public ActionResult oneTimePin(OneTimePin model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var newStudent = (Registered_Person)Session["newStudent"]; var personRole = new Person_Role(); personRole.Person_ID = newStudent.Person_ID; personRole.Role_ID = (from r in db.Roles where r.Role_Name == "Student" select r.Role_ID).FirstOrDefault(); db.Registered_Person.Add(newStudent); db.Person_Role.Add(personRole); db.SaveChanges(); //record action global.addAudit("Students", "Students: Registration", "Create", newStudent.Person_ID); Session.Remove("newStudent"); Session.Remove("OTP"); TempData["Message"] = "Succesfully created an account!"; TempData["classStyle"] = "success"; return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account")); } else { return(View()); } }
public ActionResult Create(PersonTypeAddModel model) { ViewBag.ErrorMsg = ""; TempData["SuccessMsg"] = ""; if (ModelState.IsValid) { var query = (from p in db.Person_Type where (p.Person_Type1.ToLower() == model.person_type.ToLower()) select p); if (query.Count() != 0) { ViewBag.ErrorMsg = "Person Type exists, please provide a different Person Type"; return(View(model)); } Person_Type persontype = new Person_Type(); persontype.Person_Type1 = model.person_type; db.Person_Type.Add(persontype); db.SaveChanges(); TempData["SuccessMsg"] = "Person Type was added successfully"; return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } else { ViewBag.ErrorMsg = ""; return(View()); } }
public ActionResult Create(MemberCreateVM viewModel) { //Role id has been hardcoded to represent student (4) TempData["Show"] = false; if (db.Registered_Person.Any(x => x.Person_ID == viewModel.person_id)) { ModelState.AddModelError("person_id", "Username is already registered"); } if (!db.Registered_Person.Any(x => x.Person_ID.StartsWith("p"))) { ModelState.AddModelError("person_id", "Username must start with a 'p' and follow with 8 digits"); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { string password = Membership.GeneratePassword(5, 1); var hashed = FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(password, "MD5"); var mem = new Registered_Person(); mem.Person_ID = viewModel.person_id; mem.Person_Name = viewModel.person_name; mem.Person_Surname = viewModel.person_surname; mem.Person_Type = "Student"; mem.Person_Password = hashed; mem.Person_Registration_DateTime = DateTime.Now; mem.Person_Email = viewModel.person_email; db.Registered_Person.Add(mem); var pRole = new Person_Role(); pRole.Person_ID = viewModel.person_id; pRole.Role_ID = 4; db.Person_Role.Add(pRole); //Email start MailMessage message = new MailMessage(); SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient(); client.Host = ""; client.Port = 587; message.From = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**"); message.To.Add(viewModel.person_email); message.Subject = "Member Registerstration"; message.Body = "Hi, " + viewModel.person_id + " you have been registered to UP Library Assistant by an Admin, use your UP username to login, your password is: " + password; message.IsBodyHtml = true; client.EnableSsl = true; client.UseDefaultCredentials = true; client.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("*****@*****.**", "tester123#"); client.Send(message); //Email end db.SaveChanges(); TempData["Msg"] = "New member created successfully."; TempData["Show"] = true; TempData["color"] = "alert-success"; return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } TempData["Show"] = true; TempData["color"] = "alert-warning"; TempData["Msg"] = "Something went wrong."; return(View(viewModel)); }
public ActionResult Logout() { FormsAuthentication.SignOut(); //var update person session log var session = db.Person_Session_Log.Where(q => q.Person_ID == User.Identity.Name).OrderByDescending(d => d.Login_DateTime).First(); session.Logout_DateTime = DateTime.Now; db.Entry(session).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); }
