예제 #1
        private void OverlayCoordinateSystem(Overlay overlay, CoordinateSystem system)
            const int axisLength = 150;

            // Overlay the origin point.
            overlay.AddRectangle(new RectangleContour(system.Origin.X - 2, system.Origin.Y - 2, 5, 5), Rgb32Value.RedColor, DrawingMode.PaintValue);

            // Draw the main axis line.
            double       theta    = system.Angle * Math.PI / 180.0;
            PointContour axisEnd  = new PointContour(system.Origin.X + axisLength * Math.Cos(theta), system.Origin.Y - axisLength * Math.Sin(theta));
            LineContour  axisLine = new LineContour(system.Origin, axisEnd);

            overlay.AddLine(axisLine, Rgb32Value.RedColor);
            // Draw an arrow on the end of the line.
            DrawArrow(overlay, axisLine, Rgb32Value.RedColor);

            // Overlay the main axis legend.
            overlay.AddText("X", new PointContour(axisLine.End.X - 10, axisLine.End.Y - 10), Rgb32Value.RedColor, new OverlayTextOptions("Arial", 16));

            // Overlay the secondary axis line.
            if (system.AxisOrientation == AxisOrientation.Indirect)
                theta += Math.PI;
            axisLine.End.Initialize(system.Origin.X - axisLength * Math.Sin(theta), system.Origin.Y - axisLength * Math.Cos(theta));
            overlay.AddLine(axisLine, Rgb32Value.RedColor);
            // Draw an arrow on the end of the line.
            DrawArrow(overlay, axisLine, Rgb32Value.RedColor);

            // Overlay the secondary axis legend.
            overlay.AddText("Y", new PointContour(axisLine.End.X - 10, axisLine.End.Y - 10), Rgb32Value.RedColor, new OverlayTextOptions("Arial", 16));
        //  IVA_MeasureMinDistance
        //  Description:
        //      Measures the minimum distance between edges of two rake reports
        //  Parameters:
        //      firstReport             -   The first rake report.
        //      secondReport            -   The second rake report.
        //      firstPerpendicularLine  -   Upon return, a line perpendicular to the
        //                                  first edge point.
        //      lastPerpendicularLine   -   Upon return, a line perpendicular to the
        //                                  last edge point.
        //      distance                -   Upon return, the distance between the two
        //                                  perpendicular lines.
        //      firstEdge               -   Upon return, the location of the first edge.
        //      lastEdge                -   Upon return, the location of the last edge.
        //  Return Value:
        //      The distance
        public static double IVA_MeasureMinDistance(RakeReport firstReport, RakeReport secondReport, out LineContour firstPerpendicularLine, out LineContour lastPerpendicularLine, out PointContour firstEdge, out PointContour lastEdge)
            // Intialize all returned data to zero
            firstPerpendicularLine = new LineContour(new PointContour(0, 0), new PointContour(0, 0));
            lastPerpendicularLine  = new LineContour(new PointContour(0, 0), new PointContour(0, 0));
            firstEdge = new PointContour(0, 0);
            lastEdge  = new PointContour(0, 0);
            double distance = 0;

            // Only proceed if there was at least one rake line in each rake report
            if (firstReport.SearchLines.Count > 0 && secondReport.SearchLines.Count > 0)
                // Find the edges that are closest to the boundaries of each search area
                firstEdge = IVA_FindExtremeEdge(firstReport, true);
                lastEdge  = IVA_FindExtremeEdge(secondReport, true);

                // Find the edge lines by find perpendicular lines from the edges to the rake lines.
                LineContour tempPerpendicularLine1 = Algorithms.FindPerpendicularLine(firstReport.SearchLines[0].Line, firstEdge);
                LineContour tempPerpendicularLine2 = Algorithms.FindPerpendicularLine(firstReport.SearchLines[firstReport.SearchLines.Count - 1].Line, firstEdge);
                firstPerpendicularLine.Start = tempPerpendicularLine1.End;
                firstPerpendicularLine.End   = tempPerpendicularLine2.End;
                tempPerpendicularLine1       = Algorithms.FindPerpendicularLine(firstReport.SearchLines[0].Line, lastEdge);
                tempPerpendicularLine2       = Algorithms.FindPerpendicularLine(firstReport.SearchLines[firstReport.SearchLines.Count - 1].Line, lastEdge);
                lastPerpendicularLine.Start  = tempPerpendicularLine1.End;
                lastPerpendicularLine.End    = tempPerpendicularLine2.End;

                // Compute the distance
                distance = Algorithms.FindPointDistances(new Collection <PointContour>(new PointContour[] { firstPerpendicularLine.Start, lastPerpendicularLine.Start }))[0];
예제 #3
        private void btnFindCorner_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            PointContour cross = new PointContour();
            LineContour  line1 = new LineContour();
            LineContour  line2 = new LineContour();

            CPKTools.FindCorss(this.cbxCorner.SelectedIndex, this.cpkIni, ref cross, ref line1, ref line2);
예제 #4
        private void MeasureDistortionTarget(VisionImage image, Collection <PointContour> pixelPoints, Collection <PointContour> realWorldPoints, Direction d)
            OverlayTextOptions overlayOptions = new OverlayTextOptions("Arial", 16);

            overlayOptions.TextDecoration.Bold = true;
            if (d == Direction.Horizontal)
                overlayOptions.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalTextAlignment.Right;
                overlayOptions.VerticalAlignment   = VerticalTextAlignment.Baseline;
                overlayOptions.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalTextAlignment.Center;
                overlayOptions.VerticalAlignment   = VerticalTextAlignment.Bottom;
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                // Measure the real-world distance.
                Collection <PointContour> realWorldDistancePoints = new Collection <PointContour>();
                realWorldDistancePoints.Add(realWorldPoints[2 * i]);
                realWorldDistancePoints.Add(realWorldPoints[9 - 2 * i]);
                double realWorldDistance = Algorithms.FindPointDistances(realWorldDistancePoints)[0];

