예제 #1
        public static LineCoordinates GetCoordinates(this Line Line)
            var coor = new LineCoordinates(
                new Point(Line.X1, Line.Y1), new Point(Line.X2, Line.Y2));

        public void LineCoordinatesClassGetIndexOfLongestLineMethodReturnsCorrectValueIfThereAreMultipleNonNullItemsInList()
            int count = _rnd.Next(20) + 2;

            double[] lengths = new double[count];
            for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                lengths[i] = _rnd.NextDouble() * 120;
            int answer = lengths.MaxIndex();
            List <LineCoordinates> testInput = new List <LineCoordinates>(count);

            for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                VertexInformation startVertex = new VertexInformation(new TrainDrawingInfo(), _rnd.NextTimeOfDay(), _rnd.NextArrivalDepartureOptions(), _rnd.NextDouble() * 200,
                                                                      _rnd.NextDouble() * 200);
                double            theta     = _rnd.NextDouble() * Math.PI * 2;
                VertexInformation endVertex = new VertexInformation(new TrainDrawingInfo(), _rnd.NextTimeOfDay(), _rnd.NextArrivalDepartureOptions(), startVertex.X + lengths[i] * Math.Cos(theta),
                                                                    startVertex.Y + lengths[i] * Math.Sin(theta));
                testInput.Add(new LineCoordinates(startVertex, endVertex));

            int testOutput = LineCoordinates.GetIndexOfLongestLine(testInput);

            Assert.AreEqual(answer, testOutput);
예제 #3
        public static void DrawGridLines(
            this Canvas Canvas1, double Spacing, string Tag = null)
            var lineChar = new LineCharacteristics()
                StrokeThickness = 1,

            // draw horizontal grid lines.
            double ht = Canvas1.ActualHeight;

            for (var ix = 0.0; ix < Canvas1.ActualHeight; ix = ix + Spacing)
                var start = new Point(0, ix);
                var coor  = new LineCoordinates(start, new Point(Canvas1.ActualWidth, ix));
                var line  = Canvas1.DrawLine(coor, lineChar);
                if (Tag != null)
                    line.Tag = Tag;

            // draw vertical grid lines.
            for (var ix = 0.0; ix < Canvas1.ActualWidth; ix += Spacing)
                var start = new Point(ix, 0);
                var coor  = new VerticalLineCoordinates(start, Canvas1.ActualHeight);
                var line  = Canvas1.DrawLine(coor, lineChar);
                if (Tag != null)
                    line.Tag = Tag;
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// map out a route from shape1 to shape2, starting from a specific side of shape1.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="InCanvas"></param>
        /// <param name="Shape1"></param>
        /// <param name="Shape2"></param>
        /// <param name="DepartureSide"></param>
        /// <param name="Route"></param>
        public static void DrawRouteBetweenShapes(
            this Canvas InCanvas, Shape Shape1, Shape Shape2,
            WhichSide DepartureSide,
            ConnectionRoute Route)
            // vertical and horizontal intersection of the two shapes.
            var vi = ShapeExt.VerticalIntersect(Shape1, Shape2);
            var hi = ShapeExt.HorizontalIntersect(Shape1, Shape2);

            if (DepartureSide == WhichSide.Left)
                LineCoordinates coor = null;
                if (Shape1.IsEntirelyToTheRightOf(Shape2).GetValueOrDefault() && (vi.Length > 0))
                    coor = InCanvas.DrawLineBetweenShapes(
                        Shape1, WhichSide.Left, Shape2, WhichSide.Right);
                    // draw a short line from the shape to the next available orbit location
                    // around the from shape.
                    var leg = ConnectionLeg.DrawLegToOrbit(Shape1, DepartureSide);
예제 #5
        public TriangleLines(
            LineCoordinates Side1, LineCoordinates Side2, LineCoordinates Side3)
                var line = new TriangleLine()
                    SideName = "Side1", LineCoor = Side1

                var line = new TriangleLine()
                    SideName = "Side2", LineCoor = Side2

                var line = new TriangleLine()
                    SideName = "Side3", LineCoor = Side3
예제 #6
        public static LineCoordinates TryDrawDirectLineToShape(
            PointToShapeInfo ToShapeInfo, LineCoordinates FromSide, WhichDirection Direction)
            LineCoordinates lineCoor = null;

