예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the chart.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="chart">The chart.</param>
        /// <param name="sheetName">Name of the sheet.</param>
        protected override void UpdateChart(OpenXmlCompositeElement chart, string sheetName)
            if (chart != null)
                chart.RemoveAllChildren <LineChartSeries>();

                // Index 0 is for category axis data
                for (int index = 1; index < chartData.columnNameToSeries.Count(); index++)
                    string          columnName      = GetExcelColumnName(index);
                    LineChartSeries lineChartSeries = chart.AppendChild <LineChartSeries>(new LineChartSeries());

                    UpdateSeriesText(sheetName, lineChartSeries, columnName, 1, chartData.columnNameToSeries.Skip(index).FirstOrDefault().Key);

                    // Update Category Axis data
                    CategoryAxisData catAxisData = new CategoryAxisData();
                    catAxisData.RemoveAllChildren <StringReference>();
                    catAxisData.RemoveAllChildren <NumberReference>();

                    StringReference catStringReference = GetStringReference(sheetName + "!$A$2:$A$" + (chartData.Count + 1).ToString(), chartData.Count);

                    // Series 0 is for category axis data
                    foreach (string cat in chartData.columnNameToSeries.First().Value)
                        AddStringPoint(catStringReference.StringCache, catStringReference.StringCache.Descendants <StringPoint>().Count(), cat);


                    // Update Values
                    NumberingCache  numberingCache;
                    PointCount      pointCount;
                    Values          values    = lineChartSeries.AppendChild <Values>(new Values());
                    NumberReference reference = CreateNumberReference(values, sheetName + "!$" + columnName + "$2:$" + columnName + "$" + (chartData.Count + 1).ToString());

                    SetNumberingCache(reference, out numberingCache, out pointCount);

                    int rowIndex = 0;

                    foreach (var point in chartData.columnNameToSeries.Skip(index).FirstOrDefault().Value)
                        AddNumericPoint(numberingCache, pointCount, rowIndex, point.ToString());
                        rowIndex += 1;
        public ILineChart InitializeFromRange(IRange labelRange, IRange categoryRange)
            uint orderStart = (uint)this.chartSpace.Charts.TakeWhile(c => c != this).Sum(c => c.SeriesCount);

            this.lineChart.RemoveAllChildren <LineChartSeries>();

            IWorksheet worksheet = labelRange.Worksheet;

            if (labelRange.Width == 1 && labelRange.Height > 0 && categoryRange.Height == 1 && categoryRange.Width > 0)
                for (uint labelIndex = 0; labelIndex < labelRange.Height; ++labelIndex)
                    LineChartSeries series = this.lineChart.AppendChild(
                        new LineChartSeries()
                        Index = new Index()
                            Val = orderStart + labelIndex
                        Order = new Order()
                            Val = orderStart + labelIndex

                        new Marker()
                        Symbol = new Symbol()
                            Val = MarkerStyleValues.None

                        new SeriesText().AppendChildFluent(
                            new StringReference()
                        Formula     = new Formula(labelRange[0, labelIndex].Reference),
                        StringCache = new StringCache()
                                      .AppendChildFluent(new PointCount()
                            Val = 1
                                      .AppendChildFluent(new StringPoint()
                            Index = 0, NumericValue = new NumericValue()
                                Text = labelRange[0, labelIndex].InnerValue

                        new CategoryAxisData().AppendChildFluent(
                            new StringReference()
                        Formula     = new Formula(categoryRange.Formula),
                        StringCache = new StringCache()
                                      .AppendChildFluent(new PointCount()
                            Val = (uint)categoryRange.Width.Value
                                      .AppendFluent(Enumerable.Range(0, categoryRange.Width.Value).Select(categoryIndex => new StringPoint()
                            Index = (uint)categoryIndex, NumericValue = new NumericValue()
                                Text = categoryRange[(uint)categoryIndex, 0].InnerValue

                    string valuesFormula = ReferenceEncoder.EncodeRangeReference(
                        categoryRange.StartColumn, false,
                        labelRange.StartRow + labelIndex, false,
                        categoryRange.EndColumn, false,
                        labelRange.StartRow + labelIndex, false

