예제 #1
        public ClassDefinition(
            Token classToken,
            Token nameToken,
            IList <Token> subclassTokens,
            IList <string> subclassNames,
            TopLevelConstruct owner,
            LibraryMetadata library,
            Token staticToken,
            Token finalToken,
            FileScope fileScope,
            AnnotationCollection annotations)
            : base(classToken, owner, fileScope)
            this.Library = library;
            this.ClassID = ClassDefinition.classIdAlloc++;

            this.NameToken             = nameToken;
            this.BaseClassTokens       = subclassTokens.ToArray();
            this.BaseClassDeclarations = subclassNames.ToArray();
            this.StaticToken           = staticToken;
            this.FinalToken            = finalToken;
            this.annotations           = annotations;

            if (staticToken != null && this.BaseClassTokens.Length > 0)
                throw new ParserException(staticToken, "Class cannot be static and have base classes or interfaces.");
예제 #2
        public Namespace(
            Token namespaceToken,
            string name,
            TopLevelConstruct owner,
            LibraryMetadata library,
            FileScope fileScope,
            AnnotationCollection annotations)
            : base(namespaceToken, owner, fileScope)
            this.Library     = library;
            this.DefaultName = name;
            this.FullyQualifiedDefaultName = owner == null
                ? name
                : (((Namespace)owner).FullyQualifiedDefaultName + "." + name);
            this.FullyQualifiedDefaultNameSegments = this.FullyQualifiedDefaultName.Split('.');
            this.DefaultNameSegments = this.DefaultName.Split('.');

            this.NamesByLocale = annotations.GetNamesByLocale(this.DefaultNameSegments.Length)
                                 .ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value.Split('.'));

            Locale defaultLocale = fileScope.CompilationScope.Locale;

            if (!this.NamesByLocale.ContainsKey(defaultLocale))
                this.NamesByLocale[defaultLocale] = this.DefaultName.Split('.');

            this.NestDepth = this.FullyQualifiedDefaultNameSegments.Length - this.DefaultNameSegments.Length;
예제 #3
 public ImportStatement(Token importToken, string path, LibraryMetadata callingLibrary, FileScope fileScope)
     : base(importToken, null, fileScope)
     this.Library    = callingLibrary;
     this.ImportPath = path;
예제 #4
        private LibraryExporter(LibraryMetadata metadata, Platform.AbstractPlatform platform)

            this.Metadata     = metadata;
            this.platformName = platform.Name;

            this.Resources = new LibraryResourceDatabase(this, platform);

            this.CompileTimeConstants = this.LoadFlagsForPlatform(platform);

            this.filepathsByFunctionName = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            // Build a lookup dictionary of all file names that are simple function names e.g. "foo.cry"
            // Then go through and look up all the file names that contain . prefixes with the platform name and
            // overwrite the lookup value for that entry with the more specific path.
            // myFunction.cry
            // android.myFunction.cry
            // on Python, myFunction will be included for lib_foo_myFunction(), but on Android, android.myFunction.cry will be included instead.

            string[] files = new string[0];
            if (FileUtil.DirectoryExists(this.Metadata.Directory + "/translate"))
                files = FileUtil.DirectoryListFileNames(FileUtil.JoinPath(this.Metadata.Directory, "translate"));
            Dictionary <string, string> moreSpecificFiles = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            foreach (string file in files)
                if (file.EndsWith(".pst"))
                    string functionName = file.Substring(0, file.Length - ".pst".Length);
                    if (functionName.Contains('.'))
                        // Add this file to the more specific lookup, but only if it contains the current platform.
                        if (functionName.StartsWith(platformName + ".") ||
                            functionName.Contains("." + platformName + "."))
                            string[] parts = functionName.Split('.');
                            moreSpecificFiles[parts[parts.Length - 1]] = file;
                            // just let it get filtered away.
                        this.filepathsByFunctionName[functionName] = file;

            foreach (string functionName in moreSpecificFiles.Keys)
                this.filepathsByFunctionName[functionName] = moreSpecificFiles[functionName];
예제 #5
        // TODO: this ought to go away and the cache needs to move to some sort of scope whose lifetime is tied to a specific compilation scope.
        public static LibraryExporter Get(LibraryMetadata metadata, Platform.AbstractPlatform platform)
            string key = GetLibKey(metadata, platform);

            if (!libraryCache.ContainsKey(key))
                libraryCache[key] = new LibraryExporter(metadata, platform);
예제 #6
 public ConstStatement(
     Token constToken,
     Token nameToken,
     TopLevelConstruct owner,
     LibraryMetadata library,
     FileScope fileScope,
     AnnotationCollection annotations)
     : base(constToken, owner, fileScope)
     this.Library     = library;
     this.NameToken   = nameToken;
     this.Name        = nameToken.Value;
     this.annotations = annotations;
예제 #7
 public EnumDefinition(
     Token enumToken,
     Token nameToken,
     TopLevelConstruct owner,
     LibraryMetadata library,
     FileScope fileScope,
     AnnotationCollection annotations)
     : base(enumToken, owner, fileScope)
     this.Library     = library;
     this.NameToken   = nameToken;
     this.Name        = nameToken.Value;
     this.annotations = annotations;
예제 #8
 public FunctionDefinition(
     Token functionToken,
     LibraryMetadata library,
     TopLevelConstruct nullableOwner,
     bool isStaticMethod,
     Token nameToken,
     AnnotationCollection annotations,
     FileScope fileScope)
     : base(functionToken, nullableOwner, fileScope)
     this.Library        = library;
     this.IsStaticMethod = isStaticMethod;
     this.NameToken      = nameToken;
     this.Annotations    = annotations;
     this.MemberID       = -1;
예제 #9
 private static string GetLibKey(LibraryMetadata metadata, Platform.AbstractPlatform platform)
     return(metadata.CanonicalKey + "#" + platform.Name);
 public LibraryNativeInvocationTranslator(LibraryMetadata library, LibraryForExport lfe)
     this.library = library;
     this.Library = lfe;