCommand(out queryContext);
                var relationalCommand = query.CreateCommand();
                var querySelect = relationalCommand.CommandText;

                // GET updateSetValues
                var setValues = "";

                if (assembly != null)
                    setValues = string.Join("," + Environment.NewLine, values.Select((x, i) => x.Item2 is ConstantExpression ? string.Concat("A.[", x.Item1, "] = ", ((ConstantExpression)x.Item2).Value) : string.Concat("A.[", x.Item1, "] = @zzz_BatchUpdate_", i)));
                else if (postgreSqlAssembly != null)
                    setValues = string.Join("," + Environment.NewLine, values.Select((x, i) => x.Item2 is ConstantExpression ? string.Concat("\"", x.Item1, "\" = ", ((ConstantExpression)x.Item2).Value) : string.Concat("\"", x.Item1, "\" = @zzz_BatchUpdate_", i)));

                // REPLACE template
                commandTextTemplate = commandTextTemplate.Replace("{TableName}", tableName)
                                      .Replace("{Select}", querySelect)
                                      .Replace("{PrimaryKeys}", primaryKeys)
                                      .Replace("{SetValue}", setValues);

                // CREATE command
                var command = query.GetDbContext().CreateStoreCommand();
                command.CommandText = commandTextTemplate;

                // ADD Parameter
                foreach (var relationalParameter in relationalCommand.Parameters)
                    var parameter = queryContext.ParameterValues[relationalParameter.InvariantName];

                    var param = command.CreateParameter();
                    param.CopyFrom(relationalParameter, parameter);

                // ADD Parameter
                var parameterCollection = relationalCommand.Parameters;
                foreach (var parameter in parameterCollection)
                    var param = command.CreateParameter();


                for (var i = 0; i < values.Count; i++)
                    var value = values[i];

                    if (value.Item2 is ConstantExpression)

                    var parameter = command.CreateParameter();
                    parameter.ParameterName = "@zzz_BatchUpdate_" + i;
                    parameter.Value         = values[i].Item2 ?? DBNull.Value;

예제 #52

        public static bool IsContaining(this Polyline curve, List <Point> points, bool acceptOnEdge = true, double tolerance = Tolerance.Distance)
            // Todo:
            // check boundingBox/proximity at the beginning!
            // project to 2D & rewrite methods to 2D to improve performance
            // - to be replaced with a general method for a nurbs curve?
            // - could be done with a ray instead of an infinite line!

            if (curve.IsClosed(tolerance))
                Plane  p     = curve.FitPlane(tolerance);
                double sqTol = tolerance * tolerance;

                if (p == null)
                    if (acceptOnEdge)
                        foreach (Point pt in points)
                            if (curve.ClosestPoint(pt).SquareDistance(pt) > sqTol)
                    List <Line>   subParts       = curve.SubParts();
                    List <Vector> edgeDirections = subParts.Select(c => c.Direction()).ToList();
                    foreach (Point pt in points)
                        Point pPt = pt.Project(p);
                        if (pPt.SquareDistance(pt) <= sqTol)
                            Point  end       = p.Origin;
                            Vector direction = (end - pPt).Normalise();
                            while (direction.SquareLength() <= 0.5 || edgeDirections.Any(e => 1 - Math.Abs(e.DotProduct(direction)) <= Tolerance.Angle))
                                end       = end.Translate(Create.RandomVectorInPlane(p, true));
                                direction = (end - pPt).Normalise();

                            Line ray = new Line {
                                Start = pPt, End = end
                            ray.Infinite = true;
                            List <Point> intersects      = new List <Point>();
                            List <Point> extraIntersects = new List <Point>();

                            Func <double, double, double> ToFactor = (t, n) => (1 - t * t) / (1 - n * n);

                            Line   current       = subParts[1];
                            double prevTolFactor = ToFactor(subParts[0].Direction().DotProduct(direction), current.Direction().DotProduct(direction));

                            for (int i = 1; i < subParts.Count + 1; i++)
                                Line next = subParts[(i + 1) % subParts.Count];

