private void LoadRobots(Library.ILibraryInternal library) { string json = null; if (Library.FolderExists(TWITCH_CACHE_PATH)) { var qualifiedFilename = string.Format("{0}{1}.json", TWITCH_CACHE_PATH, "robots"); if (Library.FileExists(qualifiedFilename)) { json = File.ReadAllText(Library.GetFilename(qualifiedFilename)); } } if (json == null) { throw new Exception("Can't find robots!"); } var robots = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, string> >(json); if (robots == null) { throw new Exception("Failed to create robot dictionary"); } foreach (var pair in robots) { try { AddEmote(pair.Key, pair.Value, library); } catch (Exception) { FP.Log("Failed to load robot", pair.Key); } } }
private void LoadChannelBttvSet(Library.ILibraryInternal library, string channel) { string json = null; var qualifiedFilename = string.Format("{0}{1}_{2}.json", TWITCH_CACHE_PATH, "bttv", channel); try { json = client.DownloadString(string.Format("{0}", channel)); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(json)) { File.WriteAllText(qualifiedFilename, json); } else { json = null; } } catch { json = null; } if (json == null) { if (Library.FileExists(qualifiedFilename)) { json = File.ReadAllText(Library.GetFilename(qualifiedFilename)); } else { return; } } var api = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <BaseBttvAPI>(json); foreach (var emote in api.emotes) { try { if (File.Exists(string.Format("{0}{1}", TWITCH_CACHE_PATH, Utility.EncodeStringForFileName(emote.code)))) { AddEmote(emote.code, emote.code, library); } else { AddBttvEmote(emote.code,, library); } LoadedSpecialEmotes.Add(emote.code); } catch (Exception e) { FP.Log(emote.code, e.Message); } } }
private void LoadGlobalSet(Library.ILibraryInternal library) { string json = null; var qualifiedFilename = string.Format("{0}{1}.json", TWITCH_CACHE_PATH, "global"); try { json = client.DownloadString(string.Format("{0}.json", "global")); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(json)) { File.WriteAllText(qualifiedFilename, json); } else { json = null; } } catch { json = null; } if (json == null) { if (Library.FileExists(qualifiedFilename)) { json = File.ReadAllText(Library.GetFilename(qualifiedFilename)); } else { return; } } var api = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <GlobalEmoteAPI>(json); foreach (var pair in api.emotes) { try { if (File.Exists(string.Format("{0}{1}", TWITCH_CACHE_PATH, pair.Key))) { AddEmote(pair.Key, pair.Key, library); } else { AddTwitchEmote(pair.Key, pair.Value.image_id, library); } } catch (Exception e) { FP.Log(pair.Key, e.Message); } } }
public override void Load(string filename, Library.ILibraryInternal library) { var emote = FromFilename(filename); if (File.Exists(string.Format("{0}{1}", TWITCH_CACHE_PATH, emote.code))) { AddEmote(emote.code, emote.code, library); } else { AddTwitchEmote(emote.code, emote.image_id, library); } }
public override void Precache(Library.ILibraryInternal library) { if (!Library.FolderExists(TWITCH_CACHE_PATH)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(TWITCH_CACHE_PATH); } LoadRobots(library); LoadGlobalSet(library); LoadSubscriberSet(library); LoadBttvSet(library); if (currentChannel != null) { LoadChannelBttvSet(library, currentChannel); } }
private void AddAvatar(string userName, Library.ILibraryInternal library) { if (loadedEmotes.Contains(userName)) { return; } byte[] data = null; var userJson = client.DownloadString(string.Format("{0}", userName)); var userData = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <UserData>(userJson); if (userData.logo == null) { return; } data = client.DownloadData(userData.logo.Replace("300x300", "50x50")); MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); using (MemoryStream bMapStream = new MemoryStream(data)) { using (Bitmap bMap = new Bitmap(bMapStream)) { using (MagickImage mImage = new MagickImage(data)) { switch (bMap.PixelFormat) { case System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed: mImage.Format = MagickFormat.Png8; break; default: mImage.Format = MagickFormat.Png32; break; } mImage.Write(stream); stream.Position = 0; } } } library.AddTexture(string.Format("{0}{1}", prefix, userName), new MemoryStream(data, false)); loadedEmotes.Add(userName); }
