// Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        //Determine level count from the number of levels from the level loader
        int levelCount = LevelLoading.GetLevelCount();

        int currentRow     = 0;
        int currentRowItem = 0; //Current Item in the row

        for (int i = 0; i < levelCount; ++i)
            //Create button
            GameObject button = Instantiate(levelButtonPrefab);
            button.transform.localScale = Vector3.one;

            //Calculate it's postion
            RectTransform buttonRect     = button.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
            Vector3       positionInGrid = new Vector3(currentRowItem * rowSpacing, currentRow * -columnsSpacing, 0f);
            Vector3       createPos      = startPoint + positionInGrid;
            buttonRect.localPosition = createPos;

            //Set Level ID of item
            LevelMenuItem levelData = button.GetComponent <LevelMenuItem>();
            if (levelData != null)
                levelData.InitLevelButton(i + 1, this);

            //Check if we shoud go to the next row
            if (currentRowItem % levelsPerRow == 0)
                currentRowItem = 0;

        //Work out the required size of the content box so that the scroll rect
        //works properly
        float requiredContentSize = Mathf.Abs(startPoint.y) + ((currentRow + 1) * columnsSpacing);

        contentArea.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors(RectTransform.Axis.Vertical, requiredContentSize);