예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Check an XmlElement to see if it includes a specific "Type" attribute. If so, return
        /// the actual Type associated with that attribute's value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_xml">The XmlElement containing the field's information</param>
        /// <param name="_defaultType">
        /// If there is no Type attribute, then return this value as the "default"
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// NULL if no Type attribute was found, or the Type object corresponding the value of
        /// the Type attribute
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">
        /// Thrown if there is a Type attribute, but that attribute's value cannot be turned
        /// into a Type object.
        /// </exception>
        private Type GetTypeFromXmlOrDefault(XmlElement _xml, Type _defaultType)
            var sType = XmlExtensions.GetAttributeValue(_xml, m_context.TypeAttributeName);

            if (sType == null) // There is no explicit Type specifier (XmlAttribute)

            var explicitType = Lib.BetterGetType(sType, true);

            if (explicitType == null)
                // The XML had an explicit Type, but that Type couldn't be found. So... If we
                // are trying to deserialize a Type that uses EntitySemantics, we assume that
                // the destination Type is sufficient to figure out what to deserialize. If the
                // destination Type is wholly inadequate to "receive" the data in the XML, the
                // application is at fault. For Entities, this type of mismatch is OK.
                if (CEntityTypeData.UsesEntitySemantics(_defaultType))

                // However, if this isn't using EntitySemantics, then throw an exception as the
                // Type is unknown.
                throw new XDeserializationError("An Attribute was found for an Explicit Type, but it could not be turned into a Type: " + sType);
