예제 #1
        public void TestSimple()
            Global.SetEnv("debug", Global.GetEnv("debug") + "");
            // image file name to recognize
            string imgFileName           = "line.png";
            string imgCsegFileName       = "line.cseg.png";
            string imgTranscriptFileName = "line.txt";

            // line recognizer
            Linerec lrec = (Linerec)Linerec.LoadLinerec("default.model");

            //Linerec lrec = (Linerec)Linerec.LoadLinerec("2m2-reject.cmodel");
            //Linerec lrec = (Linerec)Linerec.LoadLinerec("multi3.cmodel");
            //Linerec lrec = (Linerec)Linerec.LoadLinerec("latin-ascii.model");

            // language model
            OcroFST default_lmodel = OcroFST.MakeOcroFst();

            OcroFST lmodel = default_lmodel;

            // read image
            Bytearray image = new Bytearray(1, 1);

            ImgIo.read_image_gray(image, imgFileName);

            // recognize!
            OcroFST  fst  = OcroFST.MakeOcroFst();
            Intarray rseg = new Intarray();

            lrec.RecognizeLine(rseg, fst, image);

            // show result 1
            string resStr;

            fst.BestPath(out resStr);
            Console.WriteLine("Fst BestPath:   {0}", resStr);

            // find result 2
            Intarray   v1   = new Intarray();
            Intarray   v2   = new Intarray();
            Intarray   inp  = new Intarray();
            Intarray   outp = new Intarray();
            Floatarray c    = new Floatarray();

            BeamSearch.beam_search(v1, v2, inp, outp, c, fst, lmodel, 100);

            FstUtil.remove_epsilons(out resStr, outp);
            Console.WriteLine("Fst BeamSearch: {0}", resStr);

            Intarray cseg = new Intarray();

            SegmRoutine.rseg_to_cseg(cseg, rseg, inp);
            ImgLabels.simple_recolor(cseg); // for human readable
            ImgIo.write_image_packed(imgCsegFileName, cseg);
            File.WriteAllText(imgTranscriptFileName, resStr.Replace(" ", ""));
예제 #2
        private void DoTestLinerecRecognize(Linerec linerec, string bookPath, string filename)
            Bytearray image = new Bytearray();

            ImgIo.read_image_gray(image, bookPath + filename);
            // recognize!
            OcroFST fst = OcroFST.MakeOcroFst();

            linerec.RecognizeLine(fst, image);
            // show result
            string resStr;

            fst.BestPath(out resStr);
            Console.WriteLine("Fst BestPath:   {0}", resStr);
예제 #3
        public void TestRecognizeCseg()
            string book1Path = "data2\\0001\\";
            string book2Path = "data\\0000\\";

            //Linerec.GDef("linerec", "use_reject", 0);
            //Linerec.GDef("lenet", "junk", 0);
            Linerec linerec = Linerec.LoadLinerec("latin-amlp.model");

            //Linerec linerec = Linerec.LoadLinerec("latin-lenet.model");
            //Linerec linerec = Linerec.LoadLinerec("latin-ascii2.model");
            //Linerec linerec = Linerec.LoadLinerec("default.model");
            //linerec.Set("maxcost", 20);
            DoTestLinerecRecognize(linerec, book1Path, "0010.png");
            DoTestLinerecRecognize(linerec, book1Path, "0001.png");
            DoTestLinerecRecognize(linerec, book1Path, "0089.png");
            DoTestLinerecRecognize(linerec, book1Path, "0026.png");
            DoTestLinerecRecognize(linerec, book2Path, "000001.png");
예제 #4
        public void TestTrainLenetCseg()
            string bookPath    = "data\\0000\\";
            string netFileName = "latin-lenet.model";

            Linerec.GDef("linerec", "use_reject", 1);
            Linerec.GDef("lenet", "junk", 1);
            Linerec.GDef("lenet", "epochs", 4);

            // create Linerec
            Linerec linerec;

            if (File.Exists(netFileName))
                linerec = Linerec.LoadLinerec(netFileName);
                linerec = new Linerec("lenet");
                LenetClassifier classifier = linerec.GetClassifier() as LenetClassifier;
                if (classifier != null)