                // Find the line to overlay.
                LineContour line = new LineContour();
                line.Start = pixelPoints[2 * i];
                line.End   = pixelPoints[9 - 2 * i];

                if (d == Direction.Horizontal)
                    // Measurement is horizontal, so arrows stack vertically.
                    line.Start.Y += (2 - i) * 30;
                    line.End.Y   += (2 - i) * 30;
                    // Measurement is vertical, so arrows stack horizontally.
                    line.Start.X += (2 - i) * 30;
                    line.End.X   += (2 - i) * 30;

                // Draw the line with arrows.
                image.Overlays.Default.AddLine(line, Rgb32Value.RedColor);
                DrawArrow(image.Overlays.Default, line, Rgb32Value.RedColor);
                // Flip the start and end to draw an arrow at the beginning.
                PointContour tempStart = line.Start;
                line.Start = line.End;
                line.End   = tempStart;
                DrawArrow(image.Overlays.Default, line, Rgb32Value.RedColor);

                // Find the origin of the text to overlay.
                image.Overlays.Default.AddText(String.Format("{0:0.00}", realWorldDistance), tempStart, Rgb32Value.RedColor, overlayOptions);
예제 #5
        public void showCross(double angle, PointContour center, Rgb32Value colcor)
            double      rate  = angle / 180 * Math.PI;
            LineContour line1 = new LineContour(new PointContour(center.X - 2000 * Math.Sin(rate), center.Y - 2000 * Math.Cos(rate)),
                                                new PointContour(center.X + 2000 * Math.Sin(rate), center.Y + 2000 * Math.Cos(rate)));

            LineContour line2 = new LineContour(new PointContour(center.X + 2000 * Math.Cos(rate), center.Y - 2000 * Math.Sin(rate)),
                                                new PointContour(center.X - 2000 * Math.Cos(rate), center.Y + 2000 * Math.Sin(rate)));

            this.imageSet.Image.Overlays.Default.AddLine(line1, colcor);
            this.imageSet.Image.Overlays.Default.AddLine(line2, colcor);
예제 #6
        public static PaletteType ProcessImage(VisionImage image)
            // Initialize the IVA_Data structure to pass results and coordinate systems.
            IVA_Data ivaData = new IVA_Data(2, 0);

            // Creates a new, empty region of interest.
            Roi roi = new Roi();

            // 建一條巡邊線Star(229,40) End(229,300)
            PointContour vaStartPoint = new PointContour(229, 40);
            PointContour vaEndPoint   = new PointContour(229, 300);
            LineContour  vaLine       = new LineContour(vaStartPoint, vaEndPoint);


            // 邊緣偵測;採用簡單邊緣偵測方式
            SimpleEdgeOptions vaSimpleEdgeOptions = new SimpleEdgeOptions();

            vaSimpleEdgeOptions.Process    = EdgeProcess.All;
            vaSimpleEdgeOptions.Type       = LevelType.Absolute;
            vaSimpleEdgeOptions.Threshold  = 128;
            vaSimpleEdgeOptions.Hysteresis = 2;
            vaSimpleEdgeOptions.SubPixel   = true;
            simpleEdges = IVA_SimpleEdge(image, roi, vaSimpleEdgeOptions, ivaData, 0);

            // Caliper
            // Delete all the results of this step (from a previous iteration)
            Functions.IVA_DisposeStepResults(ivaData, 1);

            // Computes the vaDistance between two points.
            Collection <double> vaDistance = IVA_GetDistance(image, ivaData, 1, 0, 3, 0, 5);

            caliperDistance = vaDistance[0];

            // Dispose the IVA_Data structure.

            MessageBox.Show("座標點1" + simpleEdges[2].ToString() + "\r\n" +
                            "座標點2" + simpleEdges[0].ToString() + "\r\n" +
                            "座標點3" + simpleEdges[1].ToString() + "\r\n" + "\r\n" +
                            "間距量測" + caliperDistance.ToString());

            //Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(FileName)
            //g.DrawLine(0, 0, 100, 100);

            // Return the palette type of the final image.
예제 #7
        // Overlay an arrowhead at the end of a line segment.
        private void DrawArrow(Overlay overlay, LineContour line, Rgb32Value color)
            // This code computes the position of the arrow.
            double dX = line.End.X - line.Start.X;
            double dY = line.End.Y - line.Start.Y;

            double lineAngle = Math.Atan2(dY, dX);

            // The arrow has 3 points.
            Collection <PointContour> arrowPoints = new Collection <PointContour>();

            arrowPoints.Add(new PointContour(line.End.X - 6 * Math.Cos(lineAngle - .35), line.End.Y - 6 * Math.Sin(lineAngle - .35)));
            arrowPoints.Add(new PointContour(line.End.X - 6 * Math.Cos(lineAngle + .35), line.End.Y - 6 * Math.Sin(lineAngle + .35)));
            overlay.AddPolygon(new PolygonContour(arrowPoints), color, DrawingMode.PaintValue);
예제 #8
        private void FindTransformWithPattern(VisionImage image, VisionImage template, FindTransformMode mode, MatchPatternOptions matchOptions, DrawOptions drawOptions, CoordinateTransform transform)
            // Find the pattern in the image.
            Collection <PatternMatch> matches = Algorithms.MatchPattern(image, template, matchOptions);

