/// <summary> /// 对地磅策略判断 该磅房信息 /// </summary> private bool WeighStrategyIf() { try { string WeighStrategy_ID = cobWeighStrategyRecord.SelectedValue.ToString(); //地磅编号 string WeighStrategy_Name = cobWeighStrategyRecord.Text.ToString(); //地磅名称 int indexs = 0; int mark = 0; DataSet Ifds = LinQBaseDao.Query("select * from View_WeighStrategy where WeighStrategy_CarType_ID=" + txtCartype_Name.Tag.ToString() + " and WeighStrategy_State='启动'"); for (int i = 0; i < Ifds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { if (Convert.ToInt32(Ifds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["WeighStrategy_Sort"]) == 1) { mark++; } } if (mark == Ifds.Tables[0].Rows.Count) { #region 此乃无序 //查是否有此策略 string Sql = "select * from View_WeighStrategy where CarType_Name='" + txtCartype_Name.Text.Trim() + "' and WeighStrategy_State='启动'"; DataSet dst = LinQBaseDao.Query(Sql); if (dst.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("改类型车未配置地磅策略"); return(false); } WeightInfo_ID = null; WeightStrategy_ID = null; string CarType_Name = null; //车辆类型 string Sort = ""; //排序号 for (int i = 0; i < dst.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { WeightInfo_ID += dst.Tables[0].Rows[i]["WeighInfo_ID"] + ","; WeightStrategy_ID += dst.Tables[0].Rows[i]["WeighStrategy_ID"] + ","; CarType_Name += dst.Tables[0].Rows[i]["CarType_Name"] + ","; Sort += dst.Tables[0].Rows[i]["WeighStrategy_Sort"] + ","; } string[] CarType_Names = CarType_Name.Split(','); string[] infoId = WeightInfo_ID.Split(','); string[] ID = WeightStrategy_ID.Split(','); string[] Car_Sort = Sort.Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < infoId.Count() - 1; i++) { if (infoId[i] == WeighStrategy_ID)//进入说明存在此策略 { //此策略是否已通过 string SqlRecord = "select * from view_WeighStrategyRecord where WeighStrategyRecord_WeighInfo_ID=" + cobWeighStrategyRecord.SelectedValue.ToString() + " and WeighStrategyRecord_CarType='" + txtCartype_Name.Text.Trim() + "'"; DataSet ds = LinQBaseDao.Query(SqlRecord); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)//判断前面是否有数据,没有说明未正常通行 { MessageBox.Show("该车辆未按正常地磅策略顺序通行(此地磅已验过,请更换地磅)!"); return(false); } indexs++; } } if (indexs == 0) { MessageBox.Show("无此策略,该车未正常通行"); return(false); } return(true); #endregion } else { #region 序策略查询 string Sql = "select * from View_WeighStrategy where CarType_Name='" + txtCartype_Name.Text.Trim() + "' order by WeighStrategy_Sort asc"; DataSet dst = LinQBaseDao.Query(Sql); WeightInfo_ID = null; WeightStrategy_ID = null; string CarType_Name = null; //车辆类型 string Sort = ""; //排序号 for (int i = 0; i < dst.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { WeightInfo_ID += dst.Tables[0].Rows[i]["WeighInfo_ID"] + ","; WeightStrategy_ID += dst.Tables[0].Rows[i]["WeighStrategy_ID"] + ","; CarType_Name += dst.Tables[0].Rows[i]["CarType_Name"] + ","; Sort += dst.Tables[0].Rows[i]["WeighStrategy_Sort"] + ","; } string[] CarType_Names = CarType_Name.Split(','); string[] infoId = WeightInfo_ID.Split(','); string[] ID = WeightStrategy_ID.Split(','); string[] Car_Sort = Sort.Split(','); int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < infoId.Count() - 1; i++) { if (infoId[i] == WeighStrategy_ID)//进入说明存在此策略 { #region 地磅策略判断 if (i > 0)//此磅房至少为2号磅房 { //查询前面一个地磅策略是否通过 排序号 车辆类型名称 txtCarregistration_Carnumber.Tag.ToString() string MyCarType = CarType_Names[i - 1]; string MySort = Car_Sort[i - 1]; RraderSort = MySort; string SqlRecord = "select * from view_WeighStrategyRecord where WeighStrategyRecord_StaffInfo_ID=" + txtCarregistration_Name.Tag.ToString() + " and WeighInfo_ID=" + infoId[i - 1] + " and WeighStrategyRecord_CarType='" + MyCarType + "' and WeighStrategyRecord_CarInfo_ID=" + txtCarregistration_Carnumber.Tag.ToString(); DataSet ds = LinQBaseDao.Query(SqlRecord); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) //判断前面是否有数据,没有说明未正常通行 { if (!(bool)(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["WeighStrategyRecord_mark"])) //判断标识是否通过 { MessageBox.Show("该车辆未按正常地磅策略顺序通行!"); return(false); } } else { MessageBox.Show("未按地磅策略正常通行"); return(false); } //判断当前地磅策略是否执行 string Sqls = "select * from view_WeighStrategyRecord where WeighStrategyRecord_StaffInfo_ID=" + txtCarregistration_Name.Tag.ToString() + " and WeighInfo_ID=" + infoId[i] + " and WeighStrategyRecord_CarType='" + MyCarType + "'and WeighStrategyRecord_CarInfo_ID=" + txtCarregistration_Carnumber.Tag.ToString(); DataSet dsts = LinQBaseDao.Query(Sqls); if (dsts.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)//判断前面是否有数据,有说明未正常通行 { MessageBox.Show("此磅房策略以通行,请更换磅房名"); return(false); } else { return(true); } } else { //第一次进入,判断是否选择第一次进入磅房,查询有数据则异常 string SqlRecord = "select * from view_WeighStrategyRecord where WeighStrategyRecord_StaffInfo_ID=" + txtCarregistration_Name.Tag.ToString() + " and WeighStrategyRecord_CarType='" + txtCartype_Name.Text.Trim() + "'and WeighStrategyRecord_CarInfo_ID=" + txtCarregistration_Carnumber.Tag.ToString(); DataSet ds = LinQBaseDao.Query(SqlRecord); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { MessageBox.Show("此磅房验证已验过,请更换地磅房"); return(false); } else { return(true); } } #endregion index++; } } if (index == 0)//没有此策略地磅 { MessageBox.Show("未按正常策略通行"); return(false); } return(true); #endregion } } catch { Console.WriteLine(""); return(false); } }
private void GetData() { try { if (CommonalityEntity.isvoic) { if (pv.PositionVoice_Content.ToString().Length > 0) { string sbSpeak = string.Empty; sbSpeak += "请," + this.lvwUserList.SelectedRows[0].Cells["Queue_Id"].Value.ToString() + "," + GetNumberGbkString(lvwUserList.SelectedRows[0].Cells["QueueCarNumber"].Value.ToString()) + ","; string str = lvwUserList.SelectedRows[0].Cells["QueueShortNumber"].Value.ToString();//排队号 sbSpeak += GetNumberGbkString(str.Substring(str.Length - 4)); sbSpeak += ",进,"; sbSpeak += GetNumberGbkString(comboxDriveway.Text.Replace("#", "号")); //呼叫准备车辆数量 _LEDShowNumber = Convert.ToInt32(combox_LEDShowNumber.Text.Trim()); int number = _LEDShowNumber; //呼叫提示下一辆车 string strslq = " select top(" + number + ") * from View_LEDShow_zj where sortnumberinfo_state='启动' and 车辆类型='" + _carType + "' and CarInfo_State='启动' and 通行状态='排队中' and 排队号 <> '' order by sortnumberinfo_ID"; dtsortnumber = LinQBaseDao.Query(strslq).Tables[0]; //正常呼叫时呼叫准备入厂车辆,异常不呼叫准备车辆 if (!isUnusual) { if (dtsortnumber.Rows.Count > 1) { for (int i = 0; i < number; i++) { if (i <= dtsortnumber.Rows.Count - 1) { sbSpeak += ",请," + GetNumberGbkString(dtsortnumber.Rows[i]["排队号"].ToString().Substring(str.Length - 4)) + ",做准备"; } } } } //将呼叫内容保存到呼叫表中 VoiceCalls vc = new VoiceCalls(); vc.VoiceCalls_Content = sbSpeak; vc.VoiceCalls_Number = pv.PositionVoice_Count; vc.VoiceCalls_PositionName = SystemClass.PositionName; vc.VoiceCalls_PositionValue = SystemClass.PosistionValue; if (isUnusual) { vc.VoiceCalls_Remark = "异常呼叫"; } else { vc.VoiceCalls_Remark = ""; } vc.VoiceCalls_Time = CommonalityEntity.GetServersTime(); vc.VoiceCalls_ISVice = false; if (VoiceCallsDAL.InsertVoiceCalls(vc)) { CommonalityEntity.ishujiao = false; Commons.CommonClass.VoiceReade.readCount = SystemClass.HuJiaoCount; Commons.CommonClass.VoiceReade.readTxt = sbSpeak; Thread myThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(read)); myThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest; myThread.Start(); if (myThread.IsAlive) { } } else { MessageBox.Show("呼叫失败!"); } } } } catch { CommonalityEntity.WriteTextLog("QueueForm GetData()"); } }
/// <summary> /// 执行管理策略方法 /// 查询语句一般string strSQL = "select * from ManagementStrategy where ManagementStrategy_CarType_ID= ManagementStrategy_DrivewayStrategy_ID=ManagementStrategy_Type=" /// 查询条件:车辆类型编号,通行策略编号,管控策略类型(登记、排队、进厂、出厂) /// </summary> ///<param name="strSql">查询SQl语句</param> public void ExecutionMethod(string strSql) { string s = ""; try { Assembly assem = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); //// Create an object from the assembly, passing in the correct number //// and type of arguments for the constructor. Object o = assem.CreateInstance(NamespaceAndClass); #region 每次执行方法前需置空这些变量 CheckMethod.listSql.Clear(); CheckMethod.listMessage.Clear(); #endregion List <string> listStr = GetMethodsReflect(); #region 循环遍历执行的方法 数据库去获取管控策略 string strMethodName = "";//方法名称 DataSet ds = LinQBaseDao.Query(strSql); if (ds != null) { if (ds.Tables.Count > 0) { if (CommonalityEntity.IsUpdatedri) { foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { strMethodName = dr["ManagementStrategyRecord_Rule"].ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strMethodName)) { if (strMethodName == "ISSAPLoadData") { if (CheckProperties.ce.CarType_Name.IndexOf("成品") >= 0) { CheckMethod.ISSAPLoadData(CheckProperties.ce.carInfo_Name, "20"); } else if (CheckProperties.ce.CarType_Name.IndexOf("废纸") >= 0) { CheckMethod.ISSAPLoadData(CheckProperties.ce.carInfo_Name, "10"); } else { CheckMethod.ISSAPLoadData(CheckProperties.ce.carInfo_Name, "30"); } break; } } } foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { strMethodName = dr["ManagementStrategyRecord_Rule"].ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strMethodName)) { if (strMethodName == "ISSAPLoadData") { continue; } try { //验证执行的方法是否存在,存在执行方法,不存在做记事本日志记录 if (ISMethod(strMethodName, listStr)) { //如果存在默认值将默认值赋给CheckMethod.DefaultObj if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["ManagementStrategyRecord_Value"].ToString())) { CheckMethod.DefaultObj = dr["ManagementStrategyRecord_Value"]; } // CommonalityEntity.intCarInOutInfoRecord_ID =CommonalityEntity.GetInt(dr["ManagementStrategy_ID"].ToString()); // 执行指定命名空间类的指定方法 s = strMethodName; MethodInfo m = assem.GetType(NamespaceAndClass).GetMethod(strMethodName); Object ret = m.Invoke(o, new Object[] { }); //如果有参数将参数按方法的顺序存入new Object[] { }里面使用逗号隔开如“new Object[] { 1,2}” if (ret != null) { //判断执行方法的返回值是否为空,不为空将结果放到指定的变量存储 } } else { CommonClass.CommonalityEntity.WriteTextLog("执行管理策略方法未找到" + strMethodName + "方法?"); } } catch (Exception) { } } } } else { foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { strMethodName = dr["ManagementStrategy_Rule"].ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strMethodName)) { if (strMethodName == "ISSAPLoadData") { if (CheckProperties.ce.CarType_Name.IndexOf("成品") >= 0) { CheckMethod.ISSAPLoadData(CheckProperties.ce.carInfo_Name, "20"); } else if (CheckProperties.ce.CarType_Name.IndexOf("废纸") >= 0) { CheckMethod.ISSAPLoadData(CheckProperties.ce.carInfo_Name, "10"); } else { CheckMethod.ISSAPLoadData(CheckProperties.ce.carInfo_Name, "30"); } break; } } } foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { strMethodName = dr["ManagementStrategy_Rule"].ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strMethodName)) { if (strMethodName == "ISSAPLoadData") { continue; } try { //验证执行的方法是否存在,存在执行方法,不存在做记事本日志记录 if (ISMethod(strMethodName, listStr)) { //如果存在默认值将默认值赋给CheckMethod.DefaultObj if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["ManagementStrategy_Value"].ToString())) { CheckMethod.DefaultObj = dr["ManagementStrategy_Value"]; } // CommonalityEntity.intCarInOutInfoRecord_ID =CommonalityEntity.GetInt(dr["ManagementStrategy_ID"].ToString()); // 执行指定命名空间类的指定方法 s = strMethodName; MethodInfo m = assem.GetType(NamespaceAndClass).GetMethod(strMethodName); Object ret = m.Invoke(o, new Object[] { }); //如果有参数将参数按方法的顺序存入new Object[] { }里面使用逗号隔开如“new Object[] { 1,2}” if (ret != null) { //判断执行方法的返回值是否为空,不为空将结果放到指定的变量存储 } } else { CommonClass.CommonalityEntity.WriteTextLog("执行管理策略方法未找到" + strMethodName + "方法?"); } } catch (Exception) { } } } } } } #endregion } catch { string a = s; } }