                                double nextTolFactor = ToFactor(next.Direction().DotProduct(direction), current.Direction().DotProduct(direction));

                                Point iPt = current.LineIntersection(ray, false, tolerance);
                                if (iPt != null)
                                    double signedAngle = direction.SignedAngle(current.Direction(), p.Normal);
                                    if ((current.Start.SquareDistance(iPt) <= sqTol * prevTolFactor)) // Will we get a point on the previous line
                                        if (signedAngle > Tolerance.Angle)
                                    else if ((current.End.SquareDistance(iPt) <= sqTol * nextTolFactor))  // Will we get a point on the next line
                                        if (signedAngle < -Tolerance.Angle)
                                prevTolFactor = 1 / nextTolFactor;
                                current       = next;

                            if (intersects.Count == 0)

                            if ((pPt.ClosestPoint(intersects.Union(extraIntersects)).SquareDistance(pPt) <= sqTol))
                                if (acceptOnEdge)

                            intersects = intersects.SortCollinear(tolerance);
                            for (int j = 0; j < intersects.Count; j++)
                                if (j % 2 == 0 && intersects[j] == pPt)
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempts to break cycles in the graph by removing the deepest remove edge, as defined
        /// by the supplied predicate function.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graph">The bidirectional graph to be processed.</param>
        /// <param name="isRemovable">A function indicating whether or not a particular edge can be removed (i.e. is a "soft" dependency).</param>
        /// <typeparam name="TVertex">The <see cref="Type" /> of the vertices of the graph.</typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="TEdge">The <see cref="Type" /> of the edges of the graph.</typeparam>
        /// <returns>The list of edges that were removed to break the cycle(s).</returns>
        /// <exception cref="NonAcyclicGraphException">Occurs if one or more of the cycles present in the graph cannot be broken by removing one of its edges.</exception>
        public static IReadOnlyList<TEdge> BreakCycles<TVertex, TEdge>(this BidirectionalGraph<TVertex, TEdge> graph, Func<TEdge, bool> isRemovable)
            where TEdge : IEdge<TVertex>
            var removedEdges = new List<TEdge>();
            // Get cyclical dependencies found in the graph
            var cycles = graph.GetCycles();

            // Break circular dependencies
            foreach (var cycle in cycles)
                // Last element of Path repeats first element (so ignore duplicate)
                var distinctPathVertices = cycle.Path.Take(cycle.Path.Count - 1).ToArray();
                var sacrificialDependency = distinctPathVertices  
                        (e, i) =>
                            // Get the next entity in the path (circling around to the first entity on the last item)
                            var dependentVertex = distinctPathVertices[(i + 1) % distinctPathVertices.Length];
                            return new
                                DependentVertex = dependentVertex,
                                CycleEdges = graph.InEdges(dependentVertex).Where(IsCycleEdge)
                    .FirstOrDefault(x => x.CycleEdges.All(isRemovable));

                if (sacrificialDependency == null)

                    // Should never get here in this situation, but throw an exception to satisfy code analysis warnings
                    throw new NonAcyclicGraphException();

                // Remove the chosen graph edge(s) to break the cyclical dependency
                foreach (TEdge edge in sacrificialDependency.CycleEdges.ToArray())
                    if (_logger.IsDebugEnabled)
                        _logger.Debug($"Edge '{edge.ToString()}' removed to prevent the following cycle: {string.Join(" --> ", cycle.Path.Select(x => x.ToString()))}");

                bool IsCycleEdge(TEdge edge) => distinctPathVertices.Contains(edge.Source);

            if (_logger.IsDebugEnabled)
                _logger.Debug($@"The following edges were removed from the graph to prevent cycles:
{string.Join(Environment.NewLine, removedEdges.Select(x => x.ToString()))}");
            return removedEdges;
예제 #54
        /// <summary>Creates a command to execute the batch operation.</summary>
        /// <param name="query">The query.</param>
        /// <param name="entity">The schema entity.</param>
        /// <returns>The new command to execute the batch operation.</returns>
        internal DbCommand CreateCommand <T>(ObjectQuery query, SchemaEntityType <T> entity, List <Tuple <string, object> > values)
            var  command      = query.Context.CreateStoreCommand();
            bool isMySql      = command.GetType().FullName.Contains("MySql");
            var  isSqlCe      = command.GetType().Name == "SqlCeCommand";
            var  isOracle     = command.GetType().Namespace.Contains("Oracle");
            var  isPostgreSQL = command.GetType().Name == "NpgsqlCommand";