public ActionResult Login(Login l, string ReturnUrl = "") { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var hashedPass = FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(l.Person_Password, "MD5"); bool isValidUser = Membership.ValidateUser(l.Person_ID, hashedPass); LibraryAssistantEntities db = new LibraryAssistantEntities(); if (isValidUser) { Registered_Person registered_person = null; registered_person = db.Registered_Person.Where(a => a.Person_ID.Equals(l.Person_ID)).FirstOrDefault(); if (registered_person != null) { //initiate an instance of a passable registered student Registered_Person passablePerson = new Registered_Person(); passablePerson.Person_ID = registered_person.Person_ID; passablePerson.Person_Name = registered_person.Person_Name; passablePerson.Person_Surname = registered_person.Person_Surname; passablePerson.Person_Email = registered_person.Person_Email; passablePerson.Person_Password = registered_person.Person_Password; JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer(); string data = js.Serialize(passablePerson); FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(1, registered_person.Person_ID, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(20), false, data); string encToken = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(ticket); HttpCookie authCookies = new HttpCookie(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, encToken); Response.Cookies.Add(authCookies); Person_Session_Log newSession = new Person_Session_Log(); newSession.Person_ID = l.Person_ID; newSession.Login_DateTime = DateTime.Now; newSession.Logout_DateTime = newSession.Login_DateTime.AddMinutes(20); db.Person_Session_Log.Add(newSession); db.SaveChanges(); Session["loginSession"] = newSession; if (ReturnUrl != "") { return(Redirect(ReturnUrl)); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } } } else { TempData["Message"] = "Invalid Login Details!"; TempData["classStyle"] = "danger"; return(View()); } } ModelState.Remove("Person_Password"); return(View()); }
public ActionResult captureDetails() { //assign session variables and cast var venue = (Venue)Session["venueSelect"]; var details = (DiscussionRoomBooking)Session["details"]; //create instance of new Venue_Booking object Venue_Booking vb = new Venue_Booking(); Venue_Booking_Person vbp = new Venue_Booking_Person(); //get booking seq of discussion room var BookingTypeSeq = (from a in db.Booking_Type where a.Booking_Type_Name.Equals("Discussion Room") select a.Booking_Type_Seq).FirstOrDefault(); //set properties of venue_booking object to submitted properties vb.Venue_Booking_Name = "null"; //not sure what this value represents vb.DateTime_From =; vb.DateTime_To = details.endDate; vb.Send_Email_To_Topic_Person_Ind = 0; //no email vb.Max_Bookings = 0; //doesn't apply to discussion room bookings vb.Exclusive_ind = 0; //discussion room sessions cant be exclusive vb.Description = "Discussion Room Session"; vb.Booking_Type_Seq = BookingTypeSeq; vb.Topic_Seq = 1; vb.Booking_Status = "Active"; vb.Venue_ID = venue.Venue_ID; vb.Building_Floor_ID = venue.Building_Floor_ID; vb.Building_ID = venue.Building_ID; vb.Campus_ID = venue.Campus_ID; //add new venue booking to database db.Venue_Booking.Add(vb); //record action global.addAudit("Bookings", "Booking: Discussion Room Booking", "Create", User.Identity.Name); db.SaveChanges(); //get booking seq of booking just created var bookingSeq = vb.Venue_Booking_Seq; //set properties of venue booking person object vbp.Venue_Booking_Seq = bookingSeq; vbp.Person_ID = details.person_id; vbp.Attendee_Type = "Student"; vbp.Attendee_Status = "Active"; //add new venue booking person object to database db.Venue_Booking_Person.Add(vbp); db.SaveChanges(); //get return url var site = Url.Action("ViewBookings", "Booking"); return(Content(site)); }
public PartialViewResult AddPersonTopic(AddPersonTopicModel model) { var topicList = from a in db.Topics join b in db.Person_Topic on a.Topic_Seq equals b.Topic_Seq where b.Person_ID.Equals(User.Identity.Name) select a; var peopleDifference = from person2 in db.Topics where !( from person1 in topicList select person1.Topic_Seq ).Contains(person2.Topic_Seq) select person2; if (ModelState.IsValid) { Person_Topic a = new Person_Topic(); a.Topic_Seq = model.Topic_Seq; a.Person_ID = User.Identity.Name; db.Person_Topic.Add(a); db.SaveChanges(); TempData["Message"] = "Topic Added"; if (peopleDifference.Count() == 0) { ViewBag.Topic_Seq = null; return(PartialView()); } else { ViewBag.Topic_Seq = new SelectList((IEnumerable <Topic>)peopleDifference, "Topic_Seq", "Topic_Name"); return(PartialView()); } } else { ViewBag.Topic_Seq = new SelectList((IEnumerable <Topic>)peopleDifference, "Topic_Seq", "Topic_Name"); return(PartialView()); } }
