// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (gameStart && !secondLoopStarted) { //When the game has started, if the intro is done playing loop the seocnd part forever if (!BGmusicSource.isPlaying) { BGloopsource.Play(); secondLoopStarted = true; } } if (!GetComponent <PickupsAndStats>().Alive) //when Robo dies { //hud.SetActive(false); resultsHUD.SetActive(true); ThrowBtn.SetActive(false); JumpBtn.SetActive(false); LeftBtn.SetActive(false); RightBtn.SetActive(false); // instance.ShowBanner(); //Fade the music out StartCoroutine(FadeOut(BGmusicSource, 3.5f)); StartCoroutine(FadeOut(BGloopsource, 3.5f)); } if (GetComponent <PickupsAndStats>().Alive) { //instance.HideBanner(); } }
public void Begin() { GameStart = true; hud.SetActive(true); MainMenu.SetActive(false); ThrowBtn.SetActive(true); JumpBtn.SetActive(true); LeftBtn.SetActive(true); RightBtn.SetActive(true); //BGmusicSource.Play(); //instance.HideBanner(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { BGmusicSource.clip = BGmusic; //sets up the music BGloopsource.clip = BGloop; //BGloop is what loops after the intro is done hud.SetActive(true); ThrowBtn.SetActive(false); JumpBtn.SetActive(false); LeftBtn.SetActive(false); RightBtn.SetActive(false); resultsHUD.SetActive(false); //load the game stats when starting scene over LoadGame(); }