                        new Values().AppendChildFluent(
                            new NumberReference()
                        Formula        = new Formula(valuesFormula),
                        NumberingCache = new NumberingCache()
                                         .AppendChildFluent(new PointCount()
                            Val = (uint)categoryRange.Width.Value
                                         .AppendFluent(Enumerable.Range(0, categoryRange.Width.Value).Select(categoryIndex => new NumericPoint()
                            Index = (uint)categoryIndex, NumericValue = new NumericValue()
                                Text = worksheet.Cells[categoryRange.StartColumn.Value + (uint)categoryIndex, labelRange.StartRow.Value + labelIndex].InnerValue

                    series.AppendChild(new Smooth()
                        Val = false
            else if (labelRange.Height == 1 && labelRange.Width > 0 && categoryRange.Width == 1 && categoryRange.Height > 0)
                for (uint labelIndex = 0; labelIndex < labelRange.Width; ++labelIndex)
                    LineChartSeries series = this.lineChart.AppendChild(
                        new LineChartSeries()
                        Index = new Index()
                            Val = orderStart + labelIndex
                        Order = new Order()
                            Val = orderStart + labelIndex

                        new Marker()
                        Symbol = new Symbol()
                            Val = MarkerStyleValues.None

                        new SeriesText().AppendChildFluent(
                            new StringReference()
                        Formula     = new Formula(labelRange[labelIndex, 0].Reference),
                        StringCache = new StringCache()
                                      .AppendChildFluent(new PointCount()
                            Val = 1
                                      .AppendChildFluent(new StringPoint()
                            Index = 0, NumericValue = new NumericValue()
                                Text = labelRange[labelIndex, 0].InnerValue

                        new CategoryAxisData().AppendChildFluent(
                            new StringReference()
                        Formula     = new Formula(categoryRange.Formula),
                        StringCache = new StringCache()
                                      .AppendChildFluent(new PointCount()
                            Val = (uint)categoryRange.Height.Value
                                      .AppendFluent(Enumerable.Range(0, categoryRange.Height.Value).Select(categoryIndex => new StringPoint()
                            Index = (uint)categoryIndex, NumericValue = new NumericValue()
                                Text = categoryRange[0, (uint)categoryIndex].InnerValue

                    string valuesFormula = ReferenceEncoder.EncodeRangeReference(
                        labelRange.StartColumn + labelIndex, false,
                        categoryRange.StartRow, false,
                        labelRange.StartColumn + labelIndex, false,
                        categoryRange.EndRow, false

                        new Values().AppendChildFluent(
                            new NumberReference()
                        Formula        = new Formula(valuesFormula),
                        NumberingCache = new NumberingCache()
                                         .AppendChildFluent(new PointCount()
                            Val = (uint)categoryRange.Height.Value
                                         .AppendFluent(Enumerable.Range(0, categoryRange.Height.Value).Select(categoryIndex => new NumericPoint()
                            Index = (uint)categoryIndex, NumericValue = new NumericValue()
                                Text = worksheet.Cells[labelRange.StartColumn.Value + labelIndex, categoryRange.StartRow.Value + (uint)categoryIndex].InnerValue

                    series.AppendChild(new Smooth()
                        Val = false
                throw new ArgumentException();