            // If the pattern was found:
            if (matches.Count > 0)
                // The points in the Corners collection are returned like this:
                //   0 — 1
                //   |   |
                //   3 — 2
                // Our main axis will be along the line from point 3 to point 2 and
                // our secondary axis will be from point 3 to point 0. The origin will
                // be at point 3.
                LineContour mainAxis      = new LineContour(matches[0].Corners[3], matches[0].Corners[2]);
                LineContour secondaryAxis = new LineContour(matches[0].Corners[3], matches[0].Corners[0]);

                // Fill in the coordinate transform with the data obtained by the pattern matching.
                transform.MeasurementSystem.Origin          = matches[0].Corners[3];
                transform.MeasurementSystem.Angle           = matches[0].Rotation;
                transform.MeasurementSystem.AxisOrientation = AxisOrientation.Direct;

                // If this is the first run, fill in the reference system too.
                if (mode == FindTransformMode.FindReference)
                    transform.ReferenceSystem.Origin          = matches[0].Corners[3];
                    transform.ReferenceSystem.Angle           = matches[0].Rotation;
                    transform.ReferenceSystem.AxisOrientation = AxisOrientation.Direct;

                // Draw the results on the image.
                if (drawOptions.ShowResult)
                    // Draw the origin.
                    image.Overlays.Default.AddRectangle(new RectangleContour(mainAxis.Start.X - 2, mainAxis.Start.Y - 2, 5, 5), Rgb32Value.RedColor, DrawingMode.DrawValue);

                    // Draw each axis.
                    image.Overlays.Default.AddLine(mainAxis, Rgb32Value.RedColor);
                    DrawArrow(image.Overlays.Default, mainAxis, Rgb32Value.RedColor);
                    image.Overlays.Default.AddLine(secondaryAxis, Rgb32Value.RedColor);
                    DrawArrow(image.Overlays.Default, secondaryAxis, Rgb32Value.RedColor);
예제 #9
        private double FindMinMaxPosition(RakeReport report, out Collection <LineContour> perpendicularLines, out PointContour closestFirstEdge, out PointContour closestLastEdge)
            double closestFirstEdgeDistance = double.PositiveInfinity;
            double closestLastEdgeDistance  = double.PositiveInfinity;

            closestFirstEdge = new PointContour();
            closestLastEdge  = new PointContour();
            foreach (SearchLineInfo lineInfo in report.SearchLines)
                // If we found an edge on this line, calculate the distances.
                if (lineInfo.EdgeReport.Edges.Count > 0)
                    double firstEdgeDistance = DistanceSquared(lineInfo.Line.Start, lineInfo.EdgeReport.Edges[0].Position);
                    if (firstEdgeDistance < closestFirstEdgeDistance)
                        closestFirstEdgeDistance = firstEdgeDistance;
                        closestFirstEdge         = lineInfo.EdgeReport.Edges[0].Position;
                    double lastEdgeDistance = DistanceSquared(lineInfo.Line.End, lineInfo.EdgeReport.Edges[lineInfo.EdgeReport.Edges.Count - 1].Position);
                    if (lastEdgeDistance < closestLastEdgeDistance)
                        closestLastEdgeDistance = lastEdgeDistance;
                        closestLastEdge         = lineInfo.EdgeReport.Edges[lineInfo.EdgeReport.Edges.Count - 1].Position;
            perpendicularLines = new Collection <LineContour>();
            perpendicularLines.Add(new LineContour());
            perpendicularLines.Add(new LineContour());
            // Find the two edge lines.
            LineContour tempLine = Algorithms.FindPerpendicularLine(report.SearchLines[0].Line, closestFirstEdge);

            perpendicularLines[0].Start = (PointContour)(tempLine.End.Clone());
            tempLine = Algorithms.FindPerpendicularLine(report.SearchLines[0].Line, closestLastEdge);
            perpendicularLines[1].Start = (PointContour)(tempLine.End.Clone());
            tempLine = Algorithms.FindPerpendicularLine(report.SearchLines[report.SearchLines.Count - 1].Line, closestFirstEdge);
            perpendicularLines[0].End = (PointContour)(tempLine.End.Clone());
            tempLine = Algorithms.FindPerpendicularLine(report.SearchLines[report.SearchLines.Count - 1].Line, closestLastEdge);
            perpendicularLines[1].End = (PointContour)(tempLine.End.Clone());

            // Compute the distance between them.
            double distance = Algorithms.FindPointDistances(new Collection <PointContour>(new PointContour[] { perpendicularLines[0].Start, perpendicularLines[1].Start }))[0];

예제 #10
        private static Collection <PointContour> IVA_GetIntersection(VisionImage image,
                                                                     IVA_Data ivaData,
                                                                     int stepIndex,
                                                                     int stepIndex1,
                                                                     int resultIndex1,
                                                                     int stepIndex2,
                                                                     int resultIndex2,
                                                                     int stepIndex3,
                                                                     int resultIndex3,
                                                                     int stepIndex4,
                                                                     int resultIndex4)

            // Caliper: Lines Intersection
            // Computes the intersection point between two lines.
            PointContour point1 = Functions.IVA_GetPoint(ivaData, stepIndex1, resultIndex1);
            PointContour point2 = Functions.IVA_GetPoint(ivaData, stepIndex2, resultIndex2);
            PointContour point3 = Functions.IVA_GetPoint(ivaData, stepIndex3, resultIndex3);
            PointContour point4 = Functions.IVA_GetPoint(ivaData, stepIndex4, resultIndex4);

            LineContour line1 = new LineContour(point1, point2);
            LineContour line2 = new LineContour(point3, point4);

            Collection <PointContour> intersectionPoint = new Collection <PointContour>();

            intersectionPoint.Add(Algorithms.FindIntersectionPoint(line1, line2));

            // Store the results in the data structure.
            ivaData.stepResults[stepIndex].results.Add(new IVA_Result("Intersection Point X Position (Pix.)", intersectionPoint[0].X));
            ivaData.stepResults[stepIndex].results.Add(new IVA_Result("Intersection Point X Position (Pix.)", intersectionPoint[0].Y));