/// <summary> /// 现场抽包 /// </summary> public void ChoosePacks() { if (lvwUserList.SelectedRows.Count == 1) { try { string Id = lvwUserList.SelectedRows[0].Cells["DRAW_EXAM_INTERFACE_ID"].Value.ToString();//抽样编号 lblDRAW_EXAM_INTERFACE_ID.Text = Id; string SQLid = "select IS_DengJi from dbo.DRAW_EXAM_INTERFACE where DRAW_EXAM_INTERFACE_ID=" + Id; if (LinQBaseDao.GetSingle(SQLid).ToString() == "Y") { lblCNTR_NO.Text = lvwUserList.SelectedRows[0].Cells["CNTR_NO"].Value.ToString(); //车牌号 lblSHIPMENT_NO.Text = lvwUserList.SelectedRows[0].Cells["SHIPMENT_NO"].Value.ToString(); //送货单号 lblPO_NO.Text = lvwUserList.SelectedRows[0].Cells["PO_NO"].Value.ToString(); //采购单号 lblPROD_ID.Text = lvwUserList.SelectedRows[0].Cells["PROD_ID"].Value.ToString(); //货品 lblNO_OF_BALES.Text = lvwUserList.SelectedRows[0].Cells["NO_OF_BALES"].Value.ToString(); //总包数 string sql = "select Packets_ID,Packets_DTS,Packets_this from Packets where Packets_QCInfo_DRAW_EXAM_INTERFACE_ID=" + Id; DataTable dt = LinQBaseDao.Query(sql).Tables[0]; string[] str = null; //if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) //{ lblPackets_ID.Text = dt.Rows[0]["Packets_ID"].ToString(); //抽包编号 lblPackets_DTS.Text = dt.Rows[0]["Packets_DTS"].ToString(); //DTS抽包 str = dt.Rows[0]["Packets_this"].ToString().Split(','); //现场抽包 // } txtPack1.Text = ""; txtPack2.Text = ""; txtPack3.Text = ""; txtPack4.Text = ""; if (str != null && str.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++) { foreach (Control item in groupBox1.Controls) { if (item.Name == "txtPack" + (i + 1)) { if (str[i] != "") { if (item != null) { item.Text = str[i]; } } else { item.Text = ""; } } } } } } else { MessageBox.Show("请先登记该车辆信息再抽包!", "系统提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } catch { MessageBox.Show("请先登记该车辆信息再抽包!", "系统提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } else if (lvwUserList.SelectedRows.Count > 1) { MessageBox.Show("系统每次只能对一辆车进行抽包!", "系统提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { MessageBox.Show("请先选择车辆信息再抽包!", "系统提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string Packets_this = ""; if (txtPack1.Text.Trim() != "") { Packets_this += txtPack1.Text.Trim() + ","; } if (txtPack2.Text.Trim() != "") { Packets_this += txtPack2.Text.Trim() + ","; } if (txtPack3.Text.Trim() != "") { Packets_this += txtPack3.Text.Trim() + ","; } if (txtPack4.Text.Trim() != "") { Packets_this += txtPack4.Text.Trim() + ","; } Packets_this = Packets_this.TrimEnd(','); string[] Packets_thisList = Packets_this.Split(','); string[] dtsList = lblPackets_DTS.Text.Split(','); foreach (string item in Packets_thisList) { foreach (string it in dtsList) { if (it == item) { MessageBox.Show("抽包号码“" + it + "”与DTS重复!"); return; } } } DataTable dtq = LinQBaseDao.Query("select QCInfo_ID from QCInfo where QCInfo_DRAW_EXAM_INTERFACE_ID=" + lblDRAW_EXAM_INTERFACE_ID.Text + " order by QCInfo_ID desc ").Tables[0]; if (dtq.Rows.Count > 0) { int moistcount = Convert.ToInt32(LinQBaseDao.GetSingle("select COUNT(0) from QCRecord where QCRecord_QCInfo_ID =" + dtq.Rows[0][0].ToString() + " and QCRecord_TestItems_ID in (1,3,4)")); if (moistcount > 0) { MessageBox.Show(this, "已开始测水,不能再抽包"); return; } } if (lblPackets_ID.Text.Trim() != "") { Expression <Func <Packets, bool> > fnP = n => n.Packets_ID == Convert.ToInt32(lblPackets_ID.Text.Trim()); Action <Packets> a = n => { n.Packets_this = Packets_this; }; if (PacketsDAL.Update(fnP, a)) { //抽包后修改qcinfo表 抽包总数和总抽包号 string bags = lblPackets_DTS.Text + "," + Packets_this; if (dtq.Rows.Count > 0) { Common.GetSumWaterCount(Convert.ToInt32(dtq.Rows[0][0].ToString())); LinQBaseDao.Query("update QCInfo set QCInfo_DRAW='" + bags + "',QCInfo_PumpingPackets=" + bags.Split(',').Count() + ",QCInfo_MOIST_Count=" + Common.SumWaterCount + " where QCInfo_DRAW_EXAM_INTERFACE_ID=" + lblDRAW_EXAM_INTERFACE_ID.Text); } else { LinQBaseDao.Query("update QCInfo set QCInfo_DRAW='" + bags + "',QCInfo_PumpingPackets=" + bags.Split(',').Count() + " where QCInfo_DRAW_EXAM_INTERFACE_ID=" + lblDRAW_EXAM_INTERFACE_ID.Text); } DialogResult dia = MessageBox.Show("操作成功!是否打印空的水分报表?", "系统提示", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); if (dia.Equals(DialogResult.Yes)) { dayin(lblDRAW_EXAM_INTERFACE_ID.Text); } } else { MessageBox.Show("操作失败!"); } Bangding_Load(RegistrationWhere()); } } catch (Exception err) { } }
/// <summary> /// 按条件查询信息View_FVN_Driveway_Position /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static IEnumerable <View_FVN_Driveway_Position> QueryView(Expression <Func <View_FVN_Driveway_Position, bool> > fun) { return(LinQBaseDao.Query <View_FVN_Driveway_Position>(new DCCarManagementDataContext(), fun)); }
/// <summary> /// 保存,如果有同样车牌号的通行策略则把之前的状态注销 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { IList <DrivewayStrategyRecord> iedsr = null; try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txt_carState.Text)) { PublicClass.ShowToolTip(ToolTipIcon.Info, "提示", "请选择状态!", txt_carState, this); return; } string strsort = ""; if (SortYesOrNo) { strsort = "有序"; } else { strsort = "无序"; } if (SetSortList.Count != Driveway_IDList.Count) { SortYesOrNo = false; } else { SortYesOrNo = true; } //得到车辆对象 Expression <Func <CarInfo, bool> > fn = n => n.CarInfo_ID == Convert.ToInt32(CommonalityEntity.CarInfo_ID); CarInfo car = CarInfoDAL.Single(fn); LinQBaseDao.Query("delete ManagementStrategyRecord where ManagementStrategyRecord_CarInfo_ID=" + car.CarInfo_ID); LinQBaseDao.Query("delete DrivewayStrategyRecord where DrivewayStrategyRecord_CarInfo_ID=" + car.CarInfo_ID); //循环选择的通道 iedsr = new List <DrivewayStrategyRecord>(); if (SetSortList.Count == Driveway_IDList.Count) { for (int i = 0; i < SetSortList.Count; i++) { DataTable tablesDrisn = LinQBaseDao.Query("select Position_Name,Driveway_Name,Driveway_type from View_DrivewayPosition where driveway_warrantystate='正常' and driveway_state='启动' and Driveway_ID=" + SetSortList[i].id + " order by Position_Name asc, Driveway_Name asc").Tables[0]; DrivewayStrategyRecord Newdsr = new DrivewayStrategyRecord(); Newdsr.DrivewayStrategyRecord_Name = txtDrivewayStrategy.Text.Trim(); Newdsr.DrivewayStrategyRecord_Driveway_ID = SetSortList[i].id;//通道编号 Newdsr.DrivewayStrategyRecord_State = txt_carState.Text; Newdsr.DrivewayStrategyRecord_Remark = txt_DrivewayStrategyRecord_Remark.Text.Trim(); Newdsr.DrivewayStrategyRecord_OffReason = txt_DrivewayStrategyRecord_OffReason.Text.Trim(); Newdsr.DrivewayStrategyRecord_OffTime = CommonalityEntity.GetServersTime(); Newdsr.DrivewayStrategyRecord_OffName = HelpClass.common.USERNAME; Newdsr.DrivewayStrategyRecord_CarInfo_ID = car.CarInfo_ID; Newdsr.DrivewayStrategyRecord_Sort = SortYesOrNo == true ? SetSortList[i].sort : 1; Newdsr.DrivewayStrategyRecord_Record = "【" + txt_carInfo_Name.Text.ToString().Trim() + "】 " + tablesDrisn.Rows[0]["Position_Name"] + tablesDrisn.Rows[0]["Driveway_Name"]; iedsr.Add(Newdsr); } try { dc.DrivewayStrategyRecord.InsertAllOnSubmit(iedsr); dc.SubmitChanges(); DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show("操作已完成!请继续修改相应的管控策略否则修改无效", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (dr == DialogResult.Yes) { string sids = ""; DataTable dt = LinQBaseDao.Query("select DrivewayStrategyRecord_ID, DrivewayStrategyRecord_Driveway_ID from DrivewayStrategyRecord where DrivewayStrategyRecord_CarInfo_ID=" + car.CarInfo_ID + " and DrivewayStrategyRecord_State='启动' order by DrivewayStrategyRecord_Sort ").Tables[0]; for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { sids += dt.Rows[i][0].ToString() + ","; } int driid = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0][1].ToString()); sids = sids.TrimEnd(','); string SmallID = LinQBaseDao.GetSingle("select SmallTicket_ID from SmallTicket where SmallTicket_CarInfo_ID=" + car.CarInfo_ID).ToString(); DataTable dtpd = LinQBaseDao.Query("select Position_ID, Position_Value,Driveway_Value from View_FVN_Driveway_Position where Driveway_ID=" + driid).Tables[0]; if (dtpd.Rows.Count > 0) { string str = "update CarInOutRecord set CarInOutRecord_DrivewayStrategyS='" + sids + "',CarInOutRecord_Update=1,CarInOutRecord_Driveway_ID=" + driid + ",CarInOutRecord_Remark='" + txtDrivewayStrategy.Text.Trim() + "',CarInOutRecord_Sort='" + strsort + "' where CarInOutRecord_CarInfo_ID=" + car.CarInfo_ID; str += " update SortNumberInfo set SortNumberInfo_PositionValue='" + dtpd.Rows[0][1].ToString() + "',SortNumberInfo_DrivewayValue='" + dtpd.Rows[0][2].ToString() + "' where SortNumberInfo_SmallTicket_ID in (select SmallTicket_ID from SmallTicket where SmallTicket_CarInfo_ID=" + car.CarInfo_ID + ")"; LinQBaseDao.Query(str); sids = ""; CommonalityEntity.boolCepyManagementStrategy = false; UpdateManagementStrategyForm up = new UpdateManagementStrategyForm(carname); up.Show(); } } BingMethod(); } catch { MessageBox.Show("操作失败!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } } } catch { CommonalityEntity.WriteTextLog("DrivewayStrategyRecordForm.btnUpdate_Click()" + "".ToString()); } finally { SetSortList.Clear(); Driveway_IDList.Clear(); } }