#if skip
            Point?toPoint = null;
            // The vertical direction to the shape matches the requested draw direction.
            // And a straight line can be drawn from the point to the shape.
            if ((ToShapeInfo.VertDirection != null) &&
                (ToShapeInfo.VertDirection.Value == Direction) &&
                toPoint = new Point(FromPoint.X, ToShapeInfo.HorizSide.Start.Y);

            // same as above, only in the horizontal direction.
            else if ((ToShapeInfo.HorizDirection != null) &&
                     (ToShapeInfo.HorizDirection.Value == Direction) &&
                toPoint = new Point(ToShapeInfo.VertSide.Start.X, FromPoint.Y);

            // build the coordinates of the direct line.
            if (toPoint != null)
                lineCoor = new LineCoordinates(FromPoint, toPoint.Value);

예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Return a ConnectionLeg which contains draw instructions for a line that runs
        /// from the DepartureSide of a shape to the location of the orbit that runs
        /// around the shape.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="FromShape"></param>
        /// <param name="DepartureSide"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ConnectionLeg DrawLegToOrbit(Shape FromShape, WhichSide DepartureSide)
            var           sideCoor    = FromShape.GetSide(DepartureSide);
            var           midPt       = sideCoor.MidPoint;
            double        lgthToOrbit = 30;
            ConnectionLeg leg         = null;

            // draw line depending on the side of the shape.
            LineCoordinates legCoor  = null;
            var             whichDir = DepartureSide.ToDirection();

            legCoor = new LineCoordinates(midPt, new LineVector(lgthToOrbit, whichDir));

            // line is off the canvas. do not create a connection leg.
            if ((legCoor.Start.X < 0) || (legCoor.Start.Y < 0) || (legCoor.End.X < 0) ||
                (legCoor.End.Y < 0))
                leg = null;

                leg = new ConnectionLeg()
                    Start     = midPt,
                    LineCoor  = legCoor,
                    Direction = whichDir

예제 #8
 public LineLeftToRightInfo(LineCoordinates Coor)
     if (Coor.Start.Y > Coor.End.Y)
         if (Coor.Start.X < Coor.End.X)
             this.Start = new Point(Coor.Start.X, Coor.Start.Y);
             this.End   = new Point(Coor.End.X, Coor.End.Y);
             this.Start = new Point(Coor.End.X, Coor.End.Y);
             this.End   = new Point(Coor.Start.X, Coor.Start.Y);
         if (Coor.Start.X <= Coor.End.X)
             this.Start = new Point(Coor.Start.X, Coor.Start.Y);
             this.End   = new Point(Coor.End.X, Coor.End.Y);
             this.Start = new Point(Coor.End.X, Coor.End.Y);
             this.End   = new Point(Coor.Start.X, Coor.Start.Y);
예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// The opposite side line is the line opposite the angle between this line and the
        /// adjacent line. This line, the adjacent line and the opposite line form a right
        /// triangle. Where the right angle of the right triangle is at the intersection of
        /// the adjacent line and the opposite side line.
        /// Use this method to get the position on the line of the opposite side line as
        /// the length of the adjacent line is varied.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="AdjacentSideLength"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public LineCoordinates CalcOppositeSideLine(double AdjacentSideLength)
            var adjSide = new HorizontalLineCoordinates(this.Start, AdjacentSideLength);

            var angle = Math.Abs(this.Angle);

            var radians = angle * (Math.PI / 180);
            var tan     = Math.Tan(radians);

            // length of the opposite side line.
            var oppLgth = AdjacentSideLength * tan;