public ActionResult Create_Back_From_Create_Question(string Topic_Name, string Topic_Des) { Question_Topic question_Topic = db.Question_Topic.Where(X => X.Topic_Name == Topic_Name).Single(); //// -------------------------------Action Log ----------------------------------------// //string name = db.Question_Topic.Where(X => X.Topic_Seq == question_Topic.Topic_Seq).Select(Y => Y.Topic_Name).Single(); //db.Person_Session_Action_Log.Remove(db.Person_Session_Action_Log.Where(X => X.Action_Performed == "Created question topic: " + name).Single()); //db.SaveChanges(); //// -------------------------------Action Log ----------------------------------------// db.Question_Topic.Remove(question_Topic); db.SaveChanges(); ViewBag.Topic_Name = Topic_Name; ViewBag.Topic_Des = Topic_Des; return(View("Create")); }
void Session_End(object sender, EventArgs e) { Application.Lock(); var online = (int)Application["OnlineUsers"]; Application["OnlineUsers"] = online - 1; Application.UnLock(); try { LibraryAssistantEntities db = new LibraryAssistantEntities(); //update session end time var session = db.Person_Session_Log.Where(p => p.Person_ID == User.Identity.Name).OrderByDescending(d => d.Login_DateTime).First(); if (session.Logout_DateTime == session.Login_DateTime.AddMinutes(20)) { session.Logout_DateTime = DateTime.Now; db.Entry(session).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); } } catch { } }
public ActionResult AddFile(AddFileModel model) { //check if model state is valid if (ModelState.IsValid) { //get uploaded file filename var filename = Path.GetFileName(model.uploadFile.FileName); //get uploaded file path var path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/Uploads"), filename); //determine the uploaded file extension var extension = Path.GetExtension(model.uploadFile.FileName); //check if the file uploaded is a valid extension if (System.IO.File.Exists(path)) { TempData["Message"] = "Uploaded file already exists"; TempData["classStyle"] = "warning"; model.uploadFile = null; ViewBag.Category_ID = new SelectList(db.Document_Category, "Category_ID", "Category_Name"); ViewBag.Document_Type_ID = new SelectList(db.Document_Type, "Document_Type_ID", "Document_Type_Name"); return(View(model)); } else { var validExtension = db.Document_Extension.Where(m => m.Extension_Type.Equals(extension)).FirstOrDefault(); if (validExtension != null) { //create a new instance of a document_repository object Document_Repository a = new Document_Repository(); //add details of the file to a document_repository object a.Document_Name = model.Document_Name; a.Description = model.Description; a.Category_ID = model.Category_ID; a.Document_Type_ID = model.Document_Type_ID; a.Directory_Path = path; a.Document_Extension_ID = validExtension.Document_Extension_ID; a.Document_Status = "Active"; db.Document_Repository.Add(a); db.SaveChanges(); var sessionLog = db.Person_Session_Log.Where(p => p.Person_ID == User.Identity.Name).OrderByDescending(p => p.Login_DateTime).FirstOrDefault(); Document_Access_Log ac = new Document_Access_Log(); ac.Access_DateTime = DateTime.Now; ac.Document_Seq = a.Document_Seq; ac.Session_ID = sessionLog.Session_ID; db.Document_Access_Log.Add(ac); db.SaveChanges(); //record action global.addAudit("Repository", "Repository: Add File", "Create", User.Identity.Name); //save file to server model.uploadFile.SaveAs(path); TempData["Message"] = "File successfully uploaded"; TempData["classStyle"] = "success"; return(RedirectToAction("ViewFile")); } else { ViewBag.Category_ID = new SelectList(db.Document_Category, "Category_ID", "Category_Name"); ViewBag.Document_Type_ID = new SelectList(db.Document_Type, "Document_Type_ID", "Document_Type_Name"); return(View()); } } } ViewBag.Category_ID = new SelectList(db.Document_Category, "Category_ID", "Category_Name"); ViewBag.Document_Type_ID = new SelectList(db.Document_Type, "Document_Type_ID", "Document_Type_Name"); return(View()); }