            // Oracle BindByName
            if (isOracle)
                var bindByNameProperty = command.GetType().GetProperty("BindByName") ?? command.GetType().GetProperty("PassParametersByName");
                if (bindByNameProperty != null)
                    bindByNameProperty.SetValue(command, true, null);

            // GET mapping
            var mapping = entity.Info.EntityTypeMapping.MappingFragment;
            var store   = mapping.StoreEntitySet;

            string tableName;

            if (isMySql)
                tableName = string.Concat("`", store.Table, "`");
            else if (isSqlCe)
                tableName = string.Concat("[", store.Table, "]");
            else if (isOracle)
                tableName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(store.Schema) || store.Schema == "dbo" ?
                            string.Concat("\"", store.Table, "\"") :
                            string.Concat("\"", store.Schema, "\".\"", store.Table, "\"");
            else if (isPostgreSQL)
                tableName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(store.Schema) ?
                            string.Concat("\"", store.Table, "\"") :
                            string.Concat("\"", store.Schema, "\".\"", store.Table, "\"");
                tableName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(store.Schema) ?
                            string.Concat("[", store.Table, "]") :
                            string.Concat("[", store.Schema, "].[", store.Table, "]");

            // GET keys mappings
            var columnKeys = new List <string>();

            foreach (var propertyKey in entity.Info.Key.PropertyRefs)
                var mappingProperty = mapping.ScalarProperties.Find(x => x.Name == propertyKey.Name);

                if (mappingProperty == null)
                    throw new Exception(string.Format(ExceptionMessage.BatchOperations_PropertyNotFound, propertyKey.Name));


            // GET command text template
            var commandTextTemplate =
#if TODO
                BatchSize > 0 ?
                BatchDelayInterval > 0 ?
                CommandTextWhileDelayTemplate :
                CommandTextWhileTemplate :
                isPostgreSQL ? CommandTextTemplate_PostgreSQL :
                isOracle ? CommandTextOracleTemplate :
                isMySql ? CommandTextTemplate_MySQL :
                isSqlCe ? CommandTextTemplateSqlCe :

            // GET inner query
            var customQuery = query.GetCommandTextAndParameters();
            var querySelect = customQuery.Item1;

            // GET primary key join
            string primaryKeys;
            string setValues;

            if (isSqlCe)
                primaryKeys = string.Join(Environment.NewLine + "AND ", columnKeys.Select(x => string.Concat(tableName + ".", EscapeName(x, isMySql, isOracle, isPostgreSQL), " = B.", EscapeName(x, isMySql, isOracle, isPostgreSQL), "")));

                setValues = string.Join("," + Environment.NewLine, values.Select((x, i) => x.Item2 is ConstantExpression ?
                                                                                 string.Concat(EscapeName(x.Item1, isMySql, isOracle, isPostgreSQL), " = ", ((ConstantExpression)x.Item2).Value.ToString().Replace("B.[", "[")) :
                                                                                 string.Concat(EscapeName(x.Item1, isMySql, isOracle, isPostgreSQL), " = @zzz_BatchUpdate_", i)));
            else if (isOracle || isPostgreSQL)
                primaryKeys = string.Join(Environment.NewLine + "AND ", columnKeys.Select(x => string.Concat(tableName + ".", EscapeName(x, isMySql, isOracle, isPostgreSQL), " = B.", EscapeName(x, isMySql, isOracle, isPostgreSQL), "")));