/// <summary> /// 删除 /// </summary> private void btn_Delete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (TV_MenuInfo.SelectedNode.Tag.ToString() != null) { int menuID = Convert.ToInt32(TV_MenuInfo.SelectedNode.Tag.ToString()); #region --查询模块-- if (menuID <= -1) { MessageBox.Show("请选择节点!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } bool Menu_Enabledtxt = false; bool cob_Menu_Visibletxt = false; Expression <Func <MenuInfo, bool> > funviewinto = n => n.Menu_ControlName == TV_MenuInfo.SelectedNode.Name.ToString(); foreach (var n in MenuInfoDAL.Query(funviewinto)) { if (n.Menu_Enabled != null) { Menu_Enabledtxt = Convert.ToBoolean(n.Menu_Enabled); } if (n.Menu_Visible != null) { //字典备注 cob_Menu_Visibletxt = Convert.ToBoolean(n.Menu_Visible); } break; } #endregion if (txt_Menu_ControlText.ToString() == "" || txt_Menu_ControlText == null) { TV_MenuInfo_NodeMouseDoubleClick(sender, null); } //1.删除菜单时,检查菜单是否配置;若配置了不能删除,需要先解除配置 //检测删除的节点是否存在 //检测菜单是否可以删除(等待) //检测菜单是否可以编辑 //检测菜单是否已经配置 //检测是否有删除菜单的权限(等待)不可编辑 if (Convert.ToInt32(TV_MenuInfo.SelectedNode.Tag.ToString()) > 0) { Expression <Func <MenuInfo, bool> > fun = n => n.Menu_ID == Convert.ToInt32(TV_MenuInfo.SelectedNode.Tag.ToString()); } DataTable table = LinQBaseDao.Query("select * from MenuInfo where Menu_OtherID=" + menuID + "").Tables[0]; if (table.Rows.Count > 0) { MessageBox.Show("请先删除子节点!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } if (Menu_Enabledtxt == true || cob_Menu_Visibletxt == true) { LinQBaseDao.Query("update menuinfo set Menu_MenuType_ID=NULL where Menu_ID=" + menuID + ""); LinQBaseDao.Query("DELETE PermissionsInfo where Permissions_Menu_ID=" + menuID + ""); LinQBaseDao.Query("DELETE menuinfo where Menu_ID=" + menuID + ""); MessageBox.Show("删除成功!"); CommonalityEntity.WriteLogData("删除", "btn_Delete_Click", CommonalityEntity.USERNAME);//添加日志 } TV_MenuInfo.Nodes.Clear(); InitMenu();//重新绑定控件 } else { MessageBox.Show("请选择节点!"); } } catch { MessageBox.Show("无法删除!"); CommonalityEntity.WriteTextLog("菜单管理MenuInfoManager btn_Delete_Click"); } }
//申请重置 private void btnshenqing_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { addsqlwhere = " where 1=1"; if (txtRemark.Text.Trim() == "") { MessageBox.Show("重置原因不能为空。", "提示"); return; } if (gridevewSortReset.SelectedRows.Count > 1) { MessageBox.Show("每次只能对一辆车进行重置申请。", "提示"); return; } else if (gridevewSortReset.SelectedRows.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("请选择一个车辆信息进行重置申请。", "提示"); return; } if (txtqian.Text.ToString() == cbohou.SelectedText.ToString()) { MessageBox.Show("重置后状态不能与重置前是相同的状态。", "提示"); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cbohou.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("请选择重置后状态。", "提示"); return; } if (gridevewSortReset.SelectedRows.Count == 1) { string sqlcc = "select sortReset_SortNumberInfo_SmallTicket_ID from sortReset where sortReset_CarInfo_ID = " + gridevewSortReset.SelectedRows[0].Cells["CarInfo_ID"].Value.ToString() + " and sortReset_Sortjg = 0"; int count = LinQBaseDao.Query(sqlcc).Tables[0].Rows.Count; if (count >= 1) { MessageBox.Show("该车辆已有一条未审批的记录,不能重复添加。", "提示"); } else if (count == 0) { addsqlwhere += " and CarInfo_Name = '" + gridevewSortReset.SelectedRows[0].Cells["CarInfo_Name"].Value.ToString() + "'"; string sql = "select CarInfo_ID,CarInfo_Name,SmallTicket_ID,SmallTicket_Serialnumber,SmallTicket_SortNumber,ICCard_ID,ICCard_Value from View_CarState " + addsqlwhere + ""; DataTable table = LinQBaseDao.Query(sql).Tables[0]; sortReset sr = new sortReset(); sr.sortReset_CarInfo_ID = Convert.ToInt32(table.Rows[0]["CarInfo_ID"].ToString()); sr.sortReset_CarInfo_Name = table.Rows[0]["CarInfo_Name"].ToString(); sr.sortReset_QTongxing = txtqian.Text.Trim(); sr.sortReset_HTongxing = cbohou.Text.Trim(); //判断是有小票的还是是有IC卡的车辆信息 if (table.Rows[0]["ICCard_Value"].ToString() == "" && table.Rows[0]["ICCard_ID"].ToString() == "") { sr.sortReset_SmallTicket_Serialnumber = table.Rows[0]["SmallTicket_Serialnumber"].ToString(); } else if (table.Rows[0]["SmallTicket_Serialnumber"].ToString() == "") { sr.sortReset_SmallTicket_ICCard_ID = Convert.ToInt32(table.Rows[0]["ICCard_ID"].ToString()); sr.sortReset_SmallTicket_ICCard_Value = table.Rows[0]["ICCard_Value"].ToString(); } sr.sortReset_SmallTicket_SortNumber = table.Rows[0]["SmallTicket_SortNumber"].ToString(); sr.sortReset_SortNumberInfo_SmallTicket_ID = Convert.ToInt32(table.Rows[0]["SmallTicket_ID"].ToString()); sr.sortReset_ShenQingTime = CommonalityEntity.GetServersTime(); sr.sortReset_ShenQingRen = CommonalityEntity.USERNAME; sr.sortReset_Sortjg = 0; sr.sortReset_Remark = txtRemark.Text.Trim(); if (LinQBaseDao.InsertOne <sortReset>(new DCCarManagementDataContext(), sr)) { MessageBox.Show("申请成功!!!", "提示"); txtqian.Text = ""; txtchepai.Text = ""; txtmengang.Text = ""; txtpaiduihao.Text = ""; txtxiaopiao.Text = ""; cbohou.SelectedIndex = 0; cbohou.Enabled = false; btnshenqing.Enabled = false; } else { CommonalityEntity.WriteLogData("增加", "申请了车牌为" + table.Rows[0]["CarInfo_Name"].ToString() + "的状态重置申请。", CommonalityEntity.USERNAME); MessageBox.Show("申请失败!!!", "提示"); txtchepai.Text = ""; txtmengang.Text = ""; txtpaiduihao.Text = ""; txtxiaopiao.Text = ""; } } } }
/// <summary> /// 卸货授权 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void btnUnload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { strsql(); if (sql == "") { MessageBox.Show("没有该IC卡(小票)号的信息!"); return; } DataTable ds = LinQBaseDao.Query(sql).Tables[0]; if (ds.Rows.Count > 1) { if (ISFill(ds) == false) { return; } if (Convert.ToBoolean(ds.Rows[0]["CarInOutRecord_ISFulfill"].ToString())) { MessageBox.Show("该车辆已通行完成,无需授权!"); return; } string carinout = ds.Rows[0]["CarInOutRecord_ID"].ToString(); DataTable tableB = LinQBaseDao.Query("select * from BusinessRecord where BusinessRecord_CarInOutRecord_ID=" + carinout).Tables[0]; for (int i = 0; i < tableB.Rows.Count; i++) { if (tableB.Rows[i]["BusinessRecord_Type"].ToString() == CommonalityEntity.unloadFirstWeight) { if (tableB.Rows[i]["BusinessRecord_UnloadEmpower"].ToString() == "1") { MessageBox.Show("车辆已授权!"); return; } CheckMethod.AbnormalInformation = ""; CommonalityEntity.CarInoutid = carinout; if (Convert.ToBoolean(ds.Rows[0]["CarInOutRecord_Update"].ToString())) { CommonalityEntity.IsUpdatedri = true; sql = "Select * from ManagementStrategyRecord where ManagementStrategyRecord_State='启动' and ManagementStrategyRecord_CarType_ID in(select CarType_ID from CarType where CarType_Name='" + ds.Rows[0]["CarType_Name"].ToString() + "') and ManagementStrategyRecord_ControlInfo_ID in (select ControlInfo_ID from ControlInfo where ControlInfo_IDValue='450201' )"; } else { CommonalityEntity.IsUpdatedri = false; sql = "Select * from ManagementStrategy where ManagementStrategy_State='启动' and ManagementStrategy_CarType_ID in(select CarType_ID from CarType where CarType_Name='" + ds.Rows[0]["CarType_Name"].ToString() + "') and ManagementStrategy_ControlInfo_ID in (select ControlInfo_ID from ControlInfo where ControlInfo_IDValue='450201' )"; } checkPr.ExecutionMethod(sql); if (CheckMethod.AbnormalInformation != "") { MessageBox.Show("过磅重量异常,授权失败!"); return; } Expression <Func <BusinessRecord, bool> > p = n => n.BusinessRecord_CarInOutRecord_ID == int.Parse(carinout) && n.BusinessRecord_Type == CommonalityEntity.unloadFirstWeight; Action <BusinessRecord> ap = s => { s.BusinessRecord_UnloadEmpowerPerson = CommonalityEntity.USERNAME; s.BusinessRecord_UnloadEmpowerTime = CommonalityEntity.GetServersTime(); s.BusinessRecord_PrintinvoiceTime = CommonalityEntity.GetServersTime(); s.BusinessRecord_UnloadEmpower = 1; s.BusinessRecord_Remark = txtRemark.Text.ToString().Trim(); }; if (BusinessRecordDAL.Update(p, ap)) { CommonalityEntity.WriteLogData("新增", "地磅房:车辆" + ds.Rows[0]["CarInfo_Name"].ToString() + "卸货授权", CommonalityEntity.USERNAME);//添加操作日志 MessageBox.Show("授权成功"); } } } } else { MessageBox.Show("车辆没有过磅,不能授权!"); return; } }
/// <summary> /// 得到图片信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="doubleMin">过期时间</param> /// <param name="strImagefile">图片存放文件夹路径</param> /// <returns></returns> //public static List<string> GetImages(double doubleMin, string strImagefile) //{ // List<string> list = new List<string>(); // string[] images = null; // try // { // if (strImagefile != "") // { // images = Directory.GetFiles(strImagefile); // int i = 0; // foreach (string pathStr in images) // { // string fileName = pathStr.Substring(pathStr.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1);//图片名称 // string fileKind = fileName.Substring(fileName.LastIndexOf('.') + 1);//图片后缀 // if (fileKind.ToLower() != "jpg" && fileKind.ToLower() != "jpeg" && fileKind.ToLower() != "png" && fileKind.ToLower() != "gif" && fileKind.ToLower() != "bmp") // { // continue; // } // string mi = GetTime(fileName.ToString());//获取时间差 // //根据通道编号得到该通道下的摄像机名称 // DataSet camera = LinQBaseDao.Query("select * from eh_Camera where Driveway_id=" + common.Driveway_Id + ""); // foreach (DataRow dr in camera.Tables[0].Rows) // { // if (double.Parse(mi) <= doubleMin)//判断是否过期 // { // if (fileName.Length == 21)//判断图片名称字符长度 // { // if (dr["Camera_AddCard"].ToString() == fileName.Substring(16, 1)) // { // list.Add(fileName); // i++; // } // } // else if (fileName.Length == 22) // { // if (dr["Camera_AddCard"].ToString() == fileName.Substring(16, 2)) // { // if (list.Count < camera.Tables[0].Rows.Count) // { // list.Add(fileName); // i++; // } // } // } // if (i == camera.Tables[0].Rows.Count) // { // break; // } // } // } // if (i == camera.Tables[0].Rows.Count) // { // break; // } // } // } // } // catch // { } // return list; //} #endregion /// <summary> /// 得到有效的图片 /// </summary> /// <param name="doubleMin">过期时间</param> /// <param name="strImagefile">图片存放文件夹路径</param> /// <returns></returns> public static List <string> GetImages(double doubleMin, string strImagefile) { List <string> list = new List <string>(); string[] images = null; try { if (strImagefile != "") { images = Directory.GetFiles(strImagefile); var image = from m in images orderby m descending select m; //根据通道编号得到该通道下的摄像机名称 DataSet camera = LinQBaseDao.Query("select * from eh_Camera where Driveway_id=" + common.Driveway_Id + ""); foreach (DataRow dr in camera.Tables[0].Rows) { foreach (string pathStr in image) { string fileName = pathStr.Substring(pathStr.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1); //图片名称 string fileKind = fileName.Substring(fileName.LastIndexOf('.') + 1); //图片后缀 //验证是否为图片 if (fileKind.ToLower() != "jpg" && fileKind.ToLower() != "jpeg" && fileKind.ToLower() != "png" && fileKind.ToLower() != "gif" && fileKind.ToLower() != "bmp") { continue; } string mi = GetTime(fileName.ToString()); //获取时间差 if (double.Parse(mi) <= doubleMin) //判断是否过期 { if (fileName.Length == 21) //判断图片名称字符长度 { string camera_addCard = dr["Camera_AddCard"].ToString(); if (dr["Camera_AddCard"].ToString() == fileName.Substring(16, 1)) { list.Add(fileName); break; } } else if (fileName.Length == 22) { if (dr["Camera_AddCard"].ToString() == fileName.Substring(16, 2)) { list.Add(fileName); break; } } } } if (list.Count == camera.Tables[0].Rows.Count) { break; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { common.WriteTextLog("ImageFile GetImages()" + ex.Message); } return(list); }