            // If the image is calibrated, compute the real world position.
            if ((image.InfoTypes & InfoTypes.Calibration) != 0)
                CoordinatesReport realWorldPosition = Algorithms.ConvertPixelToRealWorldCoordinates(image, intersectionPoint);
                ivaData.stepResults[stepIndex].results.Add(new IVA_Result("Intersection Point X Position (Calibrated)", realWorldPosition.Points[0].X));
                ivaData.stepResults[stepIndex].results.Add(new IVA_Result("Intersection Point X Position (Calibrated)", realWorldPosition.Points[0].Y));

        public static PaletteType ProcessImage(VisionImage image)
            // Initialize the IVA_Data structure to pass results and coordinate systems.
            IVA_Data ivaData = new IVA_Data(2, 0);

            // Creates a new, empty region of interest.
            Roi roi = new Roi();
            // Creates a new LineContour using the given values.
            PointContour vaStartPoint = new PointContour(229, 42);
            PointContour vaEndPoint   = new PointContour(229, 298);
            LineContour  vaLine       = new LineContour(vaStartPoint, vaEndPoint);

            // Edge Detector - Simple Edge
            SimpleEdgeOptions vaSimpleEdgeOptions = new SimpleEdgeOptions();

            vaSimpleEdgeOptions.Process    = EdgeProcess.All;
            vaSimpleEdgeOptions.Type       = LevelType.Absolute;
            vaSimpleEdgeOptions.Threshold  = 128;
            vaSimpleEdgeOptions.Hysteresis = 2;
            vaSimpleEdgeOptions.SubPixel   = true;
            simpleEdges = IVA_SimpleEdge(image, roi, vaSimpleEdgeOptions, ivaData, 0);

            // Caliper
            // Delete all the results of this step (from a previous iteration)
            Functions.IVA_DisposeStepResults(ivaData, 1);

            // Computes the vaDistance between two points.
            Collection <double> vaDistance = IVA_GetDistance(image, ivaData, 1, 0, 3, 0, 5);

            caliperDistance = vaDistance[0];

            // Dispose the IVA_Data structure.

            // Return the palette type of the final image.
        //  IVA_MeasureMaxDistance
        //  Description:
        //      Measures the maximum distance between edges of a rake report
        //  Parameters:
        //      reportToProcess         -   The rake report. Must be generated with
        //                                  process equal to IMAQ_FIRST_AND_LAST or
        //                                  IMAQ_ALL.
        //      firstPerpendicularLine  -   Upon return, a line perpendicular to the
        //                                  first edge point.
        //                                  This is an optional parameter.
        //      lastPerpendicularLine   -   Upon return, a line perpendicular to the
        //                                  last edge point.
        //      distance                -   Upon return, the distance between the two
        //                                  perpendicular lines.
        //      firstEdge               -   Upon return, the location of the first edge.
        //      lastEdge                -   Upon return, the location of the last edge.
        //  Return Value:
        //      TRUE if successful, FALSE if there was an error
        public static double IVA_MeasureMaxDistance(RakeReport reportToProcess,
                                                    out LineContour firstPerpendicularLine,
                                                    out LineContour lastPerpendicularLine,
                                                    out PointContour firstEdge,
                                                    out PointContour lastEdge)
            // Intialize all returned data to zero
            firstPerpendicularLine = new LineContour(new PointContour(0, 0), new PointContour(0, 0));
            lastPerpendicularLine  = new LineContour(new PointContour(0, 0), new PointContour(0, 0));
            double distance = 0;

            firstEdge = new PointContour(0, 0);
            lastEdge  = new PointContour(0, 0);

            // Only proceed if there was at least one rake line
            if (reportToProcess.SearchLines.Count > 0)
                // Locate the two extreme edges
                firstEdge = IVA_FindExtremeEdge(reportToProcess, true);
                lastEdge  = IVA_FindExtremeEdge(reportToProcess, false);

                // Find the edge lines by find perpendicular lines from the edges to the rake lines.
                LineContour tempPerpendicularLine1 = Algorithms.FindPerpendicularLine(reportToProcess.SearchLines[0].Line, firstEdge);
                LineContour tempPerpendicularLine2 = Algorithms.FindPerpendicularLine(reportToProcess.SearchLines[reportToProcess.SearchLines.Count - 1].Line, firstEdge);
                firstPerpendicularLine.Start = tempPerpendicularLine1.End;
                firstPerpendicularLine.End   = tempPerpendicularLine2.End;
                tempPerpendicularLine1       = Algorithms.FindPerpendicularLine(reportToProcess.SearchLines[0].Line, lastEdge);
                tempPerpendicularLine2       = Algorithms.FindPerpendicularLine(reportToProcess.SearchLines[reportToProcess.SearchLines.Count - 1].Line, lastEdge);
                lastPerpendicularLine.Start  = tempPerpendicularLine1.End;
                lastPerpendicularLine.End    = tempPerpendicularLine2.End;

                // Compute the distance
                distance = Algorithms.FindPointDistances(new Collection <PointContour>(new PointContour[] { firstPerpendicularLine.Start, lastPerpendicularLine.Start }))[0];
예제 #13
        public static List <LineContour> CalculateLineContours(this Mesh self, double numberofLines, int dataIndex)
            double minOfData = self.GetMinimumBounds(dataIndex);
            double maxOfData = self.GetMaximumBounds(dataIndex);

            double interval = Mathf.SliceInterval(numberofLines, minOfData, maxOfData);

