예제 #1
        public void Handle(EditedRatingEvent @event)
            using (var db = new DisciturContext())
                // get read-model Ids (ID-maps)
                int          lessonId  = _identityMapper.GetModelId <Lesson>(@event.Id);
                int          ratingtId = _identityMapper.GetModelId <LessonRating>(@event.RatingId);
                Lesson       lesson    = db.Lessons.Find(lessonId);
                LessonRating rating    = db.LessonRatings.Find(ratingtId);

                rating.Rating        = @event.Rating;
                rating.Content       = @event.Content;
                rating.LastModifDate = @event.Date;
                // Persist changes
                db.Entry(rating).State = EntityState.Modified;

                lesson.Rate = CalculateAverageRating(rating);
                // TODO: is it correct to update readModel "devops fields" of lesson in this case?
                UpdateLessonArchFields(lesson, rating.LastModifUser, @event.Date, @event.Version);
                // Persist changes
                db.Entry(lesson).State = EntityState.Modified;
예제 #2
        public void Handle(AddedNewRatingEvent @event)
            using (var db = new DisciturContext())
                // get read-model Ids (ID-maps)
                int lessonId = _identityMapper.GetModelId <Lesson>(@event.Id);
                int userId   = _identityMapper.GetModelId <User>(@event.UserId);
                // get involved read-model entities
                User   author = db.Users.Find(userId);
                Lesson lesson = db.Lessons.Find(lessonId);

                // Create new Read-Model Lesson's Comment
                LessonRating rating = new LessonRating();
                rating.LessonId      = lessonId;
                rating.UserId        = userId;
                rating.Author        = author;
                rating.Rating        = @event.Rating;
                rating.Content       = @event.Content ?? string.Empty;
                rating.CreationDate  = @event.Date;
                rating.LastModifDate = @event.Date;
                rating.LastModifUser = author.UserName;
                rating.Vers          = 1;
                rating.RecordState   = Constants.RECORD_STATE_ACTIVE;

                // Add new Lesson's Rating
                //// Update Lesson Rating with Average of Ratings on the same Lesson
                //IQueryable<int> prevRatings = db.LessonRatings
                //                            .Where(r => r.LessonId.Equals(rating.LessonId) &&
                //                                r.RecordState.Equals(Constants.RECORD_STATE_ACTIVE))
                //                            .Select(r => r.Rating);
                //List<int> ratingsList = prevRatings.ToList();

                //lesson.Rate = Math.Max((int)Math.Round(ratingsList.Average()), 1);
                lesson.Rate = CalculateAverageRating(rating);

                // Update Lesson's version
                // TODO: is it correct to update readModel "devops fields" of lesson in this case?
                UpdateLessonArchFields(lesson, author.UserName, @event.Date, @event.Version);
                // Persist changes
                db.Entry(lesson).State = EntityState.Modified;
                // Map new IDs
                // NOTE: Comment is NOT and AR, but it's mapped with it's own Id-map for compatibility with existant read-model
                _identityMapper.Map <LessonRating>(rating.Id, @event.RatingId);
예제 #3
        private int CalculateAverageRating(LessonRating rating)
            using (var db = new DisciturContext())
                // Calculate Lesson Rating with Average of Ratings on the same Lesson
                IQueryable <int> prevRatings = db.LessonRatings
                                               .Where(r => r.LessonId.Equals(rating.LessonId) &&
                                                      !r.Id.Equals(rating.Id) &&
                                               .Select(r => r.Rating);
                List <int> ratingsList = prevRatings.ToList();

                if (rating.RecordState.Equals(Constants.RECORD_STATE_ACTIVE))

                return(ratingsList.Count > 0 ? Math.Max((int)Math.Round(ratingsList.Average()), 1) : 0);
예제 #4
        protected List <int> UseModelForBest5Prediction(MLContext mlContext, ITransformer model)
            var top5List = new List <int> {
                0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
            var top5ListScore = new List <int> {
                0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
            var numberofLessons = new Lesson();

            var predictionEngine = mlContext.Model.CreatePredictionEngine <LessonRating, LessonRatingPrediction>(model);

            for (var i = 0; i < numberofLessons.GetLengthOfDB(); i++)
                var testInput = new LessonRating {
                    userId = Convert.ToInt64(Session["id"]), lessonId = i
                var lessonRatingPrediction = predictionEngine.Predict(testInput);
                var lowestIndex            = IndexOfMin(top5ListScore);
                if (lessonRatingPrediction.Score > top5ListScore[lowestIndex])
                    top5List[lowestIndex]      = i;
                    top5ListScore[lowestIndex] = (int)lessonRatingPrediction.Score;