/// <summary> /// 授权 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void btnOutPass_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { strsql(); if (sql == "") { MessageBox.Show("没有该IC卡(小票)号的信息!"); return; } DataTable ds = LinQBaseDao.Query(sql).Tables[0]; if (ds.Rows.Count > 1) { if (ISFill(ds) == false) { return; } string loadtype = ""; string type = ""; double wegiht1 = 0; double wegiht2 = 0; string carinout = ds.Rows[0]["CarInOutRecord_ID"].ToString(); DataTable tableB = LinQBaseDao.Query("select * from BusinessRecord where BusinessRecord_CarInOutRecord_ID=" + carinout).Tables[0]; for (int i = 0; i < tableB.Rows.Count; i++) { if (tableB.Rows[i]["BusinessRecord_Type"].ToString() == CommonalityEntity.unloadSecondWeight) { if (tableB.Rows[i]["BusinessRecord_UnloadEmpower"].ToString() == "1") { MessageBox.Show("车辆已卸货确认!"); return; } loadtype = CommonalityEntity.unloadSecondWeight; wegiht2 = Convert.ToDouble(tableB.Rows[i]["BusinessRecord_Weight"].ToString()); } if (tableB.Rows[i]["BusinessRecord_Type"].ToString() == CommonalityEntity.unloadFirstWeight) { type = CommonalityEntity.unloadFirstWeight; wegiht1 = Convert.ToDouble(tableB.Rows[i]["BusinessRecord_Weight"].ToString()); } } if (loadtype == CommonalityEntity.unloadSecondWeight && type == "") { MessageBox.Show("没有卸货点第一次过磅"); return; } if (loadtype == CommonalityEntity.unloadSecondWeight && type == CommonalityEntity.unloadFirstWeight) { Expression <Func <BusinessRecord, bool> > p = n => n.BusinessRecord_CarInOutRecord_ID == int.Parse(carinout) && n.BusinessRecord_Type == CommonalityEntity.unloadSecondWeight; Action <BusinessRecord> ap = s => { s.BusinessRecord_UnloadEmpowerPerson = CommonalityEntity.USERNAME; s.BusinessRecord_UnloadEmpowerTime = CommonalityEntity.GetServersTime(); s.BusinessRecord_PrintinvoiceTime = CommonalityEntity.GetServersTime(); s.BusinessRecord_UnloadEmpower = 1; s.BusinessRecord_Remark = txtRemark.Text.ToString().Trim(); }; if (BusinessRecordDAL.Update(p, ap)) { CommonalityEntity.WriteLogData("新增", "地磅房:车辆" + ds.Rows[0]["CarInfo_Name"].ToString() + "卸货确认", CommonalityEntity.USERNAME);//添加操作日志 MessageBox.Show("确认成功"); } } } else { MessageBox.Show("车辆没有过磅,不能卸货确认!"); return; } }
private void LoadData() { strsql(); if (sql == "") { MessageBox.Show("没有该IC卡(小票)号的信息!"); return; } DataTable ds = LinQBaseDao.Query(sql).Tables[0]; if (ds.Rows.Count < 1) { Empty(); return; } txtInWeight.Text = ""; txtOutWeight.Text = ""; txtCartype_Name.Text = ds.Rows[0]["CarType_Name"].ToString(); txtCartype_Name.Tag = ds.Rows[0]["CarType_ID"].ToString(); txtCarregistration_Customer.Text = ds.Rows[0]["CustomerInfo_Name"].ToString(); txtCarregistration_Name.Text = ds.Rows[0]["StaffInfo_Name"].ToString(); txtCarregistration_Name.Tag = ds.Rows[0]["StaffInfo_ID"].ToString(); txtCarregistration_Carnumber.Text = ds.Rows[0]["CarInfo_Name"].ToString(); txtCarregistration_Carnumber.Tag = ds.Rows[0]["CarInfo_ID"].ToString(); CommonalityEntity.CarInfo_ID = ds.Rows[0]["CarInfo_ID"].ToString(); // txtCarregistration_License.Text = ds.Rows[0]["StaffInfo_License"].ToString(); txtCarregistration_Phone.Text = ds.Rows[0]["StaffInfo_Phone"].ToString(); txtCarregistration_IdentityCard.Text = ds.Rows[0]["StaffInfo_Identity"].ToString(); txtCarregistration_Carriage.Text = ds.Rows[0]["CarInfo_Carriage"].ToString(); txtCarregistration_Weight.Text = ds.Rows[0]["CarInfo_Weight"].ToString(); txtCarregistration_Height.Text = ds.Rows[0]["CarInfo_Height"].ToString(); if (Convert.ToBoolean(ds.Rows[0]["CarInfo_Bail"].ToString()) == true) { ckbCarInfo_Bail.Checked = true; } else { ckbCarInfo_Bail.Checked = false; } txtOperateTime.Text = ds.Rows[0]["CarInfo_Time"].ToString(); txtOperateUser.Text = ds.Rows[0]["CarInfo_Operate"].ToString(); txtRemark.Text = ds.Rows[0]["CarInfo_Remark"].ToString(); Abnormal(); txtExecPtion.Text = abnormal; if (ISFill(ds) == false) { return; } /////////////// string caroutid = ds.Rows[0]["CarInOutRecord_ID"].ToString(); if (ds.Rows.Count > 0) { DataTable dt = LinQBaseDao.Query("select * from BusinessRecord where BusinessRecord_CarInOutRecord_ID=" + caroutid + "").Tables[0]; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { string type = dt.Rows[i]["BusinessRecord_Type"].ToString(); if (type == CommonalityEntity.unloadFirstWeight) { txtInWeight.Text = dt.Rows[i]["BusinessRecord_Weight"].ToString(); } if (type == CommonalityEntity.unloadSecondWeight) { txtOutWeight.Text = dt.Rows[i]["BusinessRecord_Weight"].ToString(); } } } } string sqll = "Select * from CarPic where CarPic_CarInfo_ID=" + ds.Rows[0]["CarInfo_ID"].ToString(); List <CarPic> list = new List <CarPic>(); list = LinQBaseDao.GetItemsForListing <CarPic>(sqll).ToList(); int k = 0; string path = SystemClass.SaveFile; foreach (var pathStr in list) { if (k < 7) { PictureBox pb = new PictureBox(); int x = (20 + 165 * k); int y = 20; pb.Location = new Point(x, y); pb.Width = 145; pb.Height = 160; pb.SizeMode = System.Windows.Forms.PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage;; pb.MouseHover += new System.EventHandler(this.pbInImageOne_MouseHover); pb.MouseLeave += new System.EventHandler(this.pbInImageOne_MouseLeave); pb.Name = "pictureBox" + (k + 1).ToString(); pb.Tag = path + pathStr.CarPic_Add.ToString(); pb.ImageLocation = path + pathStr.CarPic_Add.ToString(); this.GroBoxContext.Controls.Add(pb); k++; } } btnSave.Enabled = true; }
/// <summary> /// 保存事件 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string txtserialnumber = txtSerialnumber.Text.ToString().Trim(); string txtinweight = txtInWeight.Text.ToString().Trim(); string txtoutweight = txtOutWeight.Text.ToString().Trim(); strsql(); if (sql == "") { MessageBox.Show("没有该IC卡(小票)号的信息!"); return; } DataTable table = LinQBaseDao.Query(sql).Tables[0]; if (table.Rows.Count > 0) { if (Convert.ToBoolean(table.Rows[0]["CarInOutRecord_ISFulfill"].ToString())) { MessageBox.Show("该车辆通行已完成!"); return; } if (ISFill(table) == false) { return; } string carinoutrecord = table.Rows[0]["CarInOutRecord_ID"].ToString(); string weight1 = ""; string weight2 = ""; string type = ""; DataTable tableB = LinQBaseDao.Query("select * from BusinessRecord where BusinessRecord_CarInOutRecord_ID=" + carinoutrecord).Tables[0]; for (int i = 0; i < tableB.Rows.Count; i++) { if (tableB.Rows[i]["BusinessRecord_Type"].ToString() == CommonalityEntity.unloadFirstWeight) { weight1 = tableB.Rows[i]["BusinessRecord_Weight"].ToString(); } if (tableB.Rows[i]["BusinessRecord_Type"].ToString() == CommonalityEntity.unloadSecondWeight) { weight2 = tableB.Rows[i]["BusinessRecord_Weight"].ToString(); } if (tableB.Rows[i]["BusinessRecord_Type"].ToString() == CommonalityEntity.upWeight) { type = tableB.Rows[i]["BusinessRecord_Type"].ToString(); } } //对地磅策略判断 该磅房信息 if (Convert.ToInt32(cobWeighStrategyRecord.SelectedValue) < 1) { MessageBox.Show("请选择此磅房名称"); return; } if (!WeighStrategyIf()) { return; } //判断进门地磅是否重复记录 if (txtinweight != "" && txtinweight != weight1) { DataTable ds = LinQBaseDao.Query("select * from BusinessRecord where BusinessRecord_Type='" + CommonalityEntity.unloadFirstWeight + "' and BusinessRecord_CarInOutRecord_ID=" + carinoutrecord + " order by BusinessRecord_ID desc").Tables[0]; if (ds.Rows.Count > 0) { if (MessageBox.Show("是否修改" + CommonalityEntity.unloadFirstWeight + "重量?", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { LinQBaseDao.Query("update BusinessRecord set BusinessRecord_Weight=" + txtinweight + " where BusinessRecord_CarInOutRecord_ID=" + carinoutrecord + " and BusinessRecord_Type='" + CommonalityEntity.unloadFirstWeight + "'"); } else { return; } } else { if (type == CommonalityEntity.upWeight) { string carinfo_po = table.Rows[0]["CarInfo_PO"].ToString(); save(carinoutrecord, carinfo_po, CommonalityEntity.unloadFirstWeight, txtinweight); MessageBox.Show(this, "保存成功"); CommonalityEntity.strCardNo = ""; //记录地磅策略已通过 record = new WeighStrategyRecord(); record.WeighStrategyRecord_WeighInfo_ID = Convert.ToInt32(cobWeighStrategyRecord.SelectedValue); record.WeighStrategyRecord_StaffInfo_ID = Convert.ToInt32(txtCarregistration_Name.Tag.ToString()); record.WeighStrategyRecord_CarInfo_ID = Convert.ToInt32(txtCarregistration_Carnumber.Tag.ToString()); record.WeighStrategyRecord_Carnumber = txtCarregistration_Carnumber.Text.Trim(); record.WeighStrategyRecord_StaffInfo_Name = txtCarregistration_Name.Text.Trim(); record.WeighStrategyRecord_CarType = txtCartype_Name.Text.Trim(); record.WeighStrategyRecord_mark = true; record.WeighStrategyRecord_RecordTime = CommonalityEntity.GetServersTime(); record.WeighStrategyRecord_Name = cobWeighStrategyRecord.Text.Trim(); record.WeighStrategyRecord_order = RraderSort; record.WeighStrategyRecord_Remark = txtRemark.Text.Trim(); if (!WeighStrategyRecordDAL.InsertOneQCRecord(record)) { //MessageBox.Show("地磅房策略通行记录失败!"); } } else { MessageBox.Show(this, "保存失败,没有" + CommonalityEntity.upWeight); } } } //判断出门地磅是否重复记录 if (txtoutweight != "" && txtoutweight != weight2) { DataTable ds = LinQBaseDao.Query("select * from BusinessRecord where BusinessRecord_Type='" + CommonalityEntity.unloadSecondWeight + "' and BusinessRecord_CarInOutRecord_ID=" + carinoutrecord + " order by BusinessRecord_ID desc").Tables[0]; if (ds.Rows.Count > 0) { if (MessageBox.Show("是否修改" + CommonalityEntity.unloadSecondWeight + "重量?", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { LinQBaseDao.Query(" update BusinessRecord set BusinessRecord_Weight=" + txtoutweight + " where BusinessRecord_CarInOutRecord_ID=" + carinoutrecord + " and BusinessRecord_Type='" + CommonalityEntity.unloadSecondWeight + "'"); } else { return; } } else { DataTable tab = LinQBaseDao.Query("select * from BusinessRecord where BusinessRecord_Type='" + CommonalityEntity.unloadFirstWeight + "' and BusinessRecord_CarInOutRecord_ID=" + carinoutrecord + " order by BusinessRecord_ID desc").Tables[0]; if (tab.Rows[0]["BusinessRecord_Type"].ToString() == CommonalityEntity.unloadFirstWeight) { string carinfo_po = tab.Rows[0]["CarInfo_PO"].ToString(); save(carinoutrecord, carinfo_po, CommonalityEntity.unloadSecondWeight, txtoutweight); MessageBox.Show(this, "保存成功"); CommonalityEntity.strCardNo = ""; //记录地磅策略已通过 record = new WeighStrategyRecord(); record.WeighStrategyRecord_WeighInfo_ID = Convert.ToInt32(cobWeighStrategyRecord.SelectedValue); record.WeighStrategyRecord_StaffInfo_ID = Convert.ToInt32(txtCarregistration_Name.Tag.ToString()); record.WeighStrategyRecord_CarInfo_ID = Convert.ToInt32(txtCarregistration_Carnumber.Tag.ToString()); record.WeighStrategyRecord_Carnumber = txtCarregistration_Carnumber.Text.Trim(); record.WeighStrategyRecord_StaffInfo_Name = txtCarregistration_Name.Text.Trim(); record.WeighStrategyRecord_CarType = txtCartype_Name.Text.Trim(); record.WeighStrategyRecord_mark = true; record.WeighStrategyRecord_RecordTime = CommonalityEntity.GetServersTime(); record.WeighStrategyRecord_Name = cobWeighStrategyRecord.Text.Trim(); record.WeighStrategyRecord_order = RraderSort; record.WeighStrategyRecord_Remark = txtRemark.Text.Trim(); if (!WeighStrategyRecordDAL.InsertOneQCRecord(record)) { MessageBox.Show("地磅房策略通行记录失败!"); } } else { MessageBox.Show(this, "保存失败,没有" + CommonalityEntity.unloadFirstWeight); } } } } } catch { CommonalityEntity.WriteTextLog("卸货点过磅信息 btnSave_Click()" + "".ToString()); } }