            List <LineContour> finalContours = new List <LineContour>();

            for (double contourValue = minOfData + interval / 2; contourValue <= maxOfData; contourValue += interval)
                LineContour lineContour = new LineContour();

                foreach (Zone zone in self.Zones)
                    foreach (Element element in zone.Elements)
                        switch (zone.ElementType)
                        case ElementType.Tetrahedron:
                        case ElementType.Triangle:
                            foreach (Face zoneFace in zone.Faces)
                                foreach (uint zoneFaceEdge in zoneFace.Edges)
                                    Edge edge = zone.Edges[zoneFaceEdge];
                                    edge.CalculateContour(zone, contourValue, dataIndex, minOfData, maxOfData, ref lineContour);

                        case ElementType.IJKBrick:
                        case ElementType.IJKQuad:
                        case ElementType.FEBrick:
                        case ElementType.FEQuad:
                            foreach (Face zoneFace in zone.Faces)
                                string caseCode = GetCaseCode(dataIndex, contourValue, zone, zoneFace);

                                if (caseCode == "0101")
                                    Point3 firstPoint;
                                    Point3 secondPoint;
                                    Point3 finalPoint;
                                    double alpha        = 0;
                                    double localMinData = 0;
                                    double localMaxData = 0;
                                    double average      = new[]

                                    if (average < contourValue)
                                        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                                            firstPoint   = zone.Vertices[i].Position;
                                            secondPoint  = zone.Vertices[i + 1].Position;
                                            localMinData = Math.Min(firstPoint.Data[dataIndex], secondPoint.Data[dataIndex]);
                                            localMaxData = Math.Max(firstPoint.Data[dataIndex], secondPoint.Data[dataIndex]);

                                            alpha      = Mathf.Lerp(contourValue, localMinData, localMaxData);
                                            finalPoint = Mathf.Lerp(alpha, firstPoint, secondPoint);


                                        firstPoint  = zone.Vertices[3].Position;
                                        secondPoint = zone.Vertices[0].Position;

                                        localMinData = Math.Min(firstPoint.Data[dataIndex], secondPoint.Data[dataIndex]);
                                        localMaxData = Math.Max(firstPoint.Data[dataIndex], secondPoint.Data[dataIndex]);

                                        alpha = Mathf.Lerp(contourValue, localMinData, localMaxData);

                                        finalPoint = Mathf.Lerp(alpha, firstPoint, secondPoint);

                                        for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++)
                                            firstPoint = zone.Vertices[i].Position;

                                            secondPoint  = zone.Vertices[i + 1].Position;
                                            localMinData = Math.Min(firstPoint.Data[dataIndex], secondPoint.Data[dataIndex]);
                                            localMaxData = Math.Max(firstPoint.Data[dataIndex], secondPoint.Data[dataIndex]);

                                            alpha = Mathf.Lerp(contourValue, localMinData, localMaxData);

                                            finalPoint = Mathf.Lerp(alpha, firstPoint, secondPoint);


                                        firstPoint  = zone.Vertices[3].Position;
                                        secondPoint = zone.Vertices[0].Position;

                                        localMinData = Math.Min(firstPoint.Data[dataIndex], secondPoint.Data[dataIndex]);
                                        localMaxData = Math.Max(firstPoint.Data[dataIndex], secondPoint.Data[dataIndex]);
                                        alpha        = Mathf.Lerp(contourValue, localMinData, localMaxData);
                                        finalPoint   = Mathf.Lerp(alpha, firstPoint, secondPoint);


                                        firstPoint  = zone.Vertices[0].Position;
                                        secondPoint = zone.Vertices[1].Position;

                                        localMinData = Math.Min(firstPoint.Data[dataIndex], secondPoint.Data[dataIndex]);
                                        localMaxData = Math.Max(firstPoint.Data[dataIndex], secondPoint.Data[dataIndex]);
                                        alpha        = Mathf.Lerp(contourValue, localMinData, localMaxData);

                                        finalPoint = Mathf.Lerp(alpha, firstPoint, secondPoint);

                                else if (caseCode == "1010")
                                    Point3 firstPoint;
                                    Point3 secondPoint;
                                    Point3 finalPoint;
                                    double alpha        = 0;
                                    double localMinData = 0;
                                    double localMaxData = 0;

                                    double average = new[]

                                    if (average > contourValue)
                                        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                                            firstPoint = zone.Vertices[i].Position;

                                            secondPoint  = zone.Vertices[i + 1].Position;
                                            finalPoint   = Mathf.Lerp(alpha, firstPoint, secondPoint);
                                            localMinData = Math.Min(firstPoint.Data[dataIndex], secondPoint.Data[dataIndex]);
                                            localMaxData = Math.Max(firstPoint.Data[dataIndex], secondPoint.Data[dataIndex]);
                                            alpha        = Mathf.Lerp(contourValue, localMinData, localMaxData);

                                        firstPoint  = zone.Vertices[3].Position;
                                        secondPoint = zone.Vertices[0].Position;

                                        localMinData = Math.Min(firstPoint.Data[dataIndex], secondPoint.Data[dataIndex]);
                                        localMaxData = Math.Max(firstPoint.Data[dataIndex], secondPoint.Data[dataIndex]);
                                        alpha        = Mathf.Lerp(contourValue, localMinData, localMaxData);

                                        finalPoint = Mathf.Lerp(alpha, firstPoint, secondPoint);

                                        for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++)
                                            firstPoint = zone.Vertices[i].Position;

                                            secondPoint  = zone.Vertices[i + 1].Position;
                                            localMinData = Math.Min(firstPoint.Data[dataIndex], secondPoint.Data[dataIndex]);
                                            localMaxData = Math.Max(firstPoint.Data[dataIndex], secondPoint.Data[dataIndex]);
                                            alpha        = Mathf.Lerp(contourValue, localMinData, localMaxData);
                                            finalPoint   = Mathf.Lerp(alpha, firstPoint, secondPoint);


