private static void TestShellRingOrientationSetter(GeometryFactoryEx gf, LinearRingOrientation ringOrientation, int failKind) { try { gf.OrientationOfExteriorRing = ringOrientation; if (failKind != 0) { Assert.Fail("Setting exterior ring orientation should have failed!"); } Assert.AreEqual(ringOrientation, gf.OrientationOfExteriorRing); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException iae) { if (failKind != 1) { Assert.Fail("Wrong argument"); } } catch (InvalidOperationException isa) { if (failKind != 2) { Assert.Fail("Setting exterior ring orientation twice!"); } } catch (Exception e) { Assert.Fail(e.Message); } }
public void CustomGeometryFactoryShouldBeAllowedWithSRID() { var pm = new PrecisionModel(10); const int initialSRID = 0; var csf = PackedCoordinateSequenceFactory.FloatFactory; const LinearRingOrientation orientation = LinearRingOrientation.Clockwise; var gf = new GeometryFactoryEx(pm, initialSRID, csf) { OrientationOfExteriorRing = orientation, }; const int expectedSRID = 4326; string xml = $@" <gml:Point srsName='urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::{expectedSRID}' xmlns:gml=''> <gml:coordinates>45.67, 65.43</gml:coordinates> </gml:Point>"; var gr = new GMLReader(gf); foreach (var readMethod in GetReadMethods()) { var pt = (Point)readMethod(gr, xml); Assert.That(pt.Factory, Is.InstanceOf <GeometryFactoryEx>() .With.Property(nameof(GeometryFactoryEx.SRID)).EqualTo(expectedSRID) .With.Property(nameof(GeometryFactoryEx.OrientationOfExteriorRing)).EqualTo(orientation) .With.Property(nameof(GeometryFactoryEx.PrecisionModel)).EqualTo(pm) .With.Property(nameof(GeometryFactoryEx.CoordinateSequenceFactory)).EqualTo(csf)); } }
public void SettingSRIDShouldCopyFactoryFaithfully() { var pm = new PrecisionModel(10); const int initialSRID = 0; var csf = PackedCoordinateSequenceFactory.FloatFactory; const LinearRingOrientation orientation = LinearRingOrientation.Clockwise; var gf = new GeometryFactoryEx(pm, initialSRID, csf) { OrientationOfExteriorRing = orientation, }; var env = new Envelope(-10, 10, -8, 8); var g = gf.ToGeometry(env); const int expectedSRID = 4326; g.SRID = expectedSRID; Assert.That(g.Factory, Is.InstanceOf <GeometryFactoryEx>() .With.Property(nameof(GeometryFactoryEx.SRID)).EqualTo(expectedSRID) .With.Property(nameof(GeometryFactoryEx.OrientationOfExteriorRing)).EqualTo(orientation) .With.Property(nameof(GeometryFactoryEx.PrecisionModel)).EqualTo(pm) .With.Property(nameof(GeometryFactoryEx.CoordinateSequenceFactory)).EqualTo(csf)); }
private static CoordinateSequence CreateRing(CoordinateSequenceFactory factory, int ring, LinearRingOrientation orientation) { var coordinates = CreateCcwRing(ring); if (orientation == LinearRingOrientation.Clockwise) { CoordinateArrays.Reverse(coordinates); } if (orientation == LinearRingOrientation.DontCare) { if (reverseSequence) { CoordinateArrays.Reverse(coordinates); } reverseSequence = !reverseSequence; } return(factory.Create(coordinates)); }
private static void TestShellRingOrientationEnforcement(LinearRingOrientation ringOrientation) { var gf = new GeometryFactoryEx(); gf.OrientationOfExteriorRing = ringOrientation; var cf = gf.CoordinateSequenceFactory; var origShellSequence = CreateRing(cf, 0, ringOrientation); var origHolesSequences = new[] { CreateRing(cf, 1, ringOrientation), CreateRing(cf, 2, ringOrientation) }; var shell = gf.CreateLinearRing(origShellSequence.Copy()); var holes = new LinearRing[] { gf.CreateLinearRing(origHolesSequences[0].Copy()), gf.CreateLinearRing(origHolesSequences[1].Copy()) }; var polygon = gf.CreatePolygon(shell, holes); switch (ringOrientation) { case LinearRingOrientation.CW: if (polygon.Shell.IsCCW) { Assert.Fail($"Shell ring orientation requested {LinearRingOrientation.CW}, was CCW"); } if (!polygon.Holes[0].IsCCW) { Assert.Fail($"Hole[0] ring orientation requested {LinearRingOrientation.CCW}, was CW"); } ; if (!polygon.Holes[1].IsCCW) { Assert.Fail($"Hole[1] ring orientation requested {LinearRingOrientation.CCW}, was CW"); } ; break; case LinearRingOrientation.CCW: if (!polygon.Shell.IsCCW) { Assert.Fail($"Shell ring orientation requested {LinearRingOrientation.CCW}, was CW"); } if (polygon.Holes[0].IsCCW) { Assert.Fail($"Hole[0] ring orientation requested {LinearRingOrientation.CW}, was CCW"); } ; if (polygon.Holes[1].IsCCW) { Assert.Fail($"Hole[1] ring orientation requested {LinearRingOrientation.CW}, was CCW"); } ; break; case LinearRingOrientation.DontCare: if (polygon.Shell.IsCCW != Orientation.IsCCW(origShellSequence)) { Assert.Fail($"Shell ring orientation flipped"); } if (polygon.Holes[0].IsCCW != Orientation.IsCCW(origHolesSequences[0])) { Assert.Fail($"Hole[0] ring orientation flipped"); } if (polygon.Holes[1].IsCCW != Orientation.IsCCW(origHolesSequences[1])) { Assert.Fail($"Hole[1] ring orientation flipped"); } break; } // Set up a polygon with hole using buffer var pt = new Coordinate(0, 0); var c = gf.CreatePoint(pt); var b = c.Buffer(10d); var s = c.Buffer(6d); var test = (Polygon)b.Difference(s); if (ringOrientation == LinearRingOrientation.CW) { if (test.Shell.IsCCW) { Assert.Fail($"Buffer should return shell ring with CW orientation"); } if (!test.Holes[0].IsCCW) { Assert.Fail($"Buffer should return hole ring with CCW orientation"); } } else if (ringOrientation == LinearRingOrientation.CCW) { if (!test.Shell.IsCCW) { Assert.Fail($"Buffer should return shell ring with CCW orientation"); } if (test.Holes[0].IsCCW) { Assert.Fail($"Buffer should return hole ring with CW orientation"); } } }