/// <summary> /// 保存设置 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { //得到页面对应车辆类型的打印设置 int carType_ID = int.Parse(comboxCartype.SelectedValue.ToString()); //得到选择的打印内容 string print_Content = ""; if (chkCarNumber.Checked) { print_Content += chkCarNumber.Text.Trim() + ","; } if (chkCarType.Checked) { print_Content += chkCarType.Text.Trim() + ","; } if (chkStaff_Name.Checked) { print_Content += chkStaff_Name.Text.Trim() + ","; } if (chkList.CheckedItems.Count > 0) { foreach (var item in chkList.CheckedItems) { print_Content += item + ","; } } PrintInfo print = new PrintInfo(); print.Print_Content = print_Content.Substring(0, print_Content.Length - 1); print.Print_CarType_ID = carType_ID; print.Print_State = chkPrint_State.Text.Trim(); print.Print_Attention = txtzhuyishixiang.Text.Trim(); print.Print_Prompt = txttisi.Text.Trim(); if (chkPrint_State.Text.Trim() == "启动") { if (ChkPrintState()) { DialogResult dlgResult = MessageBox.Show("已经存在启动状态的设置,是否替换?", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (dlgResult == DialogResult.OK) { //修改条件 Expression <Func <PrintInfo, bool> > funs = n => n.Print_State == "启动" && n.Print_CarType_ID == int.Parse(comboxCartype.SelectedValue.ToString()); //需要修改的内容 Action <PrintInfo> actions = p => { p.Print_State = "暂停"; }; //执行更新 PrintInfoDAL.UpdatePrint(funs, actions); PrintInfoDAL.InsertPrint(print); } else { print.Print_State = "暂停"; PrintInfoDAL.InsertPrint(print); } } else { PrintInfoDAL.InsertPrint(print); } } else { PrintInfoDAL.InsertPrint(print); } DataTable dt = LinQBaseDao.Query("select PrintInfo_ID,PrintInfo_State from PrintInfo order by PrintInfo_ID desc ").Tables[0]; string id = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString(); string state = dt.Rows[0][1].ToString(); if (state == "启动") { CommonalityEntity.WriteLogData("新增", "新增并启动编号为:" + id + "打印设置", CommonalityEntity.USERNAME); } else { CommonalityEntity.WriteLogData("新增", "新增编号为:" + id + "打印设置", CommonalityEntity.USERNAME); } } catch { CommonalityEntity.WriteTextLog("PrintSetForm btnAdd_Click()"); } finally { GetGriddataviewLoad(""); } }
//直接审批方法 private void btnshenpi() { try { bool ab = true; bool bb = true; if (txtRemark.Text.Trim() == "") { MessageBox.Show("重置原因不能为空。", "提示"); return; } if (gridevewSortReset.SelectedRows.Count <= 0) { MessageBox.Show(this, "请选择需要重置的行!"); return; } if (gridevewSortReset.SelectedRows.Count > 1) { MessageBox.Show(this, "只能选择一行进行重置!"); return; } string carname = gridevewSortReset.SelectedRows[0].Cells["CarInfo_Name"].Value.ToString(); //车俩ID string carinfoid = gridevewSortReset.SelectedRows[0].Cells["CarInfo_ID"].Value.ToString(); //小票号ID string smallid = gridevewSortReset.SelectedRows[0].Cells["SortNumberInfo_SmallTicket_ID"].Value.ToString(); //重置后状态 string htongxing = cbohou.Text.ToString(); //重置前状态 string qtongxing = txtqian.Text.ToString(); //将修改前的呼叫时间储存下来 string sqlsntime = "select SortNumberInfo_CallTime from SortNumberInfo where SortNumberInfo_SmallTicket_ID = " + smallid + ""; DateTime sntime = Convert.ToDateTime(LinQBaseDao.Query(sqlsntime).Tables[0].Rows[0]["SortNumberInfo_CallTime"]); try { string strsql = ""; if (htongxing == "待通行" || htongxing == "排队中") { //是从其它所有的状态改为带通行时,将这个车辆的呼叫时间修改为当前时间 if (htongxing == "待通行") { strsql = "update SortNumberInfo set SortNumberInfo_TongXing='" + htongxing + "' where SortNumberInfo_SmallTicket_ID =" + smallid + "\r\n"; } else { strsql = "update SortNumberInfo set SortNumberInfo_TongXing='" + htongxing + "',SortNumberInfo_CallTime='" + CommonalityEntity.GetServersTime() + "' where SortNumberInfo_SmallTicket_ID =" + smallid + "\r\n"; } strsql += " update CarInOutRecord set CarInOutRecord_DrivewayStrategy_IDS=null,CarInOutRecord_ISFulfill=0 where CarInOutRecord_CarInfo_ID=" + carinfoid + "\r\n"; strsql += " update SmallTicket set SmallTicket_Allowcounted=0 where SmallTicket_CarInfo_ID=" + carinfoid; LinQBaseDao.Query(strsql); } else if (htongxing == "已进厂") { //是从其它所有的状态改为已出厂时,将业务完成标识改为true strsql = " update CarInOutRecord set CarInOutRecord_ISFulfill=0 where CarInOutRecord_CarInfo_ID= " + carinfoid + "\r\n"; //将这个车辆的状态修改为需要的状态 strsql += " update SortNumberInfo set SortNumberInfo_TongXing='" + htongxing + "' where SortNumberInfo_SmallTicket_ID= " + smallid; LinQBaseDao.Query(strsql); //单次进出门岗,已进厂车辆修改出厂通行策略 DataTable dtstate = LinQBaseDao.Query("select CarInOutRecord_ID,CarInOutRecord_DrivewayStrategyS,CarInOutRecord_DrivewayStrategy_IDS from CarInOutRecord where CarInOutRecord_CarInfo_ID=" + carinfoid).Tables[0]; if (dtstate.Rows.Count > 0) { string drivstr = dtstate.Rows[0]["CarInOutRecord_DrivewayStrategyS"].ToString(); string carinoutid = dtstate.Rows[0]["CarInOutRecord_ID"].ToString(); string[] drivstrs = drivstr.Split(','); int count = 0; foreach (var item in drivstrs) { count++; } if (count == 2) { drivstr = drivstr.Substring(0, drivstr.IndexOf(',')); LinQBaseDao.Query("update CarInOutRecord set CarInOutRecord_DrivewayStrategy_IDS='" + drivstr + "',CarInOutRecord_ISFulfill=0 where CarInOutRecord_ID=" + carinoutid); LinQBaseDao.Query("update SmallTicket set SmallTicket_Allowcounted=0 where SmallTicket_CarInfo_ID=" + carinfoid); } else if (count > 2) { string drivstrids = dtstate.Rows[0]["CarInOutRecord_DrivewayStrategy_IDS"].ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(drivstrids)) { int ssy = drivstrids.LastIndexOf(','); if (ssy > 0) { string stasd = drivstrids.Substring(ssy + 1, drivstrids.Length - (ssy + 1)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(stasd)) { DataTable dtv = LinQBaseDao.Query("select Driveway_Type from dbo.View_DrivewayStrategy_Driveway_Position where DrivewayStrategy_ID=" + stasd).Tables[0]; if (dtv.Rows.Count > 0) { string dtype = dtv.Rows[0][0].ToString(); if (dtype == "出") { drivstrids = drivstrids.Substring(0, ssy); LinQBaseDao.Query("update CarInOutRecord set CarInOutRecord_DrivewayStrategy_IDS='" + drivstrids + "',CarInOutRecord_ISFulfill=0 where CarInOutRecord_ID=" + carinoutid); LinQBaseDao.Query("update SmallTicket set SmallTicket_Allowcounted=0 where SmallTicket_CarInfo_ID=" + carinfoid); } } } } } } else { LinQBaseDao.Query("update CarInOutRecord set CarInOutRecord_DrivewayStrategy_IDS=CarInOutRecord_DrivewayStrategyS,CarInOutRecord_ISFulfill=1 where CarInOutRecord_ID=" + carinoutid); LinQBaseDao.Query("update SmallTicket set SmallTicket_Allowcounted=1 where SmallTicket_CarInfo_ID=" + carinfoid); } } } else if (htongxing == "已出厂") { //是从已出厂改为其它所有的状态,将业务完成标识改为true strsql = " update CarInOutRecord set CarInOutRecord_ISFulfill=1,CarInOutRecord_FulfillTime='" + CommonalityEntity.GetServersTime() + "' where CarInOutRecord_CarInfo_ID= " + carinfoid + "\r\n"; //将这个车辆的状态修改为需要的状态 strsql += " update SortNumberInfo set SortNumberInfo_TongXing='" + htongxing + "' where SortNumberInfo_SmallTicket_ID= " + smallid; LinQBaseDao.Query(strsql); } else { //将这个车辆的状态修改为需要的状态 strsql = " update SortNumberInfo set SortNumberInfo_TongXing='" + htongxing + "' where SortNumberInfo_SmallTicket_ID= " + smallid; LinQBaseDao.Query(strsql); } MessageBox.Show("重置成功!!!", "提示"); CommonalityEntity.WriteLogData("修改", "车牌:" + carname + "重置状态为:" + htongxing + ",通过了审批", CommonalityEntity.USERNAME); addcz(); LogInfoLoad(""); } catch { MessageBox.Show("系统繁忙请稍后再试!!!", "提示"); CommonalityEntity.WriteTextLog("车牌:" + carname + "重置状态为:" + htongxing + ",审批失败"); } } catch { CommonalityEntity.WriteTextLog("ResetApplication. btnshenpi()异常:"); } }
/// <summary> /// 查询所有信息预置皮重信息 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static IEnumerable <FVNInfo> Query() { return(LinQBaseDao.Query <FVNInfo>(new DCCarManagementDataContext())); }
/// <summary> /// 打印事件 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void printDocument_PrintPage(object sender, System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs e) { try { int rowCount = 0; int colCount = 0; int x = 0; int y = 0; int rowGap = 20; int colGap = 22; Font font = new Font("宋体", 9); Font headingFont = new Font("宋体", 10, FontStyle.Underline); Font captionFont = new Font("宋体", 10, FontStyle.Bold); Font captionFontT = new Font("宋体", 14, FontStyle.Bold); Brush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black); string cellValue = ""; rowCount = dataGrid.Tables[0].Rows.Count; colCount = dataGrid.Tables[0].Columns.Count; #region 打印内容 int ys = 0; e.Graphics.DrawString("玖龙公司进出凭证", captionFontT, brush, 80, y, StringFormat.GenericDefault); for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < colCount; j++) { cellValue = dataGrid.Tables[0].Rows[i][j].ToString(); x = rowGap; y += colGap;//打印标题 if (dataGrid.Tables[0].Columns[j].ColumnName == "排队号") { //获取该打印记录中打印小票的排队号 string prdSql = dataGrid.Tables[0].Rows[0]["排队号"].ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(prdSql)) { cellValue = "优先进厂"; } } e.Graphics.DrawString(dataGrid.Tables[0].Columns[j].ColumnName + ":", captionFont, brush, x, y, StringFormat.GenericDefault); x = 95;//打印内容 e.Graphics.DrawString(cellValue, font, brush, x, y, StringFormat.GenericDefault); } y += colGap; e.Graphics.DrawString("通行策略" + ":", captionFont, brush, rowGap, y, StringFormat.GenericDefault); x = 20; y += colGap; //策略内容 //获取该车辆类型的策略 string clSql = "select CarInOutRecord_Update from CarInOutRecord where CarInOutRecord_CarInfo_ID=" + carinfoid; object objdname = LinQBaseDao.GetSingle(clSql); if (objdname != null && Convert.ToBoolean(objdname)) { clSql = "select * from View_DrivewayStrategyRecord_Driveway_Position_CarInfo where DrivewayStrategyRecord_carinfo_id =" + carinfoid + " and DrivewayStrategyRecord_State='启动' order by DrivewayStrategyRecord_sort asc"; DataSet dataset = LinQBaseDao.Query(clSql); int k = 0; rowGap = 20; foreach (DataRow dr in dataset.Tables[0].Rows) { k++; if (k % 2 == 0) { rowGap = 140; } e.Graphics.DrawString(dr["DrivewayStrategyRecord_sort"].ToString() + "-" + dr["Position_Name"].ToString() + "-" + dr["Driveway_Name"].ToString() + "-" + dr["Driveway_Type"].ToString() + "\n", font, brush, rowGap, y, StringFormat.GenericDefault); if (k % 2 == 0) { y += colGap; rowGap = 20; } } } else { clSql = "select CarInOutRecord_Remark from CarInOutRecord where CarInOutRecord_CarInfo_ID=" + carinfoid; objdname = LinQBaseDao.GetSingle(clSql); if (objdname != null) { clSql = "select * from View_DrivewayStrategy_Driveway_Position where DrivewayStrategy_Name ='" + objdname + "' and DrivewayStrategy_State='启动' order by DrivewayStrategy_sort asc"; } else { clSql = "select * from View_DrivewayStrategy_Driveway_Position where DrivewayStrategy_Name in (select CarType_DriSName from CarType where CarType_ID=" + cartypeid + ") and DrivewayStrategy_State='启动' order by DrivewayStrategy_sort asc"; } DataSet dataset = LinQBaseDao.Query(clSql); int k = 0; rowGap = 20; foreach (DataRow dr in dataset.Tables[0].Rows) { k++; if (k % 2 == 0) { rowGap = 140; } e.Graphics.DrawString(dr["DrivewayStrategy_sort"].ToString() + "-" + dr["Position_Name"].ToString() + "-" + dr["Driveway_Name"].ToString() + "-" + dr["Driveway_Type"].ToString() + "\n", font, brush, rowGap, y, StringFormat.GenericDefault); if (k % 2 == 0) { y += colGap; rowGap = 20; } } } rowGap = 20; y += rowGap; e.Graphics.DrawString("注意事项" + ":", captionFont, brush, rowGap, y, StringFormat.GenericDefault); x = 95; string prtSql = "select top 1 * from PrintInfo where Print_State='启动' and Print_CarType_ID=" + cartypeid + ""; DataTable dtprt = LinQBaseDao.Query(prtSql).Tables[0]; int ss = 0; if (dtprt.Rows.Count > 0) { string strattent = dtprt.Rows[0]["Print_Attention"].ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strattent)) { string message = strattent; for (int s = 0; s < message.Length; s++) { if (s % 12 == 0 && s != 0) { strattent = message.Insert(s, "\r\n"); ss++; } } e.Graphics.DrawString(strattent, font, brush, x, y, StringFormat.GenericDefault); } } y += colGap + ss * 15; e.Graphics.DrawString("温馨提示" + ":", captionFont, brush, rowGap, y, StringFormat.GenericDefault); x = 95; if (dtprt.Rows.Count > 0) { string strattent = dtprt.Rows[0]["Print_Prompt"].ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strattent)) { string messages = strattent; for (int s = 0; s < messages.Length; s++) { if (s % 12 == 0 && s != 0) { strattent = strattent.Insert(s, "\r\n"); ys++; } } e.Graphics.DrawString(strattent, font, brush, x, y, StringFormat.GenericDefault); } } } y += colGap + ys * 15; e.Graphics.DrawImage(bmp, 8, y, 450, 120); y += colGap + 100; e.Graphics.DrawString(Serialnumber, captionFont, brush, rowGap, y, StringFormat.GenericDefault); #endregion } catch { CommonalityEntity.WriteTextLog("Printer printDocument_PrintPage()"); } }
/// <summary> /// summary> /// 按条件查询信息View_PresetTare_Dictionary /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static IEnumerable <FVNInfo> Query(Expression <Func <FVNInfo, bool> > fun) { return(LinQBaseDao.Query <FVNInfo>(new DCCarManagementDataContext(), fun)); }
/// <summary> /// 导出Execl 全选 /// </summary> /// <param name="filename"></param> /// <param name="tablename"></param> /// <param name="strsql"></param> private void daochu(string filename, string strsql) { try { string saveFileName = ""; SaveFileDialog saveDialog = new SaveFileDialog(); saveDialog.DefaultExt = "xls"; saveDialog.Filter = "Excel文件|*.xls"; saveDialog.FileName = filename; saveDialog.ShowDialog(); saveFileName = saveDialog.FileName; if (saveFileName.IndexOf(":") < 0) { return; //被点了取消 } ISdao = true; groupBox3.Visible = true; btnSet.Text = "取消导出"; label19.Text = "正在导出:" + filename; ExcelFile excelFile = new ExcelFile(); // ExcelWorksheet sheet = excelFile.Worksheets.Add(filename); DataTable table = LinQBaseDao.Query(strsql).Tables[0]; int columns = table.Columns.Count; int rows = table.Rows.Count; double ss = (double)rows / 60000; int ii = Convert.ToInt32(ss); if (ss > ii) { ii++; } progressBar1.Maximum = ii + 1; progressBar1.Value = 0; int y = 0; for (int s = 1; s < ii + 1; s++) { ExcelWorksheet sheet = excelFile.Worksheets.Add(filename + s.ToString()); for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++) { sheet.Cells[0, j].Value = table.Columns[j].ColumnName; } for (int i = 0; i < columns; i++) { if (ISdao) { y = 0; for (int j = (s - 1) * 60000; j < rows; j++) { y++; if (y > 60000) { y = 0; break; } sheet.Cells[y, i].Value = table.Rows[j][i].ToString(); } } else { break; } } if (!ISdao) { break; } progressBar1.Value++; } excelFile.SaveXls(saveFileName); progressBar1.Value++; if (progressBar1.Value >= progressBar1.Maximum) { label19.Text = filename; btnSet.Text = "导出完成"; } } catch { } }
/// <summary> /// 登记方法 /// </summary> private void QcInfoAdd() { try { if (lvwUserList.SelectedRows.Count > 0) { int id = Convert.ToInt32(lvwUserList.SelectedRows[0].Cells["DRAW_EXAM_INTERFACE_ID"].Value); StringBuilder sbMessage = new StringBuilder(); int QCInfo_Dictionary_ID = 0; int QCInfo_STATE = 0; var dictionary = DictionaryDAL.Query(); foreach (var m in dictionary) { if (m.Dictionary_Name == "质检中") { QCInfo_Dictionary_ID = m.Dictionary_ID; } if (m.Dictionary_Name == "启动") { QCInfo_STATE = m.Dictionary_ID; //数据状态(启动) } } int irnt = 0; #region ykWarning: 和U9交互 纸种为 LSOP1的不和U9交互 ,测试的时候,可以删除U9交互,发布的时候务必要还原。 //#if !DEBUG string PROD_ID = lvwUserList.SelectedRows[0].Cells["PROD_ID"].Value.ToString(); if (isIdebarJoinU9(PROD_ID)) { DataSet ds = LinQBaseDao.Query("select SHIPMENT_NO,CNTR_NO from dbo.DRAW_EXAM_INTERFACE where DRAW_EXAM_INTERFACE_ID=" + id); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { string SHIPMENT_NO = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString(); if (!gainData(SHIPMENT_NO, id)) { string CNTR_NO = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString(); MessageBox.Show(CNTR_NO + "从U9获取数据失败,不能登记!"); return; } } else { MessageBox.Show("登记失败!"); return; } } else { DataSet ds = LinQBaseDao.Query("select SHIPMENT_NO,CNTR_NO from dbo.DRAW_EXAM_INTERFACE where DRAW_EXAM_INTERFACE_ID=" + id); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { RegisterLoosePaperDistribution rpdb = new RegisterLoosePaperDistribution(); rpdb.R_DRAW_EXAM_INTERFACE_ID = id; rpdb.issend = false; LinQBaseDao.InsertOne(dc, rpdb); } } //#endif #endregion if (YesNoDengJi(id)) { MessageBox.Show("该信息已登记过", "系统提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); Bangding_Load(RegistrationWhere());//更新数据 ids.Clear(); return; } var qf = new QCInfo(); qf.QCInfo_Dictionary_ID = QCInfo_Dictionary_ID; qf.QCInfo_STATE = QCInfo_STATE; int k = QCInfoDAL.GetIntDRAWCount(id);//抽样总次数 qf.QCInfo_PumpingPackets = k; #region 周意 规则加上后需要修改 //e ReckonWaterTestCount(qf.QCInfo_ID); qf.QCInfo_UnpackBefore_MOIST_PER_COUNT = OneCQCount + TwoCQCount; qf.QCInfo_UnpackBack_MOIST_COUNT = OneCHCount + TwoCHCount; #endregion qf.QCInfo_DRAW_EXAM_INTERFACE_ID = id; qf.QCInfo_DEGREE = 1; //检测次数 qf.QCInfo_TIME = DateTime.Now; //日期时间 qf.QCInfo_Client_ID = Common.CLIENTID; //客户端配置编号 qf.QCInfo_UserId = EMEWE.Common.Converter.ToInt(Common.USERID); //记录人:当前登录人 //修改抽样表状态 Action <DRAW_EXAM_INTERFACE> ap = n => { //liemrao begin update 20160901 //n.IS_DengJi = Convert.ToChar("Y"); n.IS_DengJi = "Y"; //end update }; Expression <Func <DRAW_EXAM_INTERFACE, bool> > p1 = n => n.DRAW_EXAM_INTERFACE_ID == id; bool rboolDRAW_EXAM_INTERFACEDAL = DRAW_EXAM_INTERFACEDAL.Update(p1, ap); if (rboolDRAW_EXAM_INTERFACEDAL) { if (QCInfoDAL.addQCInfoDAL(qf)) { irnt++; sbMessage.Append(id + ","); Common.WriteLogData("新增", "登记数据抽样编号为:" + id, Common.NAME); //操作日志 #region 抽包 getPackets(qf.QCInfo_ID, id); #endregion } else { //修改抽样表状态 Action <DRAW_EXAM_INTERFACE> ap2 = n => { n.IS_DengJi = null; }; Expression <Func <DRAW_EXAM_INTERFACE, bool> > p2 = n => n.DRAW_EXAM_INTERFACE_ID == id; DRAW_EXAM_INTERFACEDAL.Update(p2, ap2); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sbMessage.ToString())) { DialogResult dia = MessageBox.Show("登记数据抽样编号为:" + sbMessage.ToString() + "成功\r\n是否现场抽包?", "系统提示", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (dia.Equals(DialogResult.Yes)) { tChoosePacks.Enabled = false; ChoosePacks(); tChoosePacks.Enabled = true; } } else//没有选中 { MessageBox.Show("请选择列表再开始质检!", "系统提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } } } catch { MessageBox.Show("登记失败", "系统提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } finally { page = new PageControl(); page.PageMaxCount = tscbxPageSize2.SelectedItem.ToString(); Bangding_Load(RegistrationWhere());//更新数据 } }
private void btnUpdate_Click() { try { arraylist.Clear();//清空动态数组内的成员 add(); int j = 0; bool Menu_Enabled = true; bool Menu_Visible = true; if (!chb_Menu_Visible.Checked) { Menu_Visible = false; } if (!chb_Menu_Enabled.Checked) { Menu_Enabled = false; } if (CommonalityEntity.YesNoBoolRoleUser) { //删除用户权限,只能删除我拥有的,已经配置的权限 if (CommonalityEntity.UserID <= 0) { return; } DataTable dt = LinQBaseDao.Query("select Permissions_ID from View_MenuInfo_P where Menu_Type=1 and Permissions_UserId=" + CommonalityEntity.UserID + "").Tables[0]; string pids = ""; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { pids += dt.Rows[i][0].ToString() + ","; } LinQBaseDao.Query("delete PermissionsInfo where Permissions_ID in (" + pids.TrimEnd(',') + ")"); } for (int i = 0; i < arraylist.Count; i++) { var permissionsInfo = new PermissionsInfo { Permissions_Menu_ID = CommonalityEntity.GetInt(arraylist[i].ToString()), Permissions_Visible = Menu_Visible, Permissions_Enabled = Menu_Enabled, Permissions_Type = 1,//1为winfrom程序菜单 Permissions_UserId = CommonalityEntity.UserID }; if (!PermissionsInfoDAL.InsertOneQCRecord(permissionsInfo))//是否添加失败 { j++; } } } else { //删除用户的所有权限 Expression <Func <PermissionsInfo, bool> > funmenuinfo = n => n.Permissions_Role_Id == CommonalityEntity.RoleID; if (!PermissionsInfoDAL.DeleteToMany(funmenuinfo))//用户权限菜单是否删除失败 { j++; } for (int i = 0; i < arraylist.Count; i++) { var permissionsInfo = new PermissionsInfo { Permissions_Menu_ID = CommonalityEntity.GetInt(arraylist[i].ToString()), //Dictionary_State = DictionaryDAL.GetDictionaryID("启动"), Permissions_Visible = Menu_Visible, Permissions_Enabled = Menu_Enabled, Permissions_Type = 1, Permissions_Role_Id = CommonalityEntity.RoleID }; if (!PermissionsInfoDAL.InsertOneQCRecord(permissionsInfo))//是否添加失败 { j++; } } } if (j == 0) { MessageBox.Show("添加成功", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); CommonalityEntity.WriteLogData("新增", "新增角色编号为:" + CommonalityEntity.RoleID + "权限的信息", CommonalityEntity.USERNAME); } else { MessageBox.Show("添加失败", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } } catch { MessageBox.Show("添加失败", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); CommonalityEntity.WriteTextLog("UserRoleADD.btnUpdate_Click()"); } finally { this.Close(); } try { arraylist.Clear();//清空动态数组内的成员 add(); CommonalityEntity.arraylist = arraylist; } catch { CommonalityEntity.WriteTextLog("UserRoleADD.btnUpdate_Click()"); } finally { this.Close(); } }