            // the end point of the opposite side line. Where the end point is either
            // above the adjacent line or below it. Depending on if the line ( the
            // hypotenuse ) goes up or down.
            Point oppEnd;

            if (this.SlopesUp == true)
                oppEnd            = new Point(adjSide.End.X, adjSide.End.Y - oppLgth + 1.00);
                _OppositeSideLine = new LineCoordinates(oppEnd, adjSide.End);
                oppEnd            = new Point(adjSide.End.X, adjSide.End.Y + oppLgth - 1.00);
                _OppositeSideLine = new LineCoordinates(adjSide.End, oppEnd);

예제 #10
    /// <summary>
    /// Determine how much the two shapes vertically intersect each other.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="Shape1"></param>
    /// <param name="Shape2"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static VerticalIntersect VerticalIntersect(Shape Shape1, Shape Shape2)
      var side1 = Shape1.GetSide(WhichSide.Left);
      var side2 = Shape2.GetSide(WhichSide.Left);

      var vi = LineCoordinates.VerticalIntersect(side1, side2);

      return vi;
        public void LineCoordinatesClassConstructorSetsVertex2PropertyToValueOfSecondParameter()
            VertexInformation testParam0 = new VertexInformation(new TrainDrawingInfo(), _rnd.NextTimeOfDay(), _rnd.NextArrivalDepartureOptions(), _rnd.NextDouble(), _rnd.NextDouble());
            VertexInformation testParam1 = new VertexInformation(new TrainDrawingInfo(), _rnd.NextTimeOfDay(), _rnd.NextArrivalDepartureOptions(), _rnd.NextDouble(), _rnd.NextDouble());

            LineCoordinates testOutput = new LineCoordinates(testParam0, testParam1);

            Assert.AreSame(testParam1, testOutput.Vertex2);
예제 #12
    /// <summary>
    /// Determine how much the two shapes horizontally intersect each other.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="Shape1"></param>
    /// <param name="Shape2"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static HorizontalIntersect HorizontalIntersect(Shape Shape1, Shape Shape2)
      var side1 = Shape1.GetSide(WhichSide.Top);
      var side2 = Shape2.GetSide(WhichSide.Top);

      var hi = LineCoordinates.HorizontalIntersect(side1, side2);

      return hi;
예제 #13
        public static ConnectionLeg DrawLegToShape(
            Shape FromShape, Shape ToShape, ConnectionLeg LastLeg,
            WhichDirection Direction)
            ConnectionLeg   leg     = null;
            LineCoordinates legCoor = null;

            var toShapeInfo = ToShape.DirectionToShape(LastLeg.End);

            // start point of the leg.
            var legStart = LastLeg.End;

            // attempt to draw a direct line to the shape.
            if (legCoor == null)
                legCoor = ConnectionRoute.TryDrawDirectLineToShape(
                    toShapeInfo, legStart, Direction);

            // drawing a vertical line. draw it to the halfway point of the vertical side
            // of the shape.
            if ((legCoor == null) &&
                Direction.IsVertical() &&
                var toPoint = new Point(legStart.X, toShapeInfo.VertSide.MidPoint.Y);
                legCoor = new LineCoordinates(legStart, toPoint);

            // drawing a horizontal line. draw it to the halfway point of the horiz side of
            // the shape.
            if ((legCoor == null) &&
                Direction.IsHorizontal() &&
                var toPoint = new Point(toShapeInfo.HorizSide.MidPoint.X, legStart.Y);
                legCoor = new LineCoordinates(legStart, toPoint);

            // leg not drawn. The current leg is part of an orbit around a shape. Have to draw to
            // the next corner of the orbit.
            if (legCoor == null)
                var rectMore = ShapeMore.Construct(FromShape);
                legCoor = rectMore.DrawLineToOrbitCorner(legStart, Direction);

            leg = new ConnectionLeg()
                Direction = Direction,
                LineCoor  = legCoor,
                Start     = legStart

        public void LineCoordinatesClassGetIndexOfLongestLineMethodReturnsZeroIfParameterContainsOneItem()
            List <LineCoordinates> testInput = new List <LineCoordinates>
                new LineCoordinates(new VertexInformation(new TrainDrawingInfo(), _rnd.NextTimeOfDay(), _rnd.NextArrivalDepartureOptions(), _rnd.NextDouble(), _rnd.NextDouble()),
                                    new VertexInformation(new TrainDrawingInfo(), _rnd.NextTimeOfDay(), _rnd.NextArrivalDepartureOptions(), _rnd.NextDouble(), _rnd.NextDouble()))