                                        firstPoint   = zone.Vertices[3].Position;
                                        secondPoint  = zone.Vertices[0].Position;
                                        localMinData = Math.Min(firstPoint.Data[dataIndex], secondPoint.Data[dataIndex]);
                                        localMaxData = Math.Max(firstPoint.Data[dataIndex], secondPoint.Data[dataIndex]);
                                        alpha        = Mathf.Lerp(contourValue, localMinData, localMaxData);
                                        finalPoint   = Mathf.Lerp(alpha, firstPoint, secondPoint);


                                        firstPoint   = zone.Vertices[0].Position;
                                        secondPoint  = zone.Vertices[1].Position;
                                        localMinData = Math.Min(firstPoint.Data[dataIndex], secondPoint.Data[dataIndex]);
                                        localMaxData = Math.Max(firstPoint.Data[dataIndex], secondPoint.Data[dataIndex]);
                                        alpha        = Mathf.Lerp(contourValue, localMinData, localMaxData);
                                        finalPoint   = Mathf.Lerp(alpha, firstPoint, secondPoint);

                                    foreach (uint zoneFaceEdge in zoneFace.Edges)
                                        Edge edge = zone.Edges[zoneFaceEdge];
                                        edge.CalculateContour(zone, contourValue, dataIndex, minOfData, maxOfData, ref lineContour);

                        case ElementType.Line:

                            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
예제 #14
        public static PointContour MatchPattern(VisionImage SourceImage, RectangleContour vaRect, string TemplateFile, int vaNumMatchesRequested, float vaMinMatchScore, float fUpper = 0, float fLower = 0)
            PointContour point = new PointContour();

            point.X = -10000;
            point.Y = -10000;
            // Creates a new, empty region of interest.
            Roi roi = new Roi();
            // Creates a new RotatedRectangleContour using the given values.
            PointContour            vaCenter      = new PointContour(vaRect.Left + vaRect.Width / 2, vaRect.Top + vaRect.Height / 2);
            RotatedRectangleContour vaRotatedRect = new RotatedRectangleContour(vaCenter, vaRect.Width - 50, vaRect.Height - 50, 0);

            // MatchPattern Grayscale
            // string TemplateFile = "D:\\t1.png";
            MatchingAlgorithm matchAlgorithm = MatchingAlgorithm.MatchGrayValuePyramid;

            float[]  minAngleVals          = { fLower, 0 };
            float[]  maxAngleVals          = { fUpper, 0 };
            int[]    advancedOptionsItems  = { 102, 106, 107, 108, 109, 111, 112, 113, 103, 104, 105, 100 };
            double[] advancedOptionsValues = { 10, 300, 0, 6, 1, 20, 10, 20, 1, 20, 0, 5 };
            int      numberAdvOptions      = 12;

            //int vaNumMatchesRequested = 1;
            //float vaMinMatchScore = 800;

            using (VisionImage imageTemplate = new VisionImage(ImageType.U8, 7))
                Collection <PatternMatchReport> patternMatchingResults = new Collection <PatternMatchReport>();

                // Read the image template.
                // Set the angle range.
                Collection <RotationAngleRange> angleRange = new Collection <RotationAngleRange>();
                for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
                    angleRange.Add(new RotationAngleRange(minAngleVals[i], maxAngleVals[i]));

                // Set the advanced options.
                Collection <PMMatchAdvancedSetupDataOption> advancedMatchOptions = new Collection <PMMatchAdvancedSetupDataOption>();
                for (int i = 0; i < numberAdvOptions; ++i)
                    advancedMatchOptions.Add(new PMMatchAdvancedSetupDataOption((MatchSetupOption)advancedOptionsItems[i], advancedOptionsValues[i]));

                // Searches for areas in the image that match a given pattern.
                patternMatchingResults = Algorithms.MatchPattern3(SourceImage, imageTemplate, matchAlgorithm, vaNumMatchesRequested, vaMinMatchScore, angleRange, roi, advancedMatchOptions);
                string sPatterScore = "";
                if (patternMatchingResults.Count > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < 1 /* patternMatchingResults.Count*/; ++i)
                        point.X       = patternMatchingResults[i].Position.X;
                        point.Y       = patternMatchingResults[i].Position.Y;
                        sPatterScore += " " + patternMatchingResults[i].Score.ToString();
                        //SourceImage.Overlays.Default.AddRectangle(new RectangleContour(point.X - imageTemplate.Width / 2 - 1, point.Y - imageTemplate.Height / 2 - 1, imageTemplate.Width, imageTemplate.Height), Rgb32Value.GreenColor);
                        LineContour l1 = new LineContour();
                        l1.Start.X = point.X - (imageTemplate.Width / 2 - 3);
                        l1.Start.Y = point.Y;
                        l1.End.X   = point.X + (imageTemplate.Width / 2 - 3);
                        l1.End.Y   = point.Y;
                        SourceImage.Overlays.Default.AddLine(l1, Rgb32Value.RedColor);
                        LineContour l2 = new LineContour();
                        l2.Start.X = point.X;
                        l2.Start.Y = point.Y - (imageTemplate.Height / 2 - 3);
                        l2.End.X   = point.X;
                        l2.End.Y   = point.Y + (imageTemplate.Height / 2 - 3);
                        SourceImage.Overlays.Default.AddLine(l2, Rgb32Value.RedColor);
예제 #15
        public static void CalculateContour(this Edge self, Zone zone, double contourValue, int dataIndex, double globalMin, double globalMax, ref LineContour lineContour)
            Vertex startVertex = zone.Vertices[self.Start];
            Vertex endVertex   = zone.Vertices[self.End];

            double startData = startVertex.Data[dataIndex];
            double endData   = endVertex.Data[dataIndex];

            if (Mathf.Ranges(contourValue, startData, endData))
                double alpha      = Mathf.Lerp(contourValue, startData, endData);
                Point3 finalPoint = Mathf.Lerp(alpha, startVertex.Position, endVertex.Position);

