예제 #1
        private void CheckCardinalDirections(Board board)
            foreach (int fileOffset in new[] { -1, 0, 1 })
                foreach (int rankOffset in Math.Abs(fileOffset) == 1 ? new[] { 0 } : new[] { -1, 1 })
                    Square   testSquare = new Square(Position, fileOffset, rankOffset);
                    Movement testMove   = new Movement(Position, testSquare);

                    while (testSquare.IsValid)
                        Square enemyKingPosition = Color == Side.White ? board.BlackKing.Position : board.WhiteKing.Position;
                        if (board.IsOccupied(testSquare))
                            if (!board.IsOccupiedBySide(testSquare, Color) && Rules.MoveObeysRules(board, testMove, Color) && testSquare != enemyKingPosition)
                                LegalMoves.Add(new Movement(testMove));


                        if (Rules.MoveObeysRules(board, testMove, Color) && testSquare != enemyKingPosition)
                            LegalMoves.Add(new Movement(testMove));

                        testSquare = new Square(testSquare, fileOffset, rankOffset);
                        testMove   = new Movement(Position, testSquare);
예제 #2
파일: King.cs 프로젝트: mwillia95/Projects
    public bool canCastleQueenside() //returns true if the king can castle queenside (from E file to C file)
        Piece      rook = new Piece();
        Coordinate pTmp = new Coordinate(Position);

        pTmp.changeFile(-4); //moves from E file to A file
        rook = board.board[pTmp.Rank, pTmp.File];
        if (rook == null)    //there is no piece where rook should be
        if (!(rook is Rook)) //the piece there is not a rook
        if (rook.hasMoved == true) //the rook there has already moved
        //figure out if the squares between the rook and king are empty MOVE TO POSSIBLE/LEGAL MOVES
        if (board.isTherePiece(pTmp) == true) //if there is a piece on B file

        if (board.isTherePiece(pTmp) == true) //if there is a piece on C file
        if (IntoCheck(pTmp)) //if being on C file would cause check
        if (board.isTherePiece(pTmp) == true) //if there is a piece on the D file
        if (IntoCheck(pTmp)) //if being on the D file would cause check
        if (board.inCheck(Color)) //if the king is already in check
        //if all of these are false and it has reached here, castling kingside is legal
        pTmp.changeFile(-1); //moves pTmp from D file to C file

예제 #3
        private void CheckAttackingSquares(Board board)
            foreach (int fileOffset in new[] { -1, 1 })
                int      rankOffset = Color == Side.White ? 1 : -1;
                Square   testSquare = new Square(Position, fileOffset, rankOffset);
                Movement testMove   = new Movement(Position, testSquare);

                Square enemyKingPosition = Color == Side.White ? board.BlackKing.Position : board.WhiteKing.Position;
                if (testSquare.IsValid && board.IsOccupiedBySide(testSquare, Color.Complement()) && Rules.MoveObeysRules(board, testMove, Color) && testSquare != enemyKingPosition)
                    bool     pawnAtSecondToLastRank = Position.Rank == (Color == Side.White ? 7 : 2);
                    Movement move = pawnAtSecondToLastRank ? new PromotionMove(Position, testSquare) : new Movement(testMove);
예제 #4
        private void CheckSurroundingSquares(Board board)
            for (int fileOffset = -1; fileOffset <= 1; fileOffset++)
                for (int rankOffset = -1; rankOffset <= 1; rankOffset++)
                    if (fileOffset == 0 && rankOffset == 0)

                    Square   testSquare        = new Square(Position, fileOffset, rankOffset);
                    Movement testMove          = new Movement(Position, testSquare);
                    Square   enemyKingPosition = Color == Side.White ? board.BlackKing.Position : board.WhiteKing.Position;
                    if (testSquare.IsValid && !board.IsOccupiedBySide(testSquare, Color) && Rules.MoveObeysRules(board, testMove, Color) && testSquare != enemyKingPosition)
                        LegalMoves.Add(new Movement(testMove));
예제 #5
        private void CheckCastlingMoves(Board board)
            if (!HasMoved && !Rules.IsPlayerInCheck(board, Color))
                int           castlingRank = Color == Side.White ? 1 : 8;
                List <Square> rookSquares  = new List <Square> {
                    new Square(1, castlingRank), new Square(8, castlingRank)
                List <Square>   inBetweenSquares = new List <Square>();
                List <Movement> inBetweenMoves   = new List <Movement>();

