예제 #1
 public override string ToString()
     return("Dynamic Light (" + LightColor.ToString(1) + ", " + LightRadius.ToString(0) + ")");
예제 #2
        public void process(Ecs ecs, float delta, params dynamic[] args)
            if (args[0] == "render")
                if (args[1] == "local")
                    LocalMap map = ecs.loadedMaps[(int)NeighbourMapDirection.center];

                    if (map.dirty)
                        TileMap gameMap = (TileMap)GetNode("/root/scene/gamespace/GameMap");
                        var     tileSet = gameMap.TileSet;
                        map.dirty = false;
                        List <string> tags = new List <string>();
                        List <Entity> entities   = ecs.getEntities(tags);
                        var           camera     = entities[0];
                        ViewPort      viewPort   = camera.getComponent <ViewPort>();
                        int           w          = viewPort.x + viewPort.w;
                        int           h          = viewPort.y + viewPort.h;
                        List <string> playerTags = new List <string>();
                        List <Entity> playerList  = ecs.getEntities(playerTags);
                        Player        player      = (Player)playerList[0];
                        LightRadius   lightRadius = player.getComponent <LightRadius>();
                        WorldPosition position    = player.getComponent <WorldPosition>();
                        map.ComputeFov(position.localMapX, position.localMapY, lightRadius.radius, true);

                        foreach (Cell cell in map.GetAllCells())
                            if (cell.IsInFov)
                                map.SetCellProperties(cell.X, cell.Y, cell.IsTransparent, cell.IsWalkable, true);
                        //NOTE: This is a hack to get the camera to display in the top left of the screen.
                        //Consider setting this in the camera class instead??
                        int x = 0;
                        int y = 0;
                        for (int i = viewPort.x; i < (viewPort.x + viewPort.w); i++)
                            for (int j = viewPort.y; j < (viewPort.y + viewPort.h); j++)
                                if (i < 0 || j < 0 || i > map.Width - 1 || j > map.Height - 1)
                                    gameMap.SetCell(x, y, -1);
                                    KeyPoint p   = new KeyPoint(i, j);
                                    KeyPoint p2  = new KeyPoint(i, j - 1);
                                    KeyPoint p3  = new KeyPoint(i, j + 1);
                                    int      hc1 = p.GetHashCode();
                                    int      hc2 = p2.GetHashCode();
                                    int      hc3 = p3.GetHashCode();

                                    Vicinity topNeighbour;
                                    Vicinity bottomNeighbour;
                                    bool     hasTopNeighbour    = false;
                                    bool     hasBottomNeighbour = false;
                                    if (j >= 1)
                                        hasTopNeighbour = true;
                                        if (!map.vicinities.ContainsKey(hc2))
                                        topNeighbour = map.vicinities[hc2];
                                        topNeighbour = map.vicinities[hc1];
                                    if (j <= 126)
                                        hasBottomNeighbour = true;
                                        bottomNeighbour    = map.vicinities[hc3];
                                        bottomNeighbour = map.vicinities[hc1];

                                    Vicinity vicinity  = map.vicinities[hc1];
                                    string   tileID    = vicinity.getValue();
                                    string   tileColor = vicinity.getColor();
                                    if (hasTopNeighbour && topNeighbour.getValue() == vicinity.getValue() && !hasBottomNeighbour)
                                        tileID = vicinity.getTerminalValue();
                                    else if (hasTopNeighbour && topNeighbour.getValue() == vicinity.getValue() && hasBottomNeighbour && bottomNeighbour.getValue() != vicinity.getValue())
                                        tileID = vicinity.getTerminalValue();
                                    else if (hasTopNeighbour && hasBottomNeighbour && topNeighbour.getValue() != vicinity.getValue() && bottomNeighbour.getValue() != vicinity.getValue())
                                        tileID = vicinity.getTerminalValue();
                                        tileID = vicinity.getValue();
                                    Cell cell = (Cell)map.GetCell(i, j);
                                    if (cell.IsExplored && cell.IsInFov)
                                        string tileName = tileID + "_" + tileColor;
                                        int    id       = tileSet.FindTileByName(tileName);
                                        gameMap.SetCell(x, y, id);
                                    else if (cell.IsExplored)
                                        string tileName = tileID + "_" + "101024";
                                        int    id       = tileSet.FindTileByName(tileName);
                                        gameMap.SetCell(x, y, id);
                                        gameMap.SetCell(x, y, -1);
                                y += 1;
                            x += 1;
                            y  = 0;