            int testOutput = LineCoordinates.GetIndexOfLongestLine(testInput);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, testOutput);
예제 #15
        public static ObliqueTriangle ConstructFromVertexPositions(
            Point Pos1, Point Pos2, Point Pos3)
            // setup the left most vertex, then the upper vertex and lower vertex.
            var   rv  = ObliqueTriangle.SplitLeftMostPoint(new Point[] { Pos1, Pos2, Pos3 });
            Point pt1 = rv.Item1; // pt1 is left most point

            var   rv2 = ObliqueTriangle.SplitTopMostPoint(rv.Item2);
            Point pt2 = rv2.Item1; // pt2 is top most point of pt2 and pt3.
            Point pt3 = rv2.Item2[0];

            // Create lines between the points. Line numbers match the number of the opposite
            // point.
            LineCoordinates line1 = new LineCoordinates(pt2, pt3);
            LineCoordinates line2 = new LineCoordinates(pt1, pt3);
            LineCoordinates line3 = new LineCoordinates(pt1, pt2);

            // the angle of each vertex.
            var ang1 = LineCoordinates.AngleBetween(line2, line3);
            var ang2 = LineCoordinates.AngleBetween(line1, line3);
            var ang3 = LineCoordinates.AngleBetween(line2, line1);

            var vertex1 = new TriangleVertex()
                Angle    = ang1,
                Location = pt1,
                Line     = line1

            var vertex2 = new TriangleVertex()
                Angle    = ang2,
                Location = pt2,
                Line     = line2

            var vertex3 = new TriangleVertex()
                Angle    = ang3,
                Location = pt3,
                Line     = line3

            var ot = new ObliqueTriangle()
                Vertex1 = vertex1,
                Vertex2 = vertex2,
                Vertex3 = vertex3

예제 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct an ObliqueTriangle from three lines. If the end points of all the
        /// lines do not meet to form a triangle, return null.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Line1"></param>
        /// <param name="Line2"></param>
        /// <param name="Line3"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ObliqueTriangle TryConstructFromLines(
            LineCoordinates Line1, LineCoordinates Line2, LineCoordinates Line3)
            ObliqueTriangle ot = null;

            // line up the points of the lines
            var linePoints = new Point[] { Line1.Start, Line1.End, Line2.Start, Line2.End,
                                           Line3.Start, Line3.End };

            // start of line1 matches the end points of the other 2 lines.

        public void LineCoordinatesClassGetIndexOfLongestLineMethodReturnsMinusOneIfEveryItemInParameterIsNull()
            List <LineCoordinates> testInput = new List <LineCoordinates>();
            int count = _rnd.Next(20) + 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)

            int testOutput = LineCoordinates.GetIndexOfLongestLine(testInput);

            Assert.AreEqual(-1, testOutput);
예제 #18
        public override LineCoordinates DrawLineToOrbitCorner(
            Point Start, WhichDirection Direction)
            double          lgthToOrbit = 30;
            LineCoordinates lineCoor    = null;

            switch (Direction)
            case WhichDirection.Left:
                var rect       = this.BoundedRect.Value;
                var toX        = rect.Left - lgthToOrbit + 1.00;
                var orbitPoint = new Point(toX, Start.Y);
                lineCoor = new LineCoordinates(orbitPoint, Start);

            case WhichDirection.Right:
                var rect       = this.BoundedRect.Value;
                var toX        = rect.Right + lgthToOrbit - 1.00;
                var orbitPoint = new Point(toX, Start.Y);
                lineCoor = new LineCoordinates(orbitPoint, Start);

            case WhichDirection.Up:
                var rect       = this.BoundedRect.Value;
                var toY        = rect.Top - lgthToOrbit + 1.00;
                var orbitPoint = new Point(Start.X, toY);
                lineCoor = new LineCoordinates(orbitPoint, Start);

            case WhichDirection.Down:
                var rect       = this.BoundedRect.Value;
                var toY        = rect.Bottom + lgthToOrbit - 1.00;
                var orbitPoint = new Point(Start.X, toY);
                lineCoor = new LineCoordinates(orbitPoint, Start);

                throw new ApplicationException("unhandled direction");