                Color contourColor = ColorUtility.CalculateColor(contourValue, globalMin, globalMax);

                lineContour.Color = contourColor;
예제 #16
        private double MeasureMaximumDistance(VisionImage image, RectangleContour searchRectangle, RakeDirection rakeDirection, DrawOptions drawOptions, CoordinateTransform transform)
            // Convert the search rectangle to an Roi.
            Roi roi = searchRectangle.ConvertToRoi();

            // Transform the Roi.
            Algorithms.TransformRoi(roi, transform);

            // Perform a rake operation.
            RakeReport report = Algorithms.Rake(image, roi, rakeDirection, EdgeProcess.FirstAndLast);

            // Find the maximum edge positions and compute the distance.
            Collection <LineContour> perpendicularLines;
            PointContour             closestFirstEdge, closestLastEdge;
            double distance = FindMinMaxPosition(report, out perpendicularLines, out closestFirstEdge, out closestLastEdge);

            // Draw the results.
            if (drawOptions.ShowSearchLines)
                foreach (SearchLineInfo lineInfo in report.SearchLines)
                    image.Overlays.Default.AddLine(lineInfo.Line, Rgb32Value.BlueColor);
            if (drawOptions.ShowSearchArea)
            if (drawOptions.ShowEdgesFound)
                foreach (EdgeInfo edgeInfo in report.FirstEdges)
                    image.Overlays.Default.AddRectangle(new RectangleContour(edgeInfo.Position.X - 1, edgeInfo.Position.Y - 1, 3, 3), Rgb32Value.YellowColor, DrawingMode.PaintValue);
                foreach (EdgeInfo edgeInfo in report.LastEdges)
                    image.Overlays.Default.AddRectangle(new RectangleContour(edgeInfo.Position.X - 1, edgeInfo.Position.Y - 1, 3, 3), Rgb32Value.YellowColor);
            if (drawOptions.ShowResult)
                // Overlay the measurement edge points.
                image.Overlays.Default.AddOval(new OvalContour(closestFirstEdge.X - 2, closestFirstEdge.Y - 2, 5, 5), Rgb32Value.RedColor, DrawingMode.PaintValue);
                image.Overlays.Default.AddOval(new OvalContour(closestLastEdge.X - 2, closestLastEdge.Y - 2, 5, 5), Rgb32Value.RedColor, DrawingMode.PaintValue);
                // Overlay the two lines that point inward from the search area to the clamp position.
                LineContour line1 = new LineContour(FindMidpoint(report.SearchLines[0].Line.Start, report.SearchLines[report.SearchLines.Count - 1].Line.Start),
                image.Overlays.Default.AddLine(line1, Rgb32Value.RedColor);
                DrawArrow(image.Overlays.Default, line1, Rgb32Value.RedColor);

                LineContour line2 = new LineContour(FindMidpoint(report.SearchLines[0].Line.End, report.SearchLines[report.SearchLines.Count - 1].Line.End),
                image.Overlays.Default.AddLine(line2, Rgb32Value.RedColor);
                DrawArrow(image.Overlays.Default, line2, Rgb32Value.RedColor);

                // Overlay the two lines perpendicular to the search lines that correspond to the clamp position.
                image.Overlays.Default.AddLine(perpendicularLines[0], Rgb32Value.RedColor);
                image.Overlays.Default.AddLine(perpendicularLines[1], Rgb32Value.RedColor);
예제 #17
 private PointContour FindMidpoint(LineContour line)
     return(FindMidpoint(line.Start, line.End));
예제 #18
        /// <summary>
        /// 第几条线
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lineNum">线号</param>
        /// <param name="cpkIni">配置信息</param>
        /// <param name="cross">输出 角点</param>
        /// <param name="line1">输出 水平线</param>
        /// <param name="line2">输出 垂直线</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool FindCorss(int lineNum, IniFile cpkIni, ref PointContour cross, ref LineContour line1, ref LineContour line2)
            string      header          = string.Format("vision{0}", lineNum);
            int         selectSearchDir = 0;
            int         selectMode      = 0;
            VisionImage image           = Form_Main.Instance.imageSet.Image;

            List <LineContour> lines = new List <LineContour>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                selectSearchDir = int.Parse(cpkIni.IniReadValue(header, string.Format("SearchDirection{0}", i)));
                selectMode      = int.Parse(cpkIni.IniReadValue(header, string.Format("EdgePolaritySearchMode{0}", i)));
                string   strRoi = cpkIni.IniReadValue(header, string.Format("LineROI{0}", i));
                string[] array  = strRoi.Split(',');

                RectangleContour rect  = new RectangleContour(int.Parse(array[0]), int.Parse(array[1]), int.Parse(array[2]), int.Parse(array[3]));
                PointContour     start = new PointContour();
                PointContour     end   = new PointContour();
                int rtn = CPKTools.FitLine(image, rect, 40, selectSearchDir, selectMode, ref start, ref end);
                if (rtn == 0)
                    lines.Add(new LineContour(start, end));

            cross = Algorithms.FindIntersectionPoint(lines[0], lines[1]);
            line1 = lines[0];
            line2 = lines[1];