                // GET updateSetValues
                setValues = string.Join("," + Environment.NewLine, values.Select((x, i) => x.Item2 is ConstantExpression ?
                                                                                 string.Concat(EscapeName(x.Item1, isMySql, isOracle, isPostgreSQL), " = ", ((ConstantExpression)x.Item2).Value) :
                                                                                 string.Concat(EscapeName(x.Item1, isMySql, isOracle, isPostgreSQL), " = :zzz_BatchUpdate_", i)));
                primaryKeys = string.Join(Environment.NewLine + "AND ", columnKeys.Select(x => string.Concat("A.", EscapeName(x, isMySql, isOracle, isPostgreSQL), " = B.", EscapeName(x, isMySql, isOracle, isPostgreSQL), "")));

                // GET updateSetValues
                setValues = string.Join("," + Environment.NewLine, values.Select((x, i) => x.Item2 is ConstantExpression ?
                                                                                 string.Concat("A.", EscapeName(x.Item1, isMySql, isOracle, isPostgreSQL), " = ", ((ConstantExpression)x.Item2).Value) :
                                                                                 string.Concat("A.", EscapeName(x.Item1, isMySql, isOracle, isPostgreSQL), " = @zzz_BatchUpdate_", i)));

            // REPLACE template
            commandTextTemplate = commandTextTemplate.Replace("{TableName}", tableName)
                                  .Replace("{Select}", querySelect)
                                  .Replace("{PrimaryKeys}", primaryKeys)
                                  .Replace("{SetValue}", setValues);

            // CREATE command
            command.CommandText = commandTextTemplate;

            // ADD Parameter
            var parameterCollection = customQuery.Item2;

#if EF5
            foreach (ObjectParameter parameter in parameterCollection)
                var param = command.CreateParameter();

#elif EF6
            foreach (DbParameter parameter in parameterCollection)
                var param = command.CreateParameter();


            for (var i = 0; i < values.Count; i++)
                var value = values[i];

                if (value.Item2 is ConstantExpression)

                var parameterPrefix = isOracle ? ":" : "@";

                var parameter = command.CreateParameter();
                parameter.ParameterName = parameterPrefix + "zzz_BatchUpdate_" + i;
                parameter.Value         = values[i].Item2 ?? DBNull.Value;

예제 #55
        /// <summary>
        /// 开始计算
        /// </summary>
        private void Statistics()
                int allLogCount               = 0;
                int errorEnterOutLogCount     = 0;
                int validFullEnterOutLogCount = 0;
                SeatManage.ClassModel.EnterOutLogStatistics lastStatisticsLog = seatManageService.GetLastLog();
                DateTime sdt = lastStatisticsLog != null?lastStatisticsLog.SelectSeatTime.AddDays(1) : seatManageService.GetFristLogDate();

                if (sdt <= DateTime.Parse("2000-1-1"))
                sdt = sdt.AddDays(1);
                while (true)
                    List <EnterOutLogInfo> enterOutLogList = seatManageService.GetEnterOutBakLogsByDate(sdt);
                    if (enterOutLogList.Count <= 0)
                        if (sdt >= DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(-1))
                            sdt = sdt.AddDays(1);
                    sdt = sdt.AddDays(1);

                    allLogCount += enterOutLogList.Count;
                    List <EnterOutLogInfo> eolSelectList = enterOutLogList.FindAll(u => u.EnterOutState == EnterOutLogType.BookingConfirmation || u.EnterOutState == EnterOutLogType.SelectSeat || u.EnterOutState == EnterOutLogType.ReselectSeat || u.EnterOutState == EnterOutLogType.WaitingSuccess).OrderBy(u => u.EnterOutLogID).ToList();
                    foreach (List <EnterOutLogInfo> eolNoList in eolSelectList.Select(eols => enterOutLogList.FindAll(u => u.EnterOutLogNo == eols.EnterOutLogNo).OrderBy(u => u.EnterOutLogID).ToList()).Where(eolNoList => eolNoList.Count >= 1))
                        SeatManage.ClassModel.EnterOutLogStatistics newStatistics = new SeatManage.ClassModel.EnterOutLogStatistics();
                        newStatistics.CardNo        = eolNoList[0].CardNo;
                        newStatistics.SeatNo        = eolNoList[0].SeatNo;
                        newStatistics.ReadingRoomNo = eolNoList[0].ReadingRoomNo;
                        newStatistics.EnterOutLogNo = eolNoList[0].EnterOutLogNo;
                        foreach (EnterOutLogInfo eol in eolNoList)
                            switch (eol.EnterOutState)
                            case EnterOutLogType.BookingConfirmation:
                                newStatistics.SelectSeat     = EnterOutLogSelectSeatMode.BookAdmission;
                                newStatistics.SelectSeatTime = eol.EnterOutTime;