/// <summary> /// 打印事件 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void printDocument_PrintPage(object sender, System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs e) { try { int y = 0; int rowGap = 30; int colGap = 30; int x = 1; Font captionFont = new Font("宋体", 18, FontStyle.Bold); Brush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black); for (int i = 0; i < lvwUserList.SelectedRows.Count; i++) { if (count != 0 && i == 0) { i = count + 1; } #region 杨敦钦 填充打印内容 和打印 e.Graphics.DrawString("重庆理文造纸有限公司国废质检抽包", captionFont, brush, rowGap, y, StringFormat.GenericDefault); int id = Convert.ToInt32(lvwUserList.SelectedRows[i].Cells["DRAW_EXAM_INTERFACE_ID"].Value); string prtSql = "select CNTR_NO,WEIGHT_TICKET_NO,PROD_ID,DRAW_ONE,DRAW_TWO,DRAW_THREE,DRAW_FOUR,DRAW_FIVE,DRAW_SIX,DRAW_7,DRAW_8,DRAW_9,DRAW_10,DRAW_11,DRAW_12,DRAW_13,DRAW_14 from dbo.DRAW_EXAM_INTERFACE where DRAW_EXAM_INTERFACE_ID=" + id; DataTable dtprt = LinQBaseDao.Query(prtSql).Tables[0]; if (dtprt.Rows.Count > 0) { y += colGap; //换行 string strattent = dtprt.Rows[0]["CNTR_NO"].ToString(); e.Graphics.DrawString("车牌号:" + strattent, captionFont, brush, rowGap, y, StringFormat.GenericDefault); //添加打印内容 strattent = dtprt.Rows[0]["WEIGHT_TICKET_NO"].ToString(); e.Graphics.DrawString("磅单号:" + strattent, captionFont, brush, 280, y, StringFormat.GenericDefault); //添加打印内容 strattent = dtprt.Rows[0]["PROD_ID"].ToString(); e.Graphics.DrawString("货品:" + strattent, captionFont, brush, 540, y, StringFormat.GenericDefault); //添加打印内容 y += colGap; //换行 strattent = ""; string ziduan = "DRAW_ONE,DRAW_TWO,DRAW_THREE,DRAW_FOUR,DRAW_FIVE,DRAW_SIX,DRAW_7,DRAW_8,DRAW_9,DRAW_10,DRAW_11,DRAW_12,DRAW_13,DRAW_14"; string[] danziduan = ziduan.Split(','); for (int j = 0; j < danziduan.Length; j++) { strattent = hbbh(dtprt, strattent, danziduan[j]); } if (strattent != "") { strattent = strattent.Substring(0, strattent.Length - 1); } e.Graphics.DrawString("包号:" + strattent, captionFont, brush, rowGap, y, StringFormat.GenericDefault);//添加打印内容 y += 50; } if (x >= 10) { e.HasMorePages = true;//分页 x = 1; count = i; if (i == lvwUserList.SelectedRows.Count - 1) { e.HasMorePages = false;//打印 } break; } if (i == lvwUserList.SelectedRows.Count - 1) { e.HasMorePages = false;//打印 } x++; #endregion } } catch { } }
/// <summary> /// summary> /// 按条件查询信息View_Camera_Driveway_Position /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static List <View_FVN_Driveway_Position> GetList(Expression <Func <View_FVN_Driveway_Position, bool> > fun) { return(LinQBaseDao.Query <View_FVN_Driveway_Position>(new DCCarManagementDataContext(), fun).ToList()); }
/// <summary> /// 呼叫选中车辆 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void btnCall_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int sortid = 0; Control.CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = false; //没有显示数据则需要重新设置通道 if (lvwUserList.Rows.Count <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("请先进行呼叫设置"); return; } try { isUnusual = false; if (pv.PositionVoice_ID <= 0 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(_carType)) { MessageBox.Show("请先进行呼叫设置"); return; } if (this.lvwUserList.SelectedRows.Count <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("请选择需要呼叫的车辆!"); return; } if (CommonalityEntity.CarType.Count <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("请先设置通道通行车辆类型"); return; } //状态已改变 直接呼叫下一条 object objtongx = LinQBaseDao.GetSingle("select SortNumberInfo_TongXing from SortNumberInfo where SortNumberInfo_ID='" + this.lvwUserList.SelectedRows[0].Cells["sortNumberInfo_ID"].Value.ToString() + "'"); if (objtongx.ToString() != "待通行" && objtongx.ToString() != "排队中") { GetGriddataviewLoad("");// 重新加载数据 objtongx = LinQBaseDao.GetSingle("select SortNumberInfo_TongXing from SortNumberInfo where SortNumberInfo_ID='" + this.lvwUserList.SelectedRows[0].Cells["sortNumberInfo_ID"].Value.ToString() + "'"); if (objtongx.ToString() != "待通行" && objtongx.ToString() != "排队中") { MessageBox.Show("该车辆已不再排队中,请呼叫下一辆车!"); GetGriddataviewLoad("");// 重新加载数据 } } if (this.lvwUserList.SelectedRows[0].Cells["sortnumberinfo_state"].Value.ToString() == "注销") { MessageBox.Show("车辆排队状态被注销,不能呼叫!"); return; } //emewe 103 取消条件:and Driveway_Position_ID=" + SystemClass.PositionID + ",and 通道名称='" + comboxDriveway.Text.Trim() + "' string strslq = " select * from View_LEDShow_zj where sortnumberinfo_state='启动' and 车辆类型='" + _carType + "' and CarInfo_State='启动' and 小票号='" + this.lvwUserList.SelectedRows[0].Cells["Queue_Sur"].Value.ToString() + "'"; DataTable dtled = LinQBaseDao.Query(strslq).Tables[0]; if (dtled.Rows.Count <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("请设置后进行呼叫车辆"); return; } string queuestate = this.lvwUserList.SelectedRows[0].Cells["Queue_State"].Value.ToString(); if (queuestate != "待通行" && queuestate != "排队中") { MessageBox.Show("请重新设定后呼叫车辆!"); GetGriddataviewLoad("");// 重新加载数据 return; } string ManagementStrategy_name = ""; object objman = LinQBaseDao.GetSingle("select CarInOutRecord_Remark from CarInOutRecord where CarInOutRecord_ID=" + dtled.Rows[0]["CarInOutRecord_ID"].ToString()); if (objman != null) { ManagementStrategy_name = objman.ToString(); } string sqlMan = "select ManagementStrategy_ID from ManagementStrategy where ManagementStrategy_DriSName='" + ManagementStrategy_name + "' and ManagementStrategy_ControlInfo_ID in(select ControlInfo_ID from ControlInfo where ControlInfo_Name='进门授权校验')and ManagementStrategy_State='启动' "; DataTable dtMan = LinQBaseDao.Query(sqlMan).Tables[0]; if (dtMan.Rows.Count > 0) { if (this.lvwUserList.SelectedRows[0].Cells["CarInOutRecord_InCheck"].Value.ToString() != "是") { MessageBox.Show("该车辆还没有进门授权,不能呼叫!"); return; } } //未呼叫的 if (lvwUserList.SelectedRows[0].DefaultCellStyle.BackColor != System.Drawing.Color.Lime) { int sum = int.Parse(combox_LEDShowNumber.Text); strslq = " select top(" + sum + ") * from View_LEDShow_zj where sortnumberinfo_state='启动' and 车辆类型='" + _carType + "' and CarInfo_State='启动' and 通行状态='排队中' and 排队号 <> '' order by sortnumberinfo_ID"; ///dtsortnumber.Rows[i]["通行状态"].ToString() == "待通行" dtsortnumber = LinQBaseDao.Query(strslq).Tables[0]; if (dtsortnumber.Rows.Count >= 1) { sortid = int.Parse(this.lvwUserList.SelectedRows[0].Cells["sortNumberInfo_ID"].Value.ToString());//选中当前的小票号 CheckProperties.ce.sortValue = int.Parse(dtsortnumber.Rows[0]["SortNumberInfo_ID"].ToString()); //在所有没有呼叫中,必须选择最小的呼叫,否则不能呼叫 if (sortid != CheckProperties.ce.sortValue) { MessageBox.Show("按照排队序号进行呼叫"); return; } queueCar(this.lvwUserList.SelectedRows[0].Cells[2].Value.ToString(), sortid); GetGriddataviewLoad("");// 重新加载数据 } else { MessageBox.Show("该车辆业务类型,不可通行此门岗!!!"); return; } } else//已经呼叫的 { DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show("该车已做呼叫,确定重新呼叫该车辆吗?", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (dr == DialogResult.OK) { queueCar(this.lvwUserList.SelectedRows[0].Cells[2].Value.ToString(), sortid); GetGriddataviewLoad("");// 重新加载数据 } else { return; } } } catch (Exception err) { CommonalityEntity.WriteTextLog("QueueForm btnCall_Click()"); } }
/// <summary> /// 查询方法 /// </summary> public void StaffInfo_Select() { string strcv = ""; sqlwhere1 = ""; sqlwhere2 = ""; SqlWhere(); tv_StaffInfo.Nodes.Clear(); if (sqlwhere != "") { DataSet ds = LinQBaseDao.Query(sqlwhere); TreeNode nodeTemp = null; for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { SqlWhere1(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][0].ToString()); sqlwhere1 += sqlwhere2; DataSet dst = LinQBaseDao.Query(sqlwhere1); if (dst.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { nodeTemp = new TreeNode(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CommonalityEntity.tabcom2)) { nodeTemp.Name = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][1].ToString(); nodeTemp.Tag = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][2].ToString(); } else { nodeTemp.Tag = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][1].ToString(); } nodeTemp.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][0].ToString(); } //查询是否有相同姓名驾驶员 if (dst.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 1) { TreeNode nodeTemps; for (int j = 0; j < dst.Tables[0].Rows.Count; j++) { //添加子节点 nodeTemps = new TreeNode(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CommonalityEntity.tabcom2)) { nodeTemps.Text = dst.Tables[0].Rows[j][1].ToString(); string str = dst.Tables[0].Rows[j][2].ToString(); nodeTemps.Tag = dst.Tables[0].Rows[j][2].ToString(); } else { nodeTemps.Tag = dst.Tables[0].Rows[j][1].ToString(); } nodeTemps.Name = dst.Tables[0].Rows[j][0].ToString(); nodeTemp.Nodes.Add(nodeTemps); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strcv)) { strcv = "'" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][0].ToString() + "'"; } else { strcv += ",'" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][0].ToString() + "'"; } sqlwhere2 = " and " + CommonalityEntity.tabcom1 + " not in(" + strcv + " )"; } if (dst.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { tv_StaffInfo.Nodes.Add(nodeTemp); } } } }
