// 发送数据
    void EmitTelemetry(SocketIOEvent obj, LiDarData hitPoint)
        UnityMainThreadDispatcher.Instance().Enqueue(() =>
            print("Attempting to Send...");
            // send only if it's not being manually driven
            // 手动模式下
            if ((Input.GetKey(KeyCode.W)) || (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.S)))
                _socket.Emit("telemetry", new JSONObject());
                // Collect Data from the Car
                // 从车上收集信息
                Dictionary <string, string> data = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                // json数据
                // 角度
                data["steering_angle"] = _carController.CurrentSteerAngle.ToString("N4");
                data["throttle"]       = _carController.AccelInput.ToString("N4");
                data["speed"]          = _carController.CurrentSpeed.ToString("N4");

                data["Velodyne"] = Convert.ToBase64String(hitPoint.ToByteArray());

                _socket.Emit("telemetry", new JSONObject(data));
    // 发送数据
    void EmitTelemetry(SocketIOEvent obj, LiDarData hitPoint)
        //UnityMainThreadDispatcher.Instance().Enqueue(() =>
        print("Attempting to Send...");
        // send only if it's not being manually driven
        // 手动模式下
        if ((Input.GetKey(KeyCode.W)) || (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.S)))
            // _socket.Emit("telemetry", new JSONObject());
            // Collect Data from the Car
            // 从车上收集信息
            Dictionary <string, string> data = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            // json数据
            // 角度
            // 图像bytes转base64字符串
            // data["image"] = Convert.ToBase64String(CameraHelper.CaptureFrame(FrontFacingCamera));
            // 添加点云数据
            // float 转 bytes
            data["Velodyne"] = Convert.ToBase64String(hitPoint.ToByteArray());

            _socket.Emit("telemetry", new JSONObject(data));
 public void MsgUpdate(float time, LiDarData hitPoint)
     if (soObj != null)
         EmitTelemetry(soObj, hitPoint);
예제 #4
    // private static bool pointsIsOK = false;

    // public static bool CheckStatus(){
    //     return pointsIsOK;
    // }
    // public static void ClearStatus(){
    //     pointsIsOK = false;
    // }

    // Use this for initialization
    private void Start()
        lastLapTime = 0;
        // 界面控制
        // LidarMenu.OnPassValuesToC += UpdateSettings;
        // PlayButton.OnPlayToggled += PauseSensor;
        hits           = new LinkedList <SphericalCoordinate>();
        hitPoints      = new LiDarData();
        hitPointsStore = new  LiDarData();

        // 添加事件
        CarController.onLaserScanEvent += LaserScan;
        private string WriteLidarData(string timestamp)
            // try{
            LiDarData hitPoint  = onLaserScanEvent();
            string    directory = Path.Combine(m_saveLocation, DirFrames);
            string    path      = Path.Combine(directory, "LidarSensor" + "_" + timestamp + ".bin");

            // onSendLaserEvent(0.0f,hitPoint);
            // 讲点云发送到服务端
            using (var output = File.Create(path))
            hitPoint = null;
            // }
            // catch{
            // }
예제 #6
     * 扫描点云
    public LiDarData LaserScan()
        LiDarData phitPoints = new  LiDarData();
        // 手动控制扫描点云数据
        // 计算旋转角度
        // rotationAnglePerStep = 0;
        float phorizontalAngle = 0;
        int   lineId           = 0;

        for (int step = 0; step < 120; step++)
            // 进行旋转
            // rotationAnglePerStep
            transform.Rotate(0, rotationAnglePerStep, 0);
            phorizontalAngle += rotationAnglePerStep;

            LiDarLine line = new LiDarLine();
            line.LineID = lineId++;

            int laserid = 0;
            foreach (Laser laser in lasers)
                RaycastHit hit      = laser.ShootRay();
                float      distance = hit.distance;
                if (distance != 0) // Didn't hit anything, don't add to list.
                    float          verticalAngle = laser.GetVerticalAngle();
                    LiDarMsg.Laser laserVal      = new LiDarMsg.Laser();
                    laserVal.LaId   = laserid++;
                    laserVal.Radius = distance;
                    laserVal.Pitch  = verticalAngle;
                    laserVal.Yaw    = phorizontalAngle;

예제 #7
    private void FixedUpdate()
        hits      = new LinkedList <SphericalCoordinate>();
        hitPoints = new LiDarData();
        // Do nothing, if the simulator is paused.
        if (!isPlaying)
        // return;

        // Check if number of steps is greater than possible calculations by unity.
        float numberOfStepsNeededInOneLap = 360 / Mathf.Abs(rotationAnglePerStep);
        float numberOfStepsPossible       = 1 / Time.fixedDeltaTime / 5;
        float precalculateIterations      = 1;

        // Check if we need to precalculate steps.
        if (numberOfStepsNeededInOneLap > numberOfStepsPossible)
            precalculateIterations = (int)(numberOfStepsNeededInOneLap / numberOfStepsPossible);
            if (360 % precalculateIterations != 0)
                precalculateIterations += 360 % precalculateIterations;

        // Check if it is time to step. Example: 2hz = 2 rotations in a second.
        if (Time.fixedTime - lastUpdate > (1 / (numberOfStepsNeededInOneLap) / rotationSpeedHz) * precalculateIterations)
            // Update current execution time.
            lastUpdate = Time.fixedTime;

            for (int i = 0; i < precalculateIterations; i++)
                // Perform rotation.
                transform.Rotate(0, rotationAnglePerStep, 0);
                // 进行旋转
                horizontalAngle += rotationAnglePerStep; // Keep track of our current rotation.
                if (horizontalAngle >= 360)
                    horizontalAngle -= 360;
                    //GameObject.Find("RotSpeedText").GetComponent<Text>().text =  "" + (1/(Time.fixedTime - lastLapTime));
                    lastLapTime = Time.fixedTime;

                    HitPointsTrans(lastLapTime, hitPointsStore);
                    hitPointsStore = new  LiDarData();
                    lineId         = 0;

                LiDarLine line = new LiDarLine();
                line.LineID = lineId++;

                // Execute lasers.
                int laserid = 0;
                foreach (Laser laser in lasers)
                    RaycastHit hit      = laser.ShootRay();
                    float      distance = hit.distance;
                    if (distance != 0) // Didn't hit anything, don't add to list.
                        float          verticalAngle = laser.GetVerticalAngle();
                        LiDarMsg.Laser laserVal      = new LiDarMsg.Laser();
                        laserVal.LaId   = laserid++;
                        laserVal.Radius = distance;
                        laserVal.Pitch  = verticalAngle;
                        laserVal.Yaw    = horizontalAngle;

                        hits.AddLast(new SphericalCoordinate(distance, verticalAngle, horizontalAngle, hit.point, laser.GetLaserId()));

            // Notify listeners that the lidar sensor have scanned points.
            if (OnScanned != null && pointCloudObject != null && pointCloudObject.activeInHierarchy)
                OnScanned(lastLapTime, hits);