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("HERE ARE THE TOP 5");

            for (var j = 0; j < 6; j++)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(top5List[j] + " " + Environment.NewLine);

예제 #5
        public void Handle(LessonMementoPropagatedEvent @event)
            using (var db = new DisciturContext())
                int itemId = _identityMapper.GetModelId <Lesson>(@event.Memento.Id);
                if (itemId.Equals(0))
                    int  userId = _identityMapper.GetModelId <User>(@event.Memento.AuthorId);
                    User _user  = db.Users.Find(userId);

                    Lesson lesson = new Lesson();
                    lesson.Title        = @event.Memento.Title;
                    lesson.Discipline   = @event.Memento.Discipline;
                    lesson.School       = @event.Memento.School;
                    lesson.Classroom    = @event.Memento.Classroom;
                    lesson.Author       = _user;
                    lesson.UserId       = _user.UserId;
                    lesson.Content      = @event.Memento.Content;
                    lesson.Conclusion   = @event.Memento.Conclusion;
                    lesson.PublishDate  = @event.Memento.CreationDate;
                    lesson.CreationDate = @event.Memento.CreationDate;
                    UpdateLessonArchFields(lesson, _user.UserName, @event.Memento.CreationDate, @event.Memento.Version);
                    //lesson.LastModifDate = @event.CreationDate;
                    //lesson.LastModifUser = _user.UserName;
                    //lesson.Vers = 1;
                    lesson.RecordState = Constants.RECORD_STATE_ACTIVE;

                    // Create FeedBacks Collection
                    .ForEach(feedback => {
                        LessonFeedback fb = new LessonFeedback()
                            Feedback           = feedback.Feedback,
                            Nature             = feedback.Nature,
                            LessonFeedbackGuid = feedback.Id

                    // Create Tags Collection
                    .ForEach(tag =>
                        LessonTag t = new LessonTag()
                            LessonTagName = tag.LessonTagName

                    //Ids mapping
                    _identityMapper.Map <Lesson>(lesson.LessonId, @event.Memento.Id);
                    if (lesson.FeedBacks.Count > 0)
                        .ForEach(feedback => _identityMapper.Map <LessonFeedback>(feedback.LessonFeedbackId, feedback.LessonFeedbackGuid));

                    // Create Ratings Collection
                    List <int> ratingsList = new List <int>();
                    .ForEach(r =>
                        int authorId = _identityMapper.GetModelId <User>(r.UserId);
                        User author  = db.Users.Find(userId);
                        LessonRating rating = new LessonRating()
                            LessonId      = lesson.LessonId,
                            UserId        = authorId,
                            Author        = author,
                            Rating        = r.Rating,
                            Content       = r.Content ?? string.Empty,
                            CreationDate  = r.CreationDate,
                            LastModifDate = r.LastModifDate,
                            LastModifUser = r.LastModifUser,
                            Vers          = r.Vers,
                            RecordState   = Constants.RECORD_STATE_ACTIVE
                        // Add new Lesson's Rating
                        _identityMapper.Map <LessonRating>(rating.Id, r.Id);

                    lesson.Rate = ratingsList.Count > 0 ? Math.Max((int)Math.Round(ratingsList.Average()), 1) : 0;

                    // Create Comments Collection
                    .ForEach(c =>
                        // get read-model Ids (ID-maps)
                        int _userId  = _identityMapper.GetModelId <User>(c.AuthorId);
                        int?parentId = c.ParentId == null ? null : (int?)_identityMapper.GetModelId <LessonComment>(c.ParentId.Value);
                        // get involved read-model entities
                        User author = db.Users.Find(userId);

                        // Create new Read-Model Lesson's Comment
                        LessonComment comment = new LessonComment()
                            LessonId      = lesson.LessonId,
                            Content       = c.Content,
                            CreationDate  = c.CreationDate,
                            Date          = c.Date,
                            LastModifDate = c.Date,
                            Level         = c.Level,
                            ParentId      = parentId,
                            Vers          = c.Vers,
                            RecordState   = Constants.RECORD_STATE_ACTIVE,
                            UserId        = _userId,
                            Author        = author,
                            LastModifUser = author.UserName
                        // Map new IDs
                        // NOTE: Comment is NOT and AR, but it's mapped with it's own Id-map for compatibility with existant read-model
                        _identityMapper.Map <LessonComment>(comment.Id, c.Id);

                    // Persist changes
                    db.Entry(lesson).State = EntityState.Modified;
                // otherwise it could be used for maintenance purposes