예제 #19
        public static ConnectionLeg DrawLegFromPoint(Point FromPoint, LineVector Vector)
            // draw line depending on the side of the shape.
            var legCoor = new LineCoordinates(FromPoint, Vector);

            var leg = new ConnectionLeg()
                Start     = FromPoint,
                LineCoor  = legCoor,
                Direction = Vector.Direction

예제 #20
        public static Line DrawLine(this Canvas InCanvas, LineCoordinates LineCoor)
            Line newLine = new Line();

            newLine.Stroke          = Brushes.Black;
            newLine.Fill            = Brushes.Black;
            newLine.StrokeLineJoin  = PenLineJoin.Bevel;
            newLine.X1              = LineCoor.Start.X;
            newLine.Y1              = LineCoor.Start.Y;
            newLine.X2              = LineCoor.End.X;
            newLine.Y2              = LineCoor.End.Y;
            newLine.StrokeThickness = 2;

예제 #21
        public TriangleVertex OppositeVertex(TriangleLine TriLine)
            var startCoor = TriLine.StartLine.LineCoor;
            var endCoor   = TriLine.EndLine.LineCoor;
            var loc       = LineCoordinates.CommonEndPoint(startCoor, endCoor);
            var angle     = LineCoordinates.AngleBetween(startCoor, endCoor);

            var oppVertex = new TriangleVertex()
                Angle    = angle,
                Line     = TriLine.LineCoor,
                Location = loc

예제 #22
        public static Rect GetBoundedRect(this Line Line)
            var coor = new LineCoordinates(
                new Point(Line.X1, Line.Y1), new Point(Line.X2, Line.Y2));


#if skip
            var left   = Line.GetLeft();
            var top    = Line.GetTop();
            var width  = Math.Abs(Line.X2 - Line.X1) + 1.00;
            var height = Math.Abs(Line.Y2 - Line.Y1) + 1.00;
            var rect   = new Rect(left, top, width, height);
예제 #23
        public static Line DrawLine(this Canvas InCanvas, LineCoordinates LineCoor,
                                    LineCharacteristics LineChar)
            Line newLine = new Line();

            newLine.Stroke          = LineChar.Stroke;
            newLine.Fill            = LineChar.Fill;
            newLine.StrokeLineJoin  = LineChar.StrokeLineJoin;
            newLine.X1              = LineCoor.Start.X;
            newLine.Y1              = LineCoor.Start.Y;
            newLine.X2              = LineCoor.End.X;
            newLine.Y2              = LineCoor.End.Y;
            newLine.StrokeThickness = LineChar.StrokeThickness;

예제 #24
        public static LineCoordinates DrawLineBetweenShapes(
            this Canvas InCanvas, Shape Shape1, WhichSide WhichSide1,
            Shape Shape2, WhichSide WhichSide2)
            LineCoordinates betLine = null;

            var coor1 = Shape1.GetSide(WhichSide1);
            var coor2 = Shape2.GetSide(WhichSide2);

            // line runs from the midpoint of one side to the mid point of the other.
            betLine = new LineCoordinates(coor1.MidPoint, coor2.MidPoint);

            // draw a vertical line between the shapes.
            if ((WhichSide1 == WhichSide.Bottom) && (WhichSide2 == WhichSide.Top))
                var hi = LineCoordinates.HorizontalIntersect(coor1, coor2);
                if (hi.Length > 0)
                    double centeredIntersect1 = hi.Line1Ofs + (hi.Length / 2);
                    Point  fromPt             = coor1.CalcHorizontalPointOnLine(centeredIntersect1);
                    double centeredIntersect2 = hi.Line2Ofs + (hi.Length / 2);
                    Point  toPt = coor2.CalcHorizontalPointOnLine(centeredIntersect2);
                    betLine = new LineCoordinates(fromPt, toPt);

