/** Initalizes the hand and tool lists and recording, if enabled.*/ void Start() { // Initialize hand lookup tables. hand_graphics_ = new Dictionary <int, HandModel>(); hand_physics_ = new Dictionary <int, HandModel>(); tools_ = new Dictionary <int, ToolModel>(); smoothedFixedUpdateOffset_.delay = FIXED_UPDATE_OFFSET_SMOOTHING_DELAY; if (leap_controller_ == null) { Debug.LogWarning( "Cannot connect to controller. Make sure you have Leap Motion v2.0+ installed"); } if (enableRecordPlayback && recordingAsset != null) { recorder_.Load(recordingAsset); } LifecycleEventHandler handler = onStart; if (handler != null) { handler(this); } }
/** Initalizes the hand and tool lists and recording, if enabled.*/ void Start() { var parameter = FindObjectOfType <LeapMotionParameter>(); gameObject.transform.localPosition = parameter.getPosition; handMovementScale = parameter.getMoveMent; // Initialize hand lookup tables. hand_graphics_ = new Dictionary <int, HandModel>(); hand_physics_ = new Dictionary <int, HandModel>(); tools_ = new Dictionary <int, ToolModel>(); smoothedFixedUpdateOffset_.delay = FIXED_UPDATE_OFFSET_SMOOTHING_DELAY; if (leap_controller_ == null) { Debug.LogWarning( "Cannot connect to controller. Make sure you have Leap Motion v2.0+ installed"); } if (enableRecordPlayback && recordingAsset != null) { recorder_.Load(recordingAsset); } LifecycleEventHandler handler = onStart; if (handler != null) { handler(this); } }
/** Initalizes the hand and tool lists and recording, if enabled.*/ void Start() { smoothedFixedUpdateOffset_.delay = FIXED_UPDATE_OFFSET_SMOOTHING_DELAY; if (enableRecordPlayback && recordingAsset != null) { recorder_.Load(recordingAsset); } LifecycleEventHandler handler = onStart; if (handler != null) { handler(this); } }
/** Initalizes the hand and tool lists and recording, if enabled.*/ void Start() { smoothedFixedUpdateOffset_.delay = FIXED_UPDATE_OFFSET_SMOOTHING_DELAY; if (enableRecordPlayback && recordingAsset != null) { recorder_.Load(recordingAsset); } LifecycleEventHandler handler = onStart; if (handler != null) { handler(this); } /*** yuan yao ***/ //Enable gestures: key_tap and swipe leap_controller_.EnableGesture(Gesture.GestureType.TYPE_KEY_TAP); leap_controller_.EnableGesture(Gesture.GestureType.TYPE_SWIPE); leap_controller_.EnableGesture(Gesture.GestureType.TYPE_CIRCLE); //Config leap_controller_.Config.SetFloat("Gesture.KeyTap.MinDownVelocity", 20.0f); leap_controller_.Config.SetFloat("Gesture.KeyTap.HistorySeconds", .2f); leap_controller_.Config.SetFloat("Gesture.KeyTap.MinDistance", 0.2f); leap_controller_.Config.SetFloat("Gesture.Swipe.MinLength", 200.0f); leap_controller_.Config.SetFloat("Gesture.Swipe.MinVelocity", 750f); leap_controller_.Config.SetFloat("Gesture.Circle.MinRadius", 20.0f); leap_controller_.Config.SetFloat("Gesture.Circle.MinArc", 2.0f); leap_controller_.Config.Save(); ui_layer = LayerMask.GetMask("UI"); handController = GameObject.Find("HandController"); left_palm_position_array = new Vector[5]; right_palm_position_array = new Vector[5]; }