예제 #3
        protected IEnumerable <DataLabel> AddDataLabels(LineChartSeries series, int start, int end)
            var returnList = new List <DataLabel>();

            if (start > -1)
                if (end > -1 && start > end)
                    var tmp = start;
                    start = end;
                    end   = start;
                else if (start == end)
                    start = end - 1;

                var numberFormat = new NumberingFormat {
                    FormatCode = "#,##0", SourceLinked = false
                var dataLabels = series.AppendChild(
                    new DataLabels(numberFormat, new DataLabelPosition {
                    Val = DataLabelPositionValues.Top
                                   new ShowLegendKey {
                    Val = false
                }, new ShowValue {
                    Val = false
                                   new ShowCategoryName {
                    Val = false
                }, new ShowSeriesName {
                    Val = false
                                   new ShowPercent {
                    Val = false
                }, new ShowBubbleSize {
                    Val = false
                                   new ShowLeaderLines {
                    Val = false

                while (start < end)
                    var label = new DataLabel(new Index {
                        Val = (uint)start
                    }, new Layout(),
                                              new NumberingFormat
                        FormatCode   = "#,##0",
                        SourceLinked = false
                    }, new Separator(),
                                              new TextProperties(
                                                  new BodyProperties(), new ListStyle(),
                                                  new Paragraph(new ParagraphProperties(new DefaultRunProperties {
                        Bold = true
                    }), new EndParagraphRunProperties {
                        Language = "en-US"
                                              new DataLabelPosition {
                        Val = DataLabelPositionValues.Top
                                              new ShowLegendKey {
                        Val = false
                                              new ShowValue {
                        Val = true
                                              new ShowCategoryName {
                        Val = false
                                              new ShowSeriesName {
                        Val = false
                                              new ShowPercent {
                        Val = false
                                              new ShowBubbleSize {
                        Val = false
                                              new ShowLeaderLines {
                        Val = false
                    dataLabels.InsertBefore(label, numberFormat);
        private void CreateCumulative(PlotArea plotArea, Statistics stat, uint index,
                                      uint categoryAxisId, uint valueAxisId)
            LineChart lineChart = plotArea.AppendChild <LineChart>(new LineChart(
                                                                       new ShowMarker()
                Val = true
                                                                       new Smooth()
                Val = false
                                                                       new Grouping()
                Val = GroupingValues.Standard
                                                                       new DataLabels(new ShowLegendKey()
                Val = false
                                                                                      new ShowValue()
                Val = false
                                                                                      new ShowCategoryName()
                Val = false
                                                                                      new ShowSeriesName()
                Val = false
                                                                                      new ShowPercent()
                Val = false
                                                                                      new ShowBubbleSize()
                Val = false

            LineChartSeries lineChartSeries = lineChart.AppendChild(
                new LineChartSeries(new Index()
                Val = new UInt32Value(index),
                                    new Order()
                Val = new UInt32Value(index)
                                    new SeriesText(new NumericValue()
                Text = "Cumulative %"

            StringLiteral strLit = lineChartSeries.AppendChild(new CategoryAxisData()).AppendChild(new StringLiteral());

            strLit.Append(new PointCount()
                Val = new UInt32Value((uint)stat.Frequencies.Count)

            NumberLiteral numLit =
                lineChartSeries.AppendChild(new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing.Charts.Values())
                .AppendChild(new NumberLiteral());

            numLit.Append(new FormatCode("0.00%"));
            numLit.Append(new PointCount()
                Val = new UInt32Value((uint)stat.Frequencies.Count)

            for (uint i = 0; i < stat.Frequencies.Count; i++)
                strLit.AppendChild <StringPoint>(new StringPoint()
                    Index = new UInt32Value(i)
                .Append(new NumericValue(stat.Frequencies[(int)i].Value.ToString()));
                numLit.AppendChild <NumericPoint>(new NumericPoint()
                    Index = new UInt32Value(i)
                .Append(new NumericValue((stat.Frequencies[(int)i].TotalCountPercent / 100).ToString()));

            lineChart.Append(new AxisId()
                Val = new UInt32Value(categoryAxisId)
            lineChart.Append(new AxisId()
                Val = new UInt32Value(valueAxisId)

            AppendCategoryAxis(plotArea, categoryAxisId, "Time, ms", valueAxisId, false);
            AppendValueAxis(plotArea, valueAxisId, "", categoryAxisId, AxisPositionValues.Right, TickLabelPositionValues.High, false);