public LibsnesCore(GameInfo game, byte[] romData, bool deterministicEmulation, byte[] xmlData, CoreComm comm, object Settings, object SyncSettings) { CoreComm = comm; byte[] sgbRomData = null; if (game["SGB"]) { if ((romData[0x143] & 0xc0) == 0xc0) throw new CGBNotSupportedException(); sgbRomData = CoreComm.CoreFileProvider.GetFirmware("SNES", "Rom_SGB", true, "SGB Rom is required for SGB emulation."); game.FirmwareHash = sgbRomData.HashSHA1(); } this.Settings = (SnesSettings)Settings ?? new SnesSettings(); this.SyncSettings = (SnesSyncSettings)SyncSettings ?? new SnesSyncSettings(); api = new LibsnesApi(GetExePath()); api.CMD_init(); api.ReadHook = ReadHook; api.ExecHook = ExecHook; api.WriteHook = WriteHook; ScanlineHookManager = new MyScanlineHookManager(this); api.CMD_init(); api.QUERY_set_video_refresh(snes_video_refresh); api.QUERY_set_input_poll(snes_input_poll); api.QUERY_set_input_state(snes_input_state); api.QUERY_set_input_notify(snes_input_notify); api.QUERY_set_path_request(snes_path_request); scanlineStart_cb = new LibsnesApi.snes_scanlineStart_t(snes_scanlineStart); tracecb = new LibsnesApi.snes_trace_t(snes_trace); soundcb = new LibsnesApi.snes_audio_sample_t(snes_audio_sample); api.QUERY_set_audio_sample(soundcb); RefreshPalette(); // start up audio resampler InitAudio(); //strip header if(romData != null) if ((romData.Length & 0x7FFF) == 512) { var newData = new byte[romData.Length - 512]; Array.Copy(romData, 512, newData, 0, newData.Length); romData = newData; } if (game["SGB"]) { IsSGB = true; SystemId = "SNES"; BoardName = "SGB"; CurrLoadParams = new LoadParams() { type = LoadParamType.SuperGameBoy, rom_xml = null, rom_data = sgbRomData, rom_size = (uint)sgbRomData.Length, dmg_xml = null, dmg_data = romData, dmg_size = (uint)romData.Length }; if (!LoadCurrent()) throw new Exception("snes_load_cartridge_normal() failed"); } else { //we may need to get some information out of the cart, even during the following bootup/load process if (xmlData != null) { romxml = new System.Xml.XmlDocument(); romxml.Load(new MemoryStream(xmlData)); //bsnes wont inspect the xml to load the necessary sfc file. //so, we have to do that here and pass it in as the romData :/ if (romxml["cartridge"] != null && romxml["cartridge"]["rom"] != null) romData = File.ReadAllBytes(CoreComm.CoreFileProvider.PathSubfile(romxml["cartridge"]["rom"].Attributes["name"].Value)); else throw new Exception("Could not find rom file specification in xml file. Please check the integrity of your xml file"); } SystemId = "SNES"; CurrLoadParams = new LoadParams() { type = LoadParamType.Normal, xml_data = xmlData, rom_data = romData }; if(!LoadCurrent()) throw new Exception("snes_load_cartridge_normal() failed"); } if (api.QUERY_get_region() == LibsnesApi.SNES_REGION.NTSC) { //similar to what aviout reports from snes9x and seems logical from bsnes first principles. bsnes uses that numerator (ntsc master clockrate) for sure. CoreComm.VsyncNum = 21477272; CoreComm.VsyncDen = 4 * 341 * 262; } else { // CoreComm.VsyncNum = 21281370; CoreComm.VsyncDen = 4 * 341 * 312; } CoreComm.CpuTraceAvailable = true; api.CMD_power(); SetupMemoryDomains(romData,sgbRomData); DeterministicEmulation = deterministicEmulation; if (DeterministicEmulation) // save frame-0 savestate now { MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(ms); bw.Write(CoreSaveState()); bw.Write(true); // framezero, so no controller follows and don't frameadvance on load // hack: write fake dummy controller info bw.Write(new byte[536]); bw.Close(); savestatebuff = ms.ToArray(); } }