            // temporary disable junk
            //linerec.DisableJunk = true;

            int        nepochs = 10;
            LineSource lines   = new LineSource();

            lines.Init(new string[] { "data2" });

            //linerec.GetClassifier().Set("epochs", 1);

            for (int epoch = 1; epoch <= nepochs; epoch++)

                // load cseg samples
                while (!lines.Done())
                    Intarray cseg = new Intarray();
                    //Bytearray image = new Bytearray();
                    string transcript = lines.GetTranscript();
                    if (!lines.GetCharSegmentation(cseg) && cseg.Length() == 0)
                        Global.Debugf("warn", "skipping book {0} page {1} line {2} (no or bad cseg)",
                                      lines.CurrentBook, lines.CurrentPage, lines.Current);
                    linerec.AddTrainingLine(cseg, transcript);

                // do Train and clear Dataset
                // do save
                if (epoch % 1 == 0)

                // recognize test line
                bool bakDisJunk = linerec.DisableJunk;
                linerec.DisableJunk = false;
                DoTestLinerecRecognize(linerec, "data2\\", "test1.png");
                linerec.DisableJunk = bakDisJunk;

            // finnaly save
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Create char segmentation (cseg) files if missing
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bookPath">path to bookstore</param>
        /// <param name="modelFilename">Linerec model file</param>
        /// <param name="langModel">language model file</param>
        /// <param name="suffix">e.g., 'gt'</param>
        public void ComputeMissingCsegForBookStore(string bookPath, string model = "default.model",
                                                   string suffix = "", bool saveRseg = false, string langModel = "default.fst")
            // create line recognizer
            Linerec linerec = Linerec.LoadLinerec(model);

            // create IBookStore
            IBookStore bookstore = new SmartBookStore();


            // language model
            OcroFST lmodel = OcroFST.MakeOcroFst();


            // iterate lines of pages
            for (int page = 0; page < bookstore.NumberOfPages(); page++)
                int nlines = bookstore.LinesOnPage(page);
                Console.WriteLine("Page {0} has {1} lines", page, nlines);
                for (int j = 0; j < nlines; j++)
                    int line = bookstore.GetLineId(page, j);

                    Bytearray image = new Bytearray();
                    bookstore.GetLine(image, page, line);
                    Intarray cseg = new Intarray();
                    bookstore.GetCharSegmentation(cseg, page, line, suffix);
                    // check missing cseg file
                    if (cseg.Length() <= 0 && image.Length() > 0)
                        // recognize line
                        OcroFST  fst  = OcroFST.MakeOcroFst();
                        Intarray rseg = new Intarray();
                        linerec.RecognizeLine(rseg, fst, image);
                        // find best results
                        string     resText;
                        Intarray   inp       = new Intarray();
                        Floatarray costs     = new Floatarray();
                        double     totalCost = BeamSearch.beam_search(out resText, inp, costs, fst, lmodel, 100);
                        Console.WriteLine(bookstore.PathFile(page, line, suffix));
                        Console.Write("  beam_search score: {0}", totalCost);

                        /*string resText2;
                         * fst.BestPath(out resText2);*/

                        // write cseg to bookstore
                        string trans;
                        bookstore.GetLine(out trans, page, line, suffix);
                        resText = resText.Replace(" ", "");
                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(trans))
                            bookstore.PutLine(resText, page, line, suffix);
                            Console.Write("; transcript saved");
                        else if (trans == resText)
                            // convert inputs and rseg to cseg
                            SegmRoutine.rseg_to_cseg(cseg, rseg, inp);
                            bookstore.PutCharSegmentation(cseg, page, line, suffix);
                            Console.Write("; cseg saved");
                        else if (saveRseg)
                            // convert inputs and rseg to cseg
                            SegmRoutine.rseg_to_cseg(cseg, rseg, inp);
                            //SegmRoutine.remove_small_components(cseg, 4);

                            /*bookstore.PutCharSegmentation(cseg, page, line, suffix);
                             * Console.Write("; cseg saved");*/
                            string v = "rseg";
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(suffix))
                                v += "."; v += suffix;
                            string rsegpath = bookstore.PathFile(page, line, v, "png");
                            ImgIo.write_image_packed(rsegpath, cseg);
                            Console.Write("; rseg saved");