private void processReply(object sender, LineReceivedEventArgs e) { string reply = e.line; System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(reply); Match match = rEVT.Match(reply); if (match.Success) { int line = Convert.ToInt16(match.Groups[1].Value); int lineState = match.Groups[2].Value == "0" ? 0 : 1; Task.Factory.StartNew(() => lineStateChanged?.Invoke(this, new LineStateChangedEventArgs { line = line, state = lineState })); } else if (!reply.StartsWith("#SLINF") && !reply.Contains("FLAGS") && !reply.Contains("JConfig")) { replyTimer.Change(Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite); if (currentCmd != null && currentCmd.cb != null) { Action <string> cb = currentCmd.cb; Task.Factory.StartNew(() => cb.Invoke(reply)); } lock (cmdQuee) { currentCmd = null; } processQuee(); } }
public void FireErrorLineReceivedEvent(LineReceivedEventArgs e) { if (ErrorLineReceived != null) { ErrorLineReceived(this, e); } }
/// <summary> /// Raises the <see cref="OutputLineReceived"/> event. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The event source.</param> /// <param name="e">The event arguments.</param> protected void OnOutputLineReceived(object sender, LineReceivedEventArgs e) { if (OutputLineReceived != null) { OutputLineReceived(this, e); } }
/// <summary> /// Handles Event of a Line being Received. /// </summary> /// <param name="connection">User connection.</param> protected void OnLineReceived(Connection connection) { if (LineReceived != null) { int index = 0; int start = 0; while ((index = connection.ReceiveBuffer.IndexOf('\n', index)) != -1) { string s = connection.ReceiveBuffer.GetString(start, index - start - 1); s = s.Backspace(); LineReceivedEventArgs args = new LineReceivedEventArgs(connection, s); Delegate[] delegates = LineReceived.GetInvocationList(); foreach (Delegate d in delegates) { d.DynamicInvoke(new object[] { this, args }); if (args.Handled == true) { break; } } if (args.Handled == false) { connection.CommandBuffer.Enqueue(s); } start = index; index++; } if (start > 0) { connection.ReceiveBuffer.Reset(0, start + 1); } } }
public void FireOutputLineReceivedEvent(LineReceivedEventArgs e) { if (OutputLineReceived != null) { OutputLineReceived(this, e); } }
private void SerialPort_LineReceived(object sender, LineReceivedEventArgs e) { this._counter++; if (this._counter == 29) // skip 29 lines { this._counter = 0; this.SendData(sender, e); } }
private void connector_LineReceived(object sender, LineReceivedEventArgs e) { #warning ограничить кол-во текста в контроле консоли _consoleTextBox.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { _consoleTextBox.AppendText(e.Line); if (e.Type == LineReceivedEventArgs.LineType.General) { _consoleTextBox.AppendText("\r\n"); } })); }
private void login() { using (FLogin lf = new FLogin(Application.StartupPath + "\\clusters.txt")) { lf.tbCallsign.Text = settings.cs; lf.tbHost.Text =; if (settings.port != 0) { lf.tbPort.Text = settings.port.ToString(); } if (lf.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { string host = lf.tbHost.Text; int port = Convert.ToInt32(lf.tbPort.Text); string callsign = lf.tbCallsign.Text; if (!callsign.Equals(settings.cs)) { settings.cs = callsign; } if (!host.Equals( { = host; } if (port != settings.port) { settings.port = port; } writeConfig(); if (host == "test") { using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(Application.StartupPath + "\\test.txt")) do { LineReceivedEventArgs e = new LineReceivedEventArgs(); e.line = sr.ReadLine(); lineReceived(this, e); } while (sr.Peek() >= 0); } else { clusterCn = new AsyncConnection(); clusterCn.lineReceived += lineReceived; if (clusterCn.connect(host, port)) { clusterCn.sendCommand(callsign); this.Text += " connected to " + host + ":" + port.ToString(); } } } } }
private void GpsShare_lineReceived(object sender, LineReceivedEventArgs e) { #if DEBUG #if LOG_GPS System.Diagnostics.Trace.TraceInformation(e.line); #endif #endif if (e.line.StartsWith("$GPGGA") || e.line.StartsWith("$GNGGA")) { System.Diagnostics.Trace.TraceInformation(e.line); parse(e.line); } }