public LibsnesCore(GameInfo game, byte[] romData, byte[] xmlData, CoreComm comm, object settings, object syncSettings) { var ser = new BasicServiceProvider(this); ServiceProvider = ser; _tracer = new TraceBuffer { Header = "65816: PC, mnemonic, operands, registers (A, X, Y, S, D, DB, flags (NVMXDIZC), V, H)" }; ser.Register <IDisassemblable>(new W65816_DisassemblerService()); _game = game; CoreComm = comm; byte[] sgbRomData = null; if (game["SGB"]) { if ((romData[0x143] & 0xc0) == 0xc0) { throw new CGBNotSupportedException(); } sgbRomData = CoreComm.CoreFileProvider.GetFirmware("SNES", "Rom_SGB", true, "SGB Rom is required for SGB emulation."); game.FirmwareHash = sgbRomData.HashSHA1(); } _settings = (SnesSettings)settings ?? new SnesSettings(); _syncSettings = (SnesSyncSettings)syncSettings ?? new SnesSyncSettings(); // TODO: pass profile here Api = new LibsnesApi(CoreComm.CoreFileProvider.DllPath()) { ReadHook = ReadHook, ExecHook = ExecHook, WriteHook = WriteHook }; ScanlineHookManager = new MyScanlineHookManager(this); _controllerDeck = new LibsnesControllerDeck(_syncSettings); _controllerDeck.NativeInit(Api); Api.CMD_init(); Api.QUERY_set_path_request(snes_path_request); _scanlineStartCb = new LibsnesApi.snes_scanlineStart_t(snes_scanlineStart); _tracecb = new LibsnesApi.snes_trace_t(snes_trace); _soundcb = new LibsnesApi.snes_audio_sample_t(snes_audio_sample); // start up audio resampler InitAudio(); ser.Register <ISoundProvider>(_resampler); // strip header if ((romData?.Length & 0x7FFF) == 512) { var newData = new byte[romData.Length - 512]; Array.Copy(romData, 512, newData, 0, newData.Length); romData = newData; } if (game["SGB"]) { IsSGB = true; SystemId = "SNES"; ser.Register <IBoardInfo>(new SGBBoardInfo()); _currLoadParams = new LoadParams() { type = LoadParamType.SuperGameBoy, rom_xml = null, rom_data = sgbRomData, rom_size = (uint)sgbRomData.Length, dmg_data = romData, }; if (!LoadCurrent()) { throw new Exception("snes_load_cartridge_normal() failed"); } } else { // we may need to get some information out of the cart, even during the following bootup/load process if (xmlData != null) { _romxml = new XmlDocument(); _romxml.Load(new MemoryStream(xmlData)); // bsnes wont inspect the xml to load the necessary sfc file. // so, we have to do that here and pass it in as the romData :/ if (_romxml["cartridge"]?["rom"] != null) { romData = File.ReadAllBytes(CoreComm.CoreFileProvider.PathSubfile(_romxml["cartridge"]["rom"].Attributes["name"].Value)); } else { throw new Exception("Could not find rom file specification in xml file. Please check the integrity of your xml file"); } } SystemId = "SNES"; _currLoadParams = new LoadParams { type = LoadParamType.Normal, xml_data = xmlData, rom_data = romData }; if (!LoadCurrent()) { throw new Exception("snes_load_cartridge_normal() failed"); } } if (Api.Region == LibsnesApi.SNES_REGION.NTSC) { // similar to what aviout reports from snes9x and seems logical from bsnes first principles. bsnes uses that numerator (ntsc master clockrate) for sure. VsyncNumerator = 21477272; VsyncDenominator = 4 * 341 * 262; } else { // VsyncNumerator = 21281370; VsyncDenominator = 4 * 341 * 312; } Api.CMD_power(); SetupMemoryDomains(romData, sgbRomData); if (CurrentProfile == "Compatibility") { ser.Register <ITraceable>(_tracer); } Api.QUERY_set_path_request(null); Api.QUERY_set_video_refresh(snes_video_refresh); Api.QUERY_set_input_poll(snes_input_poll); Api.QUERY_set_input_state(snes_input_state); Api.QUERY_set_input_notify(snes_input_notify); Api.QUERY_set_audio_sample(_soundcb); Api.Seal(); RefreshPalette(); }