                for (int rookSquareIndex = 0; rookSquareIndex < rookSquares.Count; rookSquareIndex++)
                    if (board[rookSquares[rookSquareIndex]] is Rook rook && !rook.HasMoved && rook.Color == Color)
                        bool checkingQueensideCastle = rookSquareIndex == 0;
                        inBetweenSquares.Add(new Square(checkingQueensideCastle ? 4 : 6, castlingRank));
                        inBetweenSquares.Add(new Square(checkingQueensideCastle ? 3 : 7, castlingRank));
                        if (checkingQueensideCastle)
                            inBetweenSquares.Add(new Square(2, castlingRank));

                        if (!board.IsOccupied(inBetweenSquares[0]) && !board.IsOccupied(inBetweenSquares[1]) && (!checkingQueensideCastle || !board.IsOccupied(inBetweenSquares[2])))
                            inBetweenMoves.Add(new Movement(Position, inBetweenSquares[0]));
                            inBetweenMoves.Add(new Movement(Position, inBetweenSquares[1]));

                            if (Rules.MoveObeysRules(board, inBetweenMoves[0], Color) && Rules.MoveObeysRules(board, inBetweenMoves[1], Color))
                                LegalMoves.Add(new CastlingMove(Position, inBetweenSquares[1], rook));

예제 #6
        private void CheckKnightCircleSquares(Board board)
            for (int fileOffset = -2; fileOffset <= 2; fileOffset++)
                if (fileOffset == 0)

                foreach (int rankOffset in Math.Abs(fileOffset) == 2 ? new[] { -1, 1 } : new[] { -2, 2 })
                    Square   testSquare = new Square(Position, fileOffset, rankOffset);
                    Movement testMove   = new Movement(Position, testSquare);

                    Square enemyKingPosition = Color == Side.White ? board.BlackKing.Position : board.WhiteKing.Position;
                    if (testSquare.IsValid && !board.IsOccupiedBySide(testSquare, Color) && Rules.MoveObeysRules(board, testMove, Color) && testSquare != enemyKingPosition)
                        LegalMoves.Add(new Movement(testMove));
예제 #7
        private void CheckForwardMovingSquares(Board board)
            int      advancingDirection = Color == Side.White ? 1 : -1;
            Square   testSquare         = new Square(Position, 0, advancingDirection);
            Movement testMove           = new Movement(Position, testSquare);

            if (!board.IsOccupied(testSquare) && Rules.MoveObeysRules(board, testMove, Color))
                bool amOnSecondToLastRank = Position.Rank == (Color == Side.White ? 7 : 2);
                LegalMoves.Add(amOnSecondToLastRank ? new PromotionMove(Position, testSquare) : new Movement(testMove));

            if (!HasMoved)
                testSquare = new Square(testSquare, 0, advancingDirection);
                testMove   = new Movement(Position, testSquare);
                if (!board.IsOccupied(testSquare) && Rules.MoveObeysRules(board, testMove, Color))
                    LegalMoves.Add(new Movement(testMove));
예제 #8
        private void CheckEnPassantCaptures(Board board, Square enPassantEligibleSquare)
            if (Color == Side.White ? Position.Rank == 5 : Position.Rank == 4)
                foreach (int fileOffset in new[] { -1, 1 })
                    Square lateralSquare = new Square(Position, fileOffset, 0);

                    if (lateralSquare.IsValid && board[lateralSquare] is Pawn enemyLateralPawn && enemyLateralPawn.Color != Color)
                        Square squareToCheckWithEligibleSquare = new Square(enemyLateralPawn.Position, 0, enemyLateralPawn.Color == Side.White ? -1 : 1);
                        if (squareToCheckWithEligibleSquare.Equals(enPassantEligibleSquare))
                            EnPassantMove testMove = new EnPassantMove(Position, enPassantEligibleSquare, enemyLateralPawn);

                            if (Rules.MoveObeysRules(board, testMove, Color))
                                LegalMoves.Add(new EnPassantMove(Position, enPassantEligibleSquare, enemyLateralPawn));