public void Render(object opaqueContext, LevelEditorCore.ViewControl vc) { var context = opaqueContext as GUILayer.SimpleRenderingContext; if (context == null) { return; } _nativeManip.Render(context); }
public void OnEndDrag(LevelEditorCore.ViewControl vc, Point scrPt) { _nativeManip.OnEndDrag(vc as GUILayer.IViewContext, scrPt); // we need to create operations and turn them into a transaction: // string transName = string.Format("Apply {0} brush", brush.Name); // // GameContext context = m_designView.Context.As<GameContext>(); // context.DoTransaction( // delegate // { // foreach(var op in m_tmpOps) // context.TransactionOperations.Add(op); // }, transName); // m_tmpOps.Clear(); }
public void OnMouseWheel(LevelEditorCore.ViewControl vc, Point scrPt, int delta) { _nativeManip.OnMouseWheel(vc as GUILayer.IViewContext, scrPt, delta); }
public void OnDragging(LevelEditorCore.ViewControl vc, Point scrPt) { _nativeManip.OnDragging(vc as GUILayer.IViewContext, scrPt); }
public bool Pick(LevelEditorCore.ViewControl vc, Point scrPt) { return(_nativeManip.MouseMove(vc as GUILayer.IViewContext, scrPt)); }