예제 #1
    //                                  M E T H O D S

    //Probably this should be in the gm, but I don't want to touch it because i feel there would be problems while merging
    void Start()
        if (gm == null)
            gm = FindObjectOfType <GameManager>();
            UnityEditor.Selection.activeObject = gm.gameObject;

        gm = GameManager.instance;

        lm      = gm.GetComponent <LevelManager>();
        sColors = gm.GetComponent <StoreColors>();
        lr      = gm.GetComponent <LevelReguards>();

        //Search for the models in the current scene --------------------------Add new things
        if (gm.CurrentSceneName == "Inside")
            insideMat = GameObject.Find("CoopInsideModel").GetComponentInChildren <MeshRenderer>().material;
            nestMat   = GameObject.Find("NestHub").GetComponentInChildren <MeshRenderer>().material;
            perchMat  = GameObject.Find("Perch").GetComponentInChildren <MeshRenderer>().material;
            fencesMat = new Material[1];
        else if (gm.CurrentSceneName == "Outside")
            coopMat = GameObject.Find("CoopModel").GetComponentInChildren <MeshRenderer>().material;
            doorMat = GameObject.Find("Door/DoorFlap").GetComponentInChildren <MeshRenderer>().material;
            MeshRenderer[] fences = GameObject.Find("Fences").GetComponentsInChildren <MeshRenderer>();

            fencesMat = new Material[fences.Length - 21];

            int i = 0;
            foreach (MeshRenderer mesh in fences)
                string matName = mesh.material.name;
                if (matName != "FencePlaneTileTexture (Instance)")
                    fencesMat[i] = mesh.material;

        StartCoroutine(PaintTextures()); //--------------------------------I have to do this early somewhere because when the scene begins we can se how the color change
예제 #2
    void Start()
        lr = GetComponent <LevelReguards>();

        //Should get the experience and the level from the loading script