                            case EnterOutLogType.WaitingSuccess:
                                newStatistics.SelectSeat     = EnterOutLogSelectSeatMode.WaitAdmission;
                                newStatistics.SelectSeatTime = eol.EnterOutTime;

                            case EnterOutLogType.ReselectSeat:
                                newStatistics.SelectSeat     = EnterOutLogSelectSeatMode.ReSelect;
                                newStatistics.SelectSeatTime = eol.EnterOutTime;

                            case EnterOutLogType.SelectSeat:
                                newStatistics.SelectSeat     = eol.Flag == Operation.Admin ? EnterOutLogSelectSeatMode.AdminAllocation : EnterOutLogSelectSeatMode.ReadCardSelect;
                                newStatistics.SelectSeatTime = eol.EnterOutTime;

                            case EnterOutLogType.ContinuedTime:

                            case EnterOutLogType.ShortLeave:

                            case EnterOutLogType.Leave:
                                switch (eol.Flag)
                                case Operation.Admin: newStatistics.LeaveSeat = EnterOutLogLeaveSeatMode.AdminReleased; break;

                                case Operation.Reader: newStatistics.LeaveSeat = EnterOutLogLeaveSeatMode.ReaderReleased; break;

                                case Operation.Service: newStatistics.LeaveSeat = EnterOutLogLeaveSeatMode.ServerReleased; break;
                                newStatistics.LastEnterOutLogID = int.Parse(eol.EnterOutLogID);
                                newStatistics.LeaveSeatTime     = eol.EnterOutTime;
                        if (newStatistics.LeaveSeatTime.Date != newStatistics.SelectSeatTime.Date)
                        newStatistics.SeatTime = (int)(newStatistics.LeaveSeatTime - newStatistics.SelectSeatTime).TotalMinutes;

                        newStatistics.AllOperationCount    = eolNoList.Count;
                        newStatistics.AdminOperationCount  = eolNoList.Count(u => u.Flag == Operation.Admin);
                        newStatistics.OtherOperationCount  = eolNoList.Count(u => u.Flag == Operation.OtherReader);
                        newStatistics.ReaderOperationCount = eolNoList.Count(u => u.Flag == Operation.Reader);
                        newStatistics.ServerOperationCount = eolNoList.Count(u => u.Flag == Operation.Service);

                        if (seatManageService.AddEnterOutStatistics(newStatistics) == HandleResult.Successed)
                WriteLog.Write(string.Format("数据统计服务:统计进出记录数据{0}条,有效数据{1}条,无效数据{2}条", allLogCount, validFullEnterOutLogCount, errorEnterOutLogCount));
            catch (Exception ex)
                WriteLog.Write(string.Format("数据统计服务:统计进出记录失败:{0}", ex.Message));
예제 #56
        /// <summary>
        /// When client pay its drink and wait for coin change.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Object sender</param>
        /// <param name="e">Event args</param>
        private void btnPayDrink_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            string strInputAmount = tbxInputMoney.Text;
            double inputAmount    = -1;

            var drinkSelected = cbxSelectDrink.SelectedItem as Drink;

            if (double.TryParse(strInputAmount, out inputAmount))
                if (inputAmount <= 5.00)
                    if (drinkSelected != null)
                        if (inputAmount >= drinkSelected.Price)
                            double diff = (inputAmount - drinkSelected.Price);
                            // Exact amount.
                            if (diff == 0.00)
                                MessageBox.Show("Payment OK. You got coin change : " + diff,
                                                "Payment OK", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
                            // Coin change.
                                // The different available coin type in coin stock
                                List <CoinStock> availableCoinStock      = _clientController.LoadCoinStocks();
                                List <double>    availableCoinTypeValues = availableCoinStock
                                                                           .Select(x => x.CoinType.Value).Distinct().ToList();