public ActionResult Create(RoleModel role) { var RoleAction = db.Role_Action; RoleModel roleModel = new RoleModel(); roleModel.RoleActions = new List <RoleActionModel>(); foreach (var a in RoleAction) { RoleActionModel ra = new RoleActionModel(); ra.CreateInd = a.Create_Ind; ra.ReadInd = a.Read_Ind; ra.UpdateInd = a.Update_Ind; ra.DeleteInd = a.Delete_Ind; ra.ActionId = a.Action_ID; ra.RoleId = a.Role_ID; ra.ActionName = a.Action.Action_Name; roleModel.RoleActions.Add(ra); } var distinctActions = roleModel.RoleActions.GroupBy(x => x.ActionId) .Select(g => g.FirstOrDefault()) .ToList(); roleModel.RoleActions = distinctActions; try { int Count = 0; bool create = true; bool read = true; bool update = true; bool delete = true; ViewBag.ErrorMsg = ""; var query = (from q in db.Roles where q.Role_Name.ToLower() == role.RoleName.ToLower() select q); if (query.Count() != 0) { ViewBag.ErrorMsg = "The role name exists, please provide a different role name"; return(View(roleModel)); } Role r = new Role(); r.Role_Name = role.RoleName; db.Roles.Add(r); foreach (var o in role.RoleActions) { Role_Action ra = new Role_Action(); ra.Action_ID = o.ActionId; ra.Role_ID = r.Role_ID; ra.Create_Ind = o.CreateInd; ra.Read_Ind = o.ReadInd; ra.Update_Ind = o.UpdateInd; ra.Delete_Ind = o.DeleteInd; db.Role_Action.Add(ra); create = ra.Create_Ind; if (create == false) { Count++; } read = ra.Read_Ind; if (read == false) { Count++; } update = ra.Update_Ind; if (update == false) { Count++; } delete = ra.Delete_Ind; if (delete == false) { Count++; } if (Count == (role.RoleActions.Count() * 4)) { ViewBag.Error = "Role must be assigned at least 1 action"; return(View(roleModel)); } } db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Role")); } catch { return(View(roleModel)); } }
public ActionResult Create(EmployeeAddModel viewModel) { TempData["Show"] = false; var topicchecklist = (List <TopicCheck>)Session["Topic_Checked"]; if (db.Registered_Person.Any(x => x.Person_ID == viewModel.person_id)) { ModelState.AddModelError("person_id", "Username is already registered"); } if (!db.Registered_Person.Any(x => x.Person_ID.StartsWith("p"))) { ModelState.AddModelError("person_id", "Username must start with a 'p' and follow with 8 digits"); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { string password = Membership.GeneratePassword(5, 1); var hashed = FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(password, "MD5"); var emp = new Registered_Person(); emp.Person_ID = viewModel.person_id; emp.Person_Name = viewModel.person_name; emp.Person_Surname = viewModel.person_surname; emp.Person_Type = "Employee"; emp.Person_Password = hashed; emp.Person_Registration_DateTime = DateTime.Now; emp.Person_Email = viewModel.person_email; db.Registered_Person.Add(emp); foreach (var item in viewModel.role_check) { var prole = new Person_Role(); if (item.role_ind) { prole.Role_ID = item.role_id; prole.Person_ID = emp.Person_ID; db.Person_Role.Add(prole); } } try { foreach (var item in topicchecklist) { var trainertopic = new Trainer_Topic(); if (item.topic_ind) { trainertopic.Person_ID = emp.Person_ID; trainertopic.Topic_Seq = item.topic_seq; db.Trainer_Topic.Add(trainertopic); } } } catch { } //Email start MailMessage message = new MailMessage(); SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient(); client.Host = ""; client.Port = 587; message.From = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**"); message.To.Add(viewModel.person_email); message.Subject = "Employee Registration"; message.Body = "Hi, " + viewModel.person_id + " you have been registered to UP Library Assistant by an Admin, use your UP username to login, your password is: " + password; message.IsBodyHtml = true; client.EnableSsl = true; client.UseDefaultCredentials = true; client.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("*****@*****.**", "tester123#"); client.Send(message); //Email end db.SaveChanges(); TempData["Msg"] = "New employee created successfully."; TempData["Show"] = true; TempData["color"] = "alert-success"; return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } ViewBag.Check1 = true; ViewBag.Check2 = true; viewModel.role = (db.Roles .Include(i => i.Role_Action.Select(x => x.Action))).ToList(); var rolechecklist = new List <RoleCheck>(); for (int i = 0; i < viewModel.role.Count(); i++) { var roleCheck = new RoleCheck(); roleCheck.role_id = viewModel.role[i].Role_ID; rolechecklist.Add(roleCheck); } viewModel.role_check = rolechecklist; ViewBag.Person_Type = new SelectList(db.Person_Type, "Person_Type1", "Person_Type1", 2); TempData["Msg"] = "Something went wrong."; TempData["Show"] = true; TempData["color"] = "alert-success"; return(View(viewModel)); }