public void FireErrorLineReceivedEventFiresEventAndReturnsExpectedLine() { LineReceivedEventArgs expectedEventArgs = null; processRunner.ErrorLineReceived += delegate(object o, LineReceivedEventArgs e) { expectedEventArgs = e; }; string line = "test"; LineReceivedEventArgs eventArgs = new LineReceivedEventArgs(line); processRunner.FireErrorLineReceivedEvent(eventArgs); Assert.AreEqual(line, expectedEventArgs.Line); }
private void SendData(object sender, LineReceivedEventArgs e) { try { var measurement = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Measurement>(e.line); var measurementDto = new[] { new MeasurementDto { DateTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow, Temperature = measurement.Temperature, Pressure = measurement.Pressure, Humidity = measurement.Humidity, Device = new DeviceDto { GlobalId = this._services.GetService <IConfiguration>() .GetSection("AppSettings")["DeviceGlobalId"] }, UpdateStatus = UpdateStatus.Inserted, GlobalId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() } }; Console.WriteLine( $"{DateTime.UtcNow.ToString()}: {measurement.Temperature}°C, {measurement.Pressure}hpa, {measurement.Humidity}%"); var _tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); _tokenSource.CancelAfter(30000); var cancellationToken = _tokenSource.Token; Task.Run(() => { using (var client = this._services.GetService <IClient>()) { var result = client.PostAsync <string>(@"/api/generic/Measurement/Insert", measurementDto, cancellationToken).Result; } }, cancellationToken); } catch (Exception) { } }
public void OutputLineTextReceivedFromProcessRunnerIsAddedToMessageCategoryText() { runCommand.Run(); buildProject.FireBuildCompleteEvent(); context.UnitTestCategory.ClearText(); LineReceivedEventArgs firstLineReceived = new LineReceivedEventArgs("first"); processRunner.FireOutputLineReceivedEvent(firstLineReceived); LineReceivedEventArgs secondLineReceived = new LineReceivedEventArgs("second"); processRunner.FireOutputLineReceivedEvent(secondLineReceived); string expectedCategoryText = "first\r\n" + "second\r\n"; Assert.AreEqual(expectedCategoryText, context.UnitTestCategory.Text); }
void OutputLineReceived(object source, LineReceivedEventArgs e) { TestRunnerCategory.AppendLine(e.Line); }
void LineReceived(object sender, LineReceivedEventArgs e) { SvcUtilMessageView.AppendLine(e.Line); }
/// <summary> /// Handles a received line from the server. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The client, the message was received from.</param> /// <param name="e">The event argument, holding the received line.</param> private void HandleLine(object sender, LineReceivedEventArgs e) { if (!e.Line.IsNumeric) { return; } switch (e.Line.Numeric) { case 371: infoLines.Add(e.Line); if (!IsReading) { isReading = true; if (InfoBegin != null) { InfoBegin(this, new InfoBeginEventArgs(e.Line)); } } break; case 374: infoLines.Add(e.Line); if (InfoEnd != null) { InfoEnd(this, new InfoEndEventArgs(e.Line, InfoLines)); } isReading = false; break; } }
private void HandleLine(Object sender, LineReceivedEventArgs args) { if (!args.Line.IsNumeric) return; switch (args.Line.Numeric) { case 352: whoLines.Add(new WhoLine(args.Line)); if (!IsReading) { isReading = true; if (WhoBegin != null) WhoBegin(this, new WhoBeginEventArgs(args.Line)); } break; case 315: if (WhoEnd != null) WhoEnd(this, new WhoEndEventArgs(args.Line, WhoLines)); isReading = false; break; } }
private void UsartConnection_lineReceived(object sender, LineReceivedEventArgs e) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