            // show
            Form_Main.Instance.imageSet.Image.Overlays.Default.AddLine(line1, Rgb32Value.RedColor);
            Form_Main.Instance.imageSet.Image.Overlays.Default.AddLine(line2, Rgb32Value.RedColor);
예제 #19
        /// <summary>
        /// 获得一个位置的CPK数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="point">位置</param>
        /// <param name="cpkIni">配置信息</param>
        /// <param name="variable">速度</param>
        /// <param name="result">CPK 数据</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool GetCPK(IniFile cpkIni, Variable.VelMode variable, double gain, double offset, int cycle, ref CPK_ResultItem result)
            if (result == null)

            // 移动到目标位
            Form_Main.Instance.XYGoPosTillStop(20 * 1000, result.Pos, variable);

            // 获得上相机图像
            VisionImage image = Form_Main.Instance.GrabImage2View(Camera.CAM.Top);

            if (image == null)

            for (int i = 0; i < cycle; ++i)
                image = Form_Main.Instance.GainOffset(image, gain, offset);

            // 初定位 寻找模板

                // NI 视觉检测方法
                List <PointContour> crossList = new List <PointContour>();
                List <LineContour>  lineList  = new List <LineContour>();
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) // 找4个角
                    PointContour cross = new PointContour();
                    LineContour  line1 = new LineContour(); // 水平线
                    LineContour  line2 = new LineContour(); // 垂直线

                    bool rtn = false;
                    for (int retry = 0; retry < 3; retry++)
                        rtn = FindCorss(i, cpkIni, ref cross, ref line1, ref line2);
                        if (rtn)

                    if (!rtn)



                    PointContour center1 = new PointContour((line1.Start.X + line1.End.X) / 2.0, (line1.Start.Y + line1.End.Y) / 2.0);
                    PointContour center2 = new PointContour((line2.Start.X + line2.End.X) / 2.0, (line2.Start.Y + line2.End.Y) / 2.0);

                if (lineList.Count != 8)

                LineContour orgHLine = lineList[0]; // 基准水平线
                LineContour orgVLine = lineList[1]; // 基准垂直线

                //PointContour top =  crossList[1]; // 顶点
                //PointContour leftBottom = crossList[2]; // 左下角
                //PointContour rightTop = crossList[3]; // 右上角
                PointContour topV       = crossList[3];
                PointContour topH       = crossList[2];
                PointContour leftBottom = crossList[5];
                PointContour rightTop   = crossList[6];

                PointContour cross1 = Algorithms.FindIntersectionPoint(orgVLine, new LineContour(topV, new PointContour(topV.X + 10, topV.Y)));
                PointContour cross2 = Algorithms.FindIntersectionPoint(orgHLine, new LineContour(topH, new PointContour(topH.X, topH.Y + 10)));
                PointContour cross3 = Algorithms.FindIntersectionPoint(orgVLine, new LineContour(leftBottom, new PointContour(leftBottom.X + 10, leftBottom.Y)));
                PointContour cross4 = Algorithms.FindIntersectionPoint(orgHLine, new LineContour(rightTop, new PointContour(rightTop.X, rightTop.Y + 10)));

                PointF xy = new PointF();
                xy.X = (float)Form_Main.Instance.X.Pos;
                xy.Y = (float)Form_Main.Instance.Y.Pos;

                PointF tv = Form_Main.Instance.Point2CCDCenter(xy, topV, CAM.Top, 0);
                PointF th = Form_Main.Instance.Point2CCDCenter(xy, topH, CAM.Top, 0);
                PointF l  = Form_Main.Instance.Point2CCDCenter(xy, leftBottom, CAM.Top, 0);
                PointF r  = Form_Main.Instance.Point2CCDCenter(xy, rightTop, CAM.Top, 0);
                PointF c1 = Form_Main.Instance.Point2CCDCenter(xy, cross1, CAM.Top, 0);
                PointF c2 = Form_Main.Instance.Point2CCDCenter(xy, cross2, CAM.Top, 0);
                PointF c3 = Form_Main.Instance.Point2CCDCenter(xy, cross3, CAM.Top, 0);
                PointF c4 = Form_Main.Instance.Point2CCDCenter(xy, cross4, CAM.Top, 0);

                result.X1 = Math.Abs(tv.X - c1.X);
                result.Y1 = Math.Abs(th.Y - c2.Y);
                result.X2 = Math.Abs(l.X - c3.X);
                result.Y2 = Math.Abs(r.Y - c4.Y);
                Form_Main.Instance.imageSet.Image.Overlays.Default.AddLine(new LineContour(cross1, topV));
                Form_Main.Instance.imageSet.Image.Overlays.Default.AddLine(new LineContour(cross2, topH));
                Form_Main.Instance.imageSet.Image.Overlays.Default.AddLine(new LineContour(cross3, leftBottom));
                Form_Main.Instance.imageSet.Image.Overlays.Default.AddLine(new LineContour(cross4, rightTop));

                Form_Main.Instance.imageSet.Image.Overlays.Default.AddText("X1: " + result.X1.ToString(), topV, Rgb32Value.BlueColor, new OverlayTextOptions("Consolas", 24));
                Form_Main.Instance.imageSet.Image.Overlays.Default.AddText("Y1: " + result.Y1.ToString(), topH, Rgb32Value.BlueColor, new OverlayTextOptions("Consolas", 24));
                Form_Main.Instance.imageSet.Image.Overlays.Default.AddText("X2: " + result.X2.ToString(), leftBottom, Rgb32Value.BlueColor, new OverlayTextOptions("Consolas", 24));
                Form_Main.Instance.imageSet.Image.Overlays.Default.AddText("Y2: " + result.Y2.ToString(), rightTop, Rgb32Value.BlueColor, new OverlayTextOptions("Consolas", 24));
            catch { }

예제 #20
파일: Path.cs 프로젝트: aleua/LottieUWP
        public void LineTo(float x, float y)
            var newLine = new LineContour(x, y);

예제 #21
        public void LineTo(double x, double y)
            var newLine = new LineContour(x, y);
