/// <summary>
 /// If we have an expression that has a wildcard before an ignore character, we re-shuffle them so the single character
 /// comes first, otherwise we'll get a false positive when evaluating the wild card in the CompareAt method.
 /// </summary>
 private void NormaliseWildcards()
     for (int atomIndex = 0; atomIndex < (_atomsLength - 1); atomIndex++)
         if ((_atoms[atomIndex].AtomType == LikeExpressionType.WildCard) &&
             (_atoms[atomIndex + 1].AtomType == LikeExpressionType.IgnoreCharacter))
             LikeAtom oldAtom = _atoms[atomIndex];
             _atoms[atomIndex]     = _atoms[atomIndex + 1];
             _atoms[atomIndex + 1] = oldAtom;
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the supplied like string into a number of LikeAtom instances, which we use when parsing
        /// candidate strings to establish a match.  Obviously the overhead for this is potentially "high"
        /// but it's intended that you would re-use the same like instance for comparing numerous strings
        /// which this class should be adept at.
        /// </summary>
        private void ParseIntoAtoms()
            bool escaping = false;
            bool charSet  = false;
            bool range    = false;
            bool notInSet = false;

            int matchExpressionLength = _matchExpression.Length;

            _atoms       = new LikeAtom[matchExpressionLength];
            _atomsLength = 0;

            var ranges = new ArrayList();

            for (int matchExpCharIndex = 0; matchExpCharIndex < matchExpressionLength; matchExpCharIndex++)
                char currentChar = _matchExpression[matchExpCharIndex];

                // character set specification
                if (charSet)
                    if ((currentChar == '^') && (ranges.Count == 0))
                        if (!notInSet)
                            notInSet = true;
                            ranges.Add(new[] { currentChar, currentChar });
                    else if (currentChar == ']')
                        // if "-" was the last character in the sequence, then it wasn't a range of characters...
                        if (range)
                            ranges.Add(new[] { '-', '-' });

                        char[]   matchCharacters;
                        char[][] matchRanges;
                        SimplifyRanges(ranges, out matchCharacters, out matchRanges);

                        if (notInSet)
                            _atoms[_atomsLength++] =
                                new LikeAtom(LikeExpressionType.NotInCharacterSet, matchCharacters, matchRanges);
                            _atoms[_atomsLength++] =
                                new LikeAtom(LikeExpressionType.CharacterSet, matchCharacters, matchRanges);

                        charSet  = false;
                        range    = false;
                        notInSet = false;
                    else if (currentChar == '-')
                        if (!range)
                            if (ranges.Count > 0)
                                range = true;
                            ranges.Add(new[] { '-', '-' });
                        if (range)
                            char cStart = _matchExpression[matchExpCharIndex - 2];
                            char cEnd   = currentChar;
                            if (cStart > cEnd)
                                // swap them round, the optimiser will most likely eliminate the tempStart
                                // for a register or something similar. I'll never test the hypothesis ;o)
                                char tempStart = cStart;
                                cStart = cEnd;
                                cEnd   = tempStart;
                            ranges.Add(new[] { cStart, cEnd });

                            // toggle range parsing off again
                            range = false;
                            ranges.Add(new[] { currentChar, currentChar });
                else if (escaping == false)
                    if (_applyEscapeCharacter && (currentChar == _escapeCharacter))
                        // escape the next character
                        escaping = true;
                    else if (currentChar == '_')
                        _atoms[_atomsLength++] = new LikeAtom(LikeExpressionType.IgnoreCharacter);
                    else if (currentChar == '%')
                        _atoms[_atomsLength++] = new LikeAtom(LikeExpressionType.WildCard);
                    else if (currentChar == '[')
                        charSet = true;
                        _atoms[_atomsLength++] = new LikeAtom(LikeExpressionType.SingleCharacter, currentChar);
                    // regardless of the character, we escape its contents
                    _atoms[_atomsLength++] = new LikeAtom(LikeExpressionType.SingleCharacter, currentChar);
                    // and turn off escaping, to allow the correct parsing of the rest of the string.
                    escaping = false;