public static Character createRandomCharacter()
         * We want to setup these values in a very particular sequence.
         * i.e. What is said in life events depends on age.
         * i.e. A character's name depends on their gender.
         * etc. etc.

        Age                   age                   = Age.ReturnRandomAge();
        Mother                mother                = Mother.ReturnMother();
        Father                father                = Father.ReturnFather();
        Parents               parents               = Parents.ReturnRandomParentsComment();
        Appearance            appearance            = Appearance.ReturnRandomAppearanceComment();
        Race                  race                  = Race.ReturnRandomRace();
        LifeEvents            lifeEvents            = LifeEvents.ReturnRandomLifeEventsComment();
        Childhood             childhood             = Childhood.ReturnRandomChildhoodEvent();
        Adolescence           adolescence           = Adolescence.ReturnRandomAdolescenceEvent();
        Adulthood             adulthood             = Adulthood.ReturnRandomAdulthoodEvent();
        OldAge                elder                 = OldAge.ReturnRandomElderlyEvent();
        Profession            profession            = Profession.ReturnRandomProfession();
        RelationshipStatus    relationshipStatus    = RelationshipStatus.ReturnRandomRelationshipStatus();
        Stats                 stats                 = Stats.GenerateRandomStats();
        Role                  role                  = Role.ReturnRandomRole();
        Demeanor              demeanor              = Demeanor.ReturnRandomDemeanor();
        Gender                gender                = Gender.ReturnRandomGender();
        CharacterName         characterName         = CharacterName.ReturnRandomCharacterName(gender);
        PlaceOfResidence      placeOfResidence      = PlaceOfResidence.ReturnRandomPlaceOfResidence();
        NullChatMenuComponent nullChatMenuComponent = new NullChatMenuComponent("");

        Character randomCharacter;

        randomCharacter = new Character(characterName, age, parents, mother, father, appearance, race, lifeEvents, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, elder, profession, relationshipStatus, stats, role, demeanor, gender, placeOfResidence, nullChatMenuComponent);
예제 #2
        private void GetLifeEvents(GenericProfileData profileData)
            // check if the expand button is present
            var but = _driver.FindElementsByXPath("//div[@id='year-overviews']//div[@class='_49tq']");

            if (but.Count > 0)
                Print($"Found expand button", ConsoleColor.DarkBlue);
                Wait(1000, 500);

            var rows = _driver.FindElementsByXPath("//div[@id='year-overviews']//div[@class='_3-9b _3-92 _3-97']");

            Print($"Getting rows, Count = {rows.Count}", ConsoleColor.Blue);

            var lifeEvents = new LifeEvents();

            foreach (var row in rows)
                var key  = ElementIsPresent(row, By.ClassName("_3-8x"), true)?.Text;
                var subs = row.FindElements(By.ClassName("_2pis"));
                foreach (var sub in subs)
                    var data = sub?.Text;
                    lifeEvents.AddData(key, data);
                    Print($"Adding year {key}, event {data}", ConsoleColor.DarkGreen);
            profileData.AddData("LifeEvents", lifeEvents);
예제 #3
 public _Links()
     Self      = new Self();
     Investors = new Investors();
     CreateortransferAccount = new CreateOrTransferAccount();
     CloseAccount            = new CloseAccount();
     Lifeevents    = new LifeEvents();
     Bonuspayments = new BonusPayments();
예제 #4
    public static LifeEvents ReturnRandomLifeEventsComment()
        List <string> lifeEventsCommentList = new List <string>();

        lifeEventsCommentList.Add("What!? You want to know about my life???");
        lifeEventsCommentList.Add("Oh... I'm not very interesting.");
        lifeEventsCommentList.Add("My parents always warned me about talking to strangers? OK! What do you want to know?");
        lifeEventsCommentList.Add("Are you trying to flirt with me?");
        lifeEventsCommentList.Add("Sure, what would you like to know?");

        LifeEvents lifeEventsComment = new LifeEvents(lifeEventsCommentList[Random.Range(0, lifeEventsCommentList.Count)]);

예제 #5
 public CreateYearlyEventsViewModel(DateTime startingDate, string startTime,
                                    DateTime endingDate, string endTime, SpecialEvents specialEvents,
                                    SpecialShabassos specialShabassos, Months months, Parshios parshios,
                                    LifeEvents lifeEvents, string eventDescription)
     StartingDate     = startingDate;
     StartTime        = startTime;
     EndingDate       = endingDate;
     EndTime          = endTime;
     SpecialEvents    = specialEvents;
     SpecialShabassos = specialShabassos;
     Months           = months;
     Parshios         = parshios;
     LifeEvents       = lifeEvents;
     EventDescription = eventDescription;
 public Character(CharacterName characterName, Age age, Parents parents, Mother mother, Father father, Appearance appearance, Race race, LifeEvents lifeEvents, Childhood childhood, Adolescence adolescence, Adulthood adulthood, OldAge elder, Profession profession, RelationshipStatus relationshipStatus, Stats stats, Role role, Demeanor demeanor, Gender gender, PlaceOfResidence placeOfResidence, NullChatMenuComponent nullChatMenuComponent)
     this.characterName         = characterName;
     this.age                   = age;
     this.parents               = parents;
     this.mother                = mother;
     this.father                = father;
     this.appearance            = appearance;
     this.race                  = race;
     this.lifeEvents            = lifeEvents;
     this.childhood             = childhood;
     this.adolescence           = adolescence;
     this.adulthood             = adulthood;
     this.elder                 = elder;
     this.profession            = profession;
     this.relationshipStatus    = relationshipStatus;
     this.stats                 = stats;
     this.role                  = role;
     this.demeanor              = demeanor;
     this.gender                = gender;
     this.placeOfResidence      = placeOfResidence;
     this.nullChatMenuComponent = nullChatMenuComponent;