private static bool CheckAndEndGameForSabotageWin(ShipStatus __instance) { ISystemType systemType = __instance.Systems.ContainsKey(SystemTypes.LifeSupp) ? __instance.Systems[SystemTypes.LifeSupp] : null; if (systemType != null) { LifeSuppSystemType lifeSuppSystemType = systemType.TryCast <LifeSuppSystemType>(); if (lifeSuppSystemType.Countdown < 0f) { EndGameForSabotage(__instance); lifeSuppSystemType.Countdown = 10000f; return(true); } } ISystemType systemType2 = __instance.Systems.ContainsKey(SystemTypes.Reactor) ? __instance.Systems[SystemTypes.Reactor] : null; if (systemType2 == null) { systemType2 = __instance.Systems.ContainsKey(SystemTypes.Laboratory) ? __instance.Systems[SystemTypes.Laboratory] : null; } if (systemType2 != null) { ReactorSystemType reactorSystemType = systemType2.TryCast <ReactorSystemType>(); if (reactorSystemType.Countdown < 0f) { EndGameForSabotage(__instance); reactorSystemType.Countdown = 10000f; return(true); } } return(false); }
public static bool Prefix(ShipStatus __instance) { if (!GameData.Instance) { return(false); } ISystemType systemType = __instance.Systems.ContainsKey(SystemTypes.LifeSupp) ? __instance.Systems[SystemTypes.LifeSupp] : null; if (systemType != null) { LifeSuppSystemType lifeSuppSystemType = systemType.TryCast <LifeSuppSystemType>(); if (lifeSuppSystemType.Countdown < 0f) { EndGameForSabotage(__instance); lifeSuppSystemType.Countdown = 10000f; } } ISystemType systemType2 = __instance.Systems.ContainsKey(SystemTypes.Reactor) ? __instance.Systems[SystemTypes.Reactor] : null; if (systemType2 == null) { systemType2 = __instance.Systems.ContainsKey(SystemTypes.Laboratory) ? __instance.Systems[SystemTypes.Laboratory] : null; } if (systemType2 != null) { ReactorSystemType reactorSystemType = systemType2.TryCast <ReactorSystemType>(); if (reactorSystemType.Countdown < 0f) { EndGameForSabotage(__instance); reactorSystemType.Countdown = 10000f; } } int num = 0; int num2 = 0; int num3 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < GameData.Instance.PlayerCount; i++) { GameData.PlayerInfo playerInfo = GameData.Instance.AllPlayers[i]; if (!playerInfo.Disconnected) { if (playerInfo.IsImpostor) { num3++; } if (!playerInfo.IsDead) { if (playerInfo.IsImpostor) { num2++; } else { num++; } } } } if (num2 <= 0 && (!DestroyableSingleton <TutorialManager> .InstanceExists || num3 > 0)) { if (!DestroyableSingleton <TutorialManager> .InstanceExists) { __instance.enabled = false; ShipStatus.RpcEndGame(GameOverReason.HumansByVote, false); return(false); } DestroyableSingleton <HudManager> .Instance.ShowPopUp(DestroyableSingleton <TranslationController> .Instance.GetString(StringNames.GameOverImpostorDead, new Il2CppReferenceArray <Il2CppSystem.Object>(0))); ReviveEveryone(); return(false); } else { if (num > num2) { bool localCompletedAllTasks = true; foreach (PlayerTask t in PlayerControl.LocalPlayer.myTasks) { localCompletedAllTasks = localCompletedAllTasks && t.IsComplete; } if (!DestroyableSingleton <TutorialManager> .InstanceExists) { if (GameData.Instance.TotalTasks <= GameData.Instance.CompletedTasks) { __instance.enabled = false; ShipStatus.RpcEndGame(GameOverReason.HumansByTask, false); return(false); } } else if (localCompletedAllTasks) { DestroyableSingleton <HudManager> .Instance.ShowPopUp(DestroyableSingleton <TranslationController> .Instance.GetString(StringNames.GameOverTaskWin, new Il2CppReferenceArray <Il2CppSystem.Object>(0))); __instance.Begin(); } if (num + num2 == 3 && Lovers.existingAndAlive()) // 3 players with 2 lovers is always a lover win (either shared with crewmates or solo for lovers, marked as impostor win) { __instance.enabled = false; ShipStatus.RpcEndGame(Lovers.existingWithImpLover() ? GameOverReason.ImpostorByKill : GameOverReason.HumansByVote, false); // should be implemented using a proper GameOverReason in the future return(false); } return(false); } if (num == num2 && Lovers.existingAndAlive() && Lovers.existingWithImpLover()) // 3 vs 3 or 2 vs 2 is not win if both lovers are alive and one is an impostor { return(false); } if (!DestroyableSingleton <TutorialManager> .InstanceExists) { __instance.enabled = false; GameOverReason endReason; switch (TempData.LastDeathReason) { case DeathReason.Exile: endReason = GameOverReason.ImpostorByVote; break; case DeathReason.Kill: endReason = GameOverReason.ImpostorByKill; break; default: endReason = GameOverReason.ImpostorByVote; break; } ShipStatus.RpcEndGame(endReason, false); return(false); } DestroyableSingleton <HudManager> .Instance.ShowPopUp(DestroyableSingleton <TranslationController> .Instance.GetString(StringNames.GameOverImpostorKills, new Il2CppReferenceArray <Il2CppSystem.Object>(0))); ReviveEveryone(); return(false); } }