예제 #1
 /// <nodoc />
 public TestFunction(string shortName, string fullIdentifier, LineAndColumn originalLineAndColumn, string lkgFilePath)
     ShortName             = shortName;
     FullIdentifier        = fullIdentifier;
     OriginalLineAndColumn = originalLineAndColumn;
     LkgFilePath           = lkgFilePath;
예제 #2
        private static string MinimalDiagnosticsToString(List <Diagnostic> diagnostics)
            StringBuilder errorOutput = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var diagnostic in diagnostics)
                if (diagnostic.File != null)
                    LineAndColumn lineAndCharacter = Scanning.Scanner.GetLineAndCharacterOfPosition(diagnostic.File, diagnostic.Start.Value);

                    .Append("): ");

                .Append(" TS")
                .Append(": ")

예제 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Converts <paramref name="lineAndColumn"/> (which is 1-based) to <see cref="Position"/> (which is 0-based).
 /// </summary>
 public static Position ToPosition(this LineAndColumn lineAndColumn)
     return(new Position()
         Line = lineAndColumn.Line - 1,
         Character = lineAndColumn.Character - 1,
예제 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Tries to find the node with the smallest width in the <paramref name="sourceFile"/> that contains the input <paramref name="lineAndColumn"/>.
 /// </summary>
 public static bool TryGetNodeAtPosition(
     ISourceFile sourceFile,
     LineAndColumn lineAndColumn,
     out INode nodeAtPosition)
                isNodeAcceptable: (node) => true, // Any node that matches the lineAndColumn is acceptable
                nodeAtPosition: out nodeAtPosition));
예제 #5
        /// <nodoc />
        public static Range ToRange(this LineAndColumn lineAndColumn, LineMap lineMap, int?length)
            var start = lineAndColumn.ToPosition();

            // Compute the absolute end of the range by getting the absolute start and offseting that with the length
            var absoluteStart = lineMap.Map[lineAndColumn.Line - 1] + lineAndColumn.Character - 1;
            var absoluteEnd   = absoluteStart + length ?? 0;

            var end = LineInfo.FromLineMap(lineMap, absoluteEnd).ToPosition();

            return(new Range {
                Start = start, End = end
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to find the node with the smallest width in the <paramref name="sourceFile"/>
        /// that contains the input <paramref name="lineAndColumn"/>, and is deemed acceptable by
        /// <paramref name="isNodeAcceptable"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceFile">Source file to search for node in.</param>
        /// <param name="lineAndColumn">The line-and-column location to get the node for.</param>
        /// <param name="isNodeAcceptable">A function that lets the caller have a say about which node to pick.</param>
        /// <param name="nodeAtPosition">Holds the returned node if the function returns true, and null otherwise.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This function can return null in cases were there is no node at the current position. For example, asking
        /// for a node at an empty source line, or asking for a node when the position is inside a comment that
        /// encompasses the remainder of the file.
        /// </remarks>
        public static bool TryGetNodeAtPosition(
            ISourceFile sourceFile,
            LineAndColumn lineAndColumn,
            Func <INode, bool> isNodeAcceptable,
            out INode nodeAtPosition)
            INode currentNode = null;

            NodeWalker.ForEachChildRecursively(sourceFile, (node) =>
                if (node.IsInjectedForDScript())
                    // Need to skip injected nodes.

                var nodeStart = LineInfoExtensions.GetLineAndColumnBy(
                    position: Types.NodeUtilities.GetTokenPosOfNode(node, sourceFile),
                    sourceFile: sourceFile,
                    skipTrivia: false);

                var nodeEnd = LineInfoExtensions.GetLineAndColumnBy(
                    position: node.End,
                    sourceFile: sourceFile,
                    skipTrivia: false);

                if (nodeStart > lineAndColumn || nodeEnd < lineAndColumn)
                    // If this node starts after or ends before the position we are searching for, then we skip it

                if (currentNode == null || node.GetWidth() <= currentNode.GetWidth())
                    if (isNodeAcceptable(node))
                        currentNode = node;


            nodeAtPosition = currentNode;
            return(currentNode != null);