                                // Get all the coin changes solutions recursively.
                                IEnumerable <List <double> > solutionsForChange =
                                    _clientController.GetChange(diff, availableCoinTypeValues.AsQueryable()).OrderBy(x => x.Count);

                                // Take the best solution depending on the coin stock.
                                bool canCoinChange = false;
                                Dictionary <double, int> finalSolution = new Dictionary <double, int>();

                                foreach (var solution in solutionsForChange)
                                    Dictionary <double, int> tempSolution =
                                        solution.GroupBy(c => c).ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.Count());

                                    // Confront the solution to the stock (quantities).
                                    bool isQuantityAvailable = true;
                                    foreach (var coinOfAType in tempSolution)
                                        var correspCoinStock = availableCoinStock
                                            cs => cs.CoinType.Value == coinOfAType.Key &&
                                            cs.Quantity >= coinOfAType.Value);
                                        if (correspCoinStock == null)
                                            isQuantityAvailable = false;

                                    // If solution quantity matches the coin stocks.
                                    if (isQuantityAvailable)
                                        canCoinChange = true;
                                        finalSolution = tempSolution;

                                // Update the stock / show message.
                                if (canCoinChange)
                                    string finalMsg = "Payment OK. Coin change transaction :" + Environment.NewLine;
                                    foreach (var coinType in finalSolution.OrderBy(x => x.Key))
                                        finalMsg += string.Format("- {0} x {1}{2}", coinType.Key, coinType.Value, Environment.NewLine);
                                    MessageBox.Show(finalMsg, "Coin change OK", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                                // Show error when no coin availability.
                                    MessageBox.Show("Coin stock are not available to coin change", "No stocks", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
                            MessageBox.Show("You can do better than that with a simple coin", "A bigger coin", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
                        MessageBox.Show("Bad drink selection. Maybe a bug...", "Bad drink", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                else if (inputAmount > 5.00 && inputAmount < 100.00)
                    MessageBox.Show("A coin superior to 5 CHF?   :)", "Impossible", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
                else if (inputAmount > 100.00)
                    MessageBox.Show("You can't pay by bill or card yet...", "Big amount", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
                MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Amount tapped '{0}' is invalid", strInputAmount),
                                "Bad input", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
예제 #57
        private async void DropDownSelected(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Generate filtered unit list (ex vessel tags)
            List <StatusModel> list     = (List <StatusModel>)statusview.ItemsSource;
            List <string>      droplist = list.Select(c => c.droplist).ToList();

            for (int i = droplist.Count - 1; i > -1; i--)
                string temp = droplist[i];
                if (temp == space)
            // Switch expansion variable for selected unit
            StatusModel selectedmodel = (StatusModel)statusview.SelectedItem;
            string      selectedunit  = (string)selectedmodel.droplist;
            int         index         = droplist.IndexOf(selectedunit);

            if (selectedunit.EndsWith("+"))
                unitexpanded[index] = 1;
            if (selectedunit.EndsWith("-"))
                unitexpanded[index] = 0;
            if (selectedunit.EndsWith(" "))
                string answer = await DisplayActionSheet("Vessel Selection Options", "Cancel", null, "Open CSE Manager", "Open Analytics");

                if (answer == null)
                    //Update global location selection prior to page navigation
                    Globals.init   = true;
                    Globals.vessel = selectedmodel.namelist.Remove(0, space.Length); //grabs vessel name of selected row and trims indent spacers