/// <summary> /// Handles a line received from server. /// </summary> private void HandleLine(LineReceivedEventArgs e) { if (e.Line.IsNumeric) { if (NumericReceived != null) NumericReceived(this, new NumericReceivedEventArgs(e.Line)); switch (e.Line.Numeric) { case 1: // Parse the Server Info currentNick = e.Line.Parameters[0]; networkName = e.Line.Parameters[1].Split(' ')[3]; myUserInfo = new UserInfo(e.Line.Parameters[1].Split(' ')[6], this); break; case 3: // Parse Welcome-Message loggedIn = true; if (Login != null) Login(this, new LoginEventArgs(NetworkName, CurrentNick, this)); break; case 376: // End of MOTD message loggedIn = true; if (Login != null) Login(this, new LoginEventArgs(NetworkName, CurrentNick, this)); break; } } else { e.Handled = true; switch (e.Line.Command) { case "PING": // Handle the Ping here PingReceivedEventArgs pingArgs = new PingReceivedEventArgs(e.Line); if (PingReceived != null) PingReceived(this, pingArgs); if (!pingArgs.Handled) if (e.Line.Parameters.Length > 0) SendLine("PONG :" + e.Line.Parameters[0]); else SendLine("PONG"); break; case "JOIN": //Parse Join-Message JoinReceivedEventArgs joinArgs = new JoinReceivedEventArgs(e.Line); if (JoinReceived != null) JoinReceived(this, joinArgs); break; case "PART": //Parse Part-Message PartReceivedEventArgs partArgs = new PartReceivedEventArgs(e.Line); if (PartReceived != null) PartReceived(this, partArgs); break; case "QUIT": //Parse Quit-Message QuitReceivedEventArgs quitArgs = new QuitReceivedEventArgs(e.Line); if (QuitReceived != null) QuitReceived(this, quitArgs); break; case "NICK": //Parse Nick-Message if(e.Line.Client.ToString() == this.ToString()) this.currentNick = e.Line.Parameters[0]; NickChangeReceivedEventArgs nickChangeArgs = new NickChangeReceivedEventArgs(e.Line); if (NickChangeReceived != null) NickChangeReceived(this, nickChangeArgs); break; case "MODE": //Parse Mode-Message ModeReceivedEventArgs modeArgs = new ModeReceivedEventArgs(e.Line); if (ModeReceived != null) ModeReceived(this, modeArgs); break; case "NOTICE": //Parse Notice-Message NoticeReceivedEventArgs noticeArgs = new NoticeReceivedEventArgs(e.Line); if (NoticeReceived != null) NoticeReceived(this, noticeArgs); break; case "PRIVMSG": //Parse Private-Message PrivateMessageReceivedEventArgs privmsgArgs = new PrivateMessageReceivedEventArgs(e.Line); if (PrivateMessageReceived != null) PrivateMessageReceived(this, privmsgArgs); break; case "KICK": //Parse Kick-Message KickReceivedEventArgs kickArgs = new KickReceivedEventArgs(e.Line); if (KickReceived != null) KickReceived(this, kickArgs); break; default: e.Handled = false; break; } } }
void OutputLineReceived(object sender, LineReceivedEventArgs e) { CategoryWriteLine(e.Line); }
/// <summary> /// Handles a received line from the server. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The client, the message was received from.</param> /// <param name="e">The event argument, holding the received line.</param> private void HandleLine(object sender, LineReceivedEventArgs e) { if (!e.Line.IsNumeric) { return; } switch (e.Line.Numeric) { case 352: whoLines.Add(new WhoLine(e.Line)); if (!IsReading) { isReading = true; if (WhoBegin != null) { WhoBegin(this, new WhoBeginEventArgs(e.Line)); } } break; case 315: if (WhoEnd != null) { WhoEnd(this, new WhoEndEventArgs(e.Line, WhoLines)); } isReading = false; break; } }
/// <summary> /// Handles a received line from the server. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The client, the message was received from.</param> /// <param name="e">The event argument, holding the received line.</param> private void HandleLine(object sender, LineReceivedEventArgs e) { if (!e.Line.IsNumeric) { return; } switch (e.Line.Numeric) { case 364: linksLines.Add(e.Line); if (!IsReading) { isReading = true; if (LinksBegin != null) { LinksBegin(this, new LinksBeginEventArgs(e.Line)); } } break; case 365: linksLines.Add(e.Line); if (LinksEnd != null) { LinksEnd(this, new LinksEndEventArgs(e.Line, LinksLines)); } isReading = false; break; } }
private void OnLineReceived(object o, LineReceivedEventArgs args) { if (args.LineType != LineType.Normal && args.LineType != LineType.Talk) return; string line = args.Line; AddLineToBuffer (line); }
void OnLineReceived(object o, LineReceivedEventArgs args) { if (!start_parsing) { return; } string line = args.Line.Trim (); if (first_colon_seen) { if (line.Length > 0 && line[0] != ':') HandleCompletion (); else ProcessLine (line); return; } if (!first_colon_seen && line.Length > 0 && line[0] == ':') first_colon_seen = true; }
void OutputLineReceived(object source, LineReceivedEventArgs e) { OnMessageReceived(e.Line); }