public LibsnesCore(GameInfo game, byte[] romData, bool deterministicEmulation, byte[] xmlData, CoreComm comm, object Settings, object SyncSettings) { CoreComm = comm; byte[] sgbRomData = null; if (game["SGB"]) { if ((romData[0x143] & 0xc0) == 0xc0) { throw new CGBNotSupportedException(); } sgbRomData = CoreComm.CoreFileProvider.GetFirmware("SNES", "Rom_SGB", true, "SGB Rom is required for SGB emulation."); game.FirmwareHash = sgbRomData.HashSHA1(); } this.Settings = (SnesSettings)Settings ?? new SnesSettings(); this.SyncSettings = (SnesSyncSettings)SyncSettings ?? new SnesSyncSettings(); api = new LibsnesApi(GetExePath()); api.CMD_init(); api.ReadHook = ReadHook; api.ExecHook = ExecHook; api.WriteHook = WriteHook; ScanlineHookManager = new MyScanlineHookManager(this); api.CMD_init(); api.QUERY_set_video_refresh(snes_video_refresh); api.QUERY_set_input_poll(snes_input_poll); api.QUERY_set_input_state(snes_input_state); api.QUERY_set_input_notify(snes_input_notify); api.QUERY_set_path_request(snes_path_request); scanlineStart_cb = new LibsnesApi.snes_scanlineStart_t(snes_scanlineStart); tracecb = new LibsnesApi.snes_trace_t(snes_trace); soundcb = new LibsnesApi.snes_audio_sample_t(snes_audio_sample); api.QUERY_set_audio_sample(soundcb); RefreshPalette(); // start up audio resampler InitAudio(); //strip header if (romData != null) { if ((romData.Length & 0x7FFF) == 512) { var newData = new byte[romData.Length - 512]; Array.Copy(romData, 512, newData, 0, newData.Length); romData = newData; } } if (game["SGB"]) { IsSGB = true; SystemId = "SNES"; BoardName = "SGB"; CurrLoadParams = new LoadParams() { type = LoadParamType.SuperGameBoy, rom_xml = null, rom_data = sgbRomData, rom_size = (uint)sgbRomData.Length, dmg_xml = null, dmg_data = romData, dmg_size = (uint)romData.Length }; if (!LoadCurrent()) { throw new Exception("snes_load_cartridge_normal() failed"); } } else { //we may need to get some information out of the cart, even during the following bootup/load process if (xmlData != null) { romxml = new System.Xml.XmlDocument(); romxml.Load(new MemoryStream(xmlData)); //bsnes wont inspect the xml to load the necessary sfc file. //so, we have to do that here and pass it in as the romData :/ if (romxml["cartridge"] != null && romxml["cartridge"]["rom"] != null) { romData = File.ReadAllBytes(CoreComm.CoreFileProvider.PathSubfile(romxml["cartridge"]["rom"].Attributes["name"].Value)); } else { throw new Exception("Could not find rom file specification in xml file. Please check the integrity of your xml file"); } } SystemId = "SNES"; CurrLoadParams = new LoadParams() { type = LoadParamType.Normal, xml_data = xmlData, rom_data = romData }; if (!LoadCurrent()) { throw new Exception("snes_load_cartridge_normal() failed"); } } if (api.QUERY_get_region() == LibsnesApi.SNES_REGION.NTSC) { //similar to what aviout reports from snes9x and seems logical from bsnes first principles. bsnes uses that numerator (ntsc master clockrate) for sure. CoreComm.VsyncNum = 21477272; CoreComm.VsyncDen = 4 * 341 * 262; } else { // CoreComm.VsyncNum = 21281370; CoreComm.VsyncDen = 4 * 341 * 312; } CoreComm.CpuTraceAvailable = true; api.CMD_power(); SetupMemoryDomains(romData, sgbRomData); DeterministicEmulation = deterministicEmulation; if (DeterministicEmulation) // save frame-0 savestate now { MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(ms); bw.Write(CoreSaveState()); bw.Write(true); // framezero, so no controller follows and don't frameadvance on load // hack: write fake dummy controller info bw.Write(new byte[536]); bw.Close(); savestatebuff = ms.ToArray(); } }