//private void comboxDriveway_DropDown(object sender, EventArgs e) //{ // GetDriveway(); //} /// <summary> /// 异常呼叫 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void btnUnu_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { isUnusual = true; if (pv.PositionVoice_ID <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("请先进行呼叫设置"); return; } if (this.lvwUserList.SelectedRows[0].Cells["sortnumberinfo_state"].Value.ToString() == "注销") { MessageBox.Show("车辆排队状态被注销,不能呼叫!"); return; } string strslq = " select * from View_LEDShow_zj where sortnumberinfo_state='启动' and 车辆类型='" + _carType + "' and Driveway_Position_ID=" + SystemClass.PositionID + " and CarInfo_State='启动' and 通道名称='" + comboxDriveway.Text.Trim() + "' and 通行状态='待通行' and 排队号 <> ''"; DataTable dtsort = LinQBaseDao.Query(strslq).Tables[0]; if (dtsort.Rows.Count > 1) { MessageBox.Show("已呼叫车辆未放行,不能继续呼叫!"); return; } DialogResult dlgR = MessageBox.Show("确认呼叫" + this.lvwUserList.SelectedRows[0].Cells["QueueCarNumber"].Value.ToString() + "车辆? 当前呼叫为异常呼叫!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Stop); if (dlgR == DialogResult.OK) { #region 记录呼叫异常 ur = new UnusualRecord(); ur.UnusualRecord_Operate = CommonalityEntity.USERNAME; ur.UnusualRecord_Reason = "异常呼叫" + this.lvwUserList.SelectedRows[0].Cells["QueueCarNumber"].Value.ToString() + "车辆"; ur.UnusualRecord_Remark = "异常呼叫"; ur.UnusualRecord_State = "启动"; ur.UnusualRecord_Time = CommonalityEntity.GetServersTime(); ur.UnusualRecord_Type = "异常呼叫"; ur.UnusualRecord_UnusualType_ID = 1; ur.UnusualRecord_Site = "排队信息"; ur.UnusualRecord_SiteID = int.Parse(this.lvwUserList.SelectedRows[0].Cells["sortNumberInfo_ID"].Value.ToString()); ur.UnusualRecord_CarInfo_ID = int.Parse(this.lvwUserList.SelectedRows[0].Cells["CarInfo_ID"].Value.ToString()); UnusualRecordDAL.InsertUnusualRecord(ur);//记录异常信息 #endregion } else { return; } //得到排队信息表编号,修改排队状态 string sortid = this.lvwUserList.SelectedRows[0].Cells["sortNumberInfo_ID"].Value.ToString(); string strsql = " SortNumberInfo_TongXing ='待通行',SortNumberInfo_CallCount +=1,SortNumberInfo_Remark = '异常呼叫',SortNumberInfo_Number='是'"; if (this.lvwUserList.SelectedRows[0].Cells["Queue_State"].Value.ToString() == "排队中") { strsql += ",SortNumberInfo_CallTime ='" + CommonalityEntity.GetServersTime() + "'"; } strsql = "update SortNumberInfo set " + strsql + " where SortNumberInfo_ID=" + sortid; LinQBaseDao.Query(strsql); //得到呼叫的内容 GetData(); } catch { CommonalityEntity.WriteTextLog("QueueForm btnUnu_Click():"); } finally { GetGriddataviewLoad("");//重新加载数据 } }
/// <summary> /// 保存 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { Unusualstandard u = new Unusualstandard(); if (txtPROD.Text.Trim() != "") { u.Unusualstandard_PROD = txtPROD.Text.Trim(); } else { MessageBox.Show("货品不能为空!"); return; } if (txtDEGRADE_MOISTURE_PERCT.Text.Trim() != "") { u.Unusualstandard_DEGRADE_MOISTURE_PERCT = txtDEGRADE_MOISTURE_PERCT.Text.Trim(); } else { MessageBox.Show("水分标准不能为空!"); return; } if (txtDEGRADE_MATERIAL_PERCT.Text.Trim() != "") { u.Unusualstandard_DEGRADE_MATERIAL_PERCT = txtDEGRADE_MATERIAL_PERCT.Text.Trim(); } else { MessageBox.Show("杂质标准不能为空!"); return; } if (txtDEGRADE_OUTTHROWS_PERCT.Text.Trim() != "") { u.DEGRADE_OUTTHROWS_PERCT = txtDEGRADE_OUTTHROWS_PERCT.Text.Trim(); } else { MessageBox.Show("杂纸标准不能为空!"); return; } if (txtMOISTUREMIN.Text != "") { u.Unusualstandard_MOISTUREMIN = Convert.ToInt32(txtMOISTUREMIN.Text); } else { MessageBox.Show("水分接收下限不能为空!"); return; } if (txtMOISTUREMAX.Text != "") { u.Unusualstandard_MOISTUREMAX = Convert.ToInt32(txtMOISTUREMAX.Text); } else { MessageBox.Show("水分接收上限不能为空!"); return; } DataTable dt = LinQBaseDao.Query("select * from dbo.Unusualstandard where Unusualstandard_PROD ='" + txtPROD.Text.Trim() + "'").Tables[0]; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { MessageBox.Show("货品重名!"); return; } else { int result = 0; UnusualstandardDAL.InsertOneQCRecord(u, out result); if (result > 0) { MessageBox.Show("添加成功!"); LoadData(); } } } catch { } }
int num = 0;//取数据行编号 private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { //查询所有质检中的数据+完成质检并且规定时间以内的 DataTable QcInfoDT = LinQBaseDao.Query(" SELECT * from QCInfo,DRAW_EXAM_INTERFACE where QCInfo_DRAW_EXAM_INTERFACE_ID=DRAW_EXAM_INTERFACE_ID and QCInfo_ID in (select QCRecord_QCInfo_ID from QCRecord,TestItems where QCRecord_TestItems_ID = TestItems_ID and QCRecord_RESULT > 0) and (QCInfo_Dictionary_ID in (7,8) or (QCIInfo_EndTime >= '" + DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(endTime) + "' and QCInfo_Dictionary_ID=19)) order by QCInfo_ID desc ").Tables[0]; if (QcInfoDT.Rows.Count > 0) { //循环质检信息 每次3条信息 for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (num + i >= QcInfoDT.Rows.Count) { num = 0; } int QCInfo_ID = Convert.ToInt32(QcInfoDT.Rows[num + i]["QCInfo_ID"]); //质检编号 string CNTR_NO = QcInfoDT.Rows[num + i]["CNTR_NO"].ToString(); //车牌 string PROD_ID = QcInfoDT.Rows[num + i]["PROD_ID"].ToString(); //纸种 string avgWate = ""; if (QcInfoDT.Rows[num + i]["QCInfo_MOIST_PER_SAMPLE"].ToString() != "") { //总平均水分 avgWate = QcInfoDT.Rows[num + i]["QCInfo_MOIST_PER_SAMPLE"].ToString();//平均水分 } else { // 拆包后平均水分 if (QcInfoDT.Rows[num + i]["QCInfo_UnpackBack_MOIST_PER_SAMPLE"].ToString() != "") { avgWate = QcInfoDT.Rows[num + i]["QCInfo_UnpackBack_MOIST_PER_SAMPLE"].ToString(); } else { //拆包前 if (QcInfoDT.Rows[num + i]["QCInfo_UnpackBefore_MOIST_PER_SAMPLE"].ToString() != "") { avgWate = QcInfoDT.Rows[num + i]["QCInfo_UnpackBefore_MOIST_PER_SAMPLE"].ToString(); } } } string wate = ""; //实时水分 string state = ""; //状态 //根据质检编号查询QCRecord_RESULT > 0 的质检详细信息 排倒序 DataTable QCRecordDT = LinQBaseDao.Query("select top(2)* from QCRecord,TestItems where QCRecord_TestItems_ID = TestItems_ID and QCRecord_RESULT > 0 and QCRecord_QCInfo_ID=" + QCInfo_ID + " order by QCRecord_ID desc").Tables[0]; if (QCRecordDT.Rows.Count > 0) { string testItem = QCRecordDT.Rows[0]["TestItems_NAME"].ToString();//检测项目名称 //根据质检编号查询QCRecord_RESULT > 0 的2条水分质检详细信息 排倒序 DataTable wateDT = LinQBaseDao.Query("select top(2)* from QCRecord,TestItems where QCRecord_TestItems_ID = TestItems_ID and QCRecord_RESULT > 0 and QCRecord_QCInfo_ID=" + QCInfo_ID + " and Tes_TestItems_ID=1 order by QCRecord_ID desc").Tables[0]; //赋值实时水分,这里有2条就显示2条,否则显示一条 if (wateDT.Rows.Count > 1) { string testItemB = wateDT.Rows[1]["TestItems_NAME"].ToString(); wate = wateDT.Rows[1]["QCRecord_RESULT"].ToString() + "," + wateDT.Rows[0]["QCRecord_RESULT"].ToString(); } else if (wateDT.Rows.Count == 1) { wate = wateDT.Rows[0]["QCRecord_RESULT"].ToString(); } if (testItem == "水分检测" || testItem == "拆包后水分检测" || testItem == "拆包前水分检测") { //状态为测水判断 state = "测水"; } //状态为分拣判断 if (testItem == "重量检测" || testItem == "废纸包重" || testItem == "杂质" || testItem == "杂纸") { state = "分拣"; } //状态为退货判断 if (testItem == "退货还包" || QcInfoDT.Rows[num + i]["QCInfo_RECV_RMA_METHOD"].ToString() == "退货") { state = "退货"; } if (QcInfoDT.Rows[num + i]["QCInfo_RECV_RMA_METHOD"].ToString() == "收货") { state = "收货"; } switch (i) { //第一行 case 0: if (lblCarNoA.Text != CNTR_NO) { lblCarNoA.Text = CNTR_NO; } if (lbltypeA.Text != PROD_ID) { lbltypeA.Text = PROD_ID; } if (lblWaterA.Text != wate) { lblWaterA.Text = wate; } if (lblAVGA.Text != avgWate) { lblAVGA.Text = avgWate; } if (state == "测水") { lblOA1.Text = "○"; lblOA2.Text = ""; lblOA3.Text = ""; lblOA4.Text = ""; } if (state == "分拣") { lblOA2.Text = "○"; lblOA1.Text = ""; lblOA3.Text = ""; lblOA4.Text = ""; } if (state == "收货") { lblOA3.Text = "○"; lblOA1.Text = ""; lblOA2.Text = ""; lblOA4.Text = ""; } if (state == "退货") { lblOA4.Text = "○"; lblOA1.Text = ""; lblOA2.Text = ""; lblOA3.Text = ""; } break; //第二行 case 1: if (lblCarNOB.Text != CNTR_NO) { lblCarNOB.Text = CNTR_NO; } if (lblTypeB.Text != PROD_ID) { lblTypeB.Text = PROD_ID; } if (lblWaterB.Text != wate) { lblWaterB.Text = wate; } if (lblAVGB.Text != avgWate) { lblAVGB.Text = avgWate; } if (state == "测水") { lblOB1.Text = "○"; lblOB2.Text = ""; lblOB3.Text = ""; lblOB4.Text = ""; } if (state == "分拣") { lblOB2.Text = "○"; lblOB1.Text = ""; lblOB3.Text = ""; lblOB4.Text = ""; } if (state == "收货") { lblOB3.Text = "○"; lblOB1.Text = ""; lblOB2.Text = ""; lblOB4.Text = ""; } if (state == "退货") { lblOB4.Text = "○"; lblOB1.Text = ""; lblOB2.Text = ""; lblOB3.Text = ""; } break; //第三行 case 2: if (lblCarNoC.Text != CNTR_NO) { lblCarNoC.Text = CNTR_NO; } if (lblTypeC.Text != PROD_ID) { lblTypeC.Text = PROD_ID; } if (lblWaterC.Text != wate) { lblWaterC.Text = wate; } if (lblAVGC.Text != avgWate) { lblAVGC.Text = avgWate; } if (state == "测水") { lblOC1.Text = "○"; lblOC2.Text = ""; lblOC3.Text = ""; lblOC4.Text = ""; } if (state == "分拣") { lblOC2.Text = "○"; lblOC1.Text = ""; lblOC3.Text = ""; lblOC4.Text = ""; } if (state == "收货") { lblOC3.Text = "○"; lblOC1.Text = ""; lblOC2.Text = ""; lblOC4.Text = ""; } if (state == "退货") { lblOC4.Text = "○"; lblOC1.Text = ""; lblOC2.Text = ""; lblOC3.Text = ""; } break; default: break; } } } num += 3; } } catch { } }
public MainFrom mf;//主窗体 /// <summary> /// 单击发送按钮 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void btnSMSSend_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //短信内容 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtcontent.Text.Trim())) { MessageBox.Show("请输入短信内容"); return; } //质检状态改为暂停质检 LinQBaseDao.Query("update QCInfo set QCInfo_Dictionary_ID=(select Dictionary_ID from Dictionary where Dictionary_Name='暂停质检') where QCInfo_ID=" + QcinfoID); //添加异常信息 //insert into Unusual values(质检编号,异常类型编号,异常类型编号,'内容','未处理',经手人编号,0) Unusual un = new Unusual(); un.Unusual_QCInfo_ID = QcinfoID; un.Unusual_UnusualType_Id = Convert.ToInt32(cboUnusualType_Name.SelectedValue); un.Unusual_TestItems_ID = Convert.ToInt32(cboUnusualType_Name.SelectedValue); un.Unusual_content = cboUnusualType_Name.Text + "异常:" + txtcontent.Text.Trim(); un.Unusual_State = "未处理"; un.Unusual_ISSMSSend = false; un.Unusual_time = LinQBaseDao.getDate(); int u_id = 0; if (UnusualDAL.InsertOneQCRecord(un, out u_id)) { MessageBox.Show("短信发送成功!"); int TestItems_ID = Convert.ToInt32(cboUnusualType_Name.SelectedValue); //发送内容及发送人 DataSet SMSDs = LinQBaseDao.Query("select top(1)* from SMSConfigure where SMSConfigure_TestItems_ID=" + TestItems_ID);//只会存在一条 #region 取内容 string[] SMSContent = SMSDs.Tables[0].Rows[0]["SMSConfigure_SendContent"].ToString().Split(','); string[] SMSContentTxt = SMSDs.Tables[0].Rows[0]["SMSConfigure_SendContentText"].ToString().Split(','); string Contents = SMSSendContent(SMSContent, un.Unusual_Id, SMSContentTxt, un.Unusual_content);//存储短信内容 #endregion #region 取号码、姓名,并对其号码发送短信(号码和姓名同位置是一组数据) string[] SMSPhon = SMSDs.Tables[0].Rows[0]["SMSConfigure_ReceivePhone"].ToString().Split(';'); //号码 string[] SMSName = SMSDs.Tables[0].Rows[0]["SMSConfigure_Receive"].ToString().Split(';'); //姓名 for (int y = 0; y < SMSPhon.Count(); y++) //循环要发送的人数的电话号码 { if (SMSPhon[y] != "") { SmsSend ss = new SmsSend(); ss.SmsSend_Phone = SMSPhon[y]; ss.SmsSend_Text = Contents; ss.SmsSend_userName = SMSName[y]; ss.SmsSend_IsSend = "0"; ss.SmsSend_Unusunal_ID = un.Unusual_Id; bool b = SmsSendDAL.Insert(ss); } } #endregion Emety(); } else { MessageBox.Show("短信发送失败!"); return; } }