예제 #1
    //add or edit
    protected void Button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        id = BasePage.GetRequestId(Request.QueryString["id"]);
        LinkModel model = new LinkModel();

        model.LinkName  = txtName.Text;
        model.LinkUrl   = txtUrl.Text;
        model.LinkLogo  = txtClassPic.Text;
        model.Px        = int.Parse(txtpx.Text);
        model.LinkType  = int.Parse(txtTypelink.SelectedValue);
        model.LinkIntro = txtIntro.Text;
        model.Hide      = int.Parse(txthide.SelectedValue);
        model.Hits      = int.Parse(txthide.Text);
        model.AddTime   = DateTime.Now;
        model.id        = id;
        if (id == 0)
            int i = new Linkll().Add(model);
            if (i > 0)
                BasePage.JscriptPrint(Page, "添加成功!", "Link.aspx");
            bool bb = new Linkll().Update(model);
            if (bb)
                BasePage.JscriptPrint(Page, "修改成功!", "Link.aspx");
예제 #2
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!Page.IsPostBack)
            ((Literal)Master.FindControl("breadcrumbs")).Text = "<a href=\"Link.aspx\" class=\"home\">友情链接</a><a href=\"?action=Add\" class=\"add\">添加链接</a>";
            string checklogin = new AdminBll().CheckLogin("4");
            if (checklogin != "true")

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["action"]))
                action = Request.QueryString["action"];
                action = "show";

            id = BasePage.GetRequestId(Request.QueryString["id"]);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["id"]))
                LinkModel model = new Linkll().GetModel(id);
                bool      b     = new CommonBll().Exists("GL_Link", id);
                if (b)
                    txtName.Text     = model.LinkName;
                    txtUrl.Text      = model.LinkUrl;
                    txthide.Text     = model.Hide.ToString();
                    txtTypelink.Text = model.LinkType.ToString();
                    txtClassPic.Text = model.LinkLogo;
                    txtUrl.Text      = model.LinkUrl;
                    txtpx.Text       = model.Px.ToString();
                    txthits.Text     = model.Hits.ToString();
                    txtIntro.Text    = model.LinkIntro;
                string keywords = Request.QueryString["keywords"];

                string strwhere = "id is not null";
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["LinkType"]))
                    int LinkType = BasePage.GetRequestId(Request.QueryString["LinkType"]);
                    strwhere += " and LinkType=" + LinkType;
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["keywords"]))
                    strwhere += " and LinkName like '%" + keywords + "%'";
                DataSet ds        = new DataSet();
                int     PageSize  = 25;
                int     PageIndex = BasePage.GetRequestId(Request.QueryString["Page"]); //当前第几页
                ds = new CommonBll().GetListPage("", "GL_Link", strwhere, "px desc,id desc", PageSize, PageIndex);
                Repeater1.DataSource = ds;
                int totalrecord = new CommonBll().GetRecordCount("GL_Link", strwhere);//总记录数
                if (totalrecord == 0)
                    txtpage.Text = "<p align=\"center\" class=\"red\">暂无链接</p>";
                else if (totalrecord > PageSize)
                    txtpage.Text = GL.Utility.GetPage.GetAspxPager(totalrecord, PageSize, PageIndex);