private void HandleLine(Object sender, LineReceivedEventArgs args) { if (!args.Line.IsNumeric) return; if (!IsReading && args.Line.Numeric != 321) return; switch (args.Line.Numeric) { case 321: isReading = true; if (ChannelListBegin != null) ChannelListBegin(this, new ChannelListBeginEventArgs(args.Line)); break; case 322: channelListLines.Add(new ChannelListLine(args.Line)); break; case 323: if (ChannelListEnd != null) ChannelListEnd(this, new ChannelListEndEventArgs(args.Line, ChannelListLines)); isReading = false; break; } }
private void HandleLine(Object sender, LineReceivedEventArgs args) { if (!args.Line.IsNumeric) return; switch (args.Line.Numeric) { case 353: ChannelNameValue = args.Line.Parameters[2]; foreach (String s in args.Line.Parameters[3].Split(" ".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)) { names.Add(s); } if (!IsReading) { isReading = true; if (NamesBegin != null) NamesBegin(this, new NamesBeginEventArgs(args.Line)); } break; case 366: if (NamesEnd != null) NamesEnd(this, new NamesEndEventArgs(args.Line, Names, ChannelNameValue)); isReading = false; break; } }
private void HandleLine(Object sender, LineReceivedEventArgs args) { if (!args.Line.IsNumeric) return; if (!IsReading && args.Line.Numeric != 375) return; switch (args.Line.Numeric) { case 375: isReading = true; motdLines.Clear(); motdLines.Add(args.Line); if (MotdBegin != null) MotdBegin(this, new MotdBeginEventArgs(args.Line)); break; case 372: motdLines.Add(args.Line); break; case 376: motdLines.Add(args.Line); if (MotdEnd != null) MotdEnd(this, new MotdEndEventArgs(args.Line, MotdLines)); isReading = false; break; } }
/// <summary> /// Handles a received line from the server. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The client, the message was received from.</param> /// <param name="e">The event argument, holding the received line.</param> private void HandleLine(object sender, LineReceivedEventArgs e) { if (!e.Line.IsNumeric) { return; } if (!IsReading && e.Line.Numeric != 321) { return; } switch (e.Line.Numeric) { case 321: isReading = true; if (ChannelListBegin != null) { ChannelListBegin(this, new ChannelListBeginEventArgs(e.Line)); } break; case 322: channelListLines.Add(new ChannelListLine(e.Line)); break; case 323: if (ChannelListEnd != null) { ChannelListEnd(this, new ChannelListEndEventArgs(e.Line, ChannelListLines)); } isReading = false; break; } }
private void lineReceived(object obj, LineReceivedEventArgs ea) { string line = ea.line.TrimEnd('\r', '\n'); this.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { tbCluster.AppendText(line + Environment.NewLine); }); string country = ""; Match mtchDX = rgxDX.Match(line); if (mtchDX.Success) { string cs = mtchDX.Groups[3].Value; if (prefixes[1].ContainsKey(cs)) { country = prefixes[1][cs]; } else { for (int c = 1; c <= cs.Length; c++) { if (prefixes[0].ContainsKey(cs.Substring(0, c))) { country = prefixes[0][cs.Substring(0, c)]; } } } double freq = Convert.ToDouble(mtchDX.Groups[2].Value.Replace(".", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator)); string mode = ""; string textU = mtchDX.Groups[4].Value.ToUpper(); foreach (Mode modeI in DxConsts.Modes) { if (!modeI.isCategory) { mode = testMode(textU, modeI); if (mode != "") { break; } } } if (mode == "") { mode = getDiap(modes, freq); } if (mode != "" && modesDict.ContainsKey(mode) && modesDict[mode].dxGridViewName != null) { mode = modesDict[mode].dxGridViewName; } string band = getDiap(DxConsts.Bands, freq); try { if (!closed) { Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { if (!closed) { lock (dxDataLock) { int pos = dgvDxData.FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex; DxItem prev = blDxData.FirstOrDefault(x => x.cs == cs && (freq - x.nFreq < 0.3 && x.nFreq - freq < 0.3)); if (prev != null) { int idx = blDxData.IndexOf(prev); blDxData.RemoveAt(idx); dgvDxData.ClearSelection(); dgvDxData.CurrentCell = null; for (int c = idx; c >= 0; c--) { if (c < dgvDxData.RowCount) { dgvDxDrawRow(c); } } } blDxData.Insert(0, new DxItem { cs = cs, l = lotw1.Contains(cs) ? "+" : "", prefix = country, de = mtchDX.Groups[1].Value, freq = mtchDX.Groups[2].Value, mode = mode, band = band, text = mtchDX.Groups[4].Value, time = mtchDX.Groups[5].Value, dt = DateTime.Now, nFreq = freq }); List <DxItem> old = blDxData.Where(x => x.dt < DateTime.Now.Subtract(new TimeSpan(0, 30, 0))).ToList(); if (old.Count > 0) { old.ForEach(x => blDxData.Remove(x)); } dgvDxData.ClearSelection(); dgvDxData.CurrentCell = null; dgvDxDrawRow(0); int nPos = pos; if (nPos > dgvDxData.RowCount) { nPos--; } while (nPos > -1 && !dgvDxData.Rows[nPos].Visible) { nPos--; } if (nPos > -1) { dgvDxData.FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex = nPos; Trace.WriteLine("Scroll from " + pos.ToString() + " to " + nPos.ToString()); } else { nPos = pos; if (nPos < 0) { nPos = 0; } while (nPos < dgvDxData.RowCount && !dgvDxData.Rows[nPos].Visible) { nPos++; } if (nPos < dgvDxData.RowCount) { dgvDxData.FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex = nPos; Trace.WriteLine("Scroll from " + pos.ToString() + " to " + nPos.ToString()); } else { Trace.WriteLine("scroll canceled"); } } } } }); } } catch (Exception e) { dxDataLock = false; Debug.WriteLine(e.ToString()); Debug.WriteLine("line recived: " + line); } } }
void OutputLineReceived(object sender, LineReceivedEventArgs e) { lines.Add(e.Line); }
void Item_LineReceived(object sender, LineReceivedEventArgs e) { IrcShark.Logger.Log(LogLevels.Verbose, e.Line.ToString(), ((IrcSharp.Extended.IrcConnection)sender).ConnectionID.ToString()); }
private void HandleLine(Object sender, LineReceivedEventArgs args) { if (!args.Line.IsNumeric) return; switch (args.Line.Numeric) { case 364: linksLines.Add(args.Line); if (!IsReading) { isReading = true; if (LinksBegin != null) LinksBegin(this, new LinksBeginEventArgs(args.Line)); } break; case 365: linksLines.Add(args.Line); if (LinksEnd != null) LinksEnd(this, new LinksEndEventArgs(args.Line, LinksLines)); isReading = false; break; } }
PortaSerial sp1 = new PortaSerial(); // like this command passed LineReceivedEvent or LineReceived // event handler method void sp1_LineReceived(object sender, LineReceivedEventArgs Args) { //do things with line MessageBox.ShowDialog(Args.LineData); }
/// <summary> /// Reads lines from server and parses them to an IrcLine. /// </summary> private void ReadLines() { String Line; while (IsConnected) { try { if (inReader == null) return; Line = inReader.ReadLine(); if (Line != null) { LineReceivedEventArgs args = new LineReceivedEventArgs(new IrcLine(this, Line)); if (LineReceived != null) LineReceived(this, args); if (!args.Handled) HandleLine(args); } } catch (InvalidLineFormatException ex) { OnError(new ErrorEventArgs(this, ex.Message, ex)); return; } catch (Exception ex) { OnError(new ErrorEventArgs(this, "Couldn't receive line", ex)); return; } } }
void process_OutputLineReceived(object sender, LineReceivedEventArgs e) { TaskService.BuildMessageViewCategory.AppendLine(e.Line); }
private void HandleLine(Object sender, LineReceivedEventArgs args) { if (!args.Line.IsNumeric) return; switch (args.Line.Numeric) { case 371: infoLines.Add(args.Line); if (!IsReading) { isReading = true; if (InfoBegin != null) InfoBegin(this, new InfoBeginEventArgs(args.Line)); } break; case 374: infoLines.Add(args.Line); if (InfoEnd != null) InfoEnd(this, new InfoEndEventArgs(args.Line, InfoLines)); isReading = false; break; } }
/// <summary> /// Handles a received line from the server. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The client, the message was received from.</param> /// <param name="e">The event argument, holding the received line.</param> private void HandleLine(object sender, LineReceivedEventArgs e) { if (!e.Line.IsNumeric) { return; } if (!IsReading && e.Line.Numeric != 375) { return; } switch (e.Line.Numeric) { case 375: isReading = true; motdLines.Clear(); motdLines.Add(e.Line); if (MotdBegin != null) { MotdBegin(this, new MotdBeginEventArgs(e.Line)); } break; case 372: motdLines.Add(e.Line); break; case 376: motdLines.Add(e.Line); if (MotdEnd != null) { MotdEnd(this, new MotdEndEventArgs(e.Line, MotdLines)); } isReading = false; break; } }