                    //Determine unitname of vessel (without database query) search text list
                    List <string> namelist = list.Select(c => c.namelist).ToList();
                    index = namelist.IndexOf(selectedmodel.namelist);

                    int track = 0;
                    while (track == 0) //track upwards through list to find unitname
                        if (namelist[index].First() != ' ')
                            Globals.unit = namelist[index];
                            track        = 1;

                    //Open requested page navigation
                    if (answer == "Open CSE Manager")
                        await Navigation.PushModalAsync(new CSEntryPage(), false);
                    if (answer == "Open Analytics")
                        await Navigation.PushModalAsync(new AnalyticsPage(), false);
예제 #58
        private void OnLocationSelect(decimal plantID)
            PLANT plant = SQMModelMgr.LookupPlant(plantID);

            if (plant == null)
                List <BusinessLocation> locationList = new List <BusinessLocation>();
                locationList.Add(new BusinessLocation().Initialize(plantID));
                List <PERSON> responsibleList = SQMModelMgr.SelectPlantPersonList(locationList, "311", AccessMode.Update);

                SQMBasePage.SetPersonList(ddlMetricResponsible, responsibleList, "");
                SQMBasePage.SetPersonList(ddlFinalApprover, responsibleList.Where(l => l.ROLE < SessionManager.AccessModeRoleXREF(AccessMode.Update)).ToList(), "");


                if (LocalProfile() != null && (LocalProfile().Profile.EHS_PROFILE_MEASURE == null || LocalProfile().Profile.EHS_PROFILE_MEASURE.Count == 0))
                    if (UserContext.RoleAccess() > AccessMode.Plant)
                        List <EHS_PROFILE> profileList = EHSModel.SelectPlantProfileList(SessionManager.UserContext.HRLocation.Company.COMPANY_ID);
                        SQMBasePage.SetLocationList(ddlCopyProfile, SQMModelMgr.SelectBusinessLocationList(SessionManager.UserContext.HRLocation.Company.COMPANY_ID, 0, true).Where(l => profileList.Select(p => p.PLANT_ID).ToArray().Contains(l.Plant.PLANT_ID)).ToList(), 0);
                        ddlCopyProfile.Items.Insert(0, new Telerik.Web.UI.RadComboBoxItem("", ""));
                        responsibleList = SQMModelMgr.SelectPersonList((decimal)plant.COMPANY_ID, (decimal)plant.BUS_ORG_ID, true, false).Where(p => p.ROLE >= SessionManager.AccessModeRoleXREF(AccessMode.Admin) && p.ROLE < SessionManager.AccessModeRoleXREF(AccessMode.View)).OrderBy(l => l.LAST_NAME).ToList();
                        foreach (PERSON person in responsibleList)
                            if (SQMModelMgr.PersonPlantAccess(person, plant.PLANT_ID))
                                ddlDefaultResponsible.Items.Add(new Telerik.Web.UI.RadComboBoxItem(SQMModelMgr.FormatPersonListItem(person), person.PERSON_ID.ToString()));
                        ddlDefaultResponsible.Items.Insert(0, new Telerik.Web.UI.RadComboBoxItem("", ""));
                        pnlCopyProfile.Visible = true;

                pnlProfileEdit.Style.Add("display", "none");
 public static IEnumerable<TipoDocumentoDTO> Traduzir(this List<TipoDocumento> lista, int idIdioma)
     return lista.Select(x => x.Traduzir(idIdioma));
예제 #60
        private object InvokeBestConstructor(List <ConstructorInfo> constructors, params object[] parameters)
            if (constructors.Count == 1)

            var importDecorated = constructors.Where(c => Attribute.IsDefined(c, typeof(UseWithObjectConstructorAttribute))).ToArray();

            if (importDecorated.Length == 1)

            throw new ObjectLacksCompatibleConstructorException("Could not pick the correct constructor between:" + Environment.NewLine
                                                                + string.Join("" + Environment.NewLine, constructors.Select(c => c.Name + "(" + string.Join(",", c.GetParameters().Select(p => p.ParameterType)))));