            // draw a horizontal line between the shapes.
            else if ((WhichSide1 == WhichSide.Right) && (WhichSide2 == WhichSide.Left))
                var vi = LineCoordinates.VerticalIntersect(coor1, coor2);
                if (vi.Length > 0)
                    double centeredIntersect1 = vi.Line1Ofs + (vi.Length / 2);
                    Point  fromPt             = coor1.CalcVerticalPointOnLine(centeredIntersect1);
                    double centeredIntersect2 = vi.Line2Ofs + (vi.Length / 2);
                    Point  toPt = coor2.CalcVerticalPointOnLine(centeredIntersect2);
                    betLine = new LineCoordinates(fromPt, toPt);

            // get horizontal intersect between the two lines
            // return the intersect as from and to pos,
            // get center pos of the horizontal intersect

        public void LineCoordinatesClassGetIndexOfLongestLineMethodReturnsIndexOfNonNullItemIfParameterOnlyContainsOneNonNullItem()
            List <LineCoordinates> testInput = new List <LineCoordinates>();
            LineCoordinates        testItem  =
                new LineCoordinates(new VertexInformation(new TrainDrawingInfo(), _rnd.NextTimeOfDay(), _rnd.NextArrivalDepartureOptions(), _rnd.NextDouble(), _rnd.NextDouble()),
                                    new VertexInformation(new TrainDrawingInfo(), _rnd.NextTimeOfDay(), _rnd.NextArrivalDepartureOptions(), _rnd.NextDouble(), _rnd.NextDouble()));
            int count = _rnd.Next(20) + 1;
            int pos   = _rnd.Next(count);

            for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                testInput.Add(i == pos ? testItem : null);

            int testOutput = LineCoordinates.GetIndexOfLongestLine(testInput);

            Assert.AreEqual(pos, testOutput);
예제 #26
        public static List <Shape> FindShapesThatIntersectLine(
            this Canvas Canvas, LineCoordinates Line)
            List <Shape> shapes = new List <Shape>( );

            foreach (var elem in Canvas.Children)
                var uiShape = elem as Shape;
                if (uiShape != null)
                    bool doesIntersect = Line.DoesIntersect(uiShape);
                    if (doesIntersect == true)

        public void TrainDrawingInfoClassLineVertexesPropertyGetMethodReturnsAllVertexesFromAllLines()
            int lineCount = _rnd.Next(10) + 1;
            TrainDrawingInfo         testObject = new TrainDrawingInfo();
            List <VertexInformation> vertexList = new List <VertexInformation>(lineCount * 2);

            for (int i = 0; i < lineCount; ++i)
                LineCoordinates line = new LineCoordinates(GetVertexInformation(testObject), GetVertexInformation(testObject));

            List <VertexInformation> testOutput = testObject.LineVertexes.ToList();

            Assert.AreEqual(vertexList.Count, testOutput.Count);
            foreach (VertexInformation vi in testOutput)
예제 #28
        public PointToShapeInfo(Shape Shape, Point Point)
            WhichDirection? horizDir  = null;
            LineCoordinates horizSide = null;
            WhichDirection? vertDir   = null;
            LineCoordinates vertSide  = null;

            var topSide  = Shape.GetSide(WhichSide.Top);
            var leftSide = Shape.GetSide(WhichSide.Left);

            if (Point.Y > leftSide.End.Y)
                vertDir   = WhichDirection.Up;
                horizSide = Shape.GetSide(WhichSide.Bottom);
            else if (Point.Y < leftSide.Start.Y)
                vertDir   = WhichDirection.Down;
                horizSide = Shape.GetSide(WhichSide.Top);

            if (Point.X > topSide.End.X)
                horizDir = WhichDirection.Left;
                vertSide = Shape.GetSide(WhichSide.Right);
            else if (Point.X < topSide.Start.X)
                horizDir = WhichDirection.Right;
                vertSide = Shape.GetSide(WhichSide.Left);

            this.HorizDirection = horizDir;
            this.HorizSide      = horizSide;
            this.VertDirection  = vertDir;
            this.VertSide       = vertSide;
예제 #29
        public ConnectionLeg DrawInitialLegToShape()
            ConnectionLeg   leg      = null;
            LineCoordinates legCoor  = null;
            Point?          legStart = null;

