// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { m_level = FindObjectOfType <PlayerCurrentNextPref>(); m_currentScore = FindObjectOfType <PlayerLevelControl>(); m_levelCompletion = FindObjectOfType <LeveLCompletion>(); // GetGameOveStatus(); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { diamods = FindObjectOfType <PlayerCoinsPrefs>(); playernextlevel = FindObjectOfType <PlayerCurrentNextPref>(); ScoreControl = FindObjectOfType <PlayerLevelControl>(); leveLCompletion = FindObjectOfType <LeveLCompletion>(); damageamount = FindObjectOfType <AmountOfDamage>(); SetHealthdamage(); }
private void Start() { bigEnemyCoins = FindObjectOfType <PlayerCoinsPrefs>(); ScoreControl = FindObjectOfType <PlayerLevelControl>(); leveLCompletion = FindObjectOfType <LeveLCompletion>(); damageamount = FindObjectOfType <AmountOfDamage>(); m_playerpref = FindObjectOfType <PlayerCurrentNextPref>(); }