예제 #1
        public void IsLegalSudoku_LegalSudokuBoard_ReturnLegal()
            // Create Legal 16 on 16 Legal string Board
            string legalBoard = "6?;>00<:03425000" +
                                "10@:02456000?0900" +
                                "00006000:;0>@0007" +
                                "020>800000<03000>" +
                                "0000?000300000604" +
                                "509@00?;0:2000000" +
                                "000008000008<0301" +
                                "0296=:;7>0005000=" +
                                "0<100900093<0@010" +
                                ">=00080?=02000000" +
                                "0504070007003;0?2" +
                                "0015000000040;000" +
                                "506@720608=0>:000" +
                                "30;005080@0900070" +

            // build a board
            Board board = new Board(legalBoard, 16);

            // Act - Check if the sudoku is Legal by
            //       Search duplicates numbers in each row,col and box
            LegalSudoku sudokuCheck = board.IsLegalSudoku();

            // Assert
            // The function should return true, this is legal board
            Assert.AreEqual(sudokuCheck, LegalSudoku.Legal);
예제 #2
        public void IsLegalSudoku_IlegalSudokuBoard_ReturnIlegal()
            // Arrange
            // Create Ilegal sudoku board
            // Notice: The duplicate of '5' in First box
            string ilegalBoard = "500080049" +
                                 "500500030" +
                                 "067300001" +
                                 "150000009" +
                                 "000208008" +
                                 "000000018" +
                                 "700004150" +
                                 "030002000" +
            // build a board
            Board board = new Board(ilegalBoard, 9);

            // Act - Check if the sudoku is Valid by
            //       Search duplicates numbers in each row,col and box
            LegalSudoku sudokuCheck = board.IsLegalSudoku();

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(sudokuCheck, LegalSudoku.Ilegal);