private void AddEmote(string emoteName, string path, Library.ILibraryInternal library) { if (loadedEmotes.Contains(emoteName)) { return; } string encodedEmoteName = Utility.EncodeStringForFileName(path); byte[] data = null; if (Library.FolderExists(TWITCH_CACHE_PATH)) { var qualifiedFilename = string.Format("{0}{1}", TWITCH_CACHE_PATH, encodedEmoteName); if (Library.FileExists(qualifiedFilename)) { data = File.ReadAllBytes(Library.GetFilename(qualifiedFilename)); } } library.AddTexture(string.Format("twitch//{0}", emoteName), new MemoryStream(data, false)); loadedEmotes.Add(emoteName); }
private void LoadSubscriberSet(Library.ILibraryInternal library) { string json = null; var qualifiedFilename = string.Format("{0}{1}.json", TWITCH_CACHE_PATH, "subscriber"); try { json = client.DownloadString(string.Format("{0}.json", "subscriber")); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(json)) { File.WriteAllText(qualifiedFilename, json); } else { json = null; } } catch { json = null; } if (json == null) { if (Library.FileExists(qualifiedFilename)) { json = File.ReadAllText(Library.GetFilename(qualifiedFilename)); } else { return; } } subscriberEmotes = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SubscriberEmoteAPI>(json); }
public override void Load(string filename, Library.ILibraryInternal library) { var match = Regex.Match(filename, prefix + @"([\w\W]+)"); AddAvatar(match.Groups[1].Value, library); }
public override void Precache(Library.ILibraryInternal library) { }
private void AddEmote(string emoteName, Library.ILibraryInternal library, string url) { if (loadedEmotes.Contains(emoteName)) { return; } string encodedEmoteName = Utility.EncodeStringForFileName(emoteName); byte[] data = null; if (Library.FolderExists(TWITCH_CACHE_PATH)) { var qualifiedFilename = string.Format("{0}{1}", TWITCH_CACHE_PATH, encodedEmoteName); if (Library.FileExists(qualifiedFilename)) { data = File.ReadAllBytes(Library.GetFilename(qualifiedFilename)); } } MemoryStream imageStream = new MemoryStream(); if (data == null) { data = client.DownloadData(url); var folder = Library.GetFolderName(TWITCH_CACHE_PATH); MagickReadSettings settings = new MagickReadSettings(); settings.ColorSpace = ColorSpace.sRGB; settings.SetDefine(MagickFormat.Png, "format", "png8"); MagickImageInfo mImageInfo = new MagickImageInfo(data); if (mImageInfo.Format != MagickFormat.Gif) { using (MagickImage mImage = new MagickImage(data, settings)) { mImage.Write(imageStream); imageStream.Position = 0; } } else { using (MagickImageCollection mImages = new MagickImageCollection(data, settings)) { //Background is PepePls //SourPls is None var width = mImages.Max(x => x.Page.Width); var height = mImages.Max(y => y.Page.Height); FramePacker.FrameDisposal frameDisposal; switch (mImages[0].GifDisposeMethod) { case GifDisposeMethod.None: frameDisposal = FramePacker.FrameDisposal.Composite; break; case GifDisposeMethod.Undefined: case GifDisposeMethod.Background: case GifDisposeMethod.Previous: default: frameDisposal = FramePacker.FrameDisposal.Replace; break; } var packedImage = FramePacker.PackListOfImagesToMemStream( mImages.Select(imageFrame => new FramePacker.Frame { Image = imageFrame.ToBitmap(ImageFormat.Png), X = imageFrame.Page.X, Y = imageFrame.Page.Y, Width = imageFrame.BaseWidth, Height = imageFrame.BaseHeight }).ToArray(), imageStream, width, height, frameDisposal ); packedImage.FPS = 1 / ((float)mImages.Select(x => x.AnimationDelay).Average() / 100.0f); JsonWriter.Save(packedImage, string.Format("{0}{1}", TWITCH_CACHE_PATH, encodedEmoteName), true); //mImages[0].Write(imageStream); imageStream.Position = 0; } } File.WriteAllBytes(string.Format("{0}/{1}", folder, encodedEmoteName), data = imageStream.ToArray()); } library.AddTexture(string.Format("twitch//{0}", emoteName), imageStream); loadedEmotes.Add(emoteName); }
public void AddTwitchEmote(string emoteName, string image_id, Library.ILibraryInternal library) { AddEmote(emoteName, library, string.Format("{0}/1.0", image_id)); }
private void AddBttvEmote(string emoteName, string image_id, Library.ILibraryInternal library) { AddEmote(emoteName, library, string.Format("{0}/1x", image_id)); }