            // starting side
            var fromSide    = this.FromSide;
            var toShapeInfo = new SideToShapeInfo(fromSide, this.ToShape);

            // the direction of the initial line.
            var dir = fromSide.WhichSide.ToDirection();

            // draw horizontal line staight to the target shape.
            if (toShapeInfo.HorizDirection.Equals(dir) &&
                (toShapeInfo.VertIntersect != null) &&
                (toShapeInfo.VertIntersect.Length > 0))
                var    vi = toShapeInfo.VertIntersect;
                double centeredIntersect1 = vi.Line1Ofs + (vi.Length / 2);
                legStart = vi.Line1.CalcVerticalPointOnLine(centeredIntersect1);
                double centeredIntersect2 = vi.Line2Ofs + (vi.Length / 2);
                Point  toPt = vi.Line2.CalcVerticalPointOnLine(centeredIntersect2);
                legCoor = new LineCoordinates(legStart.Value, toPt);

            // draw vertical staight to the target shape.
            else if (toShapeInfo.VertDirection.Equals(dir) &&
                     (toShapeInfo.HorizIntersect != null) &&
                     (toShapeInfo.HorizIntersect.Length > 0))
                var    hi = toShapeInfo.HorizIntersect;
                double centeredIntersect1 = hi.Line1Ofs + (hi.Length / 2);
                legStart = hi.Line1.CalcHorizontalPointOnLine(centeredIntersect1);
                double centeredIntersect2 = hi.Line2Ofs + (hi.Length / 2);
                Point  toPt = hi.Line2.CalcHorizontalPointOnLine(centeredIntersect2);
                legCoor = new LineCoordinates(legStart.Value, toPt);

            // drawing a vertical line.
            // The end destination shape is in the direction of the vertical line.
            // ( ex: drawing the line down and the shape is below the side )
            // Draw the line to the mid point of the vertical side of the to_shape.
            else if (toShapeInfo.VertDirection.Equals(dir))
                // start the leg at the mid point of the start from side.
                legStart = fromSide.LineCoor.MidPoint;

                // draw the line down ( or up ) to the mid point of the vertical side
                // ( either left or right side ) of the "to shape".
                var toY    = toShapeInfo.VertSide.MidPoint.Y;
                var legEnd = new Point(legStart.Value.X, toY);
                legCoor = new LineCoordinates(legStart.Value, legEnd);

            // drawing a horizontal line.
            // The end destination shape is in the direction of the horizontal line.
            // ( ex: drawing the line to the right and the shape is to the righ of the side )
            // Draw the line to the mid point of the horizonntal side of the to_shape.
            else if (toShapeInfo.HorizDirection.Equals(dir))
                // start the leg at the mid point of the start from side.
                legStart = fromSide.LineCoor.MidPoint;

                // draw the line left ( or right ) to the mid point of the horiz side
                var toX    = toShapeInfo.HorizSide.MidPoint.X;
                var legEnd = new Point(toX, legStart.Value.Y);

                legCoor = new LineCoordinates(legStart.Value, legEnd);

            // create the leg.
            if (legCoor != null)
                leg = new ConnectionLeg()
                    Direction = dir,
                    LineCoor  = legCoor,
                    Start     = legStart.Value

            // draw a short line from the shape to the next available orbit location
            // around the from shape.
                leg = ConnectionLeg.DrawLegToOrbit(this.FromSide.Shape, this.FromSide.WhichSide);

        public void LineCoordinatesClassGetIndexOfLongestLineMethodReturnsMinusOneIfParameterIsEmptyList()
            int testOutput = LineCoordinates.GetIndexOfLongestLine(new List <LineCoordinates>());

            Assert